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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of San Pedro
Pacita Complex Senior High School
(Stand Alone SHS No. 19 San Pedro)
School ID: 342361
Tirad Pass St. Pacita Complex, San Pedro, Laguna
(02) 720-50-32



A research paper presented to the faculty of

Pacita Complex Senior High School in partial fulfillment
to the requirements of the subject Practical Research II

Submitted by

Cedric Dave B. Santero

Alca Geom A. Tamaca
Justine Ravert R. Tan
Louie Luis P. Tolentino
Stefhanie Claudine L. Yanson


Rolando V. Clores Jr.

Teacher I
Pacita Complex Senior High School

December 2020
Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 2



This chapter includes the introduction, rationale, background of the study,

theoretical framework, conceptual framework, statement of the problem, hypothesis,

significance of the study, scope and limitation, and operational definition.


Weight loss has been a common problem during these days, as obese people are

having a hard time having a daily diet with lots of trendy and delicious food being

innovated. Different ways like daily exercise, therapy, and food intake management are

some of the advice from dietary physician. One of the tested procedures is through meal

replacement, which was a method that guarantees weight loss. However, this process

cannot sustain weight maintenance to the person practicing it (Soeliman & Azadbakht,

2014). Therefore, developing further studies regarding weight loss is a necessity as of


On the other hand, there are fruits and vegetables which are proven to be an

effective weight loss agent such as raspberries, onion, pineapple, and yellow Mombin

(Siniguelas / Spondias purpurea Blanco / Spanish plum: Philippine Medicinal Herbs /

Philippine Alternative Medicine, 2013). High content of fiber and quercetin make these a

good food for anti-obesity. In light with this idea, Siniguelas or Spondias purpurea
Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 3

belonging from Anacardiaceae (Philippine Medicinal Plants) contains quercetin and fiber.

Its content makes it a potential fruit for decreasing weight.


The purpose of the Spondias Purpurea peels extract is to know if it is effective in

weight loss in fat fed mice. This study also aims to know the efficacy rate of SPPE. Even

though, there are many studies regarding the usage of the different parts of a fruit. This

study is relevant as it involves utilizing the excess part of the fruit that are mostly turn out

as wastes.

The researchers will conduct a study by using the HFFM to know the efficacy of

the SPPE. Since the actual testing of the results to the HFFM of the SPPE is not available

as of the moment, the researchers will measure and analyze the data on their own. It also

aims to provide first knowledge in weight management as the cases of obesity arise amid

pandemic period.

Background of the Study

Quercetin, according to a study by P. Portillo (2011, p. 193), is a flavonoid that

belongs to a category of natural substances which have a variable phenolic structure and

are present in fruit, vegetables, tea and wine. These natural foods were considered to have

beneficial effects on health even before flavonoids were isolated as effective compounds.
Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 4

Flavonoids have a basic chemical structure of diphenylpropanes (C6-C3-C6) and are most

commonly found to be bound to sugar (glycosides), but may be aglycones, as is Quercetin,

consisting of 3 rings and 5 hydroxyl groups. There is a clear trend in the field of study in

quercetin-rich onion studies, as it is one of the most prevalent vegetables in the world, and

a major source of quercetin which contains about 28.4–48.6 mg/100 g. Aside from this, the

field also introduces some of quercetin-rich vegetables which includes pineapple, citrus

fruits which helps to prevent several diseases and complications.

To elaborate on that matter, “quercetin exhibits a wide range of biological functions

including anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral activities. Moreover, it

inhibits lipid peroxidation, platelet aggregation and capillary permeability” (P. Portillo,

2011, p. 193). Several researches also back this up including studies conducted by Gokhale

et al. (2019, p. 108622); Similar to this, we also have a study (Nishimura et al., 2019, p.

91) which theorizes that no major differences in the visceral fat area (VFA) between the

two groups were observed and VFA was significantly lower in subjects whose high density

lipoprotein cholesterol was lower in Quercetin. The findings therefore indicate, however

that Quercetin-rich onions may be beneficial for preventing obesity and improving the

function of the liver.

In the introductory of the problem, obesity is among the most serious health crisis

in the society, raising the risk of other chronic diseases (Nabavi et al., 2015, p. 307). The

critical role of oxidative stress in the onset and development of obesity leads to the belief

that antioxidant can be used as medicinal agents for the treatment of obesity. A great deal

of attention has been given to polyphenols among antioxidants due to their negligible

adverse effects. Among them, quercetin is one of the most common dietary antioxidants
Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 5

commonly dispersed in various plant materials, such as fruit, vegetables and cereals.

Quercetin has a wide range of biological and health-promoting effects, such as anticancer,

hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity.

Although there is abundance in Quercetin-rich onion studies, there is little interest

in less common fruits that opens up a gap in the field of research. Academic works, the

instruments of Siniguelas, also known as Spondias Purpurea, are less recognized as being

frequently harvested in tropical countries, Mexico and Nicaragua alike. Study has tried to

fill the void in support of the current need for local studies in the Philippines. In particular,

Quercetin-containing fruit and vegetables has loads of potential that could gain the medical

industry and others. For example, “numerous epidemiological and experimental studies

have reported that this molecule has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic, anti-

proliferative, anti-mutagenic, anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-thrombotic, anti-ischemic and

pro-apopotic effects” (Gelen et al., 2017, p. 527).

To sum up, Quercetin-rich components have a ton of potential that could lead to

the development of the medical and academic field. There is however a distinct pattern,

more like dominance, of studies that feature quercetin-rich onion. Although a huge lack of

interest is being paid to other established less common quercetin-containing fruit and

vegetables. If there is something missing from this area, it is a shortcoming for differences

between various peels. In this study researchers will use Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea)

peels extract to mitigate the effects of high-fat diet and change the BMI of mice and to

measure the efficacy rate of the substance.

Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 6

Theoretical Framework

This research was based on the study of Toshihiro Okamoto (2005) where the

researcher stated that quercetin is the major flavonoid involved in vegetables and fruits.

According to this study, in 1970s quercetin was reported as mutagenic, it also ingested

from the daily diet. Recent studies indicated that quercetin is protective against

genotoxicants, and regarded as antimutagenic, the National Toxicology Program reported

carcinogenic effect of quercetin in F344 rats, but some of the results of vivo studies indicate

that quercetin is not carcinogenic. A program that evaluated the carcinogenic risk of

chemicals by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 1969. At the year

of 1999, the IARC concluded that quercetin is not classified carcinogenic to humans, the

supplements quercetin is commercially available in U.S. and Europe.

According to the evaluation of Cho et al. (2010, p. 941) about anti-obesity property

of chlorogenic acid that can improves lipid metabolism in high-fat diet-induced-obese

mice. The chlorogenic acid is compared to caffeic acid to know the efficacy on altering

body fat in high-fat diet (37% calories from fat) induced-obese mice. The two acids

significantly lowered body weight, visceral fat mass and plasma leptin and insulin levels

compared to the high-fat control group. It also lowered triglyceride (in plasma, liver and

heart) and cholesterol (in plasma, adipose tissue and heart). The results are suggested that

Caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid improve body weight, lipid metabolism and obesity-

related hormones levels in high-fat fed mice, the chlorogenic acid seemed that it is more

effective for body weight reduction.

Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 7

According to David F Marks (2015) about the overweight and obesity, the

imbalances in homeostasis is the reason for having these two and evident in more than 1

billion people. The homeostatic obesity imbalance is a system of feedback loops linking

weight gain, body dissatisfaction, negative affect and over-consumption. A new theory is

the Circle of Discontent theory is consistent with an extensive evidence base. Putting a stop

to victim-blaming, stigma and discrimination; (2) devalorizing the thin-ideal; (3) reducing

consumption of energy-dense, low-nutrient foods and drinks; (4) improving access to

plant-based cells, these four are the armed strategy to halt the obesity epidemic. If the

theory was fully implemented, the homeostasis has the potential to halt the obesity


This research was based on the study of Paul H. Thibodeau and Stephen J. Flusberg

(2017) in Lay Theories of Obesity: Causes and Consequences where they stated about the

increasing prevalence of obesity as a significant public health crisis. They develop the lay

theories of obesity for integrative review of the literature, drawing on research in public

health, communications, and psychology to illuminate the factors that shape beliefs and

attitudes toward the condition. They discussed how certain ways of thinking about obesity

to facilitate obesity treatment and prevention and how to lead people to support at the

individual level and societal level. To help this issue, the mental models that structure how

non-experts think about the causes and consequences of the condition. They give attention

to the role of narrative framing and individual demographics in the etiology.

According to the study of R. Kumar, Vijayalakshmi Subramanian and Shanmugam

Nadanasabapathi, the fruits, vegetables, and in beverages like tea and wine consist the

flavonoids that are antioxidants derived from plant pigments. Quercetin is the most
Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 8

important flavonoid and a vital biologically active compound which belongs to the class of

flavonol and present in many products. It is widely used in medicine particular used for

cancer treatment as it restrains the growth of cancer cells. Quercetin also provide many

health promoting benefits like cardiovascular properties, cancer reducing agent, anti-

inflammatory, asthma and many more. The main important of understanding the structure

of quercetin and its biological properties expressed in vitro studies, absorption is critical,

better absorbed antioxidant were observed like vitamin C.

Conceptual Framework

In this experiment, the researchers will be using SPPE as an anti-obesity agent to

alleviate and reflect the BMI of HFFM. They will characterize SPPE as an independent

variable where it directly influences the weight of the subject. In the other hand, researchers

will use Body Mass Index (BMI) as the dependent variable. BMI is a measure of a subject's

weight in relation to their height. It is more of an index than a quantitative measure of the

total body fat (Mandal, 2019).

Fig 1.
Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 9

In this diagram, the SPPE directly affects the HFFM's BMI. The SPPE is therefore

an independent variable and the BMI is a dependent variable. In addition, researchers can

only use HFFM to optimize the potency and improve the effects of the peel extract. HFFM

then becomes the control variable.

Statement of the Problem

The study about anti-obesity effects of Spondias Purpurea FFD to the BMI of

HFFM aims to know whether the Siniguelas has a potential to be a fruit for weight loss.

Siniguelas containing quercetin, makes it possible for the researchers to conduct this study.

There are proven studies regarding the usage of fruits and leafy vegetables to avoid obesity,

like onion peels which contains high quercetin which makes it a good medium for anti-

obesity. Although, the objective of the study is to find out if Siniguelas peels extract will

be an effective weight stabilizer, the researchers are only limited to gather and analyze the

data on their own.

Leading up to the development of the aim of the study, the following research

questions will serve as a guide to the researchers as that they wish to answer in the end of

the experimentation:

1. What is the effect of the Spondias Purpurea peels extract (SPPE) to the Body

Mass Index (BMI) of the High-Fat-Fed mice (HFFM)?

2. What is the efficacy rate of SPPE as an anti-obesity agent to the BMI of the

Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 10

3. What is the mean degree of reduction in BMI of the HFFM mice induced with


Since the pandemic occurred, lab testing centers have been closed to prevent the

spread of diseases. With this reason, the analysis of data in the study will also be done by

the researchers. Instead of measuring the fat loss of mice by using appropriate instruments

which was supposed to be conducted in lab centers, the researchers will limit their study

by measuring only the weight and height of the mice, and be analyzed through its BMI.

Despite having more accurate analysis of data from lab centers, the researchers will

perform and analyze the data but will base their methods from related known studies.

Even though the methods of the researchers will be limited, they will make use of

the related studies by basing the existing procedures to the future methods that will be

performed. There will be two groups, the control and experimental groups. Their height

and weight will be measured, then the BMI will be calculated. The researchers will make

sure that the measurement will be precise and accurate by using available and appropriate



a. H0 = SPPE will have no Anti-Obesity Effects in the BMI of the HFFM.

b. H1 = SPPE will have significant Anti-Obesity Effects in the BMI of the HFFM.

c. H2 = SPPE will have a higher efficacy rate as an Anti-Obesity Effects in the BMI

of the HFFM.
Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 11

d. H3 = SPPE will have a lower efficacy rate as an Anti-Obesity Effects in the BMI of

the HFFM.

Significance of the Study

This section of the thesis addresses the relevance of science to the advancement of

the scientific community and society. The study seeks to benefit the following sectors:

Society. The goal of the research study is to support society by providing clarity

and interpretation of current scientific issues.

Department of Education. It aims to add to the current compilation of studies that

serve as a reference for students across the country.

Institution. The intention of the researchers is to support the institution by providing

useful studies in order to identify current difficulties over a range of studies.

Future Researchers. The purpose of this study is to direct potential researchers and

other prospective students.

Scope and Delimitation

This research focuses on the height and weight of mice using SPPE. The

researchers aim to know if the SPPE will influence the BMI of the mice. There will be two

separate monitoring and experimental classes. Where in the experimental group, the mice
Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 12

will be fed for 2 to 3 weeks along with the ingestion of the extract with each meal. The

BMI of the mice will be measured per meal from the beginning up to the end of the


Quantitative analysis would be used in the conduct of this study to achieve both

reliable data and findings required for the study. The study would rely as to what will occur

to the mice after the consumption of the SPPE. The researcher used SPPE because it

incorporates quercetin, which has been shown to be an effective weight reduction agent. It

also restricts the amount of SPPE needed to provide reliable information. To ensure

consistency, only SPPE material will be used in this experiment.

Operational Definition

Independent Variable: Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea)

a. The Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) is used in folk medicine to treat diarrhea

and diuresis. (Danesi et al., 2017)

b. In this study, the peels extract of Siniguelas is used as weight loss agent that

contains quercetin.

c. The Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) will be measured with the exact amount that

will be given to the subject to have a valid result.

Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 13

Dependent Variable: Body Mass Index

a. BMI is a weight-to-weight ratio, calculated by diving one’s weight in kilograms

by the square of one’s height in meters and used as an indicator of obesity and

underweight. (Mandal, 2013)

b. In this study, BMI or Body Mass Index is used by the researcher if the Siniguelas

(Spondias Purpurea) can affect the BMI of the mice.

c. The BMI will be measured before and after conducting the experiment to know

if the Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) have the ability to lose weight.

Constant Variable: High Fat Fed Mice

a. A normal rodent diet contains about 10% fat, the 45% and 60% fat diets are high-

fat for rodents. Mice on the 45% fat diet become obese. (Speakman, 2019)

b. In this study, it is used as the subject of this study. There will be two mice as a

subject, one will be fed and given by the Siniguelas peels extract and the other

one will be fed without the Siniguelas peels extract.

c. The high fat fed mice will be measured before and after conducting the

experiment in terms of the height and weight of the mice.

Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 14



This part of the study contains the existing academic works and writings that are

relevant to the success of this research. The researchers will gather information to assess

what is already known about the topic and will interpret what should be taken account of.



According to Kang et al. (2012, p. 227) using the high-fat diet (HFD) induced obese

C57BL/6 mice and mature 3T3-L1 adipocytes, they investigated the anti-obesity activity

of immature Citrus Sunki (sour mandarin) peel extract (designated CSE). Among the

medicine used in Asia, the peel of Citrus Sunki HORT. ex TANAKA is widely used as a

traditional Asian medicine as a treatment of many diseases, like indigestion and bronchial

asthma. In conducting this study, the researcher examines the animal, body weight gain,

adipose tissue weight, serum total cholesterol, and triglyceride in the CSE-administrated

group decreased significantly compared to the HFD group. It has a protective effect against

the HFD-induced hepatic steatosis, it decreases the accumulation of fatty droplets in liver

tissue. Their results suggest that using the CSE has an anti-obesity effect in oxidation and

lipolysis in adipose tissue.

In addition, an article (Engels et al., 2012, p. 559) found that Spondias Purpurea,

harvested from Costa Rica which can also be found in tropical countries, were

characterized with the use of ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with

Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 15

diode array and electrospray ionization mass spectrometric detection (UHPLC–DAD–ESI-

MSn). The procedure had distinguished 21 phenolic compounds within 20 minutes span of

time. Phenolic acids were found in the system, including several O-glycosides of quercetin,

kaempferol, kaempferide and rhamnetin were detected. This is the first study on the

phenolic composition of jocote, emphasizing the importance of tropical fruits being a

source of natural antioxidants. This article shows that Spondias Purpurea indeed contains

quercetin which was proven to contribute for weight loss.

In line manner, according to Bais et al. (2014, p. 7), the chronic administration of

HFD in rats produced hypercholesterolemia, this is the reason of having to increase in the

body weight, total cholesterol, triglycerides and the temperature level of animals. Using

the methanolic extract of Moringa oleifera leaves (MEMOL), it can provide an anti-obesity

activity in rats. In conducting this study, for 49 days it resulted in a significant that can

change the body weight, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and it increase the body

temperature using the treatment of obese rats with MEMOL as compared to the HFD-

induced obesity. These rats also showed the significant decrease in the level of liver of

biomarkers, organ weight, and blood glucose level. The result to this study indicates that

the treated rats with Moringa Oliefera (MO) have significantly affects the body weight with

changing the feed intake.


Based on an article entitled “Obesity Treatment Recommendations in the

Philippines: Perspective on their Utility and Implementation in Clinical Practice” by Jasul

Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 16

(2011, p. 127), the article shows the data about obesity which explains that the global

prevalence of obesity was almost doubled between the year of 1980 and 2008. The target

of this study are the people over 20 years and older. The researchers conducted this study

by assessing their participant and it shows that way back 2008, 35 per cent of adults aged

20 years and older were overweight (BMI 25 kg/m 2) The WHO estimated a global

prevalence of 2.3 billion overweight adults and 700 million obese adults by 2015. The

study results prove that the move towards non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has been

observed in developing countries primarily due to a more than triple rise in obesity rates

since 1980 in the Middle East, the Pacific Islands, Australasia, India and China. In the

Philippines, data from the National Diet and Health Survey indicate an upward trend in

overweight and obesity from the first survey in 1987 to the most recent and fifth survey in

2008. Among Filipino adults, the prevalence of overweight increased from 11.8% to 21.4%

in 1987.

In addition, a research article presented by Choa et al. (2016) about anti-obesity

Activity of broussonetia luzonicus (Moraceae) leaves. The purpose of conducting this

study is to determine the anti-obesity activity of B-Luzonicu leaves. Observing and

experimenting the mice that the researchers fed with high caloric diet completes their data.

Currently, there are only two studies of B-lightonicus. Secondary metabolites of plants

have been a source of medicinal products. Methanolic extract constituents of broussonetia

luzonicus leaves contain carbohydrates, reducing sugars, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins,

and sterols. This is the first study done on the anti-obesity properties of B, luzonicus leaves

and has shown great potential that can be further studied and developed. The researchers

conclude that methanolic extracts of B. luzonicus leaves is just as effective as orlistat in

Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 17

decreasing adipocyte size. The findings also revealed that the weight calculations were

unreliable, which may be attributed to the young age of the test animals. To this end, the

researchers will be careful enough to take the findings into account when selecting the only

ones that are in great condition and capable of getting enough HFD in measuring its BMI.



Throughout the Academic years, the field of Biology have seen a clear trend in

quercetin-based studies. Several examples (P. Portillo, 2011, p. 193) of this were conducted

where the results have shown a broad range of biological functions that have been reported

to exhibit quercetin, including anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral activity.

It also stops lipid peroxidation, aggregation of platelets and capillary permeability.

However, a major concern is the poor oral bioavailability of this enzyme, which depends

primarily on sugar levels.

Similar to the study mentioned above, the objective of this study (Moon et al., 2013,

p. 351) was to distinguish the effect of quercetin-rich onion peel extract (OPE) on anti-

differentiation in #T3-L1 preadipocytes and the anti-obesity mRNA levels of activating

protein were suppressed by the OPE. Body weight, retroperitoneal and mesenteric fat

weighs of rats were significantly decreased in 8 weeks of high-fat-diet. The data suggests

that quercetin-OPE may have an anti-obesity effects by suppressing preadipocyte

differentiation and inhibiting adipogenesis. These studies will significantly contribute to

Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 18

the future study regarding anti-obesity effects of SPPE to the BMI of HFFM as the

quercetin component in an onion made it an anti-obesity agent. Likewise, the Siniguelas

containing quercetin will have a potential to affect the BMI of the HFFM.

Furthermore, in a recent study by Mohamad et al. (2020, p. 3), the researcher used

pineapple vinegar to regulate the High-Fat-Fed Diet Obese mice, as vinegar is one of the

functional beverages that showed different bioactivity and efficacies. C57BL/6 mice were

treated with pineapple vinegar (1 mL/kg BW and 0.08 mL/kg BW) for 12 weeks after 24

weeks of HFD incubation. Serum biochemistry profiles, antioxidant assays, qPCR,

proteome profiler, and 16S metagenomic were performed. The data showed that a high

concentration of pineapple vinegar (1 mL/kg BW) treatment significantly reduced the

bodyweight up to 20%. The methods in this study will be used for the future research

regarding the usage of SPPE to lower the BMI of the HFFM except for the technical

measurement of data.


This study (Baldosano et al., 2018) is about Tannins which are phytochemical

polyphenols that have a wide scope of employments in enterprises, for example, the

calfskin tanning, material coloring, ink, wood cement, and wine ventures. Their numerous

utilizations make them huge and sought after in different enterprises. All through time, a

wide range of trees have been concentrated to decide their tannin content. The tannin

substance of Spondias Purpurea or Siniguelas bark was investigated because of the absence

of data and studies on the species. It was observed that 95% ethanol with the longest
Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 19

extraction time of 8 hours gave the highest percentage yield of 19.19% and 17.13% from

10 grams of bark. In light with this study, the methods will be used for future research

regarding the yield percentage of Spondias Purpurea in lowering the BMI of HFFM.

Moreover, in a recent study conducted by Eluehike & Onoagbe (2018, p. 2), they

suggested that therapeutic plants have been utilized for quite a long time in the

administration of constant infections including diabetes. The reason for this investigation

is to assess the conceivable antidiabetic impacts and changes in serum amylase exercises,

body weight and organ weight of tannins from Spondias Mombin on streptozotocin-

instigated diabetic rodents. Tannins of Spondias Mombin have an antidiabetic impact and

can reestablish serum amylase and body weight changes coming about because of

streptozotocin acceptance. Since Spondias Mombin belongs to family Anacardiaceae

which Spondias Purpurea also comes from, there is a possibility that Spondias Purpurea

will also be an effective weight loss mediator.


According to the literature of (Portillo, 2011) and study of (Moon et al., 2013),

quercetin have many properties such as, anti-carcogenic, antioxidants and anti-obesity.

These studies will be beneficial to the current study regarding the anti-obesity effects of

Siniguelas peels extract to the body mass index of a high-fat fed mice, as Siniguelas

contains quercetin that makes it a potential weight loss agent. The methods performed by

(Mohammed et al., 2020) and (Baldosano et al., 2018) will serve as a basis in conducting

the future study. Through imitating the usage of SPPE to decrease the BMI of the HFFM
Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 20

and computing for its yield percentage. Eluehike & Onoagbe (2018) proves in their study

that Spondias Mombin is an effective weight mediator. Since Spondias purpurea belongs

to the same family as Spondias Mombin, it has a greater possibility that SPPE will have an

effect to lower the BMI of the HFFM.

Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 21


Baldosano, H., Castillo, M. B. M. G., & Elloran, C. D. H. (2018, June 13). Effect of

particle size, solvent, and extraction time on tannin extract from spondias

purpurea bark through soxhlet extraction (2013-2014). De La Salle University.




Cho, A.-S., Jeon, S.-M., Kim, M.-J., Yeo, J., Seo, K.-I., Choi, M.-S., & Lee, M.-K.

(2010). Chlorogenic acid exhibits anti-obesity property and improves lipid

metabolism in high-fat diet-induced-obese mice. Food and Chemical

Toxicology, 48(3), 937–943.

Danesi, F., Brito, S. A., de Santana, T. I., Costa, H. B. A., de Carvalho Júnior, C. H. R.,

da Silva, M. V., de Almeida, L. L., Rolim, L. A., dos Santos, V. L., Wanderley, A.

G., da Silva, T. G., & de Almeida, C. L. F. (2017). Spondias purpureaL.

(Anacardiaceae): Antioxidant and Antiulcer Activities of the Leaf Hexane

Extract. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2017, 1–14.

Eluehike, N., & Onoagbe, I. (2018). Changes in organ and body weight, serum amylase

and antidiabetic effects of tannins from spondias mombin on streptozotocin-

induced diabetic rats. Journal of Insulin Resistance, 3(1), 1–5.
Anti-Obesity Effects of Siniguelas (Spondias Purpurea) … 22

Gelen, V., Şengül, E., Gedikli, S., Gür, C., & Özkanlar, S. (2017). Therapeutic effect of

quercetin on renal function and tissue damage in the obesity induced rats.

Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 89, 524–528.

Gokhale, J. P., Mahajan, H. S., & Surana, S. J. (2019). Quercetin loaded nanoemulsion-

based gel for rheumatoid arthritis: In vivo and in vitro studies. Biomedicine &

Pharmacotherapy, 112, 108622.

Mandal, A. (2013, April). What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

Marks, D. F. (2015). Homeostatic theory of obesity. Health Psychology Open, 2(1),


Mohamad, N. E., Yeap, S. K., Ky, H., Liew, N. W. C., Beh, B. K., Boo, S. Y., Ho, W. Y.,

Sharifuddin, S. A., Long, K., & Alitheen, N. B. (2020). Pineapple vinegar

regulates Obesity-Related genes and alters the gut microbiota in High-Fat diet

(HFD) C57BL/6 obese mice. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine, 2020, 1–13.

Moon, J., Do, H.-J., Kim, O. Y., & Shin, M.-J. (2013). Antiobesity effects of quercetin-

rich onion peel extract on the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes and the

adipogenesis in high fat-fed rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 58, 347–354.
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