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Corporate governance report: INFOSYS

“Corporate governance is about maintaining an appropriate balance of accountability between

three key players: the corporation's owners, the directors whom the owners elect, and the
managers whom the directors select. Accountability requires not only good transparency, but
also an effective means to take action for poor performance or bad decisions.”
Mary L. Schapiro, Chairperson, Securities and Exchange Commission, USA,
Address to Transatlantic Corporate Governance Dialogue – September 17,
Corporate governance is about commitment to values and ethical business conduct. It is about
how an organization is managed. This includes its corporate and other structures, its culture,
policies and the manner in which it deals with various stakeholders. Accordingly, timely and
accurate disclosure of information regarding the financial situation, performance, ownership
and governance of the company is an important part of corporate governance. This improves
public understanding of the structure, activities and policies of the organization.
Consequently, the organization is able to attract investors, and enhance the trust and
confidence of the stakeholders. Corporate governance is critical to enhancing and retaining
investor trust. Accordingly, INFOSYS always seek to ensure that they attain their
performance goals with integrity.
INFOSYS corporate governance philosophy is based on the following principles:
• Satisfy the spirit of the law and not just the letter of the law. Corporate governance
standards should go beyond the law
• Be transparent and maintain a high degree of disclosure levels. When in doubt, disclose
• Make a clear distinction between personal conveniences and corporate resources
• Communicate externally, in a truthful manner, about how the Company is run internally
• Comply with the laws in all the countries in which we operate
• Have a simple and transparent corporate structure driven solely by business needs
• Management is the trustee of the shareholders' capital and not the owner.
The Board of Directors (‘the Board’) is at the core of our corporate governance practice and
oversees how the Management serves and protects the long-term interests of all our
stakeholders. We believe that an active, well-informed and independent Board is necessary to
ensure highest standards of corporate governance.


As part of the Tata group, the Company’s philosophy on Corporate Governance is founded
upon a rich legacy of fair, ethical and transparent governance practices, many of which were
in place even before they were mandated by adopting highest standards of professionalism,
honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour. As a global organisation the Corporate Governance
practices followed by the Company and its subsidiaries are compatible with international
standards and best practices. Through the Governance mechanism in the Company, the
Board along with its Committees undertake its fiduciary responsibilities to all its
Stakeholders by ensuring transparency fair play and independence in its decision making


At Nagarjuna they believe in philosophy of SERVING SOCIETY THROUGH
INDUSTRY, with the Nagarjuna Culture being ‘We live every moment of life in harmony
with nature to create value for ourselves, our stakeholders and the society’.
This philosophy is backed by principles of concern, commitment, ethics, excellence and
learning in all its acts and relationships with stakeholders, customers, associates and
community at large which has always propelled the Group towards higher horizons.
At Nagarjuna we continue to strive to transform the business environment we operate in. We
are committed to continuously evoke customer delight through constant review, monitoring
and delivering proactive value added solutions. We are also committed to strive for
satisfaction of all stakeholders in a balanced manner through sustainable growth and
profitability. We also aim to create an environment where work becomes enjoyable
experience so as to align individual goals with organizational goals, share knowledge and
information, be pro-active and responsible, pursue excellence and be committed so as to
transform the society around. Our aim is to create an environment which enhances
Opportunities for all the good things, better health, education and overall quality of living that
life has to offer We believe in the principles of trusteeship, fair play and transparency in all
our dealings. We endeavour to have a work culture, which is performance driven and
conducive to improving discipline, accountability, depth of character, team spirit and honesty
in all our personal and professional relationships.

Nupur shree
Roll -19

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