Reflective Essay About The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) .Edited

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Reflective Essay about the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

Terrorism is an act, which seeks to deliver fear among ordinary citizens by illegal
means. For many years, terrorist attacks brought countless disasters like millions of
goods are destroyed, millions of innocent people and animals are lost and conflicts
and issues among different nations. Terrorism is formed due to many causes.
Politics, Economic, and Social problems are some of the main causes of terrorism
development and terrorism thrives after them. But some others used terrorism to
simply achieve power over high position people and to prove and justify their point
of view for the seek of their own. For days and years end, television networks
devoted most of their prime-time news to covering terrorist operations. Publicists
referred to terrorism as the cancer of the modern world, growing inexorably until it
poisoned and engulfed the society on which it fed.

Based on the documentary or film I watched, terrorism became rampant in

many years and leads to the formation of the most extreme manifestation of a
Muslim response to the history of the past few centuries, the formation of the
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or worldly known as the ISIS. ISIS is not only a
terrorist group but an Islamic extremist political organization that has been widely
recognized by the international society. ISIL was founded by the Jordanian jihadist
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in 1999 and gained global prominence in early 2014 when
it drove Iraqi government forces out of key cities in its Western Iraq offensive,
followed by its capture of Mosul and the Sinjar massacre. The Islamic State
follows a distinctive variety of Islam whose beliefs about the path to the Day of
Judgment matter to its strategy and can help the West know its enemy and predict
its behavior. According to the documentary, ISIS's philosophy is represented by the
symbolism in the Black Standard variant of the legendary battle flag of
Muhammad that it has adopted: the flag shows the Seal of Muhammad within a
white circle, with the phrase above it, "There is no god but Allah". Such
symbolism has been said to point to ISIL's belief that it represents the restoration
of the caliphate of early Islam I didn't personally know about the true nature of the
ISIS group up until I saw the documentary but I did hear the name of the group in
the news or somehow knew them since the Marawi terrorism attack because based
on the sources, the terrorist group that attacks the city of Lanao del Sur, The Abu
Sayyaf of Maguindanao, somehow has been negotiating with the ISIS group and
somehow became alliances during the war.

As I watched deeply the documentary, I felt disappointed about the

happenings that brought countless allegations and threats in different parts of the
world ,and at the same time I felt not secured because I saw myself that anytime
and anywhere, these people will bring havoc for their seek of their rights. And I
realized that disbelief in humanity raises after any terrorist activities and eventually
leads to giving birth to another terrorist. As a global citizen-facing this infamous
issue, I can somehow contribute to ending violence brought by the different views
about religion by showing respect to what they believe and stop doing those acts
that lead to conflicts between differences like discrimination or racism. And I
surely believe that religion is not a major cause of terrorism because I don't think
that there is no concept of any religion that can bring those global threats.
Terrorism cannot be controlled by law enforcement agencies alone, but the people
in the world will also have to unite to face this growing threat.

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