PHY1901 Introduction To Innovative Project Digital Assignment 1 School/Branch-SCOPE/CSE Core Name - Ajit Singh

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PHY1901 Introduction to Innovative Project

Digital Assignment 1

School/Branch- SCOPE/CSE core SLOT- TD2

Name- Ajit Singh Registration Number- 19BCE2096

1a) Every student may be made to unearth 10 strengths on which he/she will work on and 5
weaknesses which they will try to get over.

On reflecting upon my personal qualities and habits, these are the traits that I feel definitely fall
under my strengths and weakness categories. While I always try to keep improving my strengths,
I also intend to work upon my weaknesses.

Strength Weakness
 Trustworthiness  Self-criticism
 Dedication  Too sensitive
 Creative Writing  Lazy
 Public Speaking  Patience
 Honesty  Impulsive
 Team Player
 Open Minded
 Realist
 Effective Listener
 Responsible

1b) Identify a company/organization you wish to be employed in the future and carry out
SWOT analysis for the company.

I would like to work for a start-up Vicara. Vicara just got selected for the round 11 funding of JIO
start-up funding. These are new start-ups and the following is the SWOT analysis of working in a
start-up instead of a well-established company like Google
 Unique experience  Heavy Work load
 More accessible  Unhealthy work
management culture
 Job Clarity  Lack of Job security

s w
 Easy recognition  Emotional ups and
 Value of employee downs
 Flexible working  Immaturity

 Company might

 High Responsibility

 Promotions
 Funding gets cut
 Value of Hard Work
 Investors back out
 Sense of ownership
 Small difference in
 A frame work for
opinion threatens
 Stocks and Bonds

1c) Draw your tentative Johari windows- depicting present and future status.

I would like to enhance my good hidden qualities and also try out new unknowns to me that
are presently in my personality and hence my personality and increase my self-confidence


Adaptable Clever
Calm Mature
Helpful Relaxed
Trustworthy Knowledgeable
Friendly Witty
Extroverted Cheerful
Responsive Organised
Independent Bold


Nervous Creative
Self-conscious Religious
Shy Caring
Sentimental Spontaneous
Silly Spiritual
1d) Watch the video of Dr Ivan Joseph giving TEDx lecture on ‘Self Confidence’ in the
following URL and identify 3 phrases which will help building self-confidence.

Dr. Ivan Joseph uses his experience as a soccer coach and give us an insight on how to
develop self confidence in the video. The video of 13 minutes and 20 seconds long,
everyone can learn a lot in just 13 minutes and 20 seconds. The three phrases that will
help me build self-confidence according to me are-

A) The easiest way to build self-confidence: there’s no magic button. - Repetition, repetition,
B) Get out there. Do what you want to do and do not accept no.
C) Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the
square holes. We’re supposed to be different, folks. And when people look at us, believe
in yourself.

1e) Watch the video of Mr Nick Vijicic giving TEDx lecture on ‘Converting Obstacles to
Opportunities’ in the following URL and write 5 points of learning.

Mr Nick not only tells us how he overcame his obstacles of being born different, but also tries
to motivate us to do and inculcate the art of converting obstacles into opportunities. Here are
the 5 learning that I learnt from his TEDx talk

A) We have a choice. Either to be angry for what we don’t have or be thankful for what we do
have.- No matter what life throws at us we always have a choice.
B) The greatest thing is love. When we feel like we don’t have enough love and we don’t have
enough hope, we start losing strength to live.- Love, Life and Hope go hand in hand. Always
believe that you are beautiful no matter, we need hope without hope the world is a dull
place. Always remember someone loves you.
C) Words can only do so much. Hugs can do much more than words, but when hugs can’t do
anything, that’s where faith kicks in.
D) Because money is something that cannot heal the soul. The greatest two days in anyone’s
life — they day you were born, and the day you knew why.
E) There are no walls.
F) Find your peace and you’ll make your walls, doors.

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