Standard Format For PR For OC Mine

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BRIEF OF CHAPTERS : Paragraphs of Chapters in Volume II
Executive Summary will contain one to two paragraphs addressing salient
details (all relevant technical, environmental & financial data) each of every
chapter. The number of paragraphs will have one to one correspondence with
the numbering of chapters.



Chapter-I (Introduction),
Chapter-II (Marketability & Justification),
Chapter-III (Project Site Information),
Chapter-IV (Geology and Deposit Appraisal),
Chapter-V (Mine Boundary, Reserves & Mine Life),
Chapter-VI (Method of Mining),
Chapter-VII (Mining & Dumping Strategy),
Chapter-VIII (Mining Schedule & Equipment Phasing),
Chapter-IX (Coal Quality),
Chapter-X (Pumping & Drainage),
Chapter-XI (Coal Handling & Despatch Arrangement),
Chapter-XII (Workshop, Store and Magazine),
Chapter-XIII (Power Supply, Illumination & Communication),
Chapter-XIV (Civil Construction),
Chapter-XV (Safety and Conservation),
Chapter-XVI (Environment Management),
Chapter-XVII (Land Requirement),
Chapter-XVIII (Mine Closure Planning),
Chapter-XIX (Manpower, Productivity & Training),
Chapter-XX (Project Implementation Schedule),
Chapter-XXI (Financial Evaluation),
Chapter-XXII (A Chapter on Outsourcing)



PLATES (the plates duly numbered)



Sl. No. Particulars Unit Value
1 Name of Project
2 Name of Area / Company
3 Nearest Railway Station from project Name
4 Nearest National / State Highway / Name
Approach road km

1 Name of geological blocks considered Name
2 Area of the geological blocks sq. km
3 Borehole Density within blocks BHs /
4 Description of all coal seams within block
Stratigraphic Thickness (m) No. of Geological Remarks
Sequence Min. Max. borehole Reserves (Mt)

1 Area of the proposed mine block (with sq. km
break-up of different geological blocks)
2 Borehole density within mine area BHs/sq. km
3 Mine parameters (seam-wise)
Extent along strike (min. – max.) km
Extent along dip (min.-max.) km
4 Description of coal seams proposed to be
worked along with the parting details
Name Thickness range Av. Av. Av. Depth Mineable Volume of
of considered Thickness / Grade gradient range Reserves OB (Mcum)
seam (m) Parting (UHV/ (1 in …) (m) (Mt)
Thickness GCV)

Sl. No. Particulars Unit Value

5 Av. Stripping Ratio m3/t
6 Method of Mining
7 Target Output
Nominal production capacity (at 100%) Mt
Peak production capacity (at 115%) Mt
Production capacity (at 85%) Mt
8 Year of achieving Target Production
(from zero date)
9 Year of start of Internal Dumping
10 Production Phasing ( from zero date upto Mt
target year)
Year / Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 /
Coal Seam Upto Target year
11 Total Mine Life (at Nom. production Years
capacity) Years
Pre-construction period Years
Construction period Years
Production build-up period Years
Production period Years
Tapering / mine closure period
12 Major HEMM Deployed for Coal Nos. &
Dragline Capacity
13 Major HEMM Deployed for OB Nos. &
Dragline Capacity
14 Total Manpower Nos
Existing Nos.
Additional Nos.
15 Overall Output per manshift (OMS) with
and without Welfare Manpower Tonnes
Existing Tonnes
Incremental Tonnes
16 Seam-wise weighted average grade of coal

Sl. No. Particulars Unit Value

17 Presence of Major Surface Constraints (type)
(nallas, road, power line, etc.)
18 Coal Transport within the mine
(In-pit belt conveying system or by Truck)
19 Surface Coal Transport to Siding/Despatch By Road or by Belt Conveyor or
Point and Mode of Despatch through Silo
20 Any Railway Siding and distance
21 Name of any Specific Customer/Industry


1 Civil Construction
Residential houses Nos.
Housing satisfaction %
2 Water Demand kl
3 Total Land to be acquired Ha
Government land Ha
Tenancy land Ha
Forest land (type of forest) Ha
4 Land to be acquired within minetake area Ha
(excavation area)
Government land Ha
Tenancy land Ha
Forest land (type of forest) Ha
5 Land to be acquired outside minetake area Ha
(Beyond Excavation Area, such as
Approach Road, Infrastructure, Colony,
Government land Ha
Tenancy land Ha
Forest land (type of forest) Ha
6 Land to be acquired for external dumping Ha
Government land Ha
Tenancy land Ha
Forest land (type of forest) Ha
7 Net Present Value of Forest Land Rs.Lakhs/Ha
Total Area Ha
Total Value Rs.Lakhs
8 Habitation & Rehabilitation
No. of villages within mine boundary Nos.
No. of land oustees
No. of PAFs to be rehabilitated
9 Cost of land & Rehabilitation Rs. crores
Total Cost

Sl. No. Particulars Unit Value

R&R only
10 Total EMP Capital Rs. crores
Social cost
Environment cost
11 Average annual rainfall mm
12 Make of Water Cu.m/day
13 Total installed pumping capacity lps
14 Drainage of the Area (Name of river/nala)
15 Any proposed diversion of nala or power

1 Total Capital Investment Rs. crores
2 Specific Investment Rs. / tonne
3 Total Capital Investment on P&M Rs. crores
4 Specific Investment on P&M Rs. / tonne
5 Capital requirement upto target year Rs. crores
6 Year of opening of Revenue account
(from zero date)
7 Earnings per manshift (EMS) Rs.
8 Estimated Cost of Production Rs. / tonne
At 100% production level
At 85% production level
9 Estimated average selling price Rs. / tonne
(at 95% sales realization)
10 Estimated Profit Rs. / tonne
At 100% production level
At 85% production level
11 Financial Internal rate of return (FIRR) %
At 100% production level
At 85% production level

Sl. No. Particulars Unit Value

12 Economic rate of return (only for projects to %
be approved by Govt.)
At 100% production level
At 85% production level
13 Desired av. Selling Price to yield 12% FIRR Rs. / tonne
At 100% production level
At 85% production level
14 Break-even point
Production Mty
Production level %
15 Cost of Outsourcing (average)
OB Rs/m3
Coal Rs/tonne
16 Mine Closure Cost (for corpus fund)
17 Expected Completion Capital Rs. crores
18 Financial IRR for completion cost %
19 Economic IRR for completion cost %

Variance Analysis ( In case of RCE)

Increase from approved PR
20 A. Due to Escalation
-- Within time Schedule
-- Beyond time Schedule
B. Due to Cost of Additional Items
Total Increase (A+B)
C. Reduction in cost due to deletion
Net Increase in Cost (A+B-C)



1.1 Background of the Project Report (stages of different report prepared)

(only approved reports)

Table 1.1 : Chronology of Previous Approved Reports

Year of Year of Technology Production Approved Capital

Preparation Approval adopted Capacity (Mty) (Rs.Lakh)
1 2 3 4 5

1.1.1 Salient features of the last approved report

(In case of Revised PRs, RCEs and Expansion PRs)
- Salient features of the report
- Summarised Data
- Salient Features of completion report, if any
1.1.2 Recent studies and development (any special study to project

1.2 Exploration Status

(Brief summary of
- Agency-wise year of drilling, number of boreholes, meterage,
borehole density
- Summary of results of exploration - about proving & workability
of seams)

1.3 Mining Activities, if any

1.3.1 Present Status of the mine/project
(A brief status of all existing and abandoned/closed OC/UG
mines in the projectised area, if applicable, in tabular form)
Under broad headings as under :
- Seams being worked & Mine Development
- Mine Entries with brief details
- Method of Work
- Past Production Performance
- Coal Evacuation System & Despatch Arrangement
- Ventilation Arrangement
- Existing Manpower
- Approach road
- Power Supply arrangement
- Civil Work – Service & Residential Buildings
- Land Acquisition Status
- Existing Capital and Financial Performance

1.4 Justification of Preparation of PR

1.4.1 Necessity of recasting the PR (in case of expansion project /
annexing of additional area)

1.5 Salient features of present PR (Capacity, Capital, etc.)

- Different variants considered for formulation of project
- Report recommended for EMP clearance at what capacity (peak
- Points to be considered under “flexibility” (of technology within
approved capital)
- Any specific linkage or FSA (fuel supply agreement)

1.6 Difficulties and constraints in mining with associated risk

1.7 Project objectives and Target beneficiaries


2.1 Demand and Supply Scenario (Company)

2.2 Utility or Market for the coal from mine / project

2.3 Available Linkage or firm Fuel Supply Agreement (FSA)

2.4 Justification of opening the project based on Marketability (to fulfil the
gap in demand) and/or firm linkage (FSA)


3.1 Location
3.1.1 Broad location of project area in relation to geological block and
coalfield with latitudes and longitudes
3.1.2 Area of the Project in sq. kms.
3.1.3 Limiting boundaries of the projectised area

3.2 Accessibility and Communication

3.3 Climate and rainfall data

3.4 Topography with drainage pattern of area

3.5 Present Land Use Pattern


4.1 Background/Introduction
4.1.1 Different GRs prepared at different period for the blocks under
4.1.2 Block Boundaries
4.1.3 Any other relevant details
(Broad exploration input and findings-whether OC or UG block.

Carving out of previous mine or present project from the block(s)

under reference)

4.2 Exploration Status

4.2.1 Number of boreholes and meterage drilled by the various
agencies and period of drilling thereof, in the block area in
tabular form
4.2.2 Density of boreholes in block area
Seam-wise number of borehole intersection, area & borehole
4.2.3 Number of boreholes analysed band by band and seam overall
proximate and ultimate analysis for projectised area only. Details
of other special tests including coking properties, petrographic
and washability studies, gassiness of coal seams, physico-
mechanical tests, etc. in tabular form

Table 4.1 : Summary of Exploratory Boreholes

Year Agency Block Area Number of Meterage

Name (sq. km) boreholes
1 2 3 4 5 6

4.2.4 Reliability of data and degree of confidence (based on statistical

analysis for different coalfield)

4.3 Geology and Structure of Block area

4.3.1 Brief geological setting along with generalized sequence within
the block/coalfield
4.3.2 Coal bearing formations and their general behaviour
4.3.3 Sequence of coal seams and partings within the block area

Table 4.2 : Sequence and brief description of Coal Seams in the block

Seam Area of Thickness Grade Borehole Borehole Geological Remarks

Development range (m) range intersections density Reserve
(sq. km)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Surface Cover
Seam A
Seam B

4.3.4 Structural setting within the project area

4.3.5 Dip and Strike
4.3.6 No. of faults and their characteristic features in tabular form
dealing with their location, extent, direction and amount of throw,
hade, etc. with direct evidences

Table 4.3 : Brief Description of Faults in the block

Fault Location General Trend of fault Amount of 1. Strike

trace throw & 2. Dip
direction 3. Evidence
1 2 3 4 5

4.3.7 Presence of dyke, sills (igneous intrusives), etc.

4.4 Description of Coal Seams

4.4.1 Important coal seams of the project area and their general
4.4.2 Description of Individual coal seams of the project area dealing
with the following: Details of splitting, if the seam is splitted Roof and floor characteristics Burning of coal seams, if applicable Details of dirt bands and their general behaviour.
Nature and number of bands with thickness 30cm and
above, less than 30cm thickness and cumulative
thickness (seam-wise). Suggestion for selective
mining of dirt bands, if applicable. Quality parameters dealing with seam overall
proximate and ultimate analysis and other special
tests. Variation in grade of the coal seams. Petrographic analysis, Washability, longflame
characteristics, gassiness studies or any other special
tests/studies conducted, if available

4.5 Geo-technical and hydro-geological information

4.5.1 Physico-mechanical properties (if any) for each litho-units to be
presented in tabular form or any other geo-technical study
undertaken for the block/mine

Table 4.4 : Details of Physico-mechanical properties (Borehole no. X)

Sl. Dept Litho-unit Compressive Shear Tensile Young’s Any other

No. h description Strength Strength Strength Module property
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4.5.2 Hydro-geological details to be summarized in brief for block area

4.6 Geological Reserves

4.6.1 Brief methodology adopted for reserve estimation
4.6.2 Net Geological Reserves within the block area in tabular form
(seam-wise, thickness-wise, grade-wise)

Table 4.5 : Thickness-wise Geological Reserve

Seam Seam A Seam B Seam C Total

< 1.2m
1.2 - 1.5m
1.5 - 2.0m
> 2.0m

Table 4.6 : Grade-wise Geological Reserve

Seam Seam A Seam B Seam C Total


4.6.3 Geological losses (in tabular form under various heads)

(Geological losses should include losses in barriers against
faults, dykes, in odd shaped areas and inaccessible places,
within 15m hard cover line and statutory barriers against surface
features in case they form the boundaries of the mine.
4.6.4 Reserves for UG preposition, depth-wise using 100m, 200m,
300m, 300m to 600m and beyond
4.6.5 Reserves within hard cover of 7.5 m & 15 m (seam-wise)
4.6.6 Reserves under fire

4.7 Recommendation
4.7.1 Future exploration requirement, if any
(Mention number of boreholes and likely total meterage)
4.7.2 Suggestion for sectional mining, if advantageous
4.7.3 Utility of coal e.g. Power/Steel/Cement/any other industry

4.8 Any other relevant issues

4.9 Deposit Modelling

4.9.1 Deposit Modelling, if available


5.1 Introduction
5.2 Pit formulation strategy
5.3 Mine boundaries
 Delineation of sectors as per GR, if any.

 Reasons for selecting/omitting sectors.

 Reasons for selecting/omitting seams/sections.
 Reasons for additional area annexed (in case of expansion PR).
 Brief details of adjoining block/areas and reasons for not
considering the same.
 Mine Boundary should be defined as North, South, East and
 Vertical Mine Boundary. Reasons for selection of seam as base
of quarry.

5.4 Mineable reserves:

Assumptions for Geological loss, Mining loss and any other loss mine
specific (such as extraction of developed pillars) to arrive at mineable

Seamwise details of Mineable reserves.

Name of Area considered Thickness Geo.Resv. Mineable
seam in Ha. variation MT. Reserv.
'm' MT.
1 2 3 4 5
The above mineable reserves include balance mineable reserves as per
approved PR and additional Reserves.

Additional Mineable Reserves for Annexing Additional Area

(for Expansion PR) :
Name of Additional Area Additional Additional Mineable
seam Ha. Geological Resv. MT
Reserves. MT
1 2 3 4
Seam - 1
Seam - 2
Total :

Balance mineable Reserves in earlier approved PR :

Name of seam Geological Reserve Mineable Reserve Balance Reserve
as per approved PR as per approved left considered in
in MT PR in MT this PR in MT
1 2 3 4

Sector & section wise mineable reserves:

(Total Reserves to be worked as per this PR).
The calendar programme has been drawn by dividing the whole mining block
into two/three sections (sub quarry) and each section will have four/five (as
the case may be) sectors.

Mineable Reserves
Seamwise details of Mineable reserves (Mt)

Section Name (East or West or any name)

Sector I II III IV V VI Total
Seam 1
Seam 2
Seam 3
Total :
Section Name (East or West or any name)
Seam 1
Seam 2
Seam 3
Total :
Combined (Add together all sections)
Seam 1
Seam 2
Seam 3

5.5 Target output & mine life:

The mine is proposed for nominal production .........Mty and peak
production ......... Mty.

Zero Date:
The zero date may be defined as the date of land acquisition (physical
possession), PR and EMP approval and other necessary clearance
whichever is later.

Mine Life:
The mine life for nominal production is ........... years. The break-up is
as under:
 Construction period.
 Production build-up period.
 Production period.
 Tapering period.
 Total period

5.6 Future expansion potential, if any

5.7 Any further exploration required with total meterage and number of
boreholes to be drilled and area of further drilling


6.1 General
6.2 Geo-mining characteristics
6.2.1 Seam Gradient - Variation, Av. gradient of quarry floor

6.2.2 Geological Disturbances - Nos. of faults and details thereof in

tabular form (throw and extent)
6.2.3 Presence of In-seam band seam-wise (numbers and thickness
of each band, total band thickness)
6.2.4 Details of sequence of coal seam and parting
Name of seam/parting Thickness of coal/parting (m) with range

6.3 Mine parameters

Minimum(m) Maximum(m)

Dimensions of the quarry along strike
(on floor)

Depth of quarry

Dip rise length ( on floor)

Final Quarry Floor area m2

Final Quarry Surface area m2

Mineable reserves (Mt)

Total OB (Mcum)

Average Stripping Ratio (cum/tonne)
The extent of strike length and dip rise length for each seam may be
furnished separately.
6.4 Choice of technology:
Shovel-dumper combination, Shovel-dumper combination with
dragline, application of surface miner (if suitable) to be considered in
Project Reports. For application of surface miner, seam folio plan
should be prepared on I10 basis. Strike length and width along dip and
mining system should be defined. Reasons for selection of technology
should be mentioned in detail.
6.5 Equipment selection - Reasons for selection of equipment and
proposed place of deployment (in which partings, seams, etc.)
6.6 Mining system & system parameters
 Width of working & non-working benches
 Height of benches


7.1 Constraints on mine development

• Presence of Nallah, River, Road, Power line and other
structures. Proposal for any diversion with cost in relevant
Appendix and shown in plan the diversion route.

7.2 Mining strategy / Mining Sequence

• Mine development addressing access trench and box cut (with
x-section and vol. of OB to be removed), access to different
sectors having faults in between sectors, Haul road layout (to
be shown in plan), sequence of mining with cross-sections at
different locations along dip-rise showing parameters of bench
height (for each partings and seam), working and non-working
width of bench. Sequence of mining of different sections/sectors,
which is advancing and with reasons thereof. Coal
transportation for each seam, in-pit belt conveying system, Coal
transport from face. Yearwise outsourcing rate with different
lead distance.

7.3 Dumping strategy

 Year of starting internal dumping
 Any forest land used for external dumping. The external
dumping area is coal bearing/non-coal bearing.
 Place for top soil dumping
Year-wise external and internal dumping:
Yearwise volume of external and internal dumping in tabular form / stage
plan of quarry at 5 years interval showing sectors, external and internal
dumping with reclamation.
Year Volume of external Volume of internal Reclamation plan
dumping (Mcum) dumping (Mcum) Nos. of trees to be planted

7.4 Sequence of Dumping Operations and Stage-wise details

Sl.No. Particulars of working Sections Total

Sector-1 Sector-2
A. 5th year stage
1. Coal Mined (Mt)
2. OB removed (Mcum)
3. Stripping Ratio (Mcum/t)
4. Excavated quarry area (Ha)
5. Internal dump (Mcum)
6. External dump (Mcum)
B 10th year stage
1. Coal mined (Mt)
2. OBR (Mcum)
3. Stripping ratio (Mcum/t)
4. Excavated quarry area (Ha)
5. Internal dump (Mcum)
6. External dump (Mcum)

7.5 Dumping arrangements

 Maximum height of OB dump above ground level (m)
 Any height subject to stability

 Maximum overall slope

 Height of individual bench (m)
 Berm width
 Void left at the end of mine life (in Ha)


8.1 Design criteria

 Working Regime
 Number of days of working in a year
 Number of shifts
 Number of hours/shift
 Excavation category assumed.
 Insitu volume weight t/m3.
 Strength parameters of coal and rock if any - compressive, tensile,
shear strength, young modules etc.

8.2 Annual productivity of HEMM proposed in tabular form and with

different lead distance for dumpers
8.3 Calendar programme of excavation
Coal in Mt, OB in Mcum
Year Seam Seam Total Top Part. Inseam Inseam Total Total SR
1 2 Coal OB bet Bands- Bands- OB OB (Adj.)
Nat. Seam 1 Seam 1 Seam 2 Nat. Adj.
Seam 2

The above information is to be furnished for each section and all combined together in
tabular form as above.

8.4 Equipment schedule

Deployment/ Size- Existing Addl. Total Provn. Year wise
Particulars of Cap. Nos. Provision Nos. Phasing

Yearwise Replacement of main HEMM & Total Fleet may be provided.

Mining Schedule and Phasing of main HEMM

Years Yearwise
Calendar Year
Coal in Mt
Total OB in Mcum
Stripping Ratio (cum/t)
Main Mining Size As per Existing Additional Total
Equipment Approved PR Equipment
Total Fleet

8.5 Drilling & Blasting

Powder Factor
• For OB
• For Coal
• Secondary blasting if any.


9.1 Introduction
9.2 Quality Analysis
Presence of In seam band seam wise (Numbers and thickness of each
band, total band thickness).
 Mineable reserves seam-wise, grade-wise distribution along with
overall specific gravity/UHV :
Name of Grade-wise distribution of reserve Sp.Gr. UHV
seam A B C D Total Overall Overall
Seam 1
Seam 2

9.3 Projected Coal Quality


10.1 Introduction:
Following parameters should be covered briefly under this heading-
• Location of the project,
• General topography of the project,
• Planning of pumping and drainage system to be followed during
• Rainfall characteristics
• Hydrogeological studies, if any, etc.
10.2 Source of Water:

In general, the sources of water accumulation inside the quarry area

are as under:
i) Rain water falling directly within the excavated area
ii) Inflow of rain water from back filled area
iii) Inflow of rain water from area beyond excavation
iv) Seepage of water from Strata/ Ground water.
Above points may be elaborated briefly.

10.3 General considerations

10.3.1 General criteria for determining the number of pumps, layout
and design of the pumping installation should be considered as
• Geographical location of the project.
• General climatic conditions, surface features of the terrain
beyond the boundary of the mine.
• Life of the mine
• Calendar plan of excavation of quarry.
• Geological characteristics of OB and coal seams
• Meteorological data of nearest rain-gauge stations
• Catchments areas i.e. mined out areas, areas beyond
excavation, spoil dump area - stage-wise i.e. at the end of 5 th
yr, 10th yr, 15th yr, 20th yr and so on.
• Depth of the quarry – stage-wise i.e. at the end of 5 th yr, 10th
yr, 15th yr, 20th yr and so on.
• Run-off characteristics of the area
• Inflow/seepage from underground water into the mine
• Sump location and its capacity
• Maximum number of days to pump out the accumulated
water in the quarry due to maximum rainfall in a day and the
number of pumping operation hours per day.
• Stand-by capacity required
• Size of pipes, piping layout, etc.
• pH value of water
• Desired location at surface where quarry water can be
discharged considering the surface drainage system
10.3.2 Basic data
The basic data considered for calculating make of water and
pumping capacity should be given under following head:
i) Life of the quarry
ii) Maximum rainfall in a day: From probability curve, if drawn or
data collected from nearby mine

iii) Depth of operation – stage wise

iv) Catchment areas – stage wise
v) Run-off coefficients considered
vi) Seepage/inflow of water into the mine
vii) Time required to dewater the accumulated water, etc.
10.4 Assessment of Maximum Rainfall in a day
a) The value of maximum daily precipitation has to be determined from
a probability curve to be drawn by extrapolating the recorded data
received from nearest meteorological station for a period of 10
years or more. Extrapolated rainfall data and observed maximum
daily rainfall data may be shown in table form separately. In that
case, Probability curve has to be incorporated in the report as Fig-
b) In absence of any meteorological data, maximum daily rainfall has
to be considered in line with the data collected from nearby mine or
has to be assumed from rainfall data recorded in Geological Report.
10.5 Assessment of volume of water to be pumped
10.5.1 Volume of rainwater entering in to the mine and accumulating in
the quarry (make of water) has to be assessed on the basis of
the following formula:
Q = A x H x n m3/day
Where, A - Catchment area in m2
H - Maximum daily precipitation in m
n - Run-off co-efficient
Suggested co-efficient (n) of Run-off (R.O.C)
 Steep, rocky ground, abrupt slope - 0.9
 Rough, hilly country, moderate slope - 0.6
 Uneven terrain with very wide valley - 0.5
 Rolling form land, long narrow valley - 0.3
 Level terrain with thick soil cover - 0.1 to 0.2
Based on the above-suggested co-efficients, R.O.C for following
areas must be fixed:
- for mined out area - n1
- for area beyond excavation - n2
- for internal dumped area - n3

NB: The external dump area will not be considered in the area beyond
excavation because gradient of dump should be opposite of the quarry. Mined
out area will include areas of working benches also.

10.5.2 Detail calculations (year-wise) of volume of water accumulated

in the day of maximum rainfall considering seepage from ground
water should be given in tabular form.

10.5.3 Calculation of selection of head generated for main pumps may

be given or basis of assumption of head should be mentioned.

10.6 Pumping Capacity

Pumping system has been designed for the volume of water
accumulated in the mine at the final stage of production considering
maximum daily rainfall as _______ mm.

Peak pumping capacity worked out as ____________ Cu.m.

Above volume of water will be dewatered in 5/6 days at the rate of

20/18 hours pumping per day.

Pumping capacity per day thus worked out as: xxxxx Cum

10.7 Selection of Pumps and Delivery Ranges

a) Pumps selected i.e. Main pumps, Auxiliary pumps, slurry
pumps, Face pumps, self-priming pump, diesel pumps, etc
should be mentioned under this heading.
b) Suction/Delivery ranges selected for above pumps should be

10.8 Capital Investment

The capital investment requirement has to be given in Appendix.


11.1 Introduction
11.2 Design parameters
11.2.1 Basic Data
11.2.2 CHP working schedule
11.2.3 System capacity of CHP
11.2.4 Salient features of CHP
11.2.5 System description
11.2.6 Plant description Receiving pit and crusher complex Storage bunker and reclamation system Load out system - RLS, Public rail loading,
Conveyor, Aerial ropeway, Truck loading
22 Dust extraction system Dust suppression system Noise control system Fire fighting system Plant cleaning system Plant maintenance system Weighment (Weigh bridge, pre-weigh hopper
system/belt weigher)
11.3 Power supply and control circuits
11.4 Estimate: The table shall contain following headings with costs
11.4.1 Mechanical equipment - List of equipment with quantity, unit
rate and total cost
11.4.2 Electrical equipment - List of equipment with quantity, unit rate
and total cost
11.4.3 Civil & Structural works
11.4.4 Design & Engineering
11.4.5 Erection & Commissioning
11.4.6 Spares
11.4.7 Contingency
11.4.8 Miscellaneous
11.4.9 Taxes
11.4.10 Construction overhead
11.4.11 Works contract tax
11.4.12 Service tax
11.4.13 Insurance
11.4.14 Total
11.5 Operation & maintenance cost
11.6 Drawings: The following drawings shall be made and enclosed with the
a) Material flow diagram with list of equipment
b) Key plan
c) Sectional plan & Elevation of the system
11.7 Details of Railway Siding, if any



12.1.1 Introduction: Need of workshop, type of workshop, proposed
workshop facilities, etc.

12.1.2 Maintenance Facilities: Brief mention of basis of load

calculation and overall space requirement for workshop and
12.1.3 Scope of Work Unit Workshop/ Project Workshop
Field workshop/ Maintenance workshop/ Pit head workshop. Main workshop/ Repair workshop/ Group workshop. E&M workshop.

12.2 Proposed Facilities

- Maintenance and repair sheds for functional shops
- Store sheds.
- Store yard.
- POL store.
- Washing stations.
- Pavement for parking of mining equipment/HEMM.
- Material handling facilities.
- Substation
- Supporting facilities like charge store, tool store, tool room,
pump house, canteen, security post, fire fighting etc.
- Material handling facilities for workshop and stores.
- Mobile workshop, mobile servicing van and mobile refuelling

12.3 Workshop & stores layout

- Mention drawing no. of location plan and general layout drawing of

workshop and stores.

12.4 Workshop and Store Plant & Machinery

The Plant & machinery will match with the scope of work. In general
workshop (P&M) will include:

- P&M for main functional shops including stores.

- Washing equipment.
- Material handling equipment.
- Fire fighting equipment.
- Floor cleaning equipment.
- Ventilation equipment.
- General purpose tools.

- Special purpose tools.

- Installation & commissioning
- Electrical for workshop P&M.
- Initial spares.

12.5 Project store

- Scope
- Facilities

12.6 Capital Investment

- Brief mention of capital Investment.

12.7 List of workshop P&M (Appendices)

- Item wise and shop wise list of workshop P&M with their cost
and phasing of cost.
- Summary of shop wise capital Investment with phasing.

12.8 Drawings
- Location plan and General layout drawing of workshop and
- Mention of overall areas, covered areas, paved area, roads,
gates etc.
- Provision of repair bays.
- Separate complex for different functional shops/ workshops.
- Bracket height/ height of different shops.
- Location of washing and fuel delivery station.
- Separate complex for stores with separate entry.
- Common facilities at one place.
- Shop offices at mezzanine floor.

12.9 Magazines
- Capacity and Type of the Magazine
- Locations of the Magazines
- Purpose of the Magazine


13.1 Power Supply

13.1.1 Source of Power
13.1.2 Proposed Stage Main Sub-station
• Outdoor Installations
• Indoor Installations
• 11kV Indoor Switch Board
• 3.3kV Indoor Switch Board
• LT Switch Board
• Lighting Switch Board
• Connected Load and Maximum Demand
• Protection of Substation, Control and Signalling,
Interlocking & Earthing Energy Consumption System Voltage Power Factor Improvement Quarry / Underground Power Supply Distribution
• Power supply to Pumps
• Power supply to Workshop
13.2 Illumination
• Haul Road Illumination
• Coal & OB face and OB Dump/Underground Illumination

13.3 Power balance and annual energy consumption, year-wise energy


13.4 Salient Electrical features and cost estimate

13.5 Communication System, system proposed and cost estimate



14.1 General
14.1.1 Life and type of Specification
14.1.2 Nature of Soil
14.1.3 External Services

14.2 Cost Index and Specifications of Building

14.3 Service Building

14.3.1 Provision of Service / Welfare of Buildings
14.3.2 Site for Service Buildings
14.3.3 Salient features of important Service Buildings Workshop Store Sub-station
14.3.4 Cost Estimate
14.4 Residential Building - Separate for Departmental & Partial Hiring
14.4.1 Provision of Houses
14.4.2 Type of Construction
14.4.3 Site for Township
14.4.4 Unit Cost and Cost Estimate

14.5 Roads and Culverts

14.5.1 Colony Roads and Culverts - Separate for Departmental &
Partial Hiring Options
14.5.2 Service Roads and Culverts
14.5.3 Diversion of Non-CIL Roads
14.5.4 Capital Requirement

14.6 Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Arrangement

14.6.1 Colony Water Supply and Sewage - Separate for Departmental
& Partial Hiring Options
14.6.2 Industrial Water Supply and Sewage
14.6.3 Capital Requirement
14.7 Surface reorganisation and rehabilitation, if any
14.8 Construction Manpower


15.1 Degree of gassiness

15.2 Inundation
15.3 Dust Suppression
15.4 Fire and Spontaneous Heating
15.5 Slope stability
15.6 Haul road maintenance
15.7 Blasting
15.8 Conservation of Coal
15.9 Scientific Studies
15.10 Additional permission / relaxations required from DGMS


16.1 Existing Environment Quality

16.1.1 Ambient Air quality in core and buffer zone
16.1.2 Water Quality
16.1.3 Noise level
16.1.4 Flora and Fauna
16.1.5 Socio-economic Status

16.2 Environment Impact

16.2.1 Air Quality
16.2.2 Water Quality
16.2.3 Ground Water Resource
16.2.4 Noise Impact
16.2.5 Flora and Fauna
16.2.6 Land Use
16.2.7 Socio-Economic Status

16.3 Environment Management

16.3.1 Air Quality Management
16.3.2 Water Quality
16.3.3 Noise Management
16.3.4 Flora and Fauna Management
16.3.5 Land Resource Management

16.4 Environment Management System

16.5 Capital Provision
- Environmental and social cost to be provided separately



17.1 General
17.2 Land requirement for proposed excavated area, infrastructure, external
dumping, colony, approach road with break-up of forest land, Govt.
land and tenancy land in each case in tabular form as per MoEF
17.3 Status of Land acquisition


18.1 Legislative Requirements

18.2 Technical Aspects
18.2.1 Safety Hazards including management of fire
18.2.2 Management of pit slopes and waste dumps
18.2.3 Management of hydrology and hydro-geology
18.2.4 Details of de-commissioning of the infrastructures and plant and
18.2.5 Fencing around mined out areas

18.3 Environmental Aspects

18.3.1 Management of final voids
18.3.2 Reclamation of forest/vegetation
18.3.3 Management of recharge areas
18.3.4 Acceptable surface and ground water flows
18.3.5 Alternative use of land
18.3.6 Stage Reclamation Plan Stage Reclamation Plan at 5 year
interval should be prepared

18.4 Social Aspect

18.4.1 Re-deployment of work force
18.4.2 Management of community facilities
18.4.3 Channelisation of available water
18.4.4 Emancipation from PAPs

18.5 Financial Aspect

18.5.1 Cost of closure activities
18.5.2 Cost of organization for executing the closure activities
18.5.3 Cost of the post-project monitoring
18.5.4 Bond/insurance for the closure cost



19.1 Manpower Assessment - Separate for Departmental, Partial Hiring and

Total Outsourcing Options
19.2 Manpower phasing as per Project Implementation Schedule and
building up of production capacity
19.3 Productivity - Separate for Departmental, Partial Hiring and Total
Outsourcing Options
19.4 Transport of Personnel (Optional)
19.5 Training


20.1 Introduction
20.2 Project Schedule
20.3 Bar Chart of Major activities (PERT Network)


21.1 Capital Investment

21.1.1 Existing capital and additional capital with phasing
21.1.2 Basis of price of P&M, Civil works & Hiring rate
21.1.3 Foreign Capital
21.1.4 Additional capital upto target year, capital requirement beyond
target year, specific investment Rs./tonne, specific investment
for P&M Rs./tonne

21.2 Opening of Revenue Account

- Commercial Readiness
- Revenue expenditure has been capitalised upto ................
Mine has been taken into Revenue Account from ................
(Basis has to be justified as per prevailing practice).

21.3 Replacement Capital

It is suggested that a statement showing year-wise phasing of
replacement capital should be indicated in the project report.

21.4 Sources of Finance: Internal Resources or loan

21.5 Completion Cost:

As per the latest guidelines, the completion cost of a project will qualify
all the following conditions:

- Achievement of coal production capacity of 80% of the rated

- Completion of all major facilities and initial mine development
- Procurement of major and essential plant & machinery.

21.6 Method of estimation of capital cost:

a) Land
b) Civil Construction (along with Cost Index)
c) P&M

21.7 Cost of Production at different level of production:

a) Salaries & Wages Cost:

The detail of category-wise /scale-wise manpower requirement
and year-wise estimated wages cost is given in Appendix-B.1.
Estimated salaries & wages cost is worked out as Rs........../Te.

b) Stores Cost:
Stores Cost has been estimated taking into account provision for
Repair & Maintenance, POL, Explosive, Timber/Roof Bolting
and miscellaneous stores cost. The estimated Stores Cost has
been worked out to Rs............/Te.

c) Power Cost:
Estimated Energy Consumption is given in the relevant chapter
for Power Supply. The power cost has been taken as
Rs......./unit. The average power cost per tonne of coal
production works out to Rs............... and Rs........... at 100% and
85% level of operation.

d) Misc. Expenditure:
This cost has been estimated to cover expenditure on Printing &
Stationary, Postage, Telephone, repair & Maintenance of assets
other than P&M, Workshop Workshop Debit, Ins. & Taxes for
vehicles and other repairs and a further provision has been
made for deterioration of coal stock.

e) Administrative Charges:
A provision has been made in total revenue cost estimate for
Administrative charges based on the Adm. Cost per tonne of
coal production as was appearing in the last Annual Report
of .................... Ltd. Total Adm. Cost has been calculated at
100% level and treated as fixed cost. As such for all other
estimated level of operation the absolute Adm. Cost has been
taken as it worked out for 100% level of operation. The Adm.
Cost comes to Rs............/Te.

f) Outsourcing cost - year wise with lead distance.


g) Interest on Working Capital:

Interest on Working Capital has been calculated on the basis of
4 months operating expenditure. Rate of interest is taken as

h) Depreciation:
Straight line method of depreciation has been provided to arrive
at Depreciation cost per tonne of coal production.

i) Interest on Loan Capital:

Interest @ 11.5% on loan capital has been computed based on
given Debt Equity Mix.

j) Environment related Cost:

Rs.........../Te of coal has been provided to absorb Environmental
related Cost in the project.

k) Mine Closure Cost:

Rs.........../Te has been provided in the project against Mine
Closure Cost.

l) Cost of production for different level of production, 100%, 85%,


21.8 Grade of Coal & Weighted Average Selling Price

(year-wise, grade-wise selling price to be considered)
- Transportation / Loading / Sizing charges
- Despatch of coal & point of sale.

21.9 Profitability (Profit/Loss) at 100%, 85% and 80% level of production.

21.10 Manpower & OMS

21.11 EMS

21.12 Financial IRR -Separate for Departmental and Partial Hiring Options
- Economic IRR – only in case of projects to be approved by Govt.

21.13 Details of FSA entered on Cost-Plus Basis (Optional)

21.14 Break-even production: It is estimated that the project will achieve

Break-even point at ..............te of production which is ..........% of rated
capacity and will be achieved in ...... the year of production.

21.15 Desired Selling Price: Desired selling price to achieve 12% IRR at
100% and 85% level is worked to Rs................. & Rs.................. (To be
given if the project is unable achieve required IRR).

21.16 Completion IRR: Capital Expenditure has been estimated/increased

for forward escalation on the Phasing of Initial Estimated Capital. The
escalation rate is based on W.P.I. of preceding 12 months.

21.17 Sensitivity Analysis:

IRR at 100% IRR at 85%

Base Case

Capital cost plus 10%

Capital cost plus 15%
Capital cost plus 20%

Operating cost plus 10%

Operating cost plus 15%
Operating cost plus 20%

Sales Revenue plus 5%

Sales Revenue plus 10%
Sales Revenue plus 15%


22.1 Introduction
22.2 Scope of work proposed to be outsourced
22.3 Scope of work proposed to be done depatmentally
22.4 Annual work load for external agency
22.5 Outsourcing Rates
22.6 Safety aspects for Outsourcing of HEMM
22.7 Project economics


SL. Appendix Title of the Appendix

No. No.
1 A Statement showing Estimated total capital investment and its phasing
2 A.1 Estimated capital investment on land acquisition, compensation and
3 A.2 Estimated capital investment on buildings
4 A.2.1 Estimated capital investment on service buildings
5 A.2.2 Estimated capital investment on residential buildings
6 A.2.3 Building cost index
7 A.3 Estimated capital investment on plant and machinery with phasing
8 A.3.1 Estimated capital investment on P&M - HEMM
9 A.3.2 Estimated capital investment on P&M - electrical
10 A.3.3 Estimated capital investment on P&M - workshop and stores
11 A.3.4 Estimated capital investment on P&M - pumps, pipes and fittings
12 A.3.5 Estimated capital investment on coal handling plant
13 A.3.6 Estimated capital investment on P&M - others
14 A.3.7 Estimated capital investment on Communication System
15 A.4 Estimated capital investment on furniture and fittings
16 A.5 Estimated capital investment on railway siding
17 A.6 Estimated capital investment on vehicles
18 A.7 Estimated capital investment on prospecting and boring
19 A.8 Estimated capital investment on Mine development
20 A.8.1 Estimated capital outlay in mines
21 A.8.2 Summary of Estimated capital investment on roads and culverts
22 A.8.2.1 Break-up of capital investment on colony roads
23 A.8.2.2 Break-up of capital investment on haul roads
24 A.8.2.3 Break-up of capital investment on heavy duty roads
25 A.8.2.4 Break-up of capital investment on approach roads to project and township
26 A.8.2.5 Break-up of capital investment on approach road to Magazine
27 A.8.3 Estimated capital investment on water supply and sewerage arrangements
28 A.8.3 (A) Estimated capital investment on sewerage arrangements in colony and
29 A.8.4 Estimated capital investment on PR preparation
30 A.8.4 (A) Estimated capital investment on scientific research
31 A.9 Statement showing estimated Revenue expenses capitalized during
development period
32 A.9.1 Estimated revenue expenditure capitalized during development period -
coal and common
33 A.9.2 Estimated revenue expenditure capitalized during development period -
34 B Statement showing Job-wise / Category-wise requirement of manpower
35 B.1 Statement showing estimated salaries and benefits
36 C Estimated cost of production per tonne of coal at 100% capacity
utilization (including cost of EMP)
37 C.1 Cost and profitability at different levels of production
38 C.2 Annual expenditure for EMP and impact of cost / tonne on coal

SL. Appendix Title of the Appendix

No. No.
39 C.3 Sensitivity analysis for profit/loss at different levels of capacity utilization
40 C.4 Sensitivity analysis of FIRR and FNPV on different parameters
41 D.1 IRR of the project at 100% level of production
42 D.2 IRR of the project at 85% level of production
43 E.1 Statement of revenue cash outflow at 100% level of production
44 E.2 Statement of revenue cash outflow at 85% level of production
45 F Estimated capital investment on the basis of completion cost
46 G Estimated capital investment for environmental protection measures


1. Location Plan
2. Topographical / Surface Plan showing important surface infrastructure such as river,
nalla, forest area, power line, villages, surface contours, etc.
3. Geological Plan
4. Lithologs/graphic lithologs of representative boreholes
5. Seam-wise seam folio plans (seam extent and iso-chores)
6. Plan showing Floor contours and Iso-grade lines of coal seams and Iso-pachytes of
parting between seams
7. Final stage quarry plan
8. Elements of Mining System
9. Box cut plan with access trench
10. Intermediate (e.g. 5th year, 10th year, etc.) stage quarry plans showing surface and
bottom of quarry
11. Plan showing Iso-pachytes of Total excavation
12. Quarry/Mining cross-sections
13. Dragline balancing diagram (where applicable)
14. Alignment of dragline cuts (where applicable)
15. Final stage dump plan
16. Surface Layout Plan showing quarry boundary, external dumps, CHP, railway siding,
workshop, stores, colony, etc.
17. Land use plan
18. Post Mining Land use plan
19. Schematic layout of workshop and stores
20. Schematic Single-line diagram showing electrical power distribution
21. Sub-station layout diagram
22. CHP flow diagram (or Key plan of CHP)
23. Schematic layout of railway siding (where applicable)
24. PERT Network
25. Revenue Plan (if available)
26. Any other plans specific to project or choice of planners (as per technology proposed)


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