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Affordable and portable, instant noodles are ubiquitous. On the flip of its
accessibility is its potentially problematic nutritional profile. Instant Ramen contains high
levels of sodium, saturated fats and additives: a single pack of Nissin Instant Noodles.
That exceeds the low end of Health recommendation intake for an entire day.
Nowadays, there are more and more competitors in the instant noodles market.
But still are the most favorable foods in every market. However, rampant reports were
being showed that most of instant noodles contain the quantity of fat and sodium
beyond restriction. Alarming us the increasing risks of having disease and cancer.
Recognizing the nutritional shortcomings of the product encouraged us to take actions
and developed a promising project proposal the “world’s first nutritionally complete
instant soup”.
We aim to get as many as possible groups to be our profitable customers. To
begin with the geographic, we aim to be at a Central Park, Malls, and establishments
near schools and workplace as majority of Digoseño tend to be very busy, stressed out,
finding a place to unwind and always in a hurry such as students, workers and couples.
Instant soup can easily gain profit because instant soup can help them save time and
money efficiently, earn some stress reliving moment and lastly, give importance to our
Health. About the age, we aim to get teenagers as our customers such as university
students living in a boarding house. Most of them will like this instant soup because of
its convenience. About the economic factor, we aim to give full attention to those low-
income groups as instant soup can help them save money. All they have to do is pay for
only 25 pesos, and then can easily have lunch, dinner or breakfast. In short, we aim for
low-income group and busy people.
We aim to sell a wide range of products and satisfy every customers’ demands.
Most of the customers will expect Instant soup not only as a combo meal, but also a
delicious and nutritional food. So, Instant soup has many standardized features such as
nutritional, tasty, convenient, fast, cheap and easy.
One common dilemma of any Filipino is breakfast, according to Herbalife
Nutrition’s Asia Pacific Healthy Breakfast Survey that was conducted in February 2018,
which uncovered insights into the breakfast attitudes and consumption habits among
5,500 respondents across 11 markets in the region, which included 500 from the
Philippines, majority of Filipinos agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the
day, however, lack of time and other obstacles push them to skip it. Looking closely at
the breakfast habits of consumers in the Philippines, the survey found that 84 percent of
respondents do make it a priority to eat their first and most important meal of the day at
home, with 67 percent doing so within one to two hours of waking. The rest would just
grab their breakfast either at work (10 percent) or on the way to work (4 percent). Only 2
percent of Pinoys do not eat breakfast. While the survey revealed that a good majority is
eating breakfast, it also found that many encounter obstacles in making breakfast a
daily habit. The primary barrier, according to the survey, is “lack of time” (44 percent).
According to the Journal of American College of Cardiology (2017), skipping breakfast
is considered a frequent and unhealthy habit associated with an increased
cardiovascular (CV) risk. Therefore, if many Filipinos skip breakfast due to lack of time,
it may lead to heart problems, which is the world’s top killer, which took 17.7 million lives
in 2015 according to the World Health Organization. This could be minimized if an easy-
to-serve, affordable, and delicious meal can be prepared in a short amount of time.

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