Geo Question

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Aluminium and Silica

Nickel and Magnesium

Silica,Aluminium and Magnesium

Most common rainfall of the world is: *




Australia experiences longest night on: *

21st June

22nd Dec

21st March

In which atmospheric layer the meteors start burning? *



None of the above

Malaysia has high temperature due to: *

Latitude and altitude

Distance from the sea

None of the above

What is a vent? *

The opening through which magma comes out

The passage through which magma rises to the crater

The chamber where magma is found

In which of the following climatic region xerophytic vegetation is seen? *

Tropical desert


All of the abobe

Latitudes are also called parallels as: *

They are parallel to the equator

They are equidistant with each other

All of the abobe

The basic difference between the seismic focus and epicenter is: *

In their location

In their intensity


Carbonation is common in which of the following area? *


All of the above

Coral is an example of which type of rock? *


Mechanically formed sedimentary rock

Organically formed sedimentary rock

The shortest latitude line of northern hemisphere is: *

Tropic of cancer

Arctic circle

North pole

When temperature rises, pressure will *



Remain same

Equatorial region has a low pressure due to: *

High humidity

Earth's rotation

High temperature and high humidity

Another name of extrusive igneous rock is: *




Insolation occurs during the: *

Day only

After sunset

From sunset to sunrise

Dew point is defined as: *

The temperature at which air is saturated

The temperature at which precipitation begins

All of the above

Landslide is a constructive effect of: *



None of the above

This section has mapwork and descriptive questions. Mapwork is of 10 marks and each
question carries 5 marks.
Attempt all question from this part. Writing of Name, class section ,roll no is compulsory on the
top of the map sheet.
On the outline map of the world mark and name the following: R. Nile; Gulf
of Mexico; Drakensberg range; khingan range; Gulf of Carpentaria; North
Sea; R. Indus; R. Colorado; Bering Strait; Rockies

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With the help of a neat labelled diagram show the low pressure belts of the

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When does the northern hemisphere experience shortest day? Where does
the sun shine directly on this day? What season is experienced in the
northern hemisphere on this day? Mention the date and the day when
position is reversed in the northern hemisphere.

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Why windward side of mountain gets more rain than leeward side of
mountain? Give an example in support of your answer.

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Give the Latitudinal extent of Tropical desert and Tropical monsoon

climate. Name two trees from each climatic region and give one difference
between the vegetation features of these two climatic types.

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20210309_124803 - Tanay Gupta.jpg

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