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Roadmap to a Healthier, Happier and Quality Life

People get frustrated on daily basis, nowadays due to the huge amount of tension building up on
them whether it is related to work, home or some other place or factor. This leads to a poor and
unhealthy life. But this can be improved or changed by following certain basic aspects in life which
will steadily bring the happy, healthy and quality in a person’s life. To ensure such life- health,
happiness, leisure, income and vitality are to be taken into account.


 Remember to smile even when you are stressed out or feel low. Smiling sends strong
impulses to the brain which affects the behaviour of the people and keep them calm even in
stressful situations.
 Meditation can be a boosting factor for a person’s happy life. This not only boot happiness
but even improve health.
 Before coming down from bed gratify yourself, make yourself remember of the things of
which you are grateful. This will keep you positive even when you are in a negative situation.
 Make yourself connected to other people in a positive way. Give a hug to person who is low
or stressed, spread love, appreciate others, listen to others, take interest in other’s life.
 Make a habit of learning new things everyday. It will help a person to gain knowledge on
basis of experience, help them to mature. This can be achieved by reading, watching videos
or anything which they think fit.

Maintaining Health

 Never skip your breakfast. The first meal for the day should be heavy and nutritious. It
reduces chances of eating foods rich in high cholesterol, saturated fats and refined sugars
and also overeating. Thus, helping in maintaining a good metabolism which ensures a
healthy liver
 Drinking ample amount of water helps to boost metabolic process, improves digestion and
immunity, remove toxins and resistance against stones.
 Eating proportions in a person’s meals should be maintained as per their needs. This helps in
preventing fatty liver disease, diabetes and heart disease.
 Meals should consist of a variety of food items, meaning thereby, having a balanced diet
with insertion of eating lots of fruits and vegetables. So, the meal is rich in vitamins and
minerals. This will help in reducing the chances of cancer, blood pressure issues, liver
diseases, cardiovascular disease, eye problems, weight loss/gain and indigestion.
 Exercising daily or regularly can help in maintaining and improving the boy of a person in
consonance of a healthy diet plan. Walking 10,000 steps daily is sufficient enough to burn
you daily calorie intake and maintain body weight.
 There is no restriction that one should only eat healthy food regularly. Occasionally, people
upon their whims and fancies can have unhealthy food that won’t render their health.

Balancing Income
 People need to set a goal on day to day basis to achieve their desired income. Setting goals
are important to maintain you progress and review the same by creating checklist. Goals
should be set according to their own preferences and checklists for them.
 Save some part of the income and invest it which will be beneficial for the long term. This
will ensure a good financial condition after retirement resulting in a happy life.
 Always keep track of the expenses and savings from the income which is earned. This should
be maintained on daily basis. There must be tract and audit of all expenses made.
 The first ladder to success should never be ignored and that is education. It is an income
which gives you a skill on which a person works and earns money. Education can never be
forgotten. It is an important investment for quality life in future.

Keeping up the spirit

 Time management is a very important aspect of life which is hard to achieve but not
impossible. People managing time effectively are found to have an increased amount of
spirit and energy withing them.
 Ample sleep ranges from 7-8 hours which provides the human body sufficient rest for the
next day. It is necessary for the people to give themselves a proper sleep which will ensure
good rest and good recharge for the next day to function efficiently.
 Giving boost to yourself can even change the energy levels inside the body and mind. Seek
inspiration from a source and act upon it. Create an image in your brain which inspires you
the most and remember it.

Have some Leisure

 People should take out some time to clean up the mess, organise things around them.
Cleaning and organising will help in developing new habits to mould the direction of life to a
path as per the person’s needs.
 Take out leisure time for others as well. Contributing to others keeps up the moral and
creates a difference in life by moulding it towards a positive environment and mindset.
 Expanding network through socialising will help to explore more, one gets to know about
others and their lives and learns from it.
 Try to do a thing of which is difficult to a person or the person is afraid of. Include some of
the leisure time to inculcate this in your life as it will help in overcoming the fears.

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