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1. Toyota
2. Ford
3. General Motors (GM)

The business environment in today’s world is not just getting more complex but competitive too.
Organizations are continuously finding ways to gain a competitive edge through using the right
employees and making human resource strategies as a strategic asset, which is why they are
looking for ways they could attract the employees and maintain their motivation in the
organization to make it well efficient and effective.
This assignment discusses what recruiting process and strategies are used by each organization,
and also what competitive advantage they have over each other.

It is a process in which the companies locate for potential and capable individuals who can meet
the objectives of the organization and help the business to achieve their strategies. The process of
recruiting can be either internal or external. Internal recruiting is the selection of employees
within the organization only whereas external recruiting is individuals applying outside the
organization or the individual who have never worked within the organization.
To proceed with the recruiting process the companies take few steps to make the applicants
aware of the job by providing the detail about the two main areas:
1. Job Description (JDs): which states the qualifications needed for particular job and the
job details.
2. Career opportunities which are particularly offered by the organization.


Toyota motor is a multinational automobile corporation which produces the motor vehicle
and sales which has the main competitor FORD & VOLKSWAGEN. Being a multination
corporation, Toyota has undoubtedly practicing best and innovative human resource


Toyota has always work towards finding the best strategies as mentioned earlier for the
recruitment process which is why Toyota has one of its main policy known as “In Housing
Grooming” which ensures that the employees should find their growth within the company
providing them with the learning and development projects.
Secondly Toyota has a “Graduate recruitment program” in which they use educational
institutions to invite students from various universities to make applications. The main areas
of recruitment in Toyota are HR, engineering, marketing and IT. This graduate recruitment
program works best with the in housing grooming. The activities mentioned below are
carried for the program:
1. Career exhibitions: It is to read and facilitate the students of universities to give
them knowledge about the program that Toyota has for the graduates.
2. Toyota Representative: A representative from within the organization is appointed it
discuss the program with the students who are interested and answer their queries.
3. Applying: Most of the students who are interest apply through the program in the
exhibition only.
In regards to their college recruiting Toyota also provides the students with the internship
programs with a detailed job description if few of the students miss out the career exhibition
to stay promising to what they say.
Other methods than this Toyota uses is the “Advertisement Methods” which attracts
employees towards their organization. Social media, magazines and newspaper are the most
popular and used among them. Toyota has always provided career opportunity portion on
their website where the candidates can log in and submit their CVs, which is counted from
Toyota the most effective and widely used method for receiving the resumes through
employee referral which is the most used method in the organization
On the other hand, many executive firms are working with the Toyota to meet the
comprehensive competition market in the marker. Agencies also put in their portion for the
recruitment of the employees where the candidates apply in Toyota though these agencies.
Not to forget. Toyota has introduced with their “Equal Opportunity Policy” which states
every candidate that applies in the organization will be treated equally irrespective of their
gender, age, belief, their religion or nationality.
It won’t be wrong to state that Toyota makes sure that through whatever method they are
recruiting their employees it should reach all the labor market across the regions who are
potential. With that, interest of the stakeholders including government, trade unions are involved.
Internal and external recruitment both are part of Toyota where it believes of having a qualitative
candidates but also making a pathway for developing company.
Once the candidates apply for the job in Toyota there are multiple process carried out to take the
best out of them which is why the company first starts with the source of information being
checked for them in which reference checks is done through the previous employers of the
candidates. Then the test is conducted, which is known as screening process which involved the
testing of the capacity and skills to adapt and learn new things since jobs at Toyota are technical
at times. After the screening test is done, there is an achievement test conducted in regards to test
what a person knows, the knowledge and the skills they carry. List of test
1. Situational test: to Test how one can handle difficult situations when get into it.
2. Personality test: Weather they fit into the culture of the company or not.
3. Mechanical reasoning test: This has right and wrong answers unlike the opinion based.
The assessment test includes:
1. Group Excursive: A group is given a situation and for that particular situation they have
to come up with the possible outcomes.
2. Written Excursive: Write a detailed report on the material provided to them.
3. Presentation: A presentation is to be given in front of the panel on the topic given to
The next step for the candidate is the interview process which included different methods and
also varies according to the job
1. Non directive interview
2. Behavioral interview
3. Structured interview
4. Situational interview
5. Virtual interview
6. Personal interview
7. Computer interview
Many candidates go through the various methods for example a persona applying for a manger
job goes through structured, situational and behavioral interview before they arrive to their final
decision. Last but not the least, once the candidate is selected, the Toyota makes sure that the
candidate that Toyota has selected matches the Toyota culture which is done after many
considerations. And once that is done, Toyota tells the selected person at the earliest which helps
them to create a first but good impression about the timely efforts of the company. But with time
Toyota has worked towards reducing the process of interview to reduce the cost and work more
towards developing where it mostly matter on your capabilities rather than requirements.
Toyota in itself finds an advantage of recruiting the employees when the company needs rather
than doing on the regular basis to maintain its standard and whenever a new employee joins,
according to a study 80% of the new comers know about the policies and regulations of the
company which gives a competitive edge to the company and its reputation of never

Toyota uses different method for the recruitment and selection of the employees. Where
Toyota supports both internal and external recruitment, the same way the top priority that
Toyota gives is to the employee referral (according to the research conducted). The steps
mentioned below are for the following recruitment at the Toyota:
1. There is proper job analysis done to see what requirement is need to fill for the
particular job. That goes for the approval to the heads or stake holders involve.
2. After that is done, Job Description is created.
3. Once posted, apply online or through any program, fill in the questionnaire and send
in your CVs.
4. The candidate will be shortlisted if they suit the best according to the job description.
5. If Toyota is interested and wants to find out more, they will call for face to face
6. On the requirement, there is screening, assessment and presentation test conducted to
find out about your skills and knowledge.
7. To complete the process, there is reference and background check conducted. If
everything as per requirement suits the company, you will be sent a job and
agreement letter without any delay.
8. There is proper training program conducted through classes and presentation to make
you learn about the job and develop you through it.

Honda Motor Company is one of those brand that dedicates itself to producing luxurious car
brands being the top eight manufacturer in automobile. Honda has always believed in the
manpower and that is why its strategies do rounds into this plan only and developing the
recruitment process with it too to attract the employees that have the combination of skills,
knowledge and experience.


As mentioned earlier Honda believes in manpower developing and its plan starts with its
only to ensure that they make the right talent available at the right time only. The recruitment
plan of the Honda Company starts with developing the ways and calculating monthly
requirement for the individuals in a particular department. That calculation is used to forecast
the qulititative gaps between the internal recruiter with the externals that need to be selected
helping the companies with easy promotions and transfers.
The further process takes place by HR who prepares the actual time needed for all this and
the number of employees who are needed for the internal and external recruitment. At this
point, no one can deny the fact that Honda works side by side with both the recruiters rather
than prioritizing only one. Whereas there are multiple ways through which candidates can
apply but Honda itself supports through these two:
1. Campus Recruiting: Honda searches for the best top 15-20 universities in the
country/city to provide the jobs to their students who have at least experience of 1-2
years of internships whereas also the fresh graduates with less than one year
experience start at the entry level. This is one of the strategies of Honda also to
develop relationships with the universities when they hire large number of students
from them.
2. Direct CVs: The candidates who get through any consultants or Honda site directly
sent in their resumes after reading the details job description that is provided to them
on the website.
3. Trainee Programs: Candidates who have done in their Masters also apply for the
job but there is a certain period through which they complete their trainee program, if
Honda finds it suitable they select them after the successful completion of it.

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