I'm SO Excited That You're Called To Enroll MORE Clients in Your $20k-$50k Programs, While

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I’m SO excited that you’re called to enroll MORE clients in your $20k-$50k programs, while

reclaiming HOURS of your life and increasing your PROFIT.

Here’s the story…

We’re opening the doors to Highest Level Transformation, where you’ll create (or make over) a
Rapid Shift Offer: a short, easy-to-deliver program that you can sell without a sales call, that
then directly leads to your $20k-$50k offers.

A Rapid Shift Offer contains just enough but not too much, and creates hunger in clients to
keep working with you – making it easy to enroll them in your 6-month or 12-month ultra-
premium offers (typically $20k-$50k+)… without getting on the phone.

Your Rapid Shift Offer will create fast, predictable cash on the front end – single-time paydays
of $20k-$50k+, any time you want.

But its REAL power lies in its ability to lead your Highest Level Clients to your $20k-$50k+

… making it an alternative enrollment system to the pricy live events, webinars, sales teams,
and complicated “Frankenfunnels” that cut into your profits and take you out of your Genius.

Imagine having 50% or more of the clients who paid you $2k-$5k for a few weeks… go on to
pay you $2k-$5k/month…

It wouldn’t take many of those to scale to $50k-$100k/month and beyond… with most of that
going right to your pocket in the form of pure profit.

… Like our client who uses her Rapid Shift Offer to fill her Recurring Income Offer and
went from under six figures to $466k in a single year.

… Or our client who sold 9 Rapid Shift Offers on a single Facebook live, and enrolled
over half of them into her other programs. (And has done this more than once.)

… Or the client who cut her old “front door” program time in HALF, then promptly
signed up five clients at $5k each (she regularly moves peeps into her $30k program
from there).

… Or our energy healer client who parlays $7500 Rapid Shift sales into $35k

Most coaches and healers have no clue how much to give in a “front door” style offer, pack
waaaay too much in, and effectively kill their sales.

© 2009-2020 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

But in just a couple of weeks, YOU will have your Rapid Shift Offer DONE and cash flowing.
And you’ll be set up to easily fill your $20k-$50k-$100k programs, anytime you want – no live
events, webinars, or longAF sales calls required!

THAT in and of itself can EASILY bring you a return of multi-six-figures over time – when you use
the templates I’m handing you.

But what I’m MOST excited about is where I lay out a few energetic keys that I call “The
Standards” – EXACTLY what it takes to embody the ENERGY of the woman who magnetizes
the high-achievers who pay ultra-premium fees – as much as $50k and up – and calls them in,
them anytime she chooses.

An “Easy YES” Offer PLUS the Standards is the real “secret sauce” behind my clients’ success.

Imagine having an easy, predictable way to create $20k-$50k paydays, then sign up $20k+
clients for your SOUL-LEVEL work… whenever YOU choose… and WITHOUT getting on the

That’s what we’re up to in Highest Level Transformation.

*** Here’s How We’re Gonna Roll… (where / when / what you get) ***

We begin on September 14th. We’ll meet a couple of times throughout that first week to get
your offer and enrollment materials ready to go. (Keep reading for the schedule.)

It’s a sprint, but the rewards are worth it, as you’ll have your offer cash flowing within that first 7

Then we’ll take the next 3 weeks or so to “dial it in” (see what your peeps are responding to)
and make more sales.

Of course, if you’re reading this ahead of our start date, you won’t have to wait.

I’ll give you everything you need to start making sales right now, including immediate access
to all of the videos and templates, and show you exactly what to watch so you can create
cash now.

You’re also getting a single-biz license (meaning you can use them for your business ONLY) for
ALL of the sample copy and templates, including a dead-simple campaign to call in NEW
cash in about a week ($10k-$20k-$50k+, depending on where you are in business) … WITHOUT
exhausting launches and 90-minute phone calls.

These have been proven over and over again, collectively making our clients and I well over
$4m in the past 12 months alone (conservative estimate).

More importantly, they’ll allow you to crank out your enrollment assets FAST. ;)

© 2009-2020 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

Here’s our schedule for that first week (the sprint to get your offer up):

• Monday Sept 14th from 9am – 11am PT

• Tuesday, Sept 15th from 9am – 11am PT
• Friday, Sept 18th from 9am – 11am PT

Then we’ll do whatever calls we need to make sure you’re making sales after your offer is up.
We’ll host the first of these on September 23rd at 12pm PT, and schedule more if needed. (All
calls will be recorded and posted promptly, in case you have to miss one.)

I also do a lot of personal coaching on Facebook via short screencast videos.

Our Goal: Fill up your Rapid Shift Offer as quickly as possible, with a minimum of $10k in sales.

Most peeps who take action on what I lay out can expect to hit that in a couple of weeks.

All in all, we’ll go for 5 weeks or so, as I have a lot of juicy stuff to share with you once your offer
is out the door!!


*** Will you help me fill my Ongoing Offer? What happens after this?

Great question! We’re going to position your Front Door Offer perfectly – in this case, a Rapid
Shift Offer that you can deliver in 30 days or (waaaay) less.

We’re NOT going to spend any time on ongoing offers in Highest Level Transformation.

That’s for the Highest Level Leader Collective, where we’ll create a Recurring Income Offer
priced at $20k-$50k+, to scale to $500k-$1m without sales calls.

However… our clients find that working out their Rapid Shift Offer is the KEY to figuring out their
ongoing offer. So you’ll be moving forward on it, even though we won’t cover it directly.

Full transparency: I WANT you to continue with us in the Highest Level Leader Collective!

First, though, let’s focus on a Rapid Shift Offer, and how many people YOU want to get into it.
At least 3, and maybe up to 20, if that’s your jam. That’s what you’re gonna get DONE.

*** Will this work for me?

This works best if you’re an established coach, consultant, healer or mentor, with some sort of
audience that you communicate with regularly (it can be small – at least 1000 opens on an
email list, and/or social accounts that engage with your stuff).

© 2009-2020 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

You have a proven track record of results, and a clear idea of the work you KNOW you’re
meant to be doing with clients right now.

You can also make decisions quickly and handle the discomfort of NOT knowing everything in

We’re going to work FAST. If you’re the kind of person who needs deep processing before
every move, this might drive you nuts.

But if you can handle a bit of flying by the seat of your pants, we’re going to get this DONE.

And then life will change. Because not to get all Hype-y McHyper-pants on you, but the ability
to pull a Rapid Shift Offer together and get 30-50% of those clients in an ongoing offer is a

*** I’m switching niches. Will this work for me?

Yes. Many, many of our clients work with us to call in their next level of client. And yes, they
DO exist in your current community, right NOW. With the right offer, and when you embody
the FREQUENCY that magnetizes them, they will make themselves known and sign up.

*** Private (1-on-1) or group for my offer?

Group or private is up to you. Our clients have created both. Both work well.

*** Do I have to help people make money?

No. We’ve had clients enroll clients for everything from relationships to weight loss to being a
transmitter for Divine consciousness (which is about as esoteric as it gets).

One thing I’m especially excited about is the “new wave” of MASTER healers who are shifting
to work exclusively with the high-level visionaries who are on the frontlines of change on the
planet. These visionaries already GET the absolute necessity of “healing their sh*t,” and readily
invest with those healers who boldly step up to serve them.

About 30% of our clients are claiming this new niche and are enrolling clients at $10k and UP.
Maybe you will, too?

*** Will you help me get leads?

Getting leads is NOT our goal here. You DON’T need a lot of leads to roll in $10k-$20k++
paydays with Rapid Shift Offers. Our clients do it all the time.

Our goal is an ASSET that will pay you forever and freeing up your time by getting OFF the

© 2009-2020 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

I’ll help you take your deep work that you struggle to describe and put language to it in a way
that your ideal clients instantly WANT, plus we’ll find the “sweet spot” of where to END your
offers to deliver massive value, while leaving them wanting MORE (read: your $20k – 50k+

You need to bring the audience. It can be small to start. If you’ve got 500 opens on an email
list (or the equivalent in engagement on social – make your best guess), you’re set!

*** What’s the investment?

An enrollment system for a $20k-$50k program that you don’t have to get on the phone for… is
easily a STEAL at the price point of $50k, for the right person.

For someone like myself, using Rapid Shift Offers saved $150,000 in commissions in a single year

Also, earlier this year, four 7-figure business owners invested $20k for me to teach it to them
privately. (And THAT was a crazy generous give on my part.)

However… this year we’re REALLY amping up my life’s mission, which is to Bring Magic To The
Mainstream – to be a part of the movement to get transformational work OUT THERE, so that
“shifting consciousness on the planet” is something we all do together.

That’s why I was inspired to make this a really Easy YES for you.

If you enroll in the next 48 hours, we’re giving you a significant savings of $2500 OFF the regular
investment of $10k. PLUS you can take advantage of my Pay-As-You-Profit program.

You’ll get started with a single payment of $750, followed by 9 additional payments of $750.

Yes, we’re giving you TEN full months to make your investment.

Why? Because over the next few years, we’re committed to leading 1000 transformational
entrepreneurs (coaches, healers, and change agents) to add multiple-six-figures in PROFIT to
their annual bottom line.

We can’t help you until you say YES. So we want to make that YES as easy as possible.

And we want you to PROFIT, big time, right out of the gate!

If you want to save even more, you can pay in full for $7000. (And receive some cool bonuses
as my thank you – keep reading for those.)

Depending on what your price point is, you’re going to have that entire investment BACK, and
2 skills (fast offer creation, and enrolling over Messenger) that will last a lifetime, in very short

© 2009-2020 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

*** And here’s my guarantee…

I would be really bummed out if you DON’T get your Rapid Shift Offer done and cash flowing.
Quite simply, we can’t let that happen.

Soooo… as long as you’re taking action in a timely fashion, doing it in the way we lay out,
taking 100% responsibility for your outcomes…

… we’ll keep working with you for as long as it takes to make $10k in sales.

Guarantee doesn’t apply if you get caught up in other things, manifest a healing crisis, go into
deep processing or healing, or suddenly decide that a Rapid Shift Offer “isn’t in alignment”

We invest a lot in YOU, so I expect you to work through any resistance that comes up.

AND I’m also committed to your success. Show up, and we’ll work with you for as long as it
takes to make $10k in sales.

Just ONE Rapid Shift Offer can lead to $20k+ upfront, plus $100k+ in follow-up sales. I’ve done
it, and our clients have done it.

You might not do that the first time out. But $10k is entirely reasonable.

So the worst thing that can happen is you’re going to walk out of this with $10k. How many
other programs can you say that about? J


Say YES in the next 48 hours, and we have a wicked BONUS for you!

It’s a private 3-hour training I did for our Highest Level Leaders on how I consistently pull $50k-
$100k out of our Facebook groups, each and every campaign we do.

This is perfect for you if you want more sales from an existing Facebook group, or if you’re
starting a new group and want to do it right. (I’ve pulled as much as $300,000 out of our
Facebook groups in a single campaign.)

You’ll get the bonus AFTER you’ve gotten your Rapid Shift Offer up.

That way, you’ll have something to look forward to, and won’t get distracted by “shiny
objects” while we’re gettin’ shizz DONE. J AND you can still use the bonus to fill your offer.

And if you choose to pay in full, I have two more bonuses for you, delivered immediately…

© 2009-2020 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

The first is the home study edition of my ultra-RARE money uplevel training, Be A Money
Magnet®. You’ll activate sixteen energies that make you magnetic to money, and allow you
to attract it continuously, no matter what the economy.

(By “energies,” I also mean the practical actions that turn these energies FULL ON.)

These are the keys that allowed me to get to over $400k in the first couple of years of my
business, during the worst economy ever, and to make millions since.

It works REALLY well with my Money Manifesting Formula training, so we’ll throw that in too if
you don’t have it yet.

The other pay-in-full bonus is BRAND NEW… my list of 100+ Spiritual Money Codes. These are
highly personal money affirmations, mindfully crafted by me, that I use every day to
continuously increase my income. They go well beyond “the usual” money affirmations to
include topics like leverage, investing, creating assets, and being in ultimate command of

*** How do I get one of the spots?

There’s no need to send any money right this second.

All you have to do right now is… let me know you’re in.

Just reply back with…. “I’M IN!”

Then we’ll get you set up.

First come, first served…

Excited for the possibilities for you!

Love & magic,


PS: The $2500 savings, Pay-As-You-Profit program and Facebook Groups bonus is good for 48
hours ONLY.

After that, you’re welcome to sign up later for $10,000 pay-in-full, with the pay-in-full bonuses

Cheering you on!

© 2009-2020 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

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