Seven-Step Moral Reasoning Model

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Seven-step guide to ethical decision-making (Davis 1999)

1. State the problem.

 For example, "there's something about this decision that makes me
uncomfortable" or "do I have a conflict of interest?".
2. Check the facts.
 Many problems disappear upon closer examination of the situation, while
others change radically.
 For example, persons involved, laws, professional codes, other practical
3. Identify relevant factors.
4. Develop a list of options.
 Be imaginative, try to avoid "dilemma"; not "yes" or" no" but whom to go
to, what to say.
5. Test the options. Use some of the following tests:
 harm test: Does this option do less harm than the alternatives?
 publicity test: Would I want my choice of this option published in the
 defensibility test: Could I defend my choice of this option before a
congressional committee or committee of peers?
 reversibility test: Would I still think this option was a good choice if I were
adversely affected by it?
 colleague test: What do my colleagues say when I describe my problem
and suggest this option as my solution?
 professional test: What might my profession's governing body for ethics say
about this option?
 organization test: What does my company's ethics officer or legal counsel
say about this?
6. Make a choice based on steps 1-5.
7. Review steps 1-6. How can you reduce the likelihood that you will need to make a
similar decision again?
 Are there any cautions you can take as an individual (and announce your
policy on question, job change, etc.)?
 Is there any way to have more support next time?
 Is there any way to change the organization (for example, suggest policy
change at next departmental meeting)?
Making ethical choices requires the ability to make distinctions between competing options.
Here are seven steps to help you make better decisions:

1. Stop and think: This provides several benefits. It prevents rash decisions, prepares us for
more thoughtful discernment, and can allow us to mobilize our discipline.
2. Clarify goals: Before you choose, clarify your short-term and long-term aims. Determine
which of your many wants and "don't wants" affected by the decision are the most
important. The big danger is that decisions that fullfill immediate wants and needs can
prevent the achievement of our more important life goals.
3. Determine facts: Be sure you have adequate information to support an intelligent choice.
To determine the facts, first resolve what you know, then what you need to know. Be
prepared for additional information and to verify assumptions and other uncertain
information. In addition:
o Consider the reliability and credibility of the people providing the facts.
o Consider the basis of the supposed facts. If the person giving you the information
says he or she personally heard or saw something, evaluate that person in terms of
honesty, accuracy, and memory.
4. Develop options: Once you know what you want to achieve and have made your best
judgment as to the relevant facts, make a list of actions you can take to accomplish your
goals. If it's an especially important decision, talk to someone you trust so you can broaden
your perspective and think of new choices. If you can think of only one or two choices,
you're probably not thinking hard enough.
5. Consider consequences: Filter your choices to determine if any of your options will
violate any core ethical values, and then eliminate any unethical options. Identify who will
be affected by the decision and how the decision is likely to affect them.
6. Choose: Make a decision. If the choice is not immediately clear, try:
o Talking to people whose judgment you respect.
o Think of a person of strong character that you know or know of, and ask yourself
what they would do in your situation.
o If everyone found out about your decision, would you be proud and comfortable?
o Follow the Golden Rule: treat others the way you want to be treated, and keep
your promises.
7. Monitor and modify: Ethical decision-makers monitor the effects of their choices. If
they are not producing the intended results, or are causing additional unintended and
undesirable results, they re-assess the situation and make new decisions.

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