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Designing Light

Questions For Online Self-Evaluation

Chapter 1 Lighting Design Profession

1. Which of the following is NOT the responsibility of the lighting designer?

a. Support the room’s aesthetics
b. Help create visual interest
c. Conserve energy
d. Select material reflectivity
e. Comply with building codes
2. What steps are part of providing light that is appropriate for visual tasks? (select all that apply)
a. Identify the visual tasks that are to be performed
b. Determine light levels that are typical for the visual tasks
c. Consider factors that indicate the target light level be made higher or lower than typical
d. Integrate daylight into the lighting design
3. Professional organizations concerned with lighting design include: (select all that apply)
a. International Association of Lighting Designers
b. Society of Lighting Certified Designers
c. Illuminating Engineering Society
d. National Council on Qualifications for the Lighting Professions
4. Who, other than a lighting designer, might provide lighting design services? (select all that apply)
a. Light fixture designer
b. Architect
c. Electrical engineer
d. Lighting salesperson
Answers: 1) D; 2) A, B, C; 3) A, C, D; 4) B, C, D

Chapter 2 Lighting Design

1. The first step in the design process is to gather information to understand the requirements of the design.
a. True
b. False
2. Which of the following is NOT one of the four “Design Elements” of light?
a. Color
b. Intensity
c. Fixtures
d. Movement
e. Distribution
3. What are Richard Kelly’s three forms of lightplay? (select 3)
a. Spotlights
b. Play of Brilliants
c. Focal Glow
d. Washes of Light
e. Ambient Luminescence
4. Graphically, we can think of luminaires as (select all that apply)
a. Waves
b. Lines
c. Points
d. Planes
e. Cones
5. Using multiple lighting techniques is called “building” light.
a. True
b. False
6. Techniques for communicating a lighting design idea include (select all that apply)
a. Non-technical language
b. Site surveys
c. Sketches
d. Illuminance calculations
e. Mockups
7. Which of the following is NOT an approach to the design process?
a. Pragmatic
b. Aesthetic
c. Conceptual
d. Application
8. Energy consumption is a design consideration.
a. True
b. False

Answers: 1) A; 2) C; 3) B, C, E; 4) B, C, D; 5) B; 6) A, C, E; 7) D; 8) A

Chapter 3 Light
1. Light can be envisioned as waves.
a. True
b. False
2. Light can be envisioned as particles.
a. True
b. False
3. What did Thomas Young’s Double Slit Experiment show?
a. Light is waves
b. Light is particles
c. Light is both waves and particles
d. Light is neither waves nor particles
4. What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
a. Part of the spectrum of light
b. A wide range of energies, including light
c. Energies with a wavelength
d. Waves and particles
5. Who proposed that light is waves?
a. Christiaan Huygens
b. Sir Isaac Newton
c. Thomas Young
d. James Maxwell
e. Max Planck
6. Who proposed that light is particles?
a. Christiaan Huygens
b. Sir Isaac Newton
c. Thomas Young
d. James Maxwell
e. Max Planck

Answers: 1) A; 2) A; 3) A; 4) B; 5) A, C; 6) B

Chapter 4 Vision
1. Sight provides us with more information than all other senses.
a. True
b. False
2. What are secondary light sources?
a. Small lights
b. Dim lights
c. Electric lights
d. Reflective surfaces
3. What two parts of the eye focus light?
a. Cornea
b. Lens
c. Iris
d. Retina
4. What is foveal vision?
a. Perimeter vision
b. Vision provided by rods
c. Vision provided by cones
d. The cone of clear vision
e. Vision provided by rods and cones
5. Which of the following provide us with color vision?
a. Rods
b. Cones
6. How do we express contrast?
a. As a percentage
b. As a ratio
c. As a gradient
d. As foreground vs background

Answers: 1) A; 2) D; 3) A, B; 4) D; 5) B; 6) B

Chapter 5 Psychology
1. What is perception?
a. Another word for vision
b. Awareness of our surroundings
c. Interpretation of what we see
d. A set of expectations
2. What is a schema?
a. Mental templates used for interpreting information
b. Vision combined with perception
c. Typical experiences
d. Typical building types
3. What are impressions?
a. The way we feel
b. Feelings or opinions formed without conscious thought
c. Perception combined with schema
d. Schema combined with light
4. Light can affect our impression of a space.
a. True
b. False
5. Lighting patterns can affect impressions of (select all that apply)
a. Visual clarity
b. Privacy
c. Height and spaciousness
d. Relaxation
Answers: 1) C; 2) A; 3) B; 4) A; 5) A, B, C, D

Chapter 6 Distribution
1. What is reflection?
a. Light bouncing off of a material
b. Light absorbed by a material
c. Light passing through a material
2. What do refractors do to light?
a. Block it
b. Allow it to pass
c. Bend it
d. Scatter it
3. Materials that transmit light are not
a. Transparent
b. Translucent
c. Opaque
4. What is inter-reflection?
a. All reflected light in a space
b. Primary reflections
c. Secondary reflections
d. Light reflected into shadows
5. Another word for a veiling reflection is:
a. Direct glare
b. Disability glare
c. Reflected glare
6. Which organization has defined luminaire distribution patterns?
a. CIE
c. IES
7. A luminaire in the ceiling that directs its light toward the workplane has what kind of distribution?
a. Direct
b. Semi-Direct
c. Indirect
d. Diffuse
8. A luminaire that bounces all of its light off of the ceiling has what kind of distribution?
a. Direct
b. Semi-Indirect
c. Indirect
d. Diffuse
9. A track light focused on a store display has what kind of distribution?
a. Diffuse
b. Indirect
c. Semi-Direct
d. Direct
10. A crystal chandelier has what kind of distribution?
a. Direct
b. Semi-Direct
c. Semi-Indirect
d. Diffuse

Answers: 1) A; 2) C; 3) C; 4) A; 5) C; 6) A; 7) A; 8) C; 9) D; 10) D

Chapter 7 Lamps
1. Incandescent lamp filaments are made of:
a. Carbon
b. Tungsten
c. Steel
d. Glass
2. Halogen lamps have a longer life than incandescent lamps because of:
a. Improved filament design
b. Quartz envelope
c. Higher operating temperature
d. Halogen cycle
3. What are the components of a fluorescent lamp (select all that apply)
a. Fill gas
b. Mercury
c. UV light
d. Phosphors
e. Filament
4. All fluorescent lamps require this device to operate
a. Ballast
b. Transformer
c. Power supply
d. Luminaire
5. The two types of HID lamps that are suitable for indoor, commercial spaces are:
a. Ceramic Metal Halide
b. Mercury Vapor
c. Metal Halide
d. Plasma
e. Sodium Vapor
6. The cavity in an LED is filled with neon gas.
a. True
b. False
7. Most LEDs produce white light.
a. True
b. False

8. Identify this lamp shape.

a. A
b. R
c. PAR
d. CFL
9. Identify this lamp shape.
a. CFL
b. HID
c. LED
d. MR16

10. Identify this lamp shape.

a. A
b. C
c. G
d. T

Answers: 1) B; 2) D; 3) A, B, D; 4) A; 5) A, C; 6) B; 7) B; 8) C; 9) A; 10) C
Chapter 8 Color
1. What does color temperature tell us about light?
a. Warmth or coolness of white light
b. Color of light
c. Color rendering of light
d. Source of light
2. Color temperature is measured in what units?
a. Celsius
b. Kelvin
c. Fahrenheit
d. CRI
3. What is the color temperature reference standard?
a. Incandescent lamp
b. Daylight
c. Blackbody radiator
d. CIE 1931
4. Which has a higher color temperature, an incandescent lamp or sunlight?
a. Incandescent lamp
b. Sunlight
5. What system is used to measure color rendition?
a. Spectral power distribution curve
b. Blackbody radiator
c. Color quality system
d. Color rendering index
6. Metamerism describes
a. A change in the light source
b. A change in object color
c. Light sources that appear to be the same, but have different SPDs
d. Changing the color of light changes the color of objects
7. What is apparent color?
a. The hue of an object
b. The color an object appears to be under a given light source
c. The true color of an object
d. An object’s SPD
8. An example of additive mixing is
a. Two or more light sources illuminating an object
b. Using a filter to change color of light
c. Colored light reflected off of an object
d. Using a colored light source
9. Colors have universally agreed upon meanings
a. True
b. False
10. Color can be an important element in setting the mood of a space
a. True
b. False

Answers: 1) A, 2) B, 3) C, 4) B, 5) D, 6) C, 7) B, 8) A, 9) B, 10) A

Chapter 9 Luminaires
1. Which of the following is NOT a luminaire component?
a. Socket
b. Housing
c. Reflector
d. Electricity
2. What aspect of an accent luminaire is adjustable?
a. Shape of the reflector
b. Direction of light
c. Mounting hardware
d. Type of lens
3. Which of the following would you use to emphasize the texture of a wall?
a. Wall washer
b. Wall grazer
c. Track light
d. Spot light
4. Which of the following is NOT a type of track light?
a. Accent
b. Wall wash
c. Decorative pendant
d. Recessed downlight
5. Which lamp technologies are commonly used in theatrical luminaires modified for architectural use? (select
all that apply)
a. Halogen
b. Fluorescent
c. HID
d. LED
6. What document, containing information about a luminaire, do manufacturers provide?
a. Cut Sheet
b. PDF
c. Written specification
d. Approved lamps
7. What information should be provided to a custom fixture manufacturer? (select all that apply)
a. Dimensions
b. Desired materials and finishes
c. Lamp type to be used
d. Other luminaires used in the design
8. Who provides the lighting designer with information on luminaires and accessories?
a. Architect
b. Manufacturer
c. Sales Representative
d. Contractor
9. Who installs the luminaires?
a. Lighting designer
b. Manufacturer
c. Electrical contractor
d. Owner
10. Who approves substitute luminaires?
a. Owner
b. Architect
c. Contractor
d. Lighting designer

Answers: 1) D 2) B 3) B 4) D 5) C, D 6) A 7) A, B, C 8) C 9) C 10) D

Chapter 10 Daylighting
1. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of daylighting?
a. Reduced energy costs
b. Increased occupant satisfaction
c. Increased productivity
d. Reduced need for lighting controls
2. Whose designs are NOT affected by a decision to integrate daylighting into a building?
a. Architect
b. Interior designer
c. Plumbing engineer
d. Lighting designer
3. Which face of a building (in the northern hemisphere) receives the most direct sun?
a. North
b. East
c. South
d. West
4. Which of the following does NOT provide top lighting?
a. Skylight
b. Window
c. Light pipe
d. Roof monitor
5. Why do we have to include shading strategies in the daylighting design?
a. To limit the distraction of exterior views
b. To limit heat gain from direct sunlight
c. To reflect electric light back into the building
d. To provide insulation around the windows

Answers: 1) D 2) C 3) C 4) B 5) B

Chapter 11 Documentation
1. In what phase of the design process are design documents are completed?
a. Schematic design
b. Programming
c. Construction documentation
d. Construction administration

2. What kind of luminaire does this symbol represent?


a. Wall washer
b. Adjustable accent
c. Pendant
d. Sconce
3. On the RCP, each luminaire is identified by a label that begins with a number.
a. True
b. False
4. What does the spacing criteria tell us about a luminaire?
a. The criteria for spacing
b. The maximum spacing
c. The maximum spacing for even illumination
d. The maximum spacing for even illumination based on the distance to the illuminated surface
5. Luminaires are typically arranged on a grid.
a. True
b. False
6. Luminaires are frequently arranged to align with architectural features.
a. True
b. False
7. What three documents does a lighting designer include in the final design documentation?
a. Light studies
b. Lighting plan
c. Luminaire schedule
d. Luminaire cut sheets
8. If a row of wall washer is set 3’ from the wall, what is the normal spacing from one luminaire to another?
a. 2’
b. 3’
c. 4’
d. 6’
9. What is one drawback to a cove using fluorescent strips set end-to-end?
a. Socket shadow
b. Uneven distribution
c. No dimming
d. Varies based on the manufacturer
10. What kind of illumination do luminous ceilings provide?
a. Focal glow
b. Play of brilliants
c. Ambient luminescence
Answers: 1) C 2) B 3) B 4) D 5) A 6) A 7) B, C, D 8) B 9) A 10) C

Chapter 12 Controls
1. When a circuit is closed the lights are on.
a. True
b. False
2. Good electrical engineering practice says that we can load a circuit to what percentage of its rating?
a. 20%
b. 50%
c. 80%
d. 100%
3. Why do lighting designers need to think about controls? (select all that apply)
a. Energy savings
b. Code requirements
c. Maintain design integrity
d. Electrical engineers don’t design controls
4. What type of dimming is used with electronic transformers, some dimming ballasts, and some LED
a. Resistance dimming
b. Reverse phase dimming
c. Dimming ballasts
5. What two technologies are frequently used in occupancy sensors?
a. Passive infrared
b. Active infrared
c. Ultrasonic
d. Megasonic
6. What are the advantages of a control system over separate control components? (select all that apply)
a. Reduced cost
b. Reduced wall clutter
c. Settings saved in internal memory
d. Integration with sensors
7. What control protocol is often used with multi-colored LED luminaires?
a. 0-10V DC
c. DMX
d. USB
8. Lighting control systems can exchange information with other building systems.
a. True
b. False
9. What are some common control system features? (select all that apply)
a. Time of day events
b. Calendar events
c. Control of external devices
d. Input from external devices
10. What is commissioning?
a. Design of a control system
b. Installation of a control system
c. Set-up and programming of a control system
d. Daily use of a control system
Answers: 1) A 2) C 3) A, B, C 4) B 5) A, C 6) B, C, D 7) C 8) A, B, C, D 10) C

Chapter 13 Calculations
1. What unit is used to describe the intensity of light from a directional lamp?
a. Lumen
b. Candela
c. Footcandle
d. Lux
2. What is illuminance?
a. Light leaving a source
b. Light landing on a surface
c. Light reflected from a surface
d. A measurement of light intensity
3. How can you determine the amount of light required for a project? (select all that apply)
a. Consult the Lighting Handbook
b. Take measurements of similar installations
c. Rely on your professional experience
d. Ask the owner
4. Use the Point method to determine the illuminance on a surface that is 10’ below a PAR lamp with a CBCP
of 15,000 cd.
a. 750 fc
b. 150 fc
c. 15 fc
d. 15 lux
5. Which of the following are NOT light loss factors used in the Lumen or Zonal Cavity method?
a. Luminaire age depreciation
b. Lamp lumen depreciation
c. Ballast factor
d. Voltage factor

Answers: 1) B 2) B 3) A, B, C 4) B 5) A

Chapter 14 Codes
1. Most building related codes passed into law are based on model codes.
a. True
b. False
2. The National Electric Code addresses the safe installation of electrical equipment.
a. True
b. False
3. Lumen power density can be calculated using which two methods?
a. Building type
b. Space type
c. Lamp type
d. Luminaire type
4. Which code has aspects that are frequently adopted later by other state and model codes?
a. International Energy Conservation Code
b. National Electric Code
c. ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1
d. California Title 24
5. Which model code only addresses outdoor lighting?
a. International Green Construction Code
b. Model Lighting Ordinance
c. International Energy Conservation Code
d. ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1

Answers: 1) A 2) A 3) A, B 4) D 5) B

Chapter 15 Sustainability
1. Voluntary programs are the only way a building can be certified as sustainable.
a. True
b. False
2. Which program has specific requirements for approving certain lamps?
b. Green Globes
c. Energy Star
d. National Green Building Standard
3. Which program applies to commercial buildings? (select all that apply)
b. Green Globes
c. Energy Star
d. National Green Building Standard
4. What is a life cycle cost analysis?
a. Evaluation of the total cost of ownership
b. Evaluation of the return on investment
c. Evaluation of the first year’s cost of ownership
d. Evaluation of replacement costs
5. With regard to replacing a lighting system, the return on investment is the:
a. Profit made on a the new lighting system
b. Number of years before the savings on a new system pay for the installation
c. Cost difference between two systems being considered
d. Either a percentage or a dollar value

Answers: 1) A 2) C 3) A, B, C 4) A 5) B

Chapter 16 Light and Health

1. What is the normal time frame of circadian rhythms?
a. Less than one day
b. One day
c. More than one day
2. What aspects of exposure to light support circadian rhythm entrainment? (select all that apply)
a. Time of day
b. Duration
c. Light source SPD
d. Natural vs artificial light
3. Full-Spectrum Lighting is a phrase used to describe the most natural light sources.
a. True
b. False
4. Light therapy is an effective treatment for SAD for some people.
a. True
b. False
5. How much more light does the average 60 year old need when compared to an average 20 year old?
a. 50% more
b. Twice as much
c. Three times as much
d. Four times as much

Answers: 1) B 2) A, B, C 3) B 4) A 5) B

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