Akash Final 52

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Table Of Content:-

Executive summery.
Learning outcome.
Introduction to CDP and NGO.
Mission and vision of the NGO
Objective’s of the project.
Need and scope of the project.
Short introduction about the school.
Problem identification.
Reason for analyzing the problem.
Solution of those problem.
Control Mechanism.
Activity done during the project.
How we Work.
Fact and Figure.
Executive Summery About The Project:-

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity like an ocean; if a few drops of
the ocean are dirty, the ocean doesn’t become dirty”.

____ Mahatma Gandhi

Every county around the world want to be successful. Success come when the
society is developed. Mostly on the way to success this community development
problem arise and it become barrier. In this south continent, the main problem to
be a developed country is not having society development. Under this project I
work with a NGO and learn lot of thing about community development. I taught
some poor school going children in my locality about sanitation, education, safety.
While performing this project I faced lot of problem such as illiteracy, language
barrier, lack of information, religious thoughts and values etc. Children were very
polite and decent, they were very keen to learn new things. After completing this
project they learn lot of things.

Learning Outcome:-
The things I learn from this project are given below:

❖ How to understand peoples problem and how to solve them.

❖ Country need first society development on the way to its success.
❖ Children are always on first priority. Cause they are the future.

The phrase “Community development” is made of two words “community” and

“development”. Community is a social group, a cluster of people ,who have some
degree of “We Feeling” share a common way of life and living in a contiguous
limited area. The united nation define the term community development as “ a
process by the effort of the people themselves are united with those of the
governmental authorities to improve the economic, social and cultural condition
of communities, to integrate this communities into the life of the nation and to
enable them to contribute fully to national progress”.

TMSS:- Thengamara Mohila sabuj sangha is a micro credit NGO from

Bangladesh. It is a women oriented Bangladeshi organization working for
alleviation of poverty, empowerment of women and improvement of socio-
economic infrastructure of Bangladesh. TMSS provides its best efforts in bringing
the poor women to a better life with dignity in the family and society through
their capacity building, adaptability , responsiveness, optimum use of their own
resource, participation in development activities, good governance, establishment
of there legitimate rights on a sustainable footing.
Mission And Vision Of TMSS:-
Mission:- Our mission is to provide a stimulating and safe learning environment
where each and every student divers needs are considered for creating
productive citizen revered in international communities.

Vision:- Our vision is to form the embodiment of science, wisdom, forbearance,

tolerance, success and solidarity having an educational environment in
accordance with international standards utilizing our scientific and technological
research infrastructure, thus yielding productive and competitive citizen who will
willingly take responsibility to build the future.

Objectives Of Community Development Project:-

The community development program has for its economic development, social
change and democratic growth. These three objectives are to be promoted jointly
and in such a manner that they support one another. The major objective of this
project are :-

❖ To change the outlook of all village people.

❖ To improve existing village crafts and industries and organizing new once,
providing minimum essential health services and improving health practices.
❖ Providing required educational facilities for children and adults as well as
recreational facilities.
❖ Improving housing and family living condition of villagers.
❖ To develop a responsive village leadership, village organization and institution.
❖ To Develop village people so that they become self-reliant and responsible
❖ To help people that they can increase their income and quality of life.
❖ Organizing and arranging training for voluntary local leaders.

Need And Scope Of The Project:-
❖ Child Education:- Bangladesh is developing country. Most of the peoples
here live under the poverty lines, so they are not fulfilling their basic needs.
They are not aware about child education. We inspire them to give their
child to at least primary education.
❖ Health education:- we provide health education to children and their
family. We help them to became healthy. They have learnt how to use
toilet. How to wash hand properly.
❖ Sex Education:- we have given sex education to adolescent children.
❖ Awareness:- We aware guardian about our social problems and ensure
their help towards community. So it will help children to get a better
environment .

Introduction To School:-

TMSS ran lot of community welfare project all over the Bangladesh. At Rangpur
city they also have various project at various school. In Babukhan High school they
are running their one project called “Procesta”. Babukhan High School is
secondary high school at Rangpur city . Its total area is 10 acre. There are total
230 student’s, age group 13-17. 103 female and 127 male.
Problems Identified:-
“we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when
we created them”
Around the world every country face various kind of problem in the path of their
development. In this south Asian continent the problems are more then any other
country. Below the problem’s I face while doing my community development
project are given:-

1.Problems of proper direction.

2.problems in communication.

3.Lack of proper information.

4.Hard to convince NGO.

5.Lack of knowledge among the people regarding community development in the

particular area.

6.NGO mentor wasn’t supportive.

7.Religious conflict.

8.Gender discrimination.

9.Physical barrier.


11.Equal rights.
Reason For Analyzing The Problem’s:-
Behind every problem there are some reason. Below the reason are given for this
project problem:-

➢ To Identify the problem or issue.

➢ To understand what’s at the heart of a problem.
➢ To determine barriers and resources associated with addressing the
➢ To develop the best action step for addressing the problem.
➢ To determine potential community partners that can help, or may already
be helping, address the problem.

Solution Of Those Problems:-

“Every problem has a solution. You just have to be creative
enough to find it”.
_______Travis Kalanick
Below the solution for the problem I face while performing my Community
development project are given:

I. Help from local authority.

II. Use local language.
III. Start with what I know.
IV. For Physical barrier I start my project little bit late.
V. For gathering information about the project I took help from university.
VI. Equal right for all students no discrimination between boys and girls or
majority or minority.
VII. Appraisal for well performance, to increase the school coming student rate.
VIII. Various kind of new game for making them interested to come school.
IX. Providing quality education.

Control Mechanism So That Problem Should Not Arise

✓ Training for the teacher.
✓ Class Monitor.
✓ Quality Education.
✓ Appraisal for well performance by school authority.
✓ Good relation between teacher and student.
✓ Dustbin facility and Cleanness board.

Activity List Done With The Student:-

I am very happy that I have worked with such a good NGO. I have been working
there from 15th June to 16th July 2019. I fell so proud that I have given something
to my community. I have played catalyst role. I have divided my work in three

▪ Counselling about Secondary school children( 15th June to 25th June )

▪ Heath and Safety Education( 26th June to 6th July)
▪ Adolescent Development program( 7th July to 16th July)
How We Work:-
I have secondary school, here I teach children. Here I introduce them with
Necessity of learning English , Creative Learning, Creative Craft, A step towards
your dream. I teach them in a way so that they can habituated with school
environment. So that in next when they will admit themselves in college they will
not face any problem.
Health Care And Safety Program:
By the help of the NGO we ran Health and Safety care program such as

I. Arsenic Problem: We aware people and children about Arsenic problem.

How they can cure, how they can identify which water is safe. If deep
tubule is green color that means it safe , if it is red color that means it’s
II. Sanitary Latrines:- We have told them how to use Toilet properly. How
to clean it, how to wash our hands.
III. Food Habit:- We aware people about their children food habit. How they
will get proper nutrition. How to make balance food. We specially request
them to make sure that their children has taken Breakfast before going
school and they also take their lunch box.
Adolescent Program:-
Currently we are running adolescent club for students age group between 13-19
years old. In this club they learn about sex education. Such as

Menstrual Cycle:- We teach Girls about Menstruation. What to do, not to do.
How to use sanitary napkin, how to handle this things in hygienic way.

Night Fall:- We aware adolescent male children about Night Fall. Its not a
problem. Night fall is one of the growing health concern for young men,
adolescent mainly. Commonly known as Wet Dreams.

Reproductive Health:- Reproductive health refer to diseases, disorders, and

conditions that affect the functioning of the male and female reproductive
systems during all stages of life.

Child Marriage:- We aware parents about child marriage. What happen at

that time? It increase the risk of death of new born baby and mother.
Fact and Figure:-
Increase the child education directly reaches more then 13 million children and
adults in Bangladesh through implementation of over 100+ project in all 64
districts of Bangladesh. The NGO has highly skilled 500+ staff and over 50+
partner Organization are instrumental ensuring delivery of high quality program
that address the needs and rights of children and their communities.

In increase the child school going rate at Rangpur currently 45 staffs are
working.15 female and 30 male.



At Babukhan High School there are 230 student and 15 staff. 103 female 127 male
students. 6 female staff 9 male staff.

Staff and Students


103 127

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr


“ A Conclusion is simply the place where you got tried of thinking”

In recent years, a number of social forces have changed community life and
expectation for young people. In Bangladesh main problem is poverty. People are
living below poverty line. Children’s are deprived of basic education, health and
safety issue and they are not getting proper food. So now Bangladesh
government is working to help her people. Besides that nowadays NGO are
working for helping those children. So they need volunteers man power. Through
community development project they are getting help by us .So we should
contribute something to our community that will now make our community but
also the entire world.

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