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BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and


BSBLDR401 Communicate Effectively

as a Workplace Leader

Mode | Online Delivery
Assessment Tasks
The following assessments are planned for this unit;
# Assessment Task/Activity Type Assessment Method
2 Prepare and Present Organisational Mission and Vision Individual Written & Observation
3 Knowledge Test Individual Written Test
These assessment tasks/activities have been described in detail in the following section. Task schedule to be
advised by trainer/assessor based on the lesson and session plans.

Suggested Learner Resources

• Reynolds G., 2008, Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery, New Riders,
• Duarte N., 2008, Slide: Ology: The Art and Science of Creating Presentations, O’Reilly, Sebastopol
• BSBCMM401A: Learner Resource available with TVET at:
• Flexible Learning Network:
Presentation Skills:
• “Avoiding Death by PowerPoint” Dave Paradi, Infocom, 9/11/06
• “How to PowerPoint Like a Pro”, BusinessWeek, 6/2/06
• “Now That We Have Your Complete Attention”, Fast Company, Feb/March 1997
• “How to Wow them Like Steve Jobs”, Business Week, 4/6/06
• “8 mistakes when creating PowerPoint Presentations, SympleByte
• “117 Ideas for Better Business Presentations”, Tom Kirby, Executive Speaker http://www.executive-
Misc. Videos and Online Channels
Khan Academy Channel
TED Talks
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Channel
Google for Education
Referencing Guide
Harvard Referencing Generator:

BSB42015 | BSBLDR401 Communicate Effectively as a Workplace Leader

Assessment Pack | V3.0 | Jan 2021
Macquarie Education Group Australia Pty Ltd t/a Macquarie Institute
RTO Code 91305 | CRICOS Code 02657J |Sydney, NSW
Assessment Task 1

Prepare and Present Organisational Mission and Vision

Task Instructions:
You are required to develop and present mission and vision statements for a company of your
choice in a leadership role.

Brief description:
Organisational mission and vision statements are foundation of the planning process as they reflect
organisation’s business intent, commitment and future direction.

Task details:
In this assessment task, you will be required to develop and present mission and vision for an organisation of
your choice in a leadership role play. Assume that you have just established a new business and need to
establish your organisation’s mission and vision to set its purpose and future direction. For reference, you may
use your existing or previous organisation as an example or conceive a fictitious organisation based on a real-
life organisation.

Accordingly, complete the following parts:

Part A: Choose/conceive an organisation and complete the following;

1. Write a brief introduction of the organisation (1-2 paragraphs)
2. Develop a mission statement
3. Develop a vision statement
Support your rationale behind these statements by providing a brief explanation, including the purpose and
target audience.

Part B: Presentation:
As a business leader in the above company, you are responsible to provide leadership presence and direction
for conveying and establishing organisational mission and vision to your employees (class members and
Accordingly, prepare and make a formal presentation of your mission and vision statements to the class
audience. Allow for question and answers and make notes of any critical feedback received.

Duration: 15-20 minutes

Part C: Report:
Write a brief report in a reflective style, outlining your experience, and what it would mean in a real-world
leadership context. Discuss potential barriers to implement critical messages/organisational communication
and, in a leadership, how would you overcome such barriers.
Include a brief summary of audience feedback received and how will it contribute to your own perception as a

Submission Guidelines
▪ Printed copy of organisation brief
▪ Printed copy of mission and vision statements supported by rationale
▪ Copies of presentation slides
▪ Notes on audience feedback
▪ Written reflective report
Student should upload completed task on the MEGA Student Portal as per trainer instructions.

BSB42015 | BSBLDR401 Communicate Effectively as a Workplace Leader

Assessment Pack | V3.0 | Jan 2021
Macquarie Education Group Australia Pty Ltd t/a Macquarie Institute
RTO Code 91305 | CRICOS Code 02657J |Sydney, NSW
Assessment Task 3

Knowledge Test

Task Instructions:
Research the learning and online resources and answer the following questions

Q1. Describe four basic functions of communication and their relevance in a team/collaborative
environment in your own words.

Q2. What are the common barriers of communication? Describe four such barriers in your own words.

Q3. What are the 7Cs of communication? List and briefly describe each one of them

Q4. List at least three OHS requirements if you were to organise a presentation for a large number of
audiences. What would you do to eliminate the perceived risks?

Q5. Identify and list three key legislative requirements that you might have to consider when
communicating with organisational stakeholders.

Q6. List four effective management communication characteristics.

Q7. List and describe four characteristics of effective listening techniques.

Q8. Describe the key characteristics of verbal and non-verbal communication in your own words.

End Test

Submission Guidelines
▪ Completed answers in word document

Student should upload completed task on the MEGA Student Portal as per trainer instructions.

BSB42015 | BSBLDR401 Communicate Effectively as a Workplace Leader

Assessment Pack | V3.0 | Jan 2021
Macquarie Education Group Australia Pty Ltd t/a Macquarie Institute
RTO Code 91305 | CRICOS Code 02657J |Sydney, NSW
Assessment Criteria:
The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have
addressed all of the criteria in your work.
▪ Organisation selection is appropriate and approved by the trainer/assessor
▪ Organisation brief provides adequate information about the organisation and its activities
▪ Mission statement is appropriately devised and indicative of organisation’s business and purpose
▪ Vision statement is appropriately devised and reflects long term direction of the organisation
▪ Supportive explanation reflects understanding of development of mission and vision statements
▪ Appropriate references are used where applicable
▪ Discussed the purpose and context of the presentation
▪ Presentation was structured and cohesive in content and layout
▪ Effectively used a range of per presentation aids
▪ Selected and maintained appropriate communication method and style based on audience orientation
▪ Adopted and maintained a style reflective of a leadership role
▪ Maintained interaction with the audience in respectful manner
▪ Maintain eye contact and a position body language
▪ Allowed for questions and provided satisfactory answers in a two-way process of communication
▪ Provided a reflective report encompassing overall experience
▪ Identified potential communication barriers in a real-life context and suggested strategies to overcome
such barriers
▪ Report includes an analysis of audience feedback
▪ Discussed own leadership and communication development opportunities through reflection
▪ Maintain and submitted all the required documents and records
▪ Demonstrated knowledge of communication methods appropriate for multi-cultural and diverse
Task 2:
▪ All the questions are attempted and answered
BSBLDR401 Communicate Effectively as a Workplace Leader
Supporting: BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management; May also support other qualifications based on respective packaging rules
© Skillworks Australia Pty Ltd, 2018
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BSB42015 | BSBLDR401 Communicate Effectively as a Workplace Leader

Assessment Pack | V3.0 | Jan 2021
Macquarie Education Group Australia Pty Ltd t/a Macquarie Institute
RTO Code 91305 | CRICOS Code 02657J |Sydney, NSW

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