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M ARC H 2011

Inside this fabulous issue:
Letter From the President Danielle Yates
Dear DC Delta Gammas, My last official order of busi- together to celebrate the shared
ness is to remind you to vote rituals and values of Delta
online for your new chapter Gamma. Plus, you won't want
The time has come for me
officers during the week lead- to miss our dynamic and SIG Events 2
to write my final letter to
ing up to Founders Day downright adorable speaker,
you as chapter president. As Beta Epsilon Update 2
(March 20-25) or at the Roxanne LaMuth from the
you can imagine, this is a
brunch celebration on March Delta Gamma Foundation. Foundation Focus 3
very difficult thing to do.
26. Your vote matters! There
Being a part of this chapter Founders Day 4
are numerous ways to vote
for the last 6+ years has led Here's hoping that spring will
this election cycle, including Cut Away Calendar 5
me to many life long friend- come early this year!
mail-in ballots, by e-mail or
ships and fun times, while
online voting. Remember,
also providing an opportu-
only dues-paid members are ITB,
nity to hone my skills and
eligible to vote. Visit our Web Danielle Yates
experience as a leader. I've
site ( to
learned so much from the President
see a list of dues-paid mem-
many capable local chapter Washington, DC Delta Gamma
officers, regional team and Alumnae Chapter
EO staff that I have had the
pleasure to work with. Delta I hope that I will have a
Gamma truly is membership chance to see you at Founders
for a lifetime. Day brunch. Founders Day is
a very special event for local
alums and collegians to come

What Not to Miss This Month by Tonya Richardson

Founders Day (more information on Page 4)
Join the Washington, D.C. Alumnae Chapter and collegians from American University for Founders Day Brunch to
celebrate one of the most honored of DG’s ritual traditions. We are thrilled to be welcoming Roxanne LaMuth, Di-
rector of Development for the Delta Gamma Foundation, as the featured guest speaker. All alumnae members are
invited to share in the tradition and participate in the Senior Bridge Ceremony to welcome graduating seniors from
AU to alumnae life.
When: Saturday, March 26 at 12 p.m.
Cost: $40 for members/$45 for non-members
Location: Clyde’s of Gallery Place, 707 7th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001. Metro: Gallery Place-Chinatown
(Red/yellow/green lines)
For more information or to RSVP, contact Jen Middleton at
SIG Events
Book Club Ever heard of a pop-up? It's a new to date information on all events con-
Our next Book Club will be Tuesday, trend in the foodie/wino tact
March 8th at 7:30pm at a member’s RSVP and the day of, you are told
home in Crystal City. Please contact where to show up for food and drinks. Sweet Peas
Lindsey at bookclub@ wdcdelta- Join your fellow winos for a "pop-up" March 4, 2011, 10:00 AM – Member’s for more details. wine group event at a metro accessible Home, McLean, VA – With the
location in the city...will it be a wine weather in March always a question
Dine Out bar or something else? Guaranteed mark, join the group at a member’s
This month, Dine Out will be enjoy- fun will be had by all and special re- home where we will be able to take
ing dinner at Bistro La Bonne on quests for locations should be made. advantage of the toys in the warm
Tuesday, March 22. Bistro La Bonne Approximate cost $25/person. Loca- comfort of the playroom or outside if
is located on U St. and features a tion will be narrowed down will be we get lucky and have a beautiful early
large menu of delicious and afford- provided 1 week out so that you can spring day. For more information or
able French favorites. For event start planning accordingly. Group size to RSVP, contact sweetpea@
time, more information, or to RSVP, will be limited, so RSVP for your spot
please contact Tracey at dine- ASAP with Meredith at
For more information or questions
Wine Tasting Moms Night Out about SIGs, contact sigdirector@
March Pop-Up Event
How about a Moms DAY out?!! The
When: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at DG moms are considering a moms
6:30 pm day out this spring or early summer.
Where: Metro-accessible DC location To cast your vote and get the most up

American University—Beta Epsilon Update

Greetings Alumnae!!
This month, DGs have been bonding with the new members and getting closer as a chapter. Follow WDC DG
The first weekend of February, VP Programming Erin Waters organized a great chapter re- on twitter for SIG
treat in Pentagon city where Beta Epsilon bonded and worked on chapter goals. updates and
Later in February, the new member class went to Annapolis for their New Member Retreat. upcoming events!
Girls bonded and went on an anchor hunt all around the city!
DCDG Alumnae
DGs were feeling the love around Valentine’s Day! Sisters participated in a “Secret Valen-
tine” and had tons of fun at the themed “Crush” event where sisters brought dates and hit
the town!
In March, DGs look forward to Spring Break, Initiation, Greek Week, and Founders Day!

Beta Epsilon-American University

Beta Epsilon is looking for a new House Corp President! Are you interested in getting
more involved with local collegians and learning about Fraternity House Corp? Contact Lacy
Smith at

HC President responsibilities include: scheduling and running 4 House Corp meetings per
year, assisting the Treasurer in completing a budget and Annual Agreement, helping the colle-
gians to ensure their chapter room stays in good condition, and assisting the chapter in up-
grading anything as necessary.

WDC DG Page 2
Foundation Focus by Christine Rocchio
Graduate Fellowships: Delta “Healthy vision is something that is Silent Auction and Super Silent
Gamma Foundation fellowship ap- so vital to our quality of life, yet we starts at 6:30 p.m.
plications are available at tend to take it for granted that it will Cocktails: 6:30pm.; Dinner: 8:30 pm always be there for us," said Hugh Honoring: Visionaries of the Pre-
ntent.aspx?audience=foundation R. Parry, president and CEO of vention of Blindness Society of
&item=Foundation/3Helping Prevent Blindness America. "This Metropolitan Washington from
Members/fellowships.xml. If program will allow companies to 1936-2011. Tickets are available
you are going to Graduate School provide useful and timely informa- for sale at https://pbsmw.ejoinme.
and would like to be considered for tion about eye wellness and eye org/night_of_vision.
financial assistance from the Delta safety to their most important re- For more information or questions,
Gamma Foundation, then certainly source, their employees." please call (202) 234-1010.
consider applying. Deadline for Upcoming Foundation Events…
applications is April 1st. To learn more about the Healthy
Eyes Vision Wellness Program or to April 1st (Friday): Deadline for
March is Workplace Vision receive free information on eye Graduate Fellowship applications.
Wellness Month safety in the workplace, visit the April 16th (Saturday), 10:00 AM:
Prevent Blindness America has de- Prevent Blindness America website “Walk for Awareness”. In conjunc-
clared March as Workplace Vision tion with the American University Col-
Wellness Month in an effort to edu- legians and Alumnae in celebration of
cate corporations and their employ- Remember the Foundation Chal- their Chapter’s 75th Anniversary. This
ees on the importance of vision lenge!! You deserve credit for all event is geared to raise community
health, including warning signs of the good you do, even when it is awareness of Delta Gamma’s mission
to “Service for Sight,” while also raising
potential eye disease and safety tips not “Service for Sight” related. Ac-
funds for the cause. Location: Campus
on how to avoid vision-threatening knowledgement of your service will of American University. Donation of
eye accidents. be awarded at our Founders Day $10.00 for individuals and $7.00 per
With Delta Gamma’s shared mis- celebration on March 26th. So person for Teams of 5 or members
sion of “Service for Sight,” consider please take a minute to report your suggested. So, come walk with your
suggesting to your employer that service hours by filling out our sisters and…Wear your letters!!!
your workplace participate in the Online Form found at May 7th (Saturday), 10:00 AM: Foun-
Prevent Blindness America's dation Fighting Blindness Vision-
Healthy Eyes Vision Wellness Pro- 9/05/update-your-service-hours- Walk of Northern Virginia. Location-
gram. The program is designed to with-our-new-form or by contacting Browns Chapel Park (1525 Browns
help companies provide the tools Christine at vpfoundation@ Chapel Rd, Reston VA)
May 18th (Wednesday), 6- 9 PM: 3rd
employees need to protect their eye
Annual Spring Fling Fundraiser.
health. With more than 100 organi- This event encourages fellowship
zations already participating, the Founders Day—March 26th. Bring across the entire Greek community
program offers educational and pro- in those Labels, Box Tops and No while bringing attention to our philan-
motional materials that help deliver Longer Used Glasses!!! thropy- Service for Sight! More details
critical vision wellness information to come.
in the workplace. The materials Prevention of Blindness Society of June 5th (Saturday): National Capital
were developed by leading eye care Metropolitan Washington’s Night Tour De Cure. The Tour de Cure is a
professionals including ophthal- of Vision… Black Tie & Diamonds- bicycle ride with routes of different
mologists, optometrists and re- Saturday, March 26, 2011 lengths for riders of ages and skill lev-
search professionals designed to els to be done at your own speed so
you can enjoy the journey while doing
encourage employees to make vi- The Four Seasons Hotel good to raise funds for the American
sion care a health priority and help 2800 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Diabetes Association. Location: Reston
to avoid needless pain and suffering Washington, DC Town Center.
from preventable eye diseases.

Page 3 Washington, DC
Founders Day—March 26th

WDC Alumnae Look Forward To Founders Day on March 26

Please join fellow Delta Gamma Alumnae and collegians from the Beta Epsilon chapter at American University for
Founders Day brunch on Saturday, March 26, 2011 at 12:00 p.m. The event will be held in the Piedmont Room at
Clyde’s in Chinatown.

Founders Day, one of the most honored Delta Gamma traditions, provides an opportunity for alumnae and colle-
gians to join together honoring the three Founders and rededicating themselves to the Fraternity’s ideals. It is also a
time to welcome graduating seniors from American University to the alumnae chapter.

This year’s event will feature speaker Roxanne LaMuth, Development Director, Delta Gamma Foundation.

For more information, or to RSVP, please contact Jen Middleton at Cost is $40
for members, $45 for non-members.

RSVP and advanced payment requested by March 14. Visit to pay by Pay Pal, or you may
send a check (payable to WDC Delta Gamma) to: Jennifer Middleton, 4425 Yuma St. NW, Washington, DC 20016

Clyde’s Chinatown is located at 707 7th St., NW in Washington DC. (Metro Red Line Accessible. See website for parking information.)

Founders Day is fast approaching and it's time to nominate your sisters for the following fabulous awards:

BEST "NEW" MEMBER: This woman has been a great addition to the group in her willing-
ness to make a contribution to the group and local chapters since joining us within the last 12

ANCHOR GIRL: This woman has shown incredible DG spirit and pride. She's always proud to
be a DG and an active participant at many WDC alumnae chapter events.

SUPER SERVING ALUMNA: This woman exemplifies the Delta Gamma philosophy of ser-
vice to her community through volunteer and professional activities throughout the year.

BEHIND THE SCENES AWARD: This woman has put forth great efforts for our chapter,
but in a very quiet way. She has been extremely reliable and dependable in the year and should be
recognized for her dedication.

MOST OUTSTANDING ALUMNA: This woman has shown personal devotion and service to
the WDC alumnae chapter in the past year that is far beyond normal alumnae participation.

Please submit your nominations by Tuesday, March 22nd to Meredith, our Awards Chair, at award-

WDC DG Page 4
Sister Snapshots

DG Sweet Peas enjoying National Geographic Kids Play Area at Tysons Corner Center!!

Eleanore Christiansen
Susanne Fitch and Kerri Cox

Upcoming Events

March 4 DG Sweet Peas—McLean

March 8 DG Book Club—Crystal City

W A S H I N GT O N , D C
March 22 DG Dineout—Bistro La Bonne

March 26 Founders Day—Clyde’s of Gallery Place
March 29 DG Wine Group—Pop Up Event

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