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Draft Version 0.4.

Table of Contents
Game Overview........................................... 2 Sieges.......................................................20 Warfare vs. NPRs..................................27
Winning the Game................................. 2 Naval Battles..........................................20 Rebels...........................................................28
Game Components..................................... 3 Peace Resolution........................................21 Religion........................................................29
Game Concepts............................................ 4 Other Peace Terms...............................22 State Religion........................................30
Core Concepts........................................ 4 Government................................................22 Missions.......................................................30
Use of Terms............................................ 4 Monarch Power.....................................22 Milestones...................................................30
On the Map Board.................................. 5 Characters (Leaders & Advisors).....22 Events...........................................................31
Game Set-up.................................................. 6 Stability...................................................23 The Anatomy of an Event Card..........31
Sequence of Play........................................... 8 Economy................................................24 Event Symbols & Secondary Effects.32
Round Summary.................................... 8 Ideas & Technology...................................24 The Holy Roman Empire (HRE)...........32
Draw Cards Phase.................................. 8 Trade.............................................................24 Imperial Authority...............................33
Action Phase............................................ 8 Trade Cards...........................................24 HRE Lands............................................33
Peace & Rebels Phase............................ 9 Trade Nodes..........................................24 Defending the HRE.............................33
Income & Upkeep Phase....................10 Protecting Trade...................................24 Leaving & Rejoining the HRE...........33
End of Age Procedure..........................10 Merchants..............................................25 Internal HRE Wars...............................34
Basic Actions...............................................11 Trade Power (TP) & Trade Income.25 NPR Emperor.......................................34
Action Cards...............................................16 Distant Continents...............................25 Imperial Elections................................34
The Anatomy of an Action Card........16 Diplomatic Relations................................25 The Papal Curia and Papal Actions.........34
Warfare.........................................................17 Influence.................................................25 Papal Actions.........................................34
Military Capacity..................................17 Royal Marriages....................................25 2- and 3-player Games...............................35
Manpower..............................................17 The Anatomy of a Trade Card............25 Appendix: List of Ideas.............................36
Casus Belli & Declarations of War....17 Alliances.................................................26 Administrative Ideas............................36
Generals & Admirals............................17 Vassals.....................................................27 Diplomatic Ideas...................................36
Movement..............................................17 Non-Player Realms....................................27 Military Ideas.........................................36
Military Units, Armies and Fleets.....18 Diplomatic Relations with NPRs.......27 Scenario........................................................38
Battle Sequence.....................................19 NPRs with Vassals................................27
Land Battles...........................................19 Active NPRs..........................................27

Game Overview Winning the Game when a player reaches 120 VP on the VP
There are many potential paths to victory track, or when a player has placed all of their
Europa Universalis: The Price of Power is a and you will score Victory Points (VP) in Towns and Vassal tokens on the map board.
board game of empire building, conquest, different ways, depending on what aspects Players will then be able to reveal and
diplomacy and exploration in the centuries you decide to focus on. Some players will score any Missions remaining in their hand
spanning from the end of the Middle Ages to build vast empires with great territories, for which they have completed the require-
the Napoleonic Wars. Each Player will lead other will make powerful alliances and intri- ments.
one of the great nations of Europe to glory or cate diplomatic relations and yet others will At this stage all players will also score
demise, depending on their ability to make make a high grossing trade empire or a small points for their Towns and Vassals (1 VP
the right choices at the right time and their but highly developed and technologically per Ducat of Tax Income), for Diplomatic
skillfulness in managing the resources avail- advanced nation. relations (1 VP for each Royal Marriage, 2
able to them. VP for each Alliance), 3 VP for controlling
During the game round players will use Scoring VP during the game the Papal Curia and VP equal to Imperial
Monarch Power and Ducats to perform During the game you will score VP for com- Authority for the Emperor of the Holy Ro-
Administrative, Diplomatic and Military pleting Missions, Milestones, researching man Empire. The current Stability value will
Actions, such as building up military forces, Ideas, winning Wars and being the first to also be added to or subtracted from each
fighting battles, forging diplomatic relations Explore new territories on the board. This players VP.
and developing aspects of the internal ma- will all be tracked on the VP track. Remaining Monarch Power tokens is the
chinery of their civilization. tie breaker.
These rules deal with the multi player End Game Scoring
rules. Rules for solo play will be discussed End game scoring is initiated when the final
separately in the Solo Rules booklet. round has been completed (no more Event
cards), or when certain scenario specific
conditions have been met. This can i.e. be

Base Game Components

Boards Cardboard Tokens

• Western Europe Map Board • First Player token
• Distant Continent Board • 10 Crusade/Excommunicated tokens

• 20 Protestant/Religious Dissent tokens

Card Decks
• 15 Catholic/Counter-Reformed tokens
• 3 Action Card decks
• 10 Orthodox/Muslim tokens
• 1 Trade Card deck
• 30 Ill Health/Loan tokens
• 2 Event Card decks
• 15 Extra Manpower tokens
• 5 Mission Minicard decks
• 10 Not HRE tokens
• 4 Milestone Minicard decks
• 10 Expanded Trade tokens
• 3 Idea Minicard decks
• 30 Active NPR tokens
Cardboard Mats
• Player Mats (x 4)
Player Tokens (4 color sets)

• 2 Army/Fleet Mats (x 4) Miniatures and Wooden Tokens

• HRE Mat • 3 Army Miniatures (x 4)

• Papal Curia Mat • 1 Fleet Miniatures (x 4)

• 3 Merchant pawns (x 4)
Custom Dice
• 30 Monarch Power (x 4)
• 6 Infantry Dice
• Stability indicator (x 4)
• 3 Cavalry Dice
Cardboard Tokens
• 3 Artillery Dice
• 20 Military Units (x 4)
• 3 Rebel Dice
• 15 Naval Units (x 4)
• 1 Exploration Die
• 8 Large Towns (x 4)
Common Tokens • 20 Regular Towns (x 4)
Mercenaries, Rebels and Pirates • 8 Claim tokens (x 4)
• 30 Mercenary Units (orange) • 5 Alliance/Marriage tokens (x 4)
• 15 Rebel Units (black) • 19 Vassal tokens (x 4)
• 15 Rebel Towns • Commanded by Ruler token (x 4)
• 10 Pirate Ships • 2 Casus Belli tokens (x 4)
Coins • 5 War/Truce tokens (x 4)
• Ducats in 2 denominations

Game Concepts
Core Game Concepts and terms are de- Events, has a character at the bottom of the nally all subjects of one Emperor, but they
scribed briefly here for quick reference. card. Advisors can be hired for their Mon- are largely autonomous. Realms within the
Each concept is described in more detail in arch Power bonus, and Leaders can serve as borders of the HRE will tend to defend
separate chapters. Rulers or Generals to the Player Realms. each other against external enemies. Being
the Emperor also comes with certain bene-
Core Concepts Events: Event Cards are divided into four fits and responsibilities.
decks, one for each Age of the game; The
Realm: A Realm basically consists of all
Ages of Discovery (I), Reformation (II), Papal Curia: Controlling the most cardi-
Provinces that have the same flag, Town
Absolutism (III) and Revolution (IV). nals in the Papal Curia will give bonuses to
or token on the map. I.e. if you see three
The Event deck dictates the flow of time, Catholic Player Realms.
Provinces with the same flag on the map,
and is often what determines when the
regardless of whether they are located in the Missions and Milestones: All Major Pow-
game will end.
same Area or not, that is a Realm (with a ers of the game have their separate decks of
Tax Income of 3, and a Manpower of 2). A Warfare & Military Units: From time to Mission Cards. Additionally, some Scenari-
Distant Realm is a Realm that has its Capi- time players are likely to fight Wars against os come with their own set of Missions.
tal on an Distant Continent. other Player Realms or NPRs. Waging There are also a number of public "mis-
Wars require a lot of resources, so it is usu- sions", called Milestones, that will be avail-
NPR: Non-Player Realm. Any Realm not
ally wise to prepare well. able for all players to compete for.
controlled by a player.
To Declare War on another Realm make Completing Missions and Milestones
An Active NPR is an NPR that has their
sure you have a Claim or another Casus will provide VPs and beneficial effects.
Provinces marked with tokens. They will
Belli ("justification for war") first. A claim
vary from scenario to scenario. There will be Military Capacity: This is a measure for
on a Territory is called a Colonial Claim.
fewer or none with high player counts, and how many Units a Realm can muster in one
Military Units must be recruited from
more of them with low player counts. specific Area. It is equal to the Tax Value of
your Available Manpower, and are used
most efficiently when organized into their Provinces in that Area, plus the Tax
Town: Towns are player tokens (disks)
Armies. You can then move your Armies Value of their adjacent Provinces.
that signify ownership of Provinces on the
around, fight Battles and Siege Provinces,
board. Naval Capacity: A Realm's Naval Capac-
by spending Military Power.
ity for a Sea Zone is a number of Ships
Monarch Power: The core resource of the
Ideas: The Ideas represent improvements equal to the number of Ports that they
game, which function as a form of action
in technology or on a structural level, that own which are adjacent to the Sea Zone in
points that the players may spend on vari-
has an effect on you can do in the game. question.
ous Actions.
Some Ideas allow you to take new Actions
It is divided into three different types;
Admin­istrative (AP), Diplomatic (DP)
or recruit new types of Military Units, Use of Terms
and some Ideas might provide more Tax
and Military (MP) Power. Adjacent: A Realm, Province, Area or
Income or make certain Actions more
A player can save a maximum of 10 Influence token will often be referred to as
Monarch Power cubes of each type. adjacent to something.
A Province or Influence token is con-
Stability & Rebellion: All Player Realms
Actions and Action Cards: There are a sidered adjacent to the Area it is located in,
have a Stability value ranging from -3 to
number of Basic Actions that the players and all Areas sharing a border with its own
+3. Stability affects Income, Unrest and
may perform during the Action Phase. Area. It is also considered adjacent to all
Monarch Power Income. Having a certain
In addition to these you have three decks Provinces in these Areas.
Stability value can also be an Event trigger.
of Action Cards, corresponding with the A Coastal Province (Port) is also con-
Unrest in your Provinces may cause loss
three types of Monarch Power, which may sidered adjacent to all Areas and Coastal
of Income, Manpower or Military Power,
be played as Actions as well. Most Actions Provinces facing the same Sea Zone.
or result in Provinces being captured by
have a Monarch Power cost. The cost of an Areas are considered adjacent to any
Action is listed next to it in the Rules or in other Area that they share a border with.
the top left corner of each Action Card. Coastal Areas are considered adjacent to all
Holy Roman Empire (HRE): The Holy
other Areas with a coastline or Sea Border
Roman Empire is a confederation which
Characters (Leaders & Advisors): Each facing the same Sea Zone.
includes a great number of German and
Action Card, and most realm specific
North Italian states. These states are nomi-

A Realm is adjacent to anything that All Coastal Provinces have Ports and move between. Land Units can only
their Provinces or Areas are adjacent to. where you can build Ships. Large Ports cross Sea Zones using Naval Transport.
(double circle)count as two Ports for all Sea Zone names are always written i
Friendly, Neutral and Hostile: When purposes. capital letters, i.e. Skagerak, Baltic Sea
Armies, Units, Provinces or Ports are Island Provinces have blue Port icons. etc.
referred to as Friendly, it means that they These Provinces can only be sieged if you
belong to you, your Vassal or your Ally. have one or more Ships in an adjacent Sea Distant Continents: The Distant Conti-
Friendly Areas are Areas that either contain Zone, even if you have Units in that Area. nents are shown on a separate board in a
(at least) one of your Towns or Vassal to- smaller scale than the Europe map board.
kens or the Area of an Ally. Area: Map area with a white border around Provinces on the Distant Continents
Hostile (Armies, Units, Provinces, Ar- it. May contain Provinces from several are called Distant Provinces. Each Distant
eas) refer to things that belong to Realms different Realms inside of it. Province is also a separate Area, connected
you are at War with. Such a Realm may also When the rules refer to "your Area" to neighboring Areas by a white line.
be referred to as an Enemy. or "Areas of a Realm", this means an Area Some Areas on the Distant Continents
Neutral refers to Areas, Provinces etc. where you, or the Realm in question, owns contain no Province, showing instead a
that are none of the above. at least one Province. circle with a number inside, and these are
Area names are always written i capital called Territories. Territories are sparsely
Own: When the rules refer to ownership letters, i.e. Saxony, Jutland etc. populated Areas that may be colonized
with regards to Provinces, this means Prov- without having to be conquered. Once ful-
inces where you have a Town. A Vassal's Sea Borders: Areas that include islands ly colonized, and a Town has been placed
Province is not owned by the player by this have their border shown as a blue dotted there, they behave as any other Distant
definition. line where it overlaps Sea Zones. Cross- Province.
ing a Sea Border, must be done via Naval An Area on a Distant Continent is con-
Opponent: The term opponent refers to Transport. sidered discovered by you, once you have
the other players in the game, and also bots successfully Explored and placed a Claim
used in solitary play. Mountain Borders: No more than 3 Land on it.
Units can move into a Hostile Area or per-
On the Map Board form an Attack across a Mountain Border
during a single Turn.
Province: Each shield with a flag or coat of
If an Army contains more than 3 Units
arms is a separate Province. Having Towns
while making such a move, they must leave
on Provinces is your main source of Income
any excess Units behind in the Area they
and Manpower, and also normally provide
are leaving.
VP at the end of the game. There are Regular
and Large Provinces. All Capital Province
Sea Zone: Sea Zones are sections of
names are underlined on the map board.
oceans and seas, which Ships may occupy

Vassal (of Denmark)
Sea Zone
Trade Node
Capital Province
Regular Province
Large Province
Island Province
Major Power
Area border
Mountain border

Game Set-up Stability indicator Army/Fleet mat
Distant Continents
At the start of the game, select the scenario Board
you would like to play in the Scenario Booklet J
to determine the Player Realms and set-up.

1 Place the Map Boards (A) in a cen-

tral location and put Player Mats (B)
around the board as shown in the
chosen Scenario. The set-up pictured to the
right here, is a 6-player 1444 set-up.
All the Action Card decks (C) are shuf-
fled and placed at the side of the board,
leaving space for a discard pile for each deck. Q
The Event deck (D) for the first Age that R
will be played, is constructed as described Action Card decks:
in the set-up for the chosen scenario. A Administrative cards
number of Events matching the player count Diplomatic cards
(but minimum four) are taken from the top Military cards Y
of the deck and placed on display, with the C
first three cards face up, and the remaining
face down.
The Trade deck (E) is sorted as described V
in the chosen Scenario, and then shuffled
and placed by the edge of the board.
Milestones (F), for the first Age that will
be played, are shuffled, and one Milestone
from each suit is placed on display. E Trade deck
Idea (G) cards are shuffled, and two
cards of each Monarch Power type are
drawn and placed on display next to the 3
default Ideas (green background).
The tray with Ducats, Rebel Towns, Reb- B
el Units, and Mercenary Units etc. is placed
next to the board in an area we will refer to Battle Dice Player mat Hire Advisors
from cards drawn
as the General Supply.

2 Each player takes the tray with all the

units and tokens matching their play-
er color and put their Victory Point
3 The players then get the appropriate
Set-up Card (O) for their Realm for
the chosen Scenario. The Set-up Card
has their starting Ruler at the bottom (P).
On the Set-up Card the starting Provinc-
O Set-up Card

markers by the Victory Point Track (H).

Mission Cards (I) are distributed according es are listed. Players take Towns from the
to the scenario set-up. Province track on their Player mat, and add
The Stability indicator ( J) is placed on regular (Q) and large (R) Towns, as well as
the Stability track, and 20 Regular Towns Vassals (S) as indicated on their Set-up Card Starting Ruler P
and 8 Large Towns are placed in their slots (large Provinces are marked with an L).
on the Province track (K) on each Player Towns and Vassal tokens are always taken
mat. from the lowest numbered slots first (from Fleets are placed on their corresponding
Each of the slots on the Vassal track (L) left to right). A number of Units, matching mats or at the side. Starting Ships are placed
should hold two Vassal tokens, except for the Manpower shown on the Province track, in the listed Ports or on the Fleet mat (V).
the first slot, which should only have one. are added to the Manpower reserve. Players should also add Influence tokens
Unless otherwise stated in the scenario, From the Available Manpower (T), Units (W), Merchants (X) and diplomatic rela-
each player puts 3 Monarch Power tokens in are allocated to the starting Armies listed tions tokens (Y) as specified in their set-up.
each of the Monarch Power pools (M) and on the Set-up Card. The miniatures for the After completing this, slide the Set-up
15 Ducats in the Treasury (N). starting Armies and Fleets are placed in the Card underneath the Player mat in the Ruler
starting Areas (U), and unused Armies and slot (Z), showing only the starting Ruler.

Map Board Milestones This step replaces the Draw Cards
Phase of the first Round: All players
F draw one card from each of the Action
Card decks, and three additional Action
Cards of their choice.
They may then hire any Advisors and
A Leaders they like from the cards drawn, pay-
ing the hiring cost in the lower right corner
as normal.
Following this, each player may keep
a maximum of four Action Cards in
their hand (at no cost), discarding as
S necessary.

Rebel Dice
Exploration Die
Event deck

Event display

Ideas Religion token 3 tokens in each of the
Monarch Power pools Regular and Large
Stability track Town

K track
Manpower (Base Tax )
reserve S
Vassal track L

Monarch Power pools

Ruler slot State Religion slot Advisor slots

Sequence of Play C. Pay for Action Cards you keep When the last player to receive Ducats for
Players must pay 2 Ducats for each drawn passing has passed, remaining players will
The game is divided into Ages, each con- Action Card that they decide to keep in their get one additional Turn before the Round
sisting of four Rounds, and each Round is hand. Unpaid cards must be discarded to the ends.
broken down into four Phases. appropriate discard piles. If the remaining players have not taken
the Event Action at this stage, they may
Round Summary D. Draw/Replace Missions nonetheless take one other Action of their
During this step players who have less than 2 choice before playing the Event. All remain-
1. Draw Cards Phase Missions in their hand may draw new Mis- ing players will take their regular Action in
A. Reveal Event cards. sions, and all players may replace any of their turn order first, and then players who still
B. Draw three Action cards, of any type you currently held Missions. have not taken the Event Action will do so in
prefer (one by one). turn order.
C. Pay 2 Ducats for each drawn Action Card Action Phase A player does not have to play all the
you want to keep in your hand In this phase the players take Turns in clock- Action Cards in their hand.
D. Draw/replace Missions wise order, normally beginning with the
player who was the first player to pass in the Basic Actions
2. Action Phase previous Round. The First Player in the very
Players take Turns in clockwise order, start- Special Actions
first Round is stated in each scenario.
ing with first player, performing one Action The player may choose to either perform Event (mandatory)
at the time until all players have passed. a Basic Action during their turn or play one Player to Player Diplomacy
of the Action cards in their hand. Most Ac- Research Ideas (Cost stated on Idea card)
3. Peace & Rebels Phase
tions have a Monarch Power cost that must Change State Religion
A. Remove all Truce and Crusades
be paid for with Monarch Power tokens of
B. Invasions Change National Focus
the appropriate type, from one of the Mon-
C. Rebel Units Siege Provinces Explore (1 DP + 1 MP)*
arch Power pools (on the Player Mat), by
D. Peace Resolution
the player performing the Action. The Basic
E. Stability & Unrest (Stability level, Reli-
Actions are listed here below and on the Free Actions (do not take a Turn)
gious Dissent and ongoing Wars)
Player Aids, and explained in detail in the
F. Roll Rebel Dice for Unrest Take/Repay Loan
Basic Actions chapter.
There are also three "Free Actions" that Hire Advisor/Leader
4. Income and Upkeep Phase
A. Fire Advisors, disband Military Units and may be performed without spending your Replenish Manpower (1 MP per 2 Units)
Recall Ships at sea. turn. These may be performed in addition
B. Collect Tax Income minus costs to any other Action or even during another Administrative Actions
C. Collect Monarch Points player's turn.
At one stage during the Action Phase Increase Stability (6 AP +/– Stability)
D. Update and refresh Manpower, Mer-
each player must take the Event Action. They Convert Area (3 AP + 3 Ducats)
chants and Colonists
E. Discard down to a hand size of 5 cards may however choose when to do this, as Colonize ( 1 AP per token)
long as they do it before they pass.
The first player to pass immediately col-
Draw Cards Phase lects 5 Ducats from the general supply and Diplomatic Actions
A. Reveal Event cards the First Player token. If the current First Influence (1 DP or 3 Ducats per token)
Draw Event cards equal to player count (but Player passes first, the First Player token Forge Alliance (1–3 DP)
never less than four cards) from the top of goes to the player that passes second. The Fabricate Claim (2 DP per Claim)
the Event deck, and place these face-down second and third player to pass may also
collect Ducats, depending on the total num- Trade (1 DP)
on display next to the Event deck. Then flip
the first three of these cards face-up. ber of players. Only Free Actions may be
performed on the same Turn that you pass. Military Actions
B. Draw three Action cards See special rules for 2- and 3-player Declare War (1 MP)
All players then draw three cards each from games on page XX.
either of the Action Card decks (Adminis- Activate Army/Fleet (1 MP)
trative, Diplomatic or Military). # of players: 2 3 4+ Recruit (1† MP + Ducats)
They may draw cards one by one, and 1st to pass: 3 Ducats 5 Ducats 5 Ducats Suppress Unrest (1 MP per Province)
choose to draw any combination of Action
2nd to pass: – 2 Ducats 3 Ducats
Cards that they prefer. The face of the cards * Requires "Quest for the New World" Idea
is kept hidden from other players. 3rd to pass: – – 2 Ducats †
0 MP if you have been Declared War upon

Peace & Rebels Phase all their Wars before moving on to the next
When all players have passed, the Peace & player.
Rebels Phase begins. The Peace Resolution Check to see if the Victory Conditions of
chapter offers details on this matter. For each War has been met. If so, Peace Terms
detailed information about the behavior of are resolved according to the rules specified
Rebels, please refer to the Rebels chapter in the Peace Resolution chapter (see page
(page XX). The steps below are done in XX).
E. Stability & Unrest
A. Remove Truces and Crusades Players with a Regency
Remove all Truce, Crusade and Excommu- Council (no Ruler) lose
nication tokens from the board. 1 Stability.
Then all players with a Stability of +2
B. Invasions or higher may remove Unrest from (flip
Player Realms which are at War with an token to reveal shield) one Province of their
NPR, and do not currently have any Units in choice.
at least one of that NPR's original Areas, may Players with a Stability of -2 or lower
must add Unrest (flip Town to reveal Unrest Castile has not been able to deal with the Rebels
now face an Invasion if that NPR still has
in Leon during the Action Phase. The two Rebel
any Provinces left. icon) to one of their own Towns. Units now Siege the two Provinces with Unrest
The NPR will invade if there is an Area Players with any ongoing, unresolved (Asturias and Badajoz), and Rebel Towns
adjacent to them, which contains Towns Wars must add Unrest to two of their own replace the Castilian Towns, which go back on
Towns. their player mat.
belonging to that player (recently captured
Provinces also count). If two or more Areas Players that have Religious Dissent in
are adjacent, pick the one that provides the any of their Areas (different Religion from
highest Tax Value for that Player Realm their State Religion), must add Unrest to one
(after that pick alphabetically). In this Area, Town (not Vassals) in each affected Area.
add Unrest to two Towns of the player who
is at War, and place Rebel Units equal to F. Roll Rebel Dice
the NPR's current Military Capacity for the Players that have Towns or
Area they invade. Vassals with Unrest must now
If the player has Military Units in this roll Rebel Dice and face the Castile has managed to take both of the Emirate
Area, a Battle will be fought immediately, consequences. of Granada's Provinces (Granada and Gibral-
A Rebel Die must be rolled for each tar), and and have thus achieved a total victory.
following the normal Rules for NPRs. They may end the War, and annex both Provinces.
From this point onwards, these Rebel Province with Unrest. Each player rolls all The Claim in Andalucia lets them flip the two
Units behave as normal Rebels. their Rebel Dice simultaneously. Towns with Unrest back to the normal state. As
NPRs may not invade across Sea Zones The possible outcomes on a die roll are they now own all the Provinces in the Area, they
explained in the Rebels chapter (page XX). remove the Claim token.
that contain Ships belonging to Player
Realms they are at War with. If a player has no MP to lose, or no Man-
power to exhaust, they lose 2 Ducats instead
C. Rebel Units Siege for each such die roll. If they have no Ducats
Rebel Units on the board now in their Treasury to pay with, they are forced
Siege any Towns and Vassals with to take Loan.
Unrest that they can, in their A Rebel Siege must be assigned, by the
Area, starting with large Provinc- affected player, to one of their Towns or
es if possible (then pick alphabetically). Vassals with Unrest. They must remove their
The number of Rebel Units must match token (and put it back on their Province or
the Tax Income of the Provinces they Siege. Vassal track).
Place a Rebel Town on any Sieged Provinces If the Province has the flag of the player's The Diverse Faiths token i Andalucia means
If there are no more Provinces with Un- Realm printed on the board, a Rebel Town that Castile must add Unrest to one of their
Provinces, and they pick Córdoba. They must
rest left in the Area, remove one Rebel Unit. is placed on top of the Province.
then roll one Rebel Die for the Unrest in Córdo-
If the Province has another flag printed ba, and gets a "Lose 1 MP" result. Since they do
D. Peace Resolution on the board, the Province reverts to the not have any remaining MP in their pool, they
Peace negotiations only occur if there are original owner (the Realm reappears as an must pay 2 Ducats instead. The Rebel Towns and
any ongoing Wars in the game. It starts with NPR if it had been completely annexed). Units in Leon do not force Castile to roll Rebel
Dice, as the Rebels achieved their goal here when
the first player (of the current Round), and The affected player may place a Claim in the they took control of Asturias and Badajoz.
then moves clockwise. Each player resolves Area where the lost Province is located.

Income & Upkeep
In this phase players collect Tax Income
from their Towns, and Vassal Income from
their Vassals, as well as paying upkeep for
Advisors, Military and Naval Units. They
also collect Monarch Power based on the
combined skill totals of their Ruler and
Advisors. All players perform this Phase

A. Fire Advisors, disband Military

Units and Recall Ships at sea
Fire any Advisors and disband any Military
Units you like. Recall Ships at sea if desired.
Fired Advisors are placed in their corre- Deciding not to fire any Advisors or disband any Military Units, the yellow player (Castile) first collects
sponding discard piles. Disbanded Regular an income ( ) of 14 Ducats (Regular Provinces + Large Provinces + Stability bonus) minus 8
Units are returned to Manpower in Available Ducats of expenses for a total of 6 Ducats. The expenses consist of upkeep of 2 Ducats for two Military
Units (not pictured) and 6 Ducats for two Advisors (costing 4 and 2 Ducats respectively).
state, while Mercenary Units are returned to Having paid for both Advisors, Castile will profit from their bonuses when collecting Monarch Power.
the General Supply. Ships may return to any Adding up the matching skills of their Ruler and Advisors, Castile receives 1 AP ( ), 4 DP ( )
friendly Port within reach of their normal and 4 MP ( ).
Movement (2 spaces) at no MP cost. At the end of the Income & Upkeep Phase, Castile moves 2 Units ( ) from Exhausted Manpower to
Available Manpower.
B. Collect Tax Income minus costs
is simply calculated by adding your Ruler's onist Pool equal to the number of Colonial
Income Source Ducat Income
skill in that field to the skill of the appropriate Claims you have on the board, but no more
Base Tax Income Income indicated Advisor. than 5 Colonists in total.
on Province track If you do not currently have a Ruler, your Remove Ill Health (Plague) tokens from
+ Vassal Income Income indicated Regency Council is nevertheless considered the board, and cubes used to tag Events and
on Vassal track to have a Skill of 1 in each Monarch Power Change National Focus.
– Advisor Upkeep As printed on the field.
cards (1, 2 or 4 Stability may affect Monarch Power E. Discard down to 5 cards
Income. With +3 Stability you get one Mon- All player must discard cards down to a
Ducats per Advisor)
arch Point extra, and with -3 Stability you hand size of 5 cards, unless they have Ideas
– Military • 1 Ducat per that let them keep more cards in their hand.
get one Monarch Point less, of any type you
Maintenance ­Regular Unit They may choose which cards to discard.
want to.
• 2 Ducats per Cards placed on display on the table in
The Papal Controller gets an additional
­Mercenary Unit front of players do not count towards hand
DP, and the Emperor of the HRE may get
• 1 Ducat for every size limit.
additional Monarch Points, depending on
two Ships at sea
his Imperial Authority (IA).
– Interest on Loans 1 Ducat per Loan Certain Ideas also affect Monarch Point End of Age Procedure
+/– Stability + 2 Ducats for generation. At the end of an Age – when there are no
­Modifier positive Stability. more Event cards left in the deck – the Event
–2 Ducats for nega- D. Update and Refresh Manpower, deck for the next Age is placed in position.
tive Stability Merchants and Colonists All Milestones from the previous Age are
+ Income for IA Equal to IA value Update your Manpower reserve if you have removed from the game, and four new Mile-
+ Income for Ideas Various modifiers gained or lost Towns or Vassals this round stones are drawn from the deck belonging to
to reflect your new Manpower total. Active the next Age.
A player with uncontested control (most Units count as part of this total. All players must remove one of their
controlled cardinals) of the Papal Curia may Move two Units from the Exhausted Marriage tokens from the board.
collect 1 VP. area to the Available area in the Manpower
C. Collect Monarch Points Put all of your Merchants back into the
Players may then collect Monarch Points. upright position.
Your Monarch Power Income of each type Add a number of Colonists to the Col-

Basic Actions who pick Events with ducats on them will
collect these into their Treasury.
To buy a Province from another player,
the buyer needs to have a Claim in the Area
There are two main categories of Actions Then you must immediately play the where the Province is located. The buyer can
you can take during the Action Phase, Basic Event that you picked, and execute its ef- pay no less than 3 Ducats for each Province.
Actions and playing Action Cards. These are fects. If there is an A) and a B) effect, you The active player must also pay 1 AP for
both divided into the three Monarch Pow- must choose which one of them you desire each Province bought or sold. Vassal Prov-
er types, and you need to spend Monarch to execute. inces cannot be bought or sold.
Points of the matching kind to be able to If you play an Event associated with your
own Realm, you must replace your current Optional Rule: Secret Negotiations
perform the Action.
Ruler with any historical Ruler on the card. Taking this Action, and spending one
Basic Actions are Actions you can always
When you play an Event associated with additional DP, allows you to have a 3 min
take during your Turn, without necessarily
another Realm, that player may choose conference in private with another player,
using an Action Card, as long as you can pay
whether they want to take the historical away from the game table.
the required Monarch Point cost. Some Basic
Ruler on the card, or not. All other in game communication has
Actions do not have a Monarch Power cost
Whenever an effect on an Event says to take place openly at the game table.
associated with them. All Basic Actions are
described with their cost and effect below. "you", that effect applies to the player who is
playing the Event. Explore (1 DP + 1 MP)
Requires “Quest for the New
Player to Player Diplomacy
Special Actions You must take this Action if you wish to
World” Idea.
Special Actions are not linked to a particular Pay 1 DP and 1 MP to Ex-
make an agreement with another Player
type of Monarch Power, and don't necessar- plore, and roll the Exploration
Realm which has immediate effects on
ily cost Monarch Points to perform. They do Die. Optionally you may choose to move a
game play.
however take up a whole player Turn. Ship into a Sea Zone (within reach) on one
With this Action players are allowed to
of the Distant Continents before rolling.
enter Alliances with other Player Realms, or
Event (mandatory) You may discover, and place a Claim on, a
give and ask for monetary support. It is also
At one stage during the Action Phase all Territory matching the number rolled, which
possible to buy or sell Provinces to another
players must take the Event Action. is adjacent to any of your Ships or Towns on
Player Realm.
This Action can only be taken once per any of the Distant Continents.
Entering into an Alliance costs 1 DP for
Round, except in a 2-player game, where Any roll with no will alternatively allow
the player performing this Action. During
each player must take two Event Actions. you to place a Claim on an adjacent Province
a single Action you may only Ally with one
When taking this Action you must pick owned by an NPR, instead of a Territory.
other Player Realm.
a currently available Event from the Event If you roll a , you lose 1 DP. If you have
Giving or receiving money costs 1 DP
Display, and tag the vacated space with a no DP to lose, the Exploration fails, and you
for every 10 Ducats (rounded up) given or
cube of your color. Place 2 ducats from the lose a Ship located on a Distant Continent.
received by the player taking this Action.
general supply on each unpicked face-up You may spend 1 DP to roll the Explora-
During a single Action you may only make
Event. Then flip another Event face-up if tion Die again. You can roll the Exploration
such a transaction with one other Player
there are face-down cards remaining. Players Die a maximum of two extra times, and you
must use the result of the last roll you make.
When the first Area on a Distant Conti-
nent is explored, add all unused Trade Cards
matching a newly explored continent, and
reshuffle the deck.

Die Roll Exploration Result

No Discover any adjacent Province
owned by an NPR, or:
1 Discover a Territory marked "1".
English Event 2 Discover a Territory marked "2".
France (blue player) takes their Event Action and picks the War of the Roses Event, tagging this space 2 Discover a Territory marked "2".
with one of their cubes. On the two other face-up Events, they place two Ducats from the general supply. Lose 1 DP, or fail and lose a Ship.
Then they reveal the face-down Event on the right.
The top part of the Event text takes effect no matter what, but as the player who picked the Event, 3 Discover a Territory marked "3".
France will decide whether to execute the A or B option. France chooses B and gets 1 DP. England must Lose 1 DP, or fail and lose a Ship.
take the Stability and VP losses, and face the Rebels. Edward IV becomes Englands new Ruler as soon as
the Event effects have been implemented, if England wants him as their as king. See Exploration example on the next page.

shield on your Player mat to indicate that
you taken this Action.
• Discard up to 3 Action Cards from your
hand. Then draw one card less than you
discarded from any of the Action decks.
• Increase one type of Monarch Power
by two tokens by taking one token from
each of the other two Monarch Power
pools on your Player mat.

Free Actions
Free Actions are Actions that you can per-
form alongside another Action during your
Turn or even during another player's Turn.
Free Actions may be taken on the Turn that
you pass, but not after you have passed.

Hire Advisors/Leaders
You can hire and fire Advisors (square por-
trait), or recruit Leaders (circular portrait)
as you like by taking this action.
Pay the Ducat cost shown in the lower
right corner, to hire a new Advisor from
your hand. Tuck the card underneath your
England (red player), having previously taken the "Quest for the New World" Idea and discovered the Player Mat in the matching Advisor slot.
Carib­bean, decides to Explore. They already have a Light Ship in the Caribbean Sea but use their Play a Leader on an Action Card from
optional move to bring a Light Ship from the Port in Lancashire to the Northwest Atlantic (2 spaces) your hand as a General or Admiral by paying
to increase the odds of discovering something interesting.
They roll a "2 ", and have a choice between discovering Florida, Maracaibo, Guyana or Canada.
1 MP. Tuck it underneath an Army/Fleet
They decide to pick the latter and place one of their Claim tokens there. Had England had a Town in mat of the chosen Army/Fleet. The Leader
Virginia, they would also have been able to discover the adjacent Territory, the Great Lakes. contributes the Battle Dice shown on his
The skull means that England must also discard 1 DP. Had they not had any DP to discard, they name banner as a bonus in all Battles involv-
would have had to lose one of the Ships on the Distant Continents board, and the Explore Action would
have failed. The skull also means they cannot choose to discover Mexico or Central America.
ing this Army/Fleet.
You can freely move Generals between
Changing State Religion costs 3 VP but Armies, at any time, as long as the Army is
Research Ideas (X Monarch Points) located in one of your Areas.
no Monarch Power. You must also remove
You may spend the Monarch Point cost stat-
one Royal Marriage and 5 Influence from any Take/Repay Loan
ed on an Idea card to claim the bonuses it
Areas that belong to the faith that you leave
provides. Tag the Idea card with a Monarch You can take a loan at any
behind, and may place the same amount of
Power cube from your supply. time as long as you don’t
Influence in Areas with the same faith as your
If you are the first player to research an already have 5 or more Loan
new State Religion.
Idea, you receive 5 VP for this. If you are tokens in your Treasury.
You must roll Rebel Dice immediately for
not the first player to research the Idea, you Take a Loan token and 5 Ducats from the
all of your Areas of the faith you converted
receive 3 VP, and any player that already has general supply. You must pay an Interest of
from, adding 1 Unrest in each of these Areas
this Idea gets another 2 VP. 1 Ducat every Round, in the Income & Up-
before rolling.
Read more about Ideas in chapter X. keep Phase, until the Loan has been repaid.
If there is at least one Counter-Reformed
You can repay a loan at any time by pay-
Change State Religion token on the board (following the Council
ing 6 Ducats from your Treasury, and return-
From Age II onwards it is of Trent Event), Catholic Player Realms may
ing the Loan token to the general supply.
possible to change State Re- Embrace the Counter-Reformation at the
ligion from Catholic to Prot- cost of 4 AP, with no other penalty or reward. Replenish Manpower (1 MP per 2 Units)
estant (or from Protestant Pay 1 MP per 2 Units to Replenish as many
Change National Focus
to Catholic) by taking this action. Changing Exhausted Units in your Manpower Pool as
Take this Action to perform either one or
to or from other Religions can only happen you desire. These Units are moved from the
both of the two options below. May only be
if conversion is forced upon you (see page Exhausted area to the Available area, and are
done once per Round. Place a cube on the
XX). ready to be recruited.

Increase Stability (6 AP +/– Stability)
You may spend 6 Administrative Points
(AP), modified by the current Stability val-
ue, to increase your stability by 1 step.
I.e. increasing Stability from -3 to -2 costs
(6 – 3 =) 3 AP, while increasing Stability
from +1 to +2 costs (6 + 1 =) 7 AP.

Convert Area (3 AP + 3 Ducats)

Convert the Religion to your State Religion
in an Area where you have a Town on all the
Immediately add 1 Unrest and roll Rebel
Dice for this Area when taking this Action.

Colonize ( 1 AP per additional token)

To take this Action, you must have a Claim
on at least one Territory on a Distant Con-
Take the desired amount of tokens from
your AP and place them in the Colonist
Pool. Tokens in the Colonist Pool are re-
ferred to as Colonists.
When you have at least 5 Colonists in the England (red player), has discovered the Carib­bean, Canada, Pernambuco and the Gold Coast. They have
Colonist Pool, you may immediately remove Ships in the Caribbean Sea, Northwest Atlantic, Gulf of Guinea and Northeast Atlantic, and
5 Colonists during a Colonize Action, to now they want to Colonize.
They already have 3 Colonists in the Colonist Pool, and use their Colonize Action to add another 2 Colo-
replace one of the Claims on a vacant Terri- nists to reach 5. They now have enough Colonists to convert one of their Colonial Claims into a Town.
tory with a Regular Town. They may however only pick Claims that are connected through a chain of Ships to one of their existing
Any Territory that you wish to Colonize Towns. There is no Ship in the Southwest Atlantic, so Pernambuco cannot be colonized at this stage.
must have your Claim on it, and either be Neither can the Gold Coast. Even if there is a Ship in the Gulf of Guinea, this chain is not complete as
there is no Ship in the Bay of Biscay to connect with the Sea Zones further south.
adjacent to one of your Towns, or connected England may however choose to place their Town in Canada or the Caribbean, as shown by the yellow
to one of your Towns through a continuous lines. Had there not been a Ship in the Northwest Atlantic, neither of these Territories could have been
chain of your Ships. colonized since the Caribbean Sea (B, C and D) does not connect with the Northeast Atlantic (A).
If you already had 5 or more Colonists at
the beginning of this Action, you don't need
to spend any AP. Just remove 5 Colonists to
place a Town.

Diplomatic Actions
Influence (1 DP or 3 Ducats per token)
Pay 1 DP or 3 Ducats to place an In-
fluence token in any Area that at the
start of your Turn contained one of
your Towns, V ­ assals, or Influence tokens, or France (blue player) wants to increase their diplomatic power in Italy using an Influence Action. They decide
is adjacent to an Area that contained any of to place 2 more Influence tokens in Lombardy where they already have one token. This means that there are
them. now five Influence tokens in Lombardy in total, and that players cannot place more Influence here before re-
moving tokens. Central Italy and Corsica & Sardinia are adjacent both to the original French token in
You may place as many Influence tokens Lombardy and the French tokens and Town in Languedoc, so France decides to put one token in each of
as you desire when taking this Action, but a these Areas too. No Influence tokens may be placed in Naples and Dalmatia, since these Areas are outside
maximum of 2 tokens in any single Area. France's reach. The player decides to spend 2 DP and 6 Ducats to pay for the Influence tokens.

Note!: There can be no more than 5 covered Areas on the Distant Continents or in the selected node by tilting it over on
Influence tokens in total in any Area. If you Areas where you own all the Provinces. its side. An activated Merchant may not be
wish to place Influence in an Area that is activated (or moved) again this Round.
“full”, you must first remove Influence of Trade (1 DP) All players with a Merchant in the chosen
your opponents, i.e. by using the Sabotage Pay 1 DP to reveal 3 Trade Cards and pick Trade Node (even activated ones) will now
Reputation Action on an active Spy Network one of the cards that has a Trade Node Collect Trade Income from the Node ac-
card. where you are eligible to Trade. Discard the cording to their Trade Power.
No Influence may be placed on any of the other cards. To determine your Trade Power in a
Distant Continents. You may only Trade in nodes that are Trade Node, see page XX.
connected to your Capital through a con- If you draw no cards that match any
Forge Alliance (1–3 DP) tinous chain of your own Areas or Ships. eligible Trade Nodes, you may still collect
You must be at Peace to perform this Action. Move a Merchant to the Trade Node 2 Ducats without needing to activate any of
Pay DP equal to Tax Income of Target that you chose if you do not already have a your Merchants.
Realm (but never more than 3 DP) to place Merchant there. Then activate the Merchant
an Alliance token on the Capital Province
of the Realm you wish to be allied to. Add 1
more Influence token to this Area (if there is
space for it).
Red more about the benefits of Alliances
on page XX.
Requires: A total of 2 Influence tokens
in any Areas of the target Realm, and that
no one else has an Alliance with them. No
Influence is needed forge an Alliance with a
Distant Realm, but you must have a Claim on
one of their Areas.

Fabricate Claim (2 DP per Claim)

This is a Covert Action. Spend 2
DP to place a Claim in an Area
adjacent to your Realm. You
must be at peace to fabricate
Claims. The Claim provides
a Conquest Casus Belli on all Realms that
own Provinces in the Area where the Claim
is placed.
You cannot fabricate Claims on undis-

Covert Actions
Some Diplomatic Actions and Action
Cards are labelled as Covert Actions.
These are Actions that target other
Realms, and the intended victim may
counter these Actions by playing the
Counterespionage card. England (red player), takes a Trade Action. They draw 3 Trade cards and must make a choice. They
These are the Covert Actions avail- would normally be able to trade in the North Sea node, but since their Merchant here has already been
activated, they won't be able to do so again this Round. The Ship in the Caribbean Sea is cut off from
able in the game: London since there are no Ships in either the Bay of Biscay or the Northwest Atlantic, so the North
America node is therefore out of reach.
• Fabricate Claim (Basic Action) That leaves the player with the Cloth card, and England can trade in both the Champagne node and
• Support Rebels (Spy Network) the English Channel node, as shown by the yellow arrows. To trade in Champagne they would need to
move their Merchant there (from the English Channel), but since they don't own any of the listed Key
• Sow Discontent (Spy Network) Provinces for Champagne, they would only have a Trade Power of 1 in that node (from the Merchant),
• Sabotage Reputation (Spy Network) yielding an income of 6 Ducats.
• New Alliance (Action Card) In the English Channel node however, they have a Trade Power of 6 (Merchant + 2 adjacent Ships +
• Study Technology (Action Card) 3 Key Provinces). The Expanded Trade token enables them to collect the income in the red column, for
an impressive 16 Ducats. France has a Merchant and an adjacent Ship here as well though, so they will
• Counterespionage (Action Card) collect 7 Ducats. England still chooses to trade Cloth in the English Channel.

Military Actions
Declare War (1 MP)
By Declaring War, you enter
into a War with the target
Realm, and you place a War
token on that Realm's Capital.
You may Declare War on any number of
Realms during this Action.
To Declare War, you should make sure
you have a valid Casus Belli. Most often a
Casus Belli involves a Claim on an Area of
the target Realm (see Casus Belli in a the
Warfare chapter, page XX).
Note!: You may not Declare War on an
Ally, an undiscovered NPR on a Distant Castile (yellow player) has a Claim in Andalucia and uses it to Declare War on the Emirate of Granada,
placing a War token on their Capital. They pay 1 MP for the Declare War Action, and 1 MP to Hire a
Continent, a player who has already passed,
General for their Army (Free Action).
or a Realm that you have a Truce with. Their Army is located in Castile and does not trigger a Battle, so they get an Activate Army Action at
no additional cost, which they use to move their Army via Leon and into Andalucia. This way they by-
Consequences of Declaring War: pass the Mountain Border between Castile and Andalucia which would have limited their movement.
• No Casus Belli: lose 2 Stability As soon as the Castilian Army enters the Hostile Area of Andalucia, the Emirate of Granada will mus-
• Royal Marriage with target Realm: lose ter a force to defend their lands. They have two regular Provinces, and thus defend with 2 Units (black).
1 Stability
• Lose all Influence in all the Areas of tar-
get Realm (Casus Belli or not).
• If your Army is located in an Area where
your enemy has an Army, or your NPR
enemy has a Province, when you Declare
War, a Battle will immediately take place.
• If the Declaration of War does not trigger
a Battle, you may immediately take an
Activate Action at no additional MP cost.

Activate Army/Fleet (1 MP)

You may spend 1 MP to activate an Army
(or Land Unit) or make a Naval Activation.
Move Army/Unit: An Army/Unit may
move up to 2 spaces, but must end its move- Castile uses no Battle Cards, but the General (Alexander) provides them with two (orange) Cavalry Dice
ment if entering a Hostile or Neutral Area. in addition to the standard three (white) Infantry Dice. They roll , , , and a miss, for two
When Land Units enter an Area containing hits with their Infantry Units, and one hit with their Cavalry Unit. The defenders only roll the standard
enemy Units or hostile NPR Provinces, a three Infantry Dice, getting , and a miss, for one hit, since NPRs only hit on Infantry results.
Castile must remove one Unit as a Casualty, and picks an Infantry Unit, which they return to the Ex-
Battle commences immediately. hausted Manpower on their player mat. Both defenders are removed from the board. Castile then collects
Moving through a Neutral Area requires 1 MP for winning the Battle.
Military Access, which normally costs 3 On their next Turn, Castile may spend 2 MP to Siege the Provinces of Granada and Gibraltar.
Ducats per Area.
Siege: An activated Army or Land Unit Zone containing enemy Ships if this is the Note!: When moving on any of the Dis-
may alternatively Siege instead of moving if end destination of all the Ships that are be- tant Continents, movement is always limited
located in an Area with enemy Provinces. ing moved, and this triggers a Naval Battle. to just one space (Area or Sea Zone).
Naval Activation: A Naval Activation Naval Transport: Land Units may be
will let you move any number of Ships on transported across Sea Zones either as part Optional Rule: Available Mercenaries
the board to a single destination (Sea Zone of a Land Move or a Naval Activation. Ships In your own Areas, you may recruit up to 3
or Port), or all Ships in Ports out to sea (into at sea may then be used as a bridge for Land Mercenary Units (at normal cost) during
adjacent Sea Zones). Fleets and Ships may Units to cross (3 Units per Ship). an Activation Action, and they may move
move a maximum of 2 spaces (Sea Zones). Detailed rules for Movement and Battles immediately with the activated Army.
The activated Ships may only enter a Sea are found in the Warfare chapter (page XX).

Recruit (1* MP + Ducats) * If you have been declared War upon you Decks and Discard Piles
may perform this action once during the The Action card decks are placed next to each
Pay 1 MP to recruit as many Military Units
same Round without having to pay any other at the side of the board as shown in the
(from your Available Manpower), hire as
MP, but it still takes a Turn. set-up. Discard piles are created as needed,
many Mercenary Units (from the general
** To Recruit Artillery Units you must have placing discarded cards face up.
supply), and build as many Ships, as you de-
researched the "Cannons" Idea.
sire, and pay the required amount of Ducats. Battle Cards
You can recruit as many Military Units in Suppress Unrest (1 MP per Province) Many of the Military Action Cards are cards
each of your Areas as your Military Capacity Pay 1 MP per Province that you wish to that may be used to obtain bonuses in Bat-
in that Area. Mercenaries are not limited by remove Unrest from. tles. These cards can be used in any Battle
Military Capacity. Units may be placed in- You cannot remove Unrest from Provinc- that you are involved in, also outside your
side Armies or directly on the board. es if there are Rebel Units in the same Area. own Turn, when another Realm attacks you.
You can build a maximum of one Ship
in each Port you own. Ships may be placed Reaction Cards
on the Port, or in the Sea Zone next to it, as Action Cards Some Action Cards are designated as Reac-
long as this does not result in a Naval Battle. tion Cards, and these cards may be played
A Recruit Action may also be used to Actions on Action Cards work very much
like Basic Actions. Playing an Action Card outside your own Turn, as a response to
send a Call to Arms to your Allies, if you are Actions performed by other players.
at War, as described in the Aliances chapter (unless otherwise specified) takes up a
whole Player Turn, but players may perform
(page XX).
Free Actions alongside this. The Monarch
Characters (Leaders & Advisors)
Point cost of playing an Action Card is stat- The bottom section of each Action Card has
Cost to recruit/hire/build ed in the top left corner of the card. The col- a character on it – either a Leader (circular
Type Regular Mercenary or and icon indicates what type of Monarch portrait) or an Advisor (square portrait).
Power is required to play the card – green is You may choose to play the card as this
Infantry 2 Ducats 4 Ducats
Administrative, blue is Diplomatic and red character instead of the Action described on
Cavalry 5 Ducats 7 Ducats the scroll. When playing the card as a charac-
is Military.
Artillery** 6 Ducats 8 Ducats ter you disregard the Action on the card (and
All Action Cards are dual-purpose. You
Light Ship 4 Ducats – may play the card to execute the Action its Monarch Power cost) completely. Instead
Heavy Ship 10 Ducats – described on the scroll or to activate the you pay the hiring cost stated in the bottom
character in the bottom section. right corner. How Leaders and Advisors work
Galley 2 Ducats – is described in the Government chapter.

The Anatomy of an Action Card

Monarch Power cost Monarch Power cost Card title
(Diplomatic) (Military /
Monetary cost
3 Battle Dice
provided by
Action section Action illustration this Action
of Action Card if played in
Action description a Battle

Character name Battle Dice

Character section
of Action Card provided if
Leader portrait employed as
Advisor portrait (circular frame) a General
(square frame)
Cost (in Ducats) Cost in MP
to hire/maintain to employ as
Leader's skill values in each type of a General
Icon relating to character mortality Advisor's Monarch Power skill bonus
Monarch Power, if serving as your Ruler

Warfare Claim Action, or from other diplomatic
circumstances or Events.
Army Leader is called a General and a Fleet
Leader is called an Admiral. You slide these
When Diplomatic means won’t satisfy your cards underneath the associated Army and
ambitions, Warfare might be your next step. Conquest (Claim) Fleet Mats so that only the Leader is shown.
By fabricating Claims, forging Alliances and The Action of hiring a General or Admi-
Having a Claim on an Area provides a
recruiting military forces at the right time, ral costs 1 MP. You may also use your Ruler/
Casus Belli against all other Realms that
you can set yourself up for a successful cam- Monarch as a General without having to pay
currently own Provinces in that Area.
paign of conquest. Sometimes you must also any MP, but remember that he might get
Call to Arms killed in a Battle.
defend against foreign or domestic attackers.
Warfare against NPRs is described in a If a Realm that has an Alliance with you A General or Admiral adds Battle Dice, as
separate section in the Non-Player Realms sends you a Call to Arms, this gives you indicated on his name banner, to any Battle
chapter (page XX). a Casus Belli on the Realm that is at War where his Army/Fleet is involved. Only one
with your Ally. The Call to Arms must be Leader on each side may add dice to the
Military Capacity accepted or refused immediately. Battle. The player rolling may decide which
Dishonored Call Leader applies.
Military Capacity is a measure for how many
For hits rolled by your opponent in a
Units a Realm can muster in one Area. You get a Casus Belli against any Ally that
Battle (land or naval) you have to roll to see
The Military Capacity value for a Realm refuses to honor your Call to Arms. This
if your Leader gets wounded (see Casualties
in any given Area is equal to the Tax Value of CB is removed at the end of the Round.
Section under Land and Naval Battles).
all their Provinces in that Area and all adja- Disloyal Vassal
cent Areas (including Ports facing the same
Sea Zone as the Area in question).
If one of your Vassals breaks free you get Movement
this Casus Belli on them. This CB is re- All movement of Military Units is performed
This value is used to determine how
moved at the end of the Round. during the Action Phase, except the return of
many Units a Player Realm can place in an
Area during a Recruit Action. And equally Excommunication War Ships back to Port, which may be done at no
important, to see how many Units an NPR If your Realm is Catholic, and the Curia cost during the Income & Upkeep Phase.
will defend an Area when under attack. controller has Excommunicated the Ruler Armies, Fleets and single Units are
of another Realm, you get a Casus Belli moved by using the Activate Army/Fleet
Manpower against that Realm for as long as the Ruler Military Action (or certain Military Cards).
is Excommunicated. Only one activation is allowed during a
Your Manpower is the number of Units you
single Turn.
have available for recruiting – this number Holy War (Crusade)
is equal to ½ of your Province Tax Income If you have the “Deus Vult” Idea you Land Movement
(rounded up). The Manpower value may be get this Casus Belli against all adjacent An activation may be used to activate and
modified by i.e. Ideas and Increase Manpower Realms that belong to different religion move a single Army or Land Unit. An
investments. On your Player Mat you have a groups from your own. Army/Unit may up to 2 spaces, but must
Manpower Pool area where these available If your Realm is Catholic, you get this end its movement if entering a Hostile or
Units are located. When your Manpower in- Casus Belli against Realms that are currently Neutral Area.
creases you add more Units from your Supply the target of a Crusade. Crusade tokens are Land Units may cross Sea Zones contain-
to the Manpower Pool, and when it decreases removed at the end of the Round. ing friendly Ships, as described in the Naval
you move them back to your Supply. Transport of Land Units section below.
Casualties (see separate section under
Imperial Liberation (Emperor only)
Movement on land also ends if the mov-
Battles) are returned to the Manpower Pool The Holy Roman Emperor (Austria) has a
ing Units enter an Area containing enemy
in an Exhausted state and are not available permanent Casus Belli against any Realm
Units, and a Battle then immediately occurs.
until Replenished. outside the HRE that owns Provinces or
Increased or decreased Manpower is has Vassals located inside the HRE. Military Access
calculated at the end of the Income and You can always move your troops through
Upkeep Phase. Areas where you, or one of your Vassals or
Manpower can never rise above 20. Allies, own at least one Province. You can
also move your troops into Areas that con-
Casus Belli (CB) & tain at least one Province of a Realm you are
Declarations of War currently at War with.
To declare War on another Realm, you need To move your troops into Areas where
to have a Casus Belli or take a -2 penalty to Generals & Admirals there are only Neutral Provinces you must
your Realm's Stability. discard 1 Influence token from the area in
Armies and Fleets may be assigned Leaders
CBs are obtained by using the Fabricate question, or lose 3 Ducats.
from Action Cards in the player’s hand. An

Military Units, Artillery Units have a Siege Strength of 2, and have no Port to return to within reach,
Armies and Fleets which means that they may Siege two reg- must be discarded.
ular Provinces or one large Province at the A Ship may transport up to 3 Land Units.
There are several different types of Military
cost of just 1 MP.
Units you may deploy in your service. First- Light Ships
Armies that include Artillery Units can-
ly, you have your own regular land Units Hits on:
not be used with the Action Cards Forced
and your three Army miniatures, as well as Build Cost: 4 Ducats
March or One Step Ahead.
your Ships and Fleet. Then, there are also A Light Ship costs 4 Ducats to build and
Mercenary Units and NPR/Rebel Units. Armies may be deployed directly onto the board
All players have 3 Army as a Single Unit or in one of your Fleets by
Regular Land Units
Units with a corresponding placing the Units on the desired Fleet Mat.
These Units normally make up
Army Mat depicting the Light Ships provide a Trade Power of
the bulk of your armed forces on
matching Army miniature one, in all Trade Nodes adjacent to their Sea
land. You keep the available ones
in the top corner. Zone. Read more about Trade Power in the
in your Manpower Pool and the
No player can have more Trade chapter (page XX).
rest set aside in your Supply. The land Units
than 2 active Armies at any
are deployed as either Infantry, Cavalry or Heavy Ships
time, unless they have the
Artillery by using the Recruit Action. During Hits on: + 1 automatic Hit
"Grand Army" Idea, which
the Income & Upkeep Phase you must pay Build Cost: 10 Ducats
allows the third Army to be activated.
1 Ducat for each Unit you want to keep in Heavy Ships can only be deployed in a
To deploy an Army, you must assign it at
service, or they will return to the Manpower Fleet, by placing the Ship Units in the
least one Land Unit, from the Area where
reserve. Heavy Ships area on the Fleet Mat.
you place it (during an Activate Action), or
from Manpower (during a Recruit Action). Each Heavy Ship always provide an au-
Units in an Army are all placed on the tomatic hit every time you roll the dice in a
Hits on: or
Army Mat. Each Army may contain as many Naval Battle, in addition to any hits rolled
Siege Strength: 1
Regular Units and Mercenary Units as you on the dice. When counting the hits on the
Recruitment Cost: 2 Ducats
like, and they all move as one, being repre- dice the Heavy Ships are counted in the
Infantry costs 2 Ducats to recruit and may
sented by the Army miniature on the board. same way as any other Ship.
be deployed directly onto the board as Sin-
An Army may pick up or drop off Reg- They can also take two hits before they
gle Units or in one of your Armies by plac-
ular Infantry Units in the Area where it is must be removed as Casualties. After the first
ing the Units on the desired Army Mat.
located at no cost, during an Activation hit, tip the Ship over on its side. If it does not
The MP cost of moving a Single Unit is
Action. take another hit it is automatically repaired
the same as moving an entire Army led by a
Units are placed on the Army Mat in once the Fleet enters a friendly Port.
With the Idea "Tercios", the outlined icon either the Infantry, Cavalry or Artillery row,
on the result counts as a second Infantry depending on what type of Unit you recruit-
Hits on:
result. Each Unit may still only score one hit. ed. Regular Units and Mercenaries work in
Build Cost: 2 Ducats
the same way in this sense.
Galleys can only be deployed in a Fleet, by
Cavalry Each Army may also be assigned a Gener-
placing the Ship Units in the Galleys area on
Hits on: al – a Leader who provides extra Battle Dice.
the Fleet Mat.
Siege Strength: 1/2 (rounded down)
Ships Galleys can only sail in the Baltic Sea,
Recruitment Cost: 5 Ducats
Ship Units are deployed as Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea. If a Fleet
Cavalry must be deployed in Armies. The
either Light Ships, Heavy containing Galleys moves from i.e. the Med-
Units you use are the same as for Infantry,
Ships or Galleys by using iterranean into the Atlantic Ocean, all the
but you place them in the Cavalry area on
the Recruit Action. When Galleys in that Fleet are immediately lost
the Army Mat.
you build a Ship you take it from your sup- and returned to the player’s Supply.
Artillery (requires "Cannons" Idea) ply – it does not cost any Manpower. You
Hits on: can only build one Ship in each Port during
All players have
Siege Strength: 2 a Recruit Action.
a Fleet Unit with
Recruitment Cost: 6 Ducats During the Income & Upkeep Phase you
a corresponding
Artillery Units must also be deployed in must pay 1 Ducat for every 2 Ships (round-
Fleet Mat picturing
Armies. The Units you use are the same as ed up) that you want to keep at sea, or they
the Fleet miniature
for Infantry and Cavalry, but you place them must return to a friendly Port within reach
in the top corner.
in the Artillery area on the Army Mat. (2 spaces). Ships at sea that are not paid for
To deploy your Fleet, you must assign it

If you have a Claim in a Neutral Area it is Ships at the end of a Naval Activation, after
at least one Ship, from the Sea Zone where not possible to get Military Access through any Naval Battles have been fought.
you place it (during an Activate Action), or this Area. Land Units may disembark in Hostile
from your supply (during a Recruit Action). If all the Provinces in this Area are held Areas, and this may result in an immediate
Ships in the Fleet are all placed on the by a player (whom you are not at War with), Land Battle.
Fleet Mat. The Fleet may contain as many you have to get that player’s permission to
Ships as you like, and they all move as one, move an Army or Unit into it. Movement on Distant Continents
being represented by the Fleet miniature On the Distant Continents Land Units are
on the board. No player can have more Naval Movement moved between Areas along the white lines
than one active Fleet at any time. A naval activation allows a player to move on the map.
An Army may pick up or drop off Light any number of Ships out of Port or to a sin- Land Movement on the Distant Conti-
Ships in the Area where it is located at no gle destination (Sea Zone or Port) within nents is only allowed in Areas where you
cost, during an Activation Action. the range of those Ships. A Ship may move have a Claim or a Town. If you are at War
Ships are placed on the Fleet Mat in up to two spaces (Sea Zones). with an opponent, you may also move into
the either the Light Ships, Heavy Ships or The activated Ships may only enter a Sea Areas that contain their Claims or Towns.
Galleys area, depending on what type of Zone containing enemy Ships if this Sea Armies, Fleets and Military Units must
Ship you built. Zone is the end destination of all the Ships end their movement when moving into an
Your Fleet may also be assigned an that are being moved, and this immediately Area or Sea Zone on any of the Distant Con-
Admiral – a Leader who provides extra triggers a Naval Battle. tinents.
Battle Dice. If you do not have a Claim or Town adja-
Ships in Port cent to a Sea Zone on the Distant Continents,
Mercenaries Ships in friendly Ports may never be at- you must take an Exploration Action to move
Mercenary Units are found in tacked by enemy Ships. into that Sea Zone.
the General Supply and is a pool Land Units aboard a Ship that enters a
of Units available to all players. Port must be placed in the Area where that Entering or Leaving a Distant Continent
They are expensive but not lim- Port is located. Fleets and Ships may enter, leave and move
ited by your Manpower. Like regular land If there are Ships in the Port of a Province between the Distant Continents via Sea
Units, Mercenaries are deployed as either that is captured in a Siege, these must imme- Zones that are marked with matching letters
Infantry, Cavalry or Artillery by using the diately be moved out into the adjacent Sea along their edges. Sea Zones with matching
Recruit Action, using the same rules for Zone – a Naval Battle may occur immediate- letters are considered adjacent.
deployment as for Regular Units. ly as a consequence of this if there are enemy When moving across the Pacific Ocean,
Each Mercenary Unit costs 2 Ducats Ships present. between the Far East and the Americas, an
more than a regular unit to recruit. During A Port may normally hold up to 2 Ships. additional Monarch Power token (of any
the Income & Upkeep Phase you must pay However, the Port of a large Province may type) must be spent.
2 Ducats for each Mercenary Unit you want hold up to 6 Ships, as long as they are placed Some Areas on the Distant Continents
to keep in service, or they will return to the inside a Fleet. connect to certain Areas on the main Map
General Supply. Board via a connection line marked with
Naval Transport of Land Units name of the Area they connect to.
Rebels, Pirates & NPR Units Ships at sea form a bridge across the Sea Zone
Rebels/NPR that they are in, which may be crossed by up Battle Sequence
Units are found to three Land Units per Ship. 1. Play Military Cards and spend MP
in the General The land Units may cross any number Attacker first, then Defender
Supply and are of Sea Zones as long as the bridge is an un- 2. Roll Battle Dice
always treated broken chain of Ships connecting the Sea Both sides simultaneously
as Infantry or Light Ships. They are used Zone where the Land Units embark to the 3. Remove Casualties
to represent the forces of Rebels and Sea Zone from which they disembark. There 4. Place Ill Health on wounded Leaders
NPRs that are at War with Player Realms, must be enough Ships to carry all the Land 5. Retreat or continue fighting
or Allied Units in a Player Realm's Army. Units, in each of the Sea Zones in this chain. Attacker decides first, then Defender
Pirates are always placed on Trade Allied Ships may be used for this purpose. Go back to step 1 if Battle continues.
Nodes and reduce the Trade Power of all Naval Transport may be done as part of 6. Winner receives 1 MP
Realms in the node where they appear. an Army Activation. The bridge of Ships
Pirate Ships can be attacked by Ships in a do not count as a space while moving, but Repeat the sequence if both sides decide to
Sea Zones adjacent to the Trade Node in movement must end in the Area where the continue fighting.
question, and a player must take a Naval Units disembark. If a player decides to retreat, they suffer
Activation to do so. Alternatively, you may move an adjacent one additional Unit/Ship as a Casualty.
Army or Land Unit across a such bridge of NPRs stop fighting after the first round

of Battle if they are weaker (have less Units) Number of Battle Dice happens the loser must remove 2 Colonists
than their opponent, unless defending their from the Colonist Pool.
Capital or last remaining Area. 3 Infantry Dice (base number) The player who seized the Territory may
The effects of an Action Card last for the + dice for Leader Military Skill place their own Claim there as well (but
entire duration of a Battle. + dice from Military Cards played does not remove the original Claims), and
+ 1 Infantry die for every MP spent may place 1 Colonist in the Colonist Pool.
Land Battles
When an Army moves into an Area where Casualties Sieges
an enemy Army is located a Battle will ensue Players that must remove Casualties choos- To initiate a Siege an Activate Army action must
immediately. A Battle involves a roll of Battle es which Units they would like to remove. be taken (this cannot be the same action as an
Dice from each side. Casualties are returned to the Manpower activation spent on a move).
Each Army has 3 Infantry Dice (white) as Pool as Exhausted Units. MP must be spent A Siege Strength of one is required to
a base roll, and adds dice for the command- to Replenish these Exhausted Units. take control of a regular Province, and a
ing General and Military cards and MP Siege Strength of two is required to take
spent. A General provides the Battle Dice Wounded Generals control of a large Province.
shown on his name banner. For each pair of that you rolled, any An Army that is located in an Area with
Additional Battle Dice are added for any General leading your enemy's Army gets one enemy Provinces, but no remaining enemy
applicable Military Cards that are played Ill Health token. Units, may Siege any number of Provinces
(such as Superior Tactics, Superior Cavalry or As normal the Leader dies if he receives a as as long as the Tax Value of the Provinces
Inspired Leadership). second Ill Health token. If the Leader is their is equal to or lower than the total Siege
Finally, a player may choose to spend MP Ruler, follow the procedure for Ruler Death Strength of the Units in that Army.
to add extra Battle Dice at a rate of 1 Infan- described in the Government chapter. The MP cost of the Activation Action pays
try Die for every MP spent. for one Sieging Unit. Every Sieging Unit be-
The attacker must place their General, Retreats yond the first costs one extra MP, but it may
play all Military Cards and spend all MP, When both sides have removed Casualties be done as a part of a single Activation.
before the defender decides whether they after rolling the Battle Dice, they may each Remove any Towns belonging to other
want to any of these things. decide if they wish to retreat from the Battle players and place your own Towns (of match-
with any remaining Units. The attacker makes ing size) on each Province that you Siege,
Rolling Battle Dice their decision first, and then the defender. with the Unrest side facing up.
Both sides involved roll simultaneously and The attacker must retreat to the Area(s) Note!: Losing a Province to a Siege allows
hits are counted for Units that match with from which they attacked, or back onto the original owner to immediately place a
symbols rolled on the dice. Infantry hit Ships from which they where offloaded just Claim in that Area.
on a or result, Cavalry hit on a before the Battle.
The defender may retreat to any adjacent
result, and Artillery hit on a result. The Naval Battles
outlined Infantry symbol on a result Area that does not contain enemy Units,
If Ships end their movement in a Sea Zone
only counts as a hit if you have the "Tercios" using the rules for Military Access. They may
with enemy Ships, a Naval Battle will ensue.
Idea. You inflict as many Casualties on your also retreat onto friendly Ships in an adjacent
Fleets may not transport any Land Units
opponent as the number of symbols rolled Sea Zone (provided they don't exceed the
until the Naval Battle has been concluded.
that match with a unit present in that battle. load capacity of those Ships). All retreating
Each unit can only inflict one casualty on Units must retreat to the same destination. Rolling Naval Battle Dice
the opponent per roll. A player who decides to retreat must Naval Battles work in much the same way as
If there are remaining Units on both sides remove one Unit as a Casualty. land Battles. Both sides involved roll simul-
after rolling the dice and removing Casualties. taneously and hits are counted. You inflict
A another round of Battle may occur. Before Winning a Battle
as many Casualties on your opponent as
this, the attacker, and then the defender, may The winner of a Battle is the side who has
the number of results you have rolled,
decide to Retreat. If both decide to continue Units remaining in the Area after all Casual-
but no more than your number of Ships
fighting, the Battle Dice are rolled again, and ties and Retreats have been accounted for. If
involved in the Naval Battle.
hits may be scored with remaining Units. no Units remain from either side, there is no
After removing all Casualties, you may
winner in this Battle.
spend each result you rolled to deal a
Winning a Battle earns you 1 MP.
wound to the enemy's Admiral (if the enemy
Seizing Enemy Colonies lost at least one Ship), or capture one Ship
During a War, Territories with Enemy from your enemy (only if both sides have
Claims can be seized immediately by an any remaining Ships).
Infantry Die Cavalry Die Artillery Die unopposed Military Unit or after winning a
Battle there – no Siege is needed. When this

Number of Battle Dice Your enemy decides which of their Ships no Units remain from either side, there is no
are captured, and must remove these Ships winner in this Battle.
3 Artillery Dice along with their casualties. You may then Winning a Naval Battle earns you 1 MP.
+ dice for Leader Military Skill take a matching number of Ships from your
own Supply, and place them in the Sea Zone
+ dice from Military Cards played
or on the matching section of the Fleet Mat. Peace Resolution
+ 1 Artillery die for every MP spent
When you get to the Peace Resolution
Casualties (Sunken Ships) Retreats
Phase you check to see if the White Peace
Players that must remove Casualties choose This works exactly like Retreats in Land
or Victory Conditions for any ongoing Wars
which Ships they would like to remove. Battles, except that Ships must retreat into
have been met.
Casualties from Naval Battles are returned to adjacent Sea Zones or Ports.
The first player resolves all of their Wars
the player’s Supply. The attacker must retreat to the Sea
first, in any order preferred, and then it contin-
Heavy Ships can take two hits before Zone(s) from which they came, or into a
ues clockwise around the table.
they must be removed as Casualties. After friendly Port adjacent to the Sea Zone where
Peace is normally concluded with one ene-
the first hit, tilt the Ship over on its side. If the Naval Battle took place.
my Realm at the time, but players may negoti-
it does not take another hit it may later be The defender may retreat to any adjacent
ate on behalf of their NPR Allies (see below).
repaired in a Port by spending 4 Ducats. Sea Zone that does not contain enemy Ships,
When a Peace has been concluded, the
or into a friendly Port adjacent to the Sea Zone
Realms involved will enter a Truce with each
Wounded Admirals where the Naval Battle took place. All retreat-
other, lasting through the next Round.
If your enemy lost at least one Ship, they ing Ships must retreat to the same destination.
must place an Ill Health token on their Ad- A player who decides to retreat must Player vs. Player War
miral for each pair of that you rolled. remove one Ship as a Casualty. Players may agree among themselves on
Peace terms regardless of whether condi-
Capturing Enemy Ships Winning a Naval Battle
tions have been met.
If you eliminate your enemy, you may con- The winner of a Naval Battle is the side who
Players may agree to any peace terms,
vert one enemy casualty inflicted in the last has Units remaining in the Area after Casual-
including humiliation (VP), paying tribute
round of battle into a captured ship, for each ties and Retreats have been accounted for. If
result you rolled.

Victory/Peace Conditions
Total Victory
Condition: Peace Terms:
You have captured all the Provinces and You may completely Annex all of your enemy's Provinces, including their Capital.
destroyed all the Armies of your enemy. You may still choose the partial Conquest or Humiliation options (described below)
instead of total annexation.
Partial Victory
Conditions: Peace Terms (choose Conquest or Humiliation):
Player Realm enemy: Your deployed Land Conquest: First, return your enemy’s Capital Province to Humiliation: Must be occu-
Units outnumber the deployed Land Units them, if you have captured it. For this, they must pay you pying the Capital of the loser.
of your opponent two to one. 10 Ducats (but max twice their current Tax Income). Both parties return every
You may keep all other Provinces that you have captured. occupied Province to the
NPR or Bot enemy: Your deployed Land For every captured Province (other than the Capital) original owner.
Units outnumber the total number of Rebel that you return to its owner, you may demand 3 Ducats or The winner scores VP equal
Units in your Areas, and deployed enemy the removal of one enemy Claim. For Large Provinces re- to twice the amount of the Tax
Land Units. turned you may demand twice as much. Income returned to the loser
Alternatively, as compensation for Provinces you return this way (max 10 VP). The
Units located on continents where the other to the loser, you may force them to give Provinces back to loser (if human or bot) loses
Realm has no Towns do not count. you, of matching Tax Value, that were originally your's. the same number of VPs
Automatic White Peace
Conditions: Peace Terms:
No Provinces have been occupied by either A White Peace (return to status quo) is automatically declared.
side, and there are no remaining Armies on
either side.

(money), ceding captured or uncaptured previous faith. A winning player gains 5 VPs are three types of Monarch Power, Adminis-
Provinces, and liberating NPR Provinces. and may add 2 Influence Tokens to Areas trative Power (AP), Diplomatic Power (DP)
The following restrictions apply: that has the same faith as his State Religion. and Military Power (MP) – these are used
Players agreeing on a peace must still return to perform different types of action that are
their respecive Capitals. Money exchanged Demand Vassalization connected with that type of power.
cannot exceed 25 Ducats. Uncaptured Prov- Requires Partial Victory You can store a maximum of 10 tokens
inces can only be transferred if the receiving CB: Conquest, Disloyal Vassal, Excommu- in each Monarch Power pool on your Player
player is the original Province owner or has nication War mat. Any surplus is simply discarded.
a Claim in the Area. Must be occupying the Capital of the loser.
Your deployed Units must outnumber cur- Characters
Winning a War
If you can meet the conditions for Partial or
rent Tax Income of loser. (Leaders & Advisors)
Loser becomes a Vassal of the winner.
Total Victory, or if your opponent agrees to All the Action Cards have a Character locat-
Player Realms cannot be vassalized. The
name you as the winner, you are considered ed at the bottom of the card – this can either
winner gains 2 VP.
to be the winner of the War. be a Leader (circular portrait) or Advisor
The winner must return Towns on all
(square portrait). Leaders and Advisor have
Provinces bearing the flag of the vassalized
Enforcing Peace Terms NPR to the Player Mat and replace them
different functions. Characters will serve
If you have won the War, you may enforce you for a while before they die or move on.
with Vassal tokens. Place Vassal tokens of
Peace Terms matching the Victory Condi- The mortality of all Characters is controlled
the winner’s color on all the remaining Prov-
tions that have been met. by the Event Cards.
inces of the loser Realm as well.
An NPRs Available Manpower is always
considered to be zero in this context. Aftermath & Truce
Once a Peace has been con-
Allies and Peace Resolutions cluded the parties involved
When fighting a War against an Alliance con- enter a Truce that lasts
sisting of two or more Realms, Victory Condi- through the next Round.
tions and Peace terms are in general resolved Place Truce tokens on the
individually for each of your enemies. Realms you have a Truce with.
As an exception, pllayers can negotiate
You are not allowed to Declare War upon Leaders can be assigned as Rulers, or re-
peace on behalf of NPR Allies (but not on a Realm that you have a Truce with, except
behalf of a Player Realm Ally). They can cruited as Generals or Admirals. All players
to defend an Ally under attack. will pick a have a Leader on their Set-up
can choose to give Provinces ceded by the Remove Truce tokens in the next Peace
enemy in a Peace Resolution to any Active card that represents their Ruler at the start
Resolution Phase. of the game.
NPR that they are Allied to, but only to All NPR Units (Allies) in your Armies
regular NPRs if that Province belonged are disbanded once a Peace has been con- Historical Rulers
to them originally (and thus has their flag cluded. Leaders may also appear on Event Cards.
printed on the board). They can only give Any Armies or Units that you have These have a purple name banner, and are
away Provinces belonging to Allies as a part which, after Peace has been concluded, are historical Rulers belonging to the Realm
of a Peace agreement if these are occupied located in Areas that are not Friendly, must matching their coat of arms. Historical Rul-
by the enemy. be moved to the nearest Friendly Area im- ers normally replace the current Ruler in the
mediately. This move does not cost any MP. Realm the belong to, as soon as the Event on
Other Peace Terms the card has been executed.
Advanced Rules Claims
Claims in an Area where you have captured Leaders as Rulers
Force Conversion
Provinces from your enemy will allow you A Leader who is appointed as the Ruler of a
Requires Partial Victory to remove Unrest from two Towns in the Player Realm is tucked underneath the Player
CB: Holy War Area once Peace has been concluded. Mat in the Ruler Slot to the left. The Ruler
Must be occupying the Capital of the loser. Remove Claims from any Areas where add his Skill values to the Monarch Power
Return all Provinces taken from the op- you now own all the Provinces. income that the Realm gets each Round.
ponent during this War. Appointing a Leader as a Ruler costs nothing.
Loser must change their State Religion The Ruler will stay in his position until he
and the Religion of the Area where their Government dies, unless replaced by an Event.
Capital is located to the same faith as the A Ruler may also be assigned to command
winner's State Religion. Monarch Power an Army at no cost, in which case the Ruler in
A losing player loses 5 VPs and must Monarch Power is, in addition to Duc- Command token is placed on the Army Mat.
remove 4 Influence Tokens from Areas of his ats, your main resource in the game. There

Leaders as Generals and Admirals Power of this type you gain each Round. who has died by putting down an Action
Generals and Admirals may be hired by The Realm Skill Level may also be modified Card from your hand with a Leader on it. If
spending one MP. They are collectively by certain Ideas. you cannot (or will not) do this, you will en-
referred to as Military Leaders, and provide Advisors have a cost (indicated on the ter an Interregnum, and a Regency Council
a number of additional dice in Battle as indi- coin in the bottom right corner of the card), with a Skill of 1 in each Monarch Power field
cated to the right on their name banner. that must be paid immediately when you will rule until you (or an Event) replace it.
A Military Leader must be tucked under­ hire the Advisor, as well as each Round As long as the Regency Council rules, you
neath an Army or Fleet Mat. They may be (during the Income & Upkeep Phase) to are not allowed to declare War on anyone.
replaced at any time, but must be moved keep him in your employment. If you end a Round without a Ruler, your
to another Army/Fleet if you want to keep Stability drops by one step.
them in your service (even if that means that The Deaths of Leaders and Advisors Every time your Ruler dies or gets re-
they are in command of an empty Army). Every time a icon appears on an placed, you must also remove one Royal
Military Leaders without any position must Event Card, all active characters with a Marriage token from the board.
be discarded. matching symbol on their name banner
receives an Ill Health token. With the sec- Stability
ond token they receive, a character dies. Every Player Realm has a Stability value
Military Leaders may also ranging from -3 to +3, and in most scenarios
get Ill Health tokens, and players will start out with a Stability of 0.
die, in Battle. Your Realm's Stability value gives a clear
When characters die, indication of how well placed the Realm is
they are simply removed to handle internal struggles like Unrest, but
Advisors from play and placed in the appropriate dis- also how efficiently the current government
There are three types of Advisors, one for card pile. With Military Leader or Advisors will be able to pursue its goals.
each of the Monarch Power categories: Ad- this has no further consequences other than A Stability of zero has no effect on your
ministrative Advisors, Diplomatic Advisors the fact you may not take advantage of their Realm.
and Military Advisors – these are all found bonuses anymore. When increasing your Stability, either
in the corresponding Action Card decks. An using the Action Card or the Basic Action,
Advisor can be hired to improve your Realm Death of a Ruler
you add/deduct your current Stability value
Skill Level in a Monarch Power category. His If your Ruler dies, you should try to replace from the AP cost.
skill in the appropriate Monarch Power is him as soon as possible, since the absence of
added to that of the Ruler to get the Realm a Ruler puts you at a disadvantage.
Skill Level, and this is how much Monarch You may immediately replace a Ruler

Advisors must be payed the cost indicat-
ed in the lower right corner of their card,
Ideas &
before providing any Monarch Power bonus. Technology
If you are not able to pay them, they will
leave at once. The concepts of technological progress and
Each Military unit has an Upkeep Cost evolving ideas that may change the path
Positive Stability of 1 Ducat if you wish to keep them on the your Realm will take are governed by the
Having a positive Stability gives your Realm board. Mercenary Units have an Upkeep Idea Cards. These can be acquired by spend-
several benefits. In the Income & Upkeep Cost of 2 Ducats. You must return all Units ing Monarch Points of the matching type.
Phase you get a bonus, as shown on the you are unable to pay for to your Manpower Sometimes they require that you already
Stability track on your player mat. Pool or the general supply. have other Ideas before you are allowed to
For having +1 Stability, you get 2 Ducats Each player must also pay 1 Ducat for purchase the card.
extra Tax Income. every second Naval Units they wish to keep For every two Ideas that you acquire
For having +2 Stability, you get the above at sea at the end of the Round (rounded in one of the three Monarch Power fields,
bonus, and you may remove Unrest from up). Ships returned to Port don't cost any you have to get an Idea in both of the other
one of your Provinces. upkeep. two fields before you get another Idea from
For having +3 Stability, you get both of Each Loan that is not repaid costs 1 Duc- the same field. I.e. if you have four Military
the bonuses above, as well as an extra Mon- at in interest. Ideas, you must have two Administrative
arch Power token of your choice. Stability may affect Ducat Income in a and two Diplomatic Ideas, before you can
positive or negative way. Player Realms with get a fifth Military Idea.
Negative Stability a positive Stability may collect 2 Ducats of All Ideas provide some form of bonus
Having a negative Stability similarly has a additional Income. Realms with a negative effect to its owner.
number of negative effects. Stability must subtract 2 Ducats from their Every Idea researched also provides 5 the
For having -1 Stability, you get 2 Ducats Income. VP for first player to research it. If someone
less Tax Income. Certain Ideas also affect Tax Income. got the Idea before you, you receive 3 VP,
For having -2 Stability, you get the above and any opponent that already has this Idea
penalty, and you must add Unrest to one of Loans gets another 2 VP.
your Provinces. Players can take Loans as a free Action or be
For having -3 Stability, you get both of
the penalties above, as well as receiving one
forced to do so to cover expenses. When a
player takes a Loan they add a Loan token to
Monarch Power token less, of your choice. their Treasury, which indicates the interest Trade income is collected by all players
A negative Stability is also a trigger for a that must be paid on the Loan each Round with a Merchant in the chosen Trade Node
number of negative Events. for as long as it is not repaid. A player may whenever the Trade action is used.
take up to five Loans.
Economy Loans may be repaid as a Free Action by Trade Cards
Tax Income paying the whole Loan and one Round of All Trade Cards have a trade good, and two
interest at once, 6 Ducats in total. or three Trade Nodes listed on them in which
Your Tax Income should be clearly visible
on your Player Mat just by adding together you can trade the trade good of that card.
the last uncovered slot on each of the Prov- If a Player Realm that has taken the maxi-
ince tracks (Base Tax Income from regular Gold and Inflation
mum of five Loans, and is not able to pay an An economy that becomes too reliant on
and large Provinces) and the Vassal track. expense they cannot avoid (such as Interest
In simple terms, each Regular Town gold will suffer from inflation. To simulate
on Loans, Rebel Die results etc.), they go this, whenever you Trade with a Gold card
provides a Tax Income of 1 Ducat, and each Bankrupt instantly. Remember however,
Large Town provides an income of 2 Ducats. and your TP is 3 or higher, you are forced to
that you can fire Advisors and disband Mil- take a Loan token and add it to your Trea-
Vassals provide 1 Ducat for every 2 tokens, itary Units in order to avoid having to pay
rounded up. sury. These "Loans" can be repaid as normal.
Upkeep for them. Receiving such a Loan token can take
If the 20 Regular Towns on your player The consequences of Bankruptcy are as
mat are all out on the map board, take an you above five Loan tokens, and it still won't
follows: lose 3 Stability, lose 5 VP, discard all cause Bankruptcy. It will however prevent
Income +20 tile, and take the 20 remaining Ducats and 3 Loan tokens in Treasury, dis-
Towns from your supply and place them you from taking further Loans, and will
band all Mercenaries, fire all Advisors, Lose cause Bankruptcy if you are later forced to
onto the Province track on your player mat. 3 AP, 3 DP and 3 MP. take a Loan to cover expenses.
Expenses & Modifiers
Your costs are subtracted from the Tax In- Slaves
come that you collect. Slave trade was commonplace in many parts

Trade Power (TP)
The Anatomy of a Trade Card & Trade Income
Trade Power (TP) To determine your Trade
Trade good name column Power in a Trade Node
and illustration during an Trade Action,
Card ID no. count:
Trade Income columns
• 1 TP for your Merchant
Regular Node (green)
Trade Node • 1 TP for each Key Prov-
Expanded Node (red)
column ince owned by you that matches the acti-
Key Province column vated Trade Node on the Trade Card.
• 1 TP for each Light Ship in adjacent Sea
Key Provinces that
Zones, for Maritime Trade Nodes.
Trade Nodes provide additional TP
eligible for in Trade Node 1 Collect Ducats as indicated by Trade Power
activation (TP) on the Trade Card. Read the green
Key Provinces that
provide additional TP column for all regular nodes,
in Trade Node 2 and the red column for
nodes that have been up-
Key Provinces that graded with the Expand
provide additional TP Trade Action Card.
in Trade Node 3
Distant Continents
of the world during most of the era that the adjacent to a Maritime Trade Node adds Whenever someone successfully Explores an
game takes place, but with time it was in- 1 Trade Power in that node. Area on a Distant Continent, all the unused
creasingly seen as inhumane. Trade Cards that match any of the Trade
If you Trade with a Slaves card, you will Merchants Nodes for that Continent gets shuffled into
lose a number of VP matching the current Player Realms begin the game with 2 Mer- the Trade Deck, along with the discard pile.
Age of the game (i.e. 2 VP in Age II). chants each (unless the scenario set-up says

Trade Nodes
otherwise). New Merchants can be acquired Diplomatic
by researching relevant Ideas.
Trade Nodes are circular Merchant Pawns provide a Trade Power Relations
spaces on the board where of one in themselves, and are also used to
players may place their indicate a presence in a Trade Node. At the Influence
Merchants. These are the beginning of the game your Merchants are Influence signifies political power
key locations where the placed in the Trade Nodes specified in the and good relations with NPRs in Areas that
trade goods of the world are scenario set-up. During the game you may you do not control directly.
being exchanged and transported through. move, or place new Merchants, by using the Having sufficient Influence is required to
To Trade in a Trade Node you first of all Trade Action. This costs one DP. perform a number of Diplomatic Actions,
need to place one of your Merchants there. When a merchant is activated, as a part of like forging Alliances, Vassal­izing or Annex-
This may be done during a Trade Action. an Trade action, it is placed on its side, and ing other Realms. Since there is a limit of
For you to collect Trade Income from a may not be activated again that Round. five Influence in each Area, you may also,
Trade Node, that node must be connected A Trade Node may contain no more than to a certain extent, use Influence to prevent
by a continuous chain of your own Areas 3 Merchants in total, and each player may other players from performing such Actions
and/or Ships, to your Capital. There can be only have one Merchant in a single node. To in your own sphere of influence.
no Sea Zones without a Ship, or Areas with- place a Merchant in a Trade Node which is Influence can be sabotaged by the Spy
out a Province belonging to you, between full, you need to have a higher Trade Power Networks of other players, and may also
the Trade Node and your Capital. there than one of the Player Realms that affect and be affected by Wars and Events.
have a Merchant there already. In this case The total Influence allowed is limited by
Protecting Trade remove the Merchant of the Player Realm the number of Monarch Power tokens avail-
with the lowest Trade Power (in the case of a able in your player color (40 cubes).
You would also want to protect a node you
are trading in, with your Ships if it is a Mari- tie, activated Merchants are removed before
unactivated Merchants, but otherwise ties
Influence and Player Realms
time Trade Node. Influence cannot be used to affect other Play-
Each Light Ship located in a Sea Zone are decided randomly)
er Realms, and may not be placed in Areas
where all Provinces are owned by players.

The moment all the Provinces in an Area You can have a maximum of 5 Royal War, you are allowed to ignore the Call to
falls under the control of Player Realms, all Marriages and Alliances combined (the Arms without any penalty.
Influence is removed from this Area and "Cabinet" Idea allows one more).
returned to the supply of their owner. Sending a Call to Arms
Effects and Limitations: If you are at War, you may send a Call to
Royal Marriages • You may send a Call to Arms to all Allies Arms to your Allies during a Recruit Action.
A Royal Marriage strength- when someone Declares War on you. You may only send a Call to Arms once per
ens your political ties to • You must answer a Call to Arms from an Round, but you may call on any number of
and foothold in the Realm Ally who is being attacked, or suffer the Allies when you do it.
you are married to. Royal penalties listed below.
• You get a Casus Belli on any Realm that Calling in Allies in Defensive Wars
Marriages will also simply be
your Ally is at War with. If you are being attacked, your NPR Allies
referred to as Marriages in the rules.
• An NPR Ally will contribute a number of will immediately join you in the War if you
You can have a maximum of 5 Royal
Units to your aid, up to its Manpower (1/2 send a Call to Arms, as long as they are not
Marriages and Alliances combined (the
of their Tax Income). already at War.
"Cabinet" Idea allows one more).
• An NPR can only be Allied to one Player The number of Units contributed by
Effects of Royal Marriages: Realm at the time. each NPR Ally in a defensive War is equal to
• It is not possible to forge an Alliance twice the number of Influence tokens that
• The Marriage token in itself counts as
while you are at War. you have in their Areas, but limited to their
an Influence token for all purposes. It is
Manpower (1/2 their current Tax Income).
however impossible to remove, and does
not count towards the limit of 5 Influ-
Ending an Alliance: These appear immediately as described
• In Peace time: you lose 5 Influence from below.
ence tokens in an Area.
• The Marriage token lets you remove one Areas of your former Ally, and must place
a Truce token on their Capital. Calling in Allies in Offensive Wars
Influence token less than normal from If you have one or more Alliances when you
this Area, whenever an Action or Event • During a War: you lose 2 Stability, and 5
Influence from Areas of your former Ally. Declare War on another Realm, you may
requires you to discard Influence (includ- persuade NPR Allies to join you in this war
ing Sabotage Reputation).
Getting a Call to Arms by discarding Influence from your NPR
• A Royal Marriage makes it possible to Ally's Areas during a Recruit Action.
If your Ally is being attacked they may send
Vassalize and Annex a Realm that has a Your NPR Ally will contribute a number
you a Call to Arms. NPRs always do this
Tax Income which is higher than 1/2 of of Units equal to twice the amount of Influ-
immediately. You must honor this call, by
your own Base Tax Income. ence discarded from their Areas, up to their
Declaring War on their enemy, or suffer a
• Royal Marriages are also triggers for a Manpower (1/2 of their Tax Income).
number of Events. You may discard Colonists instead of
In this case, you are allowed to make an
• You get a -1 Stability penalty if you attack Influence to make Allies on Distant Conti-
immediate free Declaration of War on the
a Realm that you have Marriage ties to nents join you in an offensive War.
aggressor, even if you have a Truce or Alli-
(this comes in addition to any Stability
ance with them.
loss for lack of a Casus Belli).
You never suffer any penalties (for Royal Allied NPR Forces in a War
Eligible Marriage Partners Marriages or anything else) for honoring a War Type NPR Contribution
Christian Realms can only enter Royal Call to Arms from an Ally under attack. Defensive # Units equal to 2x Influence
Marriages with other Christian Realms, and Such a Declaration of War may still trig- War in Ally's Areas
Muslim Realms can only enter Royal Mar- ger a Battle as described on the Declare War
Offensive # Units equal to 2x Influence
riages with other Muslim Realms. Action but you get no free Activate Army/
War discarded from Ally's Areas
You may have Royal Marriages with your Fleet Action.
own Vassals, but not the Vassals of other play- How you choose to participate in the War
When an NPR Ally enters into War on your
ers. If an NPR that you have a Royal Marriage beyond that point is up to you.
side, you may immediately place an available
with gets Vassalized by another player, you If you choose to not honor a Call to Arms,
Army miniature (if you have one) in one of
must remove your Marriage token. your suffer the following consequences:
your Ally's Areas, and place the appropriate
Several Player Realms can have Marriage • Alliance will be terminated, and you must
number of NPR Units in the Infantry sec-
ties to the same NPR. remove the Alliance token and 5 Influence
tion on your corresponding Army Mat.
from your former Ally's Areas.
You may activate and move such an Army
• You lose 2 VP.
Alliances • Your former Ally, if a player, will get a
around like any other Army of yours for the
An Alliance is a pact to remainder of the War, by spending Military
Dishonored Call Casus Belli on you.
support one another in the Power. Any Casualties are simply moved to
• If you are already involved in another
event of War. the General Supply.

Your total number of Armies on the Events may cause Vassals to break free Diplomatic Relations
board is still limited to 2 (or 3 if you have the from the ties to their overlord. with NPRs
"Grand Army" Idea).
Diplomatic Vassalization Players have various ways of interacting with
Your Ally will still defend their own Areas
NPRs through diplomatic means.
as normal, like any other NPR. and Annexation The different possible relations that they
If another player attacks an Area of your By using the Vassalize/Annex Action Card,
may have with an NPR, are described in the
Ally where you have an Army located, your you may diplomatically subjugate NPRs.
Diplomatic Relations chapter.
Ally will defend as described above, and This requires that they must first be your
these Units will fight alongside the Units in Ally. Remove the Alliance token once they
your Army. The extra Units defending their have become your Vassal, and place Vassal NPRs with Vassals
own Area will never be added to your Army tokens on all of their Provinces (2 tokens on Some NPRs have Vassals.
Mat, and they will be removed after the Large Provinces). Your Royal Marriage to- Vassal Provinces have
Battle is over. But all Allied forces will fight ken stays, but all other players must remove the flag of their over-
as one faction, rolling the same Battle Dice, any Marriage ties they had to this Realm. lord pictured as a small
for the duration of the Battle. In time a Vassal may be politically Annex­ flag next to the main
ed and thus fully integrated into the Realm Province flag on the
Negotiating Peace Terms of their overlord. board.
on Behalf of an Ally To use the Vassalize/Annex card on an The NPR's Vassals will always assist their
You will be able to Negotiate Peace Reso- NPR, you need to have a Base Tax Income overlord in Wars, contributing in the exact
lutions on behalf of your NPR Allies if you which is at least twice as high as their Tax same way as the NPR's own Provinces. The
controlled their forces in that War. Income. You also need to be able to discard Vassal Provinces may also be ceded in a
Influence equal to their Tax Income from Peace Resolution in just the same way.
Alliances between Player Realms any of their Areas. Diplomatically Vassalizing an NPR that
Player Realms are allowed to enter into Alli- If you have a Royal Marriage with an has Vassals requires a Royal Marriage with
ances with each other, but you can never con- NPR, you simply need to have a Base Tax the NPR, and the Vassalization will not in-
trol the Military Units of a Player Realm Ally, Income which is higher than the NPR you clude the Provinces belonging to the NPR's
unless the other party volunteers to place their are subjugating. own Vassals. The Vassals of the NPR will
Military Units into one of your Armies. A Royal Marriage is also required to Vas- then become independent Realms.
Such an Alliance does not require an Ac- salize an NPR that has Vassals of its own. In
tion Card to be played, but is merely agreed as this case the NPR's Vassals are released, and Active NPRs
a part of a Player to Player Diplomacy Action. become independent NPRs. In some scenarios and with low player
counts, certain NPRs are designated as
Conflicting Alliances NPRs on Distant Continents Active NPRs.
If you are Allied to a Realm which attacks It is not possible to diplomatically Vassalize These NPRs are highlighted using tokens
another of your Allies, you will still get a Call or Annex NPRs on the Distant Continents. to mark the Provinces that they own.
to Arms from the defender.
You will suffer the normal penalties from The Papal State
refusing to honor this Call to Arms. It is not possible to Vassalize the Papal State.
If you choose to honor the call from the
defender, you will instead be at War with Vassals in Wars
the attacking Realm, and must annul the Vassals will not act independently in Wars.
Alliance you had with the attacker. This is To capture the Provinces of someone's Vas-
the only instance where you are allowed to sal, you must Declare War on their overlord.
Declare War on an Ally, and you will suffer The Vassal simply provides Manpower for
no penalties for doing so. their overlord, as shown on the Vassal track. Active NPRs are, as the term suggest, more
active than normal NPRs. They are activat-
Vassals Non-Player Realms
ed when a matching trigger appears on an
Event Card that is played. When this hap-
Vassals are subordinate
pens they will normally capture a Regular
Realms that have limited Non-Player Realms (NPRs) are the various
Province from a neighboring NPR, or estab-
independence. They pay 1/2 states, nations, tribes and principalities
lish a Colony.
of their income to their overlord, as well as found on the map board that are not a part
When an NPR attacks its neighbor in
adding to their overlord's Manpower. of any Player Realm.
this manner it does not activate any Allianc-
It is possible to Vassalize an NPR as a Each NPR has its own flag, or coat of
es that the NPRs involved might have with
result of Peace Resolution after a War, or arms, and all Provinces bearing that flag
Player Realms.
through Diplomatic means. belongs to that NPR.

Warfare vs. NPRs Provinces adjacent to Sea Zones containing belonging to more than one NPR that you
Hostile Ships. are at War against, all defending Units from
Attacking an NPR's Areas the combined Military Capacity of these
When a Player Realm is at War with an NPR Navies NPRs will face you in a single Battle.
NPR which is not Allied to any other Player Each time you move your Ships into a Sea
Realm, the NPR will defend according to Zone adjacent to an NPR that you are at War Battles vs. NPR Forces
the following system. with, they will engage your Ships in a Naval NPR Units always act as Infantry in Land
Every time a player moves any of his Mil- Battle (unless you already have Ships there). Battles and as Light Ships in Naval Battles.
itary Units into an Area of an NPR they are The number of NPR Ships that appear If they have a strength of three or more
at War with, a Battle immediately takes place. here is equal to their number of Ports facing Units, draw a card from the top of the Mil-
The NPR will always defend their Areas with the Sea Zone in question. These are all Light itary Deck at the start of the Battle; if this
a number of Infantry Units equal to their Ships, except in the Mediterranean and Black card has an Advisor on it, that Army/Fleet
Military Capacity for this Area (Tax Value of Sea, where they are all Galleys. has no Leader; if this card has a Leader on it,
all their Provinces inside of that Area and all The Naval Battles are conducted using use his Military Skill just like with any other
adjacent Areas). These units all appear in the the same procedure as for Land Battles, as General/Admiral – discard the card at the
Area under attack. described below. end of the Battle.
All Coastal Provinces (Ports), owned by NPRs always give up resistance if they
the NPR, that are adjacent to the same Sea NPRs on the Distant Continents have less Units than their opponent after the
Zone as the Area under attack, count as adja- NPRs on the Distant Continents defend first Round of Battle, unless the Area they
cent to that Area and will also provide Units. each of their Provinces with a number of are currently defending is their Capital Area,
Units provided by Provinces adjacent across a Units equal to the strength of the Province or the last Area where they still control any
Sea Zone can be blocked by a player having a that is under attack plus the strength of ev- Provinces. If the NPR forfeits the Battle, sim-
Fleet in that Sea Zone. ery adjacent Province. ply remove all their Units from the board.
Any Provinces originally owned by the Each regular Province on the Distant If the Battle takes place in their Capital
NPR, that have been Sieged by an Enemy Continents has a strength of 2, while every Area or the last Area in which there are
do not provide any Units for defense. Nei- large Province has a strength of 4. Provinces under the NPR's control, they will
ther does NPR Provinces in adjacent Areas always fight to the last Unit, and never give
where Hostile Units are located, or NPR Fighting Several NPRs in an Area up. NPR Ships will fight to the last Ship if
If an Area that you attack contains Provinces the Sea Zone is next to their Capital Area.
Optional Rule: Lend a Helping Hand
Advanced Rules: NPRs attacking Player Realms All players are allowed to back NPRs in
Playing Event Cards with the NPR Ex- An NPR will however never attack a Play- Battles, with Military Cards from their
pansion icon may result in Active NPRs er Realm to which they are Allied, or a own hand.
attacking adjacent Player Realms if the Player Realm which is not adjacent to the
active player so wishes, and can meet the NPR.
Aftermath of Battles
requirements. When an NPR attacks a Player Realm Once a player has won a Battle against one
First of all, the active player needs to they always attack an Area of that Player or more NPRs, they may Siege any Hostile
have more Influence than what the in- Realm which is adjacent to the NPR. Provinces inside that Area as normal on their
tended target Player Realm has, in Areas The active player chooses which adjacent next Turn. If the player's forces leave the Area
of the NPR which is activated. Then the Area is being attacked, adds Unrest to two without Sieging or leaving any Units behind,
active player must discard two Influence Provinces of the target Player Realm, and the NPR will defend it in the same manner
tokens from any of these Areas. then places a number of Rebel Units equal the next time a Hostile force enters the Area.
Also, one of the conditions below must to the NPR's Manpower (1/2 of current Whenever an NPR wins a defensive
be met: Tax Value of all their Provinces) in this Battle, the NPR Units are removed from the
Area. board afterwards. They will defend in the
• The target Player Realm has no Influ- If the Player Realm has any Military same way again if a Player Realm sends a
ence in any Areas of the Active NPR Units in the Area, a Battle will ensue new force to attack them.
• The target Player Realm has a lower immediately, using the normal rules for
Tax Income than the NPR Battles vs. NPR Forces. Rebels
• The target Player Realm is at War with From this moment onwards, the Units
a Realm which is allied to the NPR behave like regular Rebels. Unrest
• The NPR's Capital Area has another No Sieges will take place until the A Town or Vassal Province
Religion than the State Religion of the Peace & Rebels Phase. with Unrest is flipped so
target Player Realm. the Unrest icon is face up
(instead of the flag). Unrest

on your Towns and Vassals forces you to roll that have been sieged by Rebels. If the Prov- • Catholic/Counter-Reformed Catholic
Rebel Dice. ince bears the flag of a Player Realm, a Rebel • Protestant (not available until Age II)
NPR Provinces can never have Unrest. Control token is placed on top of the Sieged • Orthodox
Province. • Muslim
Rolling Rebel Dice • Diverse Faiths
Players that own Provinces ­Declaring Independence
with Unrest must roll Rebel Provinces that are occupied by Rebels The first two are on many occasions referred
Dice for each of these at the immediately declare Independence if they to as the Western Religious Group, and Player
end of each Peace & Rebels have another flag printed on the board than Realms may convert State Religion between
Phase, but will also frequently be required to that of the Player Realm they are rebelling these two Religions from Age II onwards.
roll Rebel Dice as a result of Events. against. Immediately remove the player's
When doing this each player must roll all Towns from the board. Catholics
Rebel Dice simultaneously. These liberated Provinces now, yet again, Western Religious Group
belongs to the Realm that they originally The Catholic faith dominates
Rebel Dice Outcomes belonged to, whether that Realm still exists all of Western Europe at the
Province or whether it reemerges as an independent
taken over Lose 2 Ducats
start of Age I.
by rebels Realm. The afflicted player gets to place a With the introduction
Claim on each of the Areas that are affected. of Protestantism in Age II,
Lose 1 MP No effect Any Rebel Units located in Areas where Catholicism will lose some
Realms declare Independence are removed if, ground in Europe, but
Exhaust and only if, no Provinces with Unrest remain. the Council of Trent Event
Remove Unrest
1 Manpower enables Catholics to embrace the Counter-­
Optional Rule: Religious Rebels
A Rebel Siege is assigned, by the affected Religious Rebels want the Realm they
Counter-Reformed Realms are still
player, to any Town or Vassal Province with rebel against to convert the State Religion
considered to be Catholic, but the Counter-­
Unrest that they have. They must remove into the Religion of their Area.
Reformed version of Catholicism is more
their token and return it to the Province or Provinces occupied by Rebels in Areas
resistant to the spread of Protestantism since
Vassal track on their player mat. If the Prov- with Religious Dissent will will be re-
it is itself an Infectious Faith.
ince flag revealed belongs to the player, place turned to the control of the owner if the
a Rebel Town there, otherwise the Province State Religion is changed to the Religion Catholic Abilities
declares independence as described below. in their Area. Player Realms with Catholicism as the State
If you do not have any MP or Available A Player Realm can only give in to Religion have access to the Papal mechan-
Manpower when rolling the Rebel Dice, the demands of Religious Rebels if their ics. Using Man of the Church Action Cards,
you must pay 2 Ducats instead when getting Capital is occupied by Religious Rebels Catholic Player Realms may take control of
such a result. If required to pay Ducats you or if the Religion of the Rebels belongs the Papal Curia, and thereby getting access
must take a Loan if you are out of money. to the same Religious Group as the State to certain bonuses as well as the Papal Ac-
If you have already got five or more Loan Religion. tions (See chapter X).
tokens in your Treasury when this happens, If Religious Rebels occupy Provinces From Age II onwards, Catholic Realms
your Realm goes Bankrupt (see page XX). worth more than half your Base Tax In- may convert to Protestantism.
come they will force convert the State Reli-
Rebel Sieges gion of your Realm to the most widespread Protestants
Rebel Units on the board will other Religion in your own Areas. Western Religious Group
(in the Peace & Rebels Phase) The Protestant faith does
Siege any Provinces that they
can, that have Unrest.
Religion not exist at the start of Age I,
but is introduced with Age II
They will prefer large Provinces if capable Religion is tracked by Area and not by Prov- – The Age of Reformation. In the second
of Sieging them. If there are several Player ince. Provinces belong to the Religion of the Age a number of Events, particularly The
Realms that Provinces with Unrest in the Area they are located in. Reformation, will introduce Protestantism in
same Area, the player with the lowest Tax It is recommended that alle players place Western and Central Europe.
Income in this Area chooses which Province Religion tokens on all of their Areas that do Protestantism is considered an Infectious
the Rebels will Siege (within the limits of not belong to their State Religion, even if the Religion.
the criteria above). Religion is printed on the board, to make it
A single Rebel Unit can Siege one regular clearly visible. Protestant Abilities
Province. Two Rebel Units can siege a large All Areas are considered to belong to one Protestant Realms get a discount of 1 AP
Province or two regular Provinces, and so on. of the following Religions: on the Convert Area Action and the Develop
Remove player Towns from Provinces Province Action Card.

Protestant Realms may convert to Catho­ Diverse Faiths State Religion
licism. Sometimes the Area simply Each playable Realm has a State Religion
has a Diverse Faiths token, defined at the start of the game. Religion
Orthodox because there is not a single sets some limits to certain Actions, like Roy-
The Orthodox Christian faith that is dominating in that al Marriages and gaining control of the Papal
faith dominates most of Area, or the dominant faith of the Area is Curia.
Eastern Europe. considered heretical or simply deviates from Only Catholics or Protestants may volun-
all the major Religions. tarily change their State Religion, by taking
Orthodox Abilities
Areas with Diverse Faiths are always con- the Change State Religion Basic Action, and
Realms with Orthodox State Religion get a
sidered to be in a state of Religious Dissent even they can only change to the other faith
discount of 1 AP on Raising Stability, when
(see below) for all Player Realms, regardless belonging to the same Religious Group.
inreasing from -1 to 0, or from 0 to +1.
of what their State Religion is. The other ways that State Religion may
Muslims change is either as a result of giving in to the
Infectious Faiths demands of Religious Rebels, or as a result of
The Muslim faith dominates
Protestantism and Counter-Reformed Ca- Peace Terms where another Religion is forced
most of Anatolia, the Middle
tholicism are considered Infectious Faiths, upon you by the Realm that won the War.
East and Northern Africa. The
which means that they can spread even
Muslim states have been fight-
without the active help of any player.
ing Wars with the Christians for centuries, Missions
and may still be targeted by Crusades and Religious Dissent
Holy Wars. Muslim Player Realm may also When a Player Realm has Provinces located Each of the Major Powers of the game has
wage Holy Wars against Non-Muslim Realms within an Area that has another Religion a deck of Mission Cards from which to
than their State Religion, that Area is con- choose. Each Scenario will specify what
Muslim Abilities Missions are available to each playable
sidered to be in a state of Religious Dissent.
Muslim Realms may replace one of the Realm at the start of the game.
Players must add Unrest to one Province
three basic Infantry Dice with a Cavalry Die Some Missions are indicated as starting
in each of their own Areas that are in a state
in any Battle. They also get a discount of 1 Missions for the regular game set-up by
of Religious Dissent, every Round during
AP on the Convert Area Basic Action and having a green title and background. For a
the Peace & Rebels Phase.
the Man of the Church Action Card (but can 1444 set-up players will normally pick two
only use it for converting Areas). Converting Areas of these starting Missions at the beginning.
Player Realms may convert Areas to their All missions have a Mission ID (in red
Other Religions circle, bottom center). Often a Mission will
State Religion by performing the Convert
Religions for Realms located on the Distant require you to complete another Mission
Action, or by playing the Develop Province or
Continents are not detailed any further in (on the left of the Mission ID) before you
Man of the Church Action Cards. This re-
this game, since these Realms are not play- can complete and score it, and often it opens
quires that the player owns all the Provinces
in that Area.

The Anatomy of Missions and Milestones

Mission Milestone
Mission's Realm Mission title VP provided Completion requirements Milestone title VP reward
affiliation by Mission description for 1st player
(here: England) to complete

Effect of VP reward for

completing 2nd player
Mission VP reward for
3rd player
Starting Missions
have a green

Required Mission(s). One of the Mission ID Unlocked Mission(s). Missions that Resource reward
­required Missions must be completed are made available for selection by for completing
before you may select this Mission. completing this Mission. Milestone

up other Missions that you may pick (on the suits (Expansion, Politics, Warfare and Eco- olutions (IV). The Ages in the Event Deck
right of the Mission ID). nomics) for the current Age. enter play in chronological order. First you
Missions have certain Completion Re- The first player to complete a Milestone go through all the Events in Age I, then Age
quirements and a description of the Effects scores 5 VP, the second player scores 3 VP, II etc.
that take place when these requirements and the third scores 1 VP. Tag the Milestone The cards include historical events, like
have been met. with a cube from your supply when you specific wars, revolutions, independence
Additionally each Mission rewards the complete it. declarations, discoveries, papal decrees, the
player who completes it with a number of There is also a reward in the form of Reformation and so on but also more gener-
VPs, stated on the banner in the top right Monarch Power or Ducats (lower right ic events that could have happened at any
corner. corner of the card), which is the same for all time and place, like epidemics, poor har-
A player who has completed the require- players completing the Milestone. vests, native attacks, revolts among others.
ments of one of his Missions, may choose to At end of each Age, all Milestones are Some Events have a flag in the lower right
disclose this at any time, to collect the VPs discarded, and new ones are drawn from the corner. These are specific to certain Realms
and take advantage of the effects. The re- decks for the next Age. and are only used if these are active Player
quirements must however be met at the time Milestones may also be replaced whenev- Realms in the Scenario you are playing.
of scoring the Mission. Having previously er the Comet Sighted Event shows up. In this
met the requirements at an earlier stage of case draw new Milestones from the remain- Preparing an Event Deck
the game does not qualify. ing ones for the current Age. Pick all the Event cards for the current Age
Once you complete and score a Mission, that listed in the Scenario Set-up.
you may pick a new Mission from your Mis- Within each Age, the Event Cards are
sion deck in the next Draw Cards Phase. Events marked with either a (1), a (2) or an (X)
in a circle in the top left corner of the Event
The Events Cards are a deck of cards that
image. First, place all the cards marked with
Milestones control the happenings in the game that are
(1) in one stack, and all cards marked with
more or less outside the players’ control and
(2) in another. Then all the (X) cards are
Milestones are very similar to Missions, but that gives a sense of the flow of history.
shuffled together. Distribute the (X) cards
they are public and may be scored by anyone The Event Deck in the Base Game is
among the (1) and (2) stacks so that the
who can meet the completion requirements. divided into two Ages; the Age of Discovery
stacks have equally many cards. Then shuffle
There are always four Milestones avail- (I) and the Age of Reformation (II). There
the (1) stack to form the top half the Event
able for players to compete over – one card are two more Ages in the expansion; the
deck for that Age, and the (2) stack, to form
is drawn at random from each of the four Age of Absolutism (III) and the Age of Rev-
the bottom half of the deck.

Sort order indicator. The Anatomy of an Event Card

(1) goes in first half Event Card Card title
of deck, and (2) in ID number
the second half. (X)
can go anywhere.
Use of the
word "you"
always refers
Event section Event illustration to the player
of card
Event description who plays the
Event card
A) and B)
­option of Event Character name Battle Dice
Historical Ruler provided if
section of card employed as
Secondary effects
a General
section of card Historical Ruler
portrait Event's Realm
Leader's skill values in each type of (Poland here)
Icons relating to secondary effects Icons relating to character mortality
Monarch Power, if serving as your Ruler

Number of Events per Age nexed will not defect to other Player Realms. Ports adjacent to any Atlantic Sea Zone may,
2 players: 16 Events per Age (8 A-Events, An NPR may however switch their Alliance if you wish, establish a Colonial Province in
4 B-Events, 4 Realm Specific Events) – from one player to another as a consequence a Territory when expanding.
2 Events per player per round of an Event. Auto-resolution: No NPR Expansion.
3 players: 16 Events per Age (8 A-Events, Influence gained from Events cannot be
placed in Areas where a player owns all of Advanced Rules: NPRs Attacking Players
2 B-Event, 6 Realm Specific Events)
the Provinces. The limit for Influence in an If an adjacent Player Realm meets certain
4 players: 16 Events per Age (8 A-Events,
Area cannot be exceeded, but a player who conditions, you may decide that the NPR
0 B-Events, 8 Realm Specific Events)
gains Influence from an Event is allowed declares War on that player instead. The
5 players: 20 Events per Age (8 A-Events,
to remove other players' Influence in order conditions and procedure for this is de-
2 B-Events, 10 Realm Specific Events)
to make space for their own Influence (if scribed in the Warfare vs. NPRs chapter.
6 players: 24 Events per Age (8 A-Events,
4 B-Events, 12 Realm Specific Events) required).
Native Uprising
Each player loses 1 Colonist from the Col-
Playing an Event Card Event Symbols onist Pool and gains Unrest in a Distant
Each Round you have to take the Event Ac- & Secondary Effects Town.
tion at some stage during the Action Phase.
In addition to the actual event described on The active player may choose one of the
When you pick and play an Event, the effects
the cards, there are some symbols on some two effects to ignore.
of the card are executed in a particular order.
of the cards that affect, among other things,
First you resolve the Event text in the Lost at Sea
Unrest/Rebels, NPR behavior and the mor-
main section of the card, choosing option
tality of characters (Leaders and Advisors) You choose one Ship of each other player
A) or B) if applicable. Then you resolve the
in the game. NOT adjacent to a friendly Port to be re-
bottom part of the card.
The effects of these symbols (described moved.
Sometimes this will be a historical Ruler
below) are resolved in order from left to Auto-resolution: Each player chooses
that may get activated for the Player Realm
right, after the main Event text has been for themselves.
that it belongs to.
On other Events there is a row of sym- Pirates
Note: "You" in the descriptions below
bols with various effects (described below). Place a Pirate Ship in a maritime Trade
always refers to the player that plays the
These symbols are always resolved in order Node of your choice. As long as the Pirate
Event. Auto-resolution rules are only used in
from left to right. Ship is there it reduces the Trade Power of
3-player games (see page XX).
all Realms by one in this node. The Pirate
Historical Rulers Character Mortality may be fought by anyone like any other
If a player plays an Event associated with
All characters with a symbol next to their enemy Ship, by Ships located in Sea Zones
their own Realm, they must replace their
portrait matching the symbol on the Event adjacent to the Trade Node.
current Ruler with the historical Ruler on
played will receive an Ill Health token. Char- Auto-resolution: Place the Pirate Ship
the card (if there is one).
acters who receive their second token will in the Trade Node with the most Merchants.
If an opponent plays the Event, the player
leave their worldly duties and their card is First tie breaker: Expanded node, second tie
whom the historical Ruler is associated with
discarded. breaker: alphabetic.
may decide whether to activate this Ruler
or not. Unrest/Rebellion Religious Ideas Spreading
All players must roll a Rebel Die for each You may place a new Religion token adja-
Province with Unrest they have, following cent to every individual cluster of
Some Events are labeled as Disasters, indi-
the same procedure as in the Peace and Infectious Religion tokens (Protes-
cated by having title colored in red. These
Rebels Phase, step F. tant and Counter-Refor­med) al-
are Events which are very bad for the Realms
The active player rolls a maximum of one ready on the board, of similar type
that get affected by it. A Realm may only suf-
Rebel Die. as the cluster it is placed next too.
fer the effects of one Disaster each Round.
A maximum of four new tokens
NPR Expansion may be placed.
Conditions and Circumstances
For each symbol with the color of an Active If there are no Infectious Religion tokens
Some Event effects will not trigger unless
NPR that appear on an Event Card, it means on the board, place two Diverse Faiths to-
certain conditions are met.
that you must choose an NPR matching this kens in any Catholic Areas that are not adja-
If an Event says that someone will get an
color that will expand their Realm. Normal- cent to a Sea Zone in the Mediterranean.
Alliance with a Realm, this Realm must be
ly they do this by simply capturing a Prov- A cluster is any body of connected Areas
an independent NPR for this to take effect.
ince from an adjacent NPR. You may choose that contain Religion tokens of the same
The same thing must be true for a Realm to
which Province the NPR captures. type. A single token that is not adjacent to
become the Vassal of a Player Realm. NPRs
From Age II onwards, Active NPRs with
that have already been Vassalized or An-

any other token is considered a separate
Tokens separated by Sea are always con-
sidered separate clusters, but Areas connected
to the same Sea Zone are considered adjacent
for the purpose of placing new tokens.
A new token placed in an Area already
containing a token will replace the old one.
You may place the tokens in any order
you like, but a token may never be used to
replace another token placed on the same or down you must adjust your Manpower HRE Lands
Turn. If there are more than four clusters, Pool accordingly. All Provinces inside the dotted HRE border
you may choose which ones to place new Your Imperial Authority level is also are considered part of the HRE, unless a
tok­ens by, but you cannot place more than added directly to your Tax Income in the "Not HRE" token has been placed in the
two tokens of the same Religion if there are Income & Upkeep Phase. This additional Area in question (See Leaving and Rejoin-
other options available. If placing a token Tax Income is not considered to be part of ing the HRE below).
merges two clusters, you must still place a your Base Tax Income, and is not included For the HRE to retain its integrity and
token next to each of the original clusters, when calculating Manpower. unity, it is important that the Emperor makes
but next time they will count as one. sure that HRE Provinces are owned by mem-
Auto-resolution: Spread Infectious Additional Monarch Power ber states, and not by external Realms.
faiths (alternating between Protestant and If you have an Imperial Authority of +2 or
Counter-Reformed, starting with Protes- +3, you get one additional DP each Round Members of the HRE
tant) into adjacent Areas: prefer Areas with in the Income & Upkeep Phase. At +4 and All Realms that have their Capital inside
at least 1 player Town, ties broken by alpha- +5 you get an additional DP and an MP, and of the dotted HRE border is considered a
betical (name of area). at +6 you get two additional DP and one member state of the HRE.
If placing additional diverse faith instead, MP each Round.
pick alphabetically. Ignore areas that are Unlawful Province Occupants
already in Religious Dissent when placing Gaining/ Losing Imperial Authority If an HRE Province is owned or vassalized
new tokens. As the Emperor you can increase your Impe- by an external Realm (Capital outside the
rial Authority by one step as an Action (by HRE), this Realm is considered an unlawful
spending AP equal to 2 plus your current occupant.
The Holy Roman IA level), by winning wars versus external The Emperor has a permanent Imperial
Empire (HRE) attackers, and by reincorporating original Liberation Casus Belli against all such un-
HRE Areas.. lawful occupants. If an Area in its entirety
The Holy Roman Empire in the age of Eu- Imperial Authority can be lost as a con- leaves the HRE (as described below), these
ropa Universalis is an institution that makes sequence of the Emperor neglecting his Provinces are no longer considered part of
its ruler a force to be reckoned with in any duty to defend his Subjects (or by failing in the HRE, and the Emperor then loses this
comparison, but it is also a difficult beast to an attempt to do so), by an Area leaving the Casus Belli.
tame. It comes with great power, but also HRE, or if the Emperor Declares War on In the 1444 set-up there are three such
great responsibility, and its member states one of his Imperial Subjects without having unlawful occupants with Provinces and/or
aren't necessarily always bending to the will a Casus Belli. Vassals inside the HRE. These are Burgundy,
of their overlord. Venice and Denmark.
In the 1444 Grand Campaign game, IA gain/
Austria is the Holy Roman emperor. loss Defending the HRE
Spend AP (2 + current IA) +1 The Emperor gets a Call to Arms Casus Belli
Imperial Authority on any non-member state who attacks a
Win War vs. non-HRE attacker +1
Being the Holy Roman Emperor, you have Realm within the HRE.
an Imperial Authority (IA) ranging from 0 Reincorporate HRE Area +1 As the Emperor you are considered to
to +6. Imperial Authority grants different Ignore attack by non-HRE have a special Alliance with all HRE mem-
bonuses depending on what level you are at. attacker on HRE member ber Realms whenever you are defending a
The Emperor starts with a +3 IA. An Area leaves the HRE –1 HRE member (including yourself) against
Lose War vs. non-HRE attacker –1 an external attacker, as long as you have an
Increased Manpower and Income IA of at least +1.
Your Imperial Authority level is added di- Emperor Declares War on
–1 In such cases, you can, as Emperor, send
rectly to your Manpower value. If you go up HRE member without a CB
a Call to Arms (during a Recruit Action)

to your Imperial Subjects (as well as your roll is two lower (or less), it decreases by one nuses below. If two or more players are tied,
Allies), and the member states will support step. no one is the Papal Controller.
you with troops for the duration of the War. The number of Units that defend an HRE The Papal Controller gets 1 DP extra per
The number of Units contributed by Area under attack is always as follows: Round, pays 1 AP less to Increase Stability
HRE members in a defensive War is equal and 1 Ducat less upkeep per Advisor.
to half the total number of Influence tokens Units defending Areas in NPR HRE Depending on the number of players
that the Emperor has in HRE Areas. The there are 4–7 Cardinal slots available on the
Military Capacity of defending Realm
Emperor can raise a maximum of 8 Units Papal Curia track.
from his Subjects, and this Call to Arms can + Triple IA The set-up for the Papal Curia at the start
only be utilized once per Round. – Twice the number of HRE Areas occu- of the game is described in each Scenario.
These Units may be deployed in one of pied by non-HRE Armies
your Armies in any HRE Area. Papal Actions
Imperial Elections Excommunicate Ruler (2 DP)
Leaving & Rejoining Advanced Rules Place an Excommunicated to-
the HRE Whenever the Ruler of the Realm that con- ken on the Ruler of a Cath-
If all the Provinces in an HRE trols the Emperor dies, an Imperial Election olic Player Realm, or the
Area are owned or vassal- is held if the Emperor's IA is +4 or less. Capital of a Catholic NPR.
ized by a Realm which has The new Emperor belongs to the Realm Excommunications may not
its Capital Province located that has the most Influence in the Elector be performed in Ages III and IV.
outside the HRE, that Area will Areas in the HRE. A Player Realm who gets their Ruler
automatically leave the HRE. Place a "Not Elector Areas are indi- Excommunicated loses 1 VP, one Cardinal
HRE" token in the Area. cated with an Imperial from the Papal Curia track and must remove
If an Area leaves the HRE the Emperor eagle on the board. 4 Influence from Catholic Areas.
loses one IA. IA loss for Areas that leave Ties for most Influence The Excommunication provides a Casus
through Events have been accounted for in are won by the current Belli for all Catholic Realms on the Realm
the Event effects described on the card. Emperor. Elector A ­ reas of the Excommunicated Ruler, for as long as
that have left the HRE the token is there.
Reincorporating Areas do not count. The token stays for as long as the Ruler
If the Emperor conquers, vassalizes, or liber- A Realm does not need to be a member lives or until the Papal Controller decides to
ates all the Provinces in an Area which was of the HRE to be eligible for election as lift the Excommunication (free Action). In
originally part of the HRE, the Area auto- Emperor. the case of an NPR it stays until the end of
matically gets reincorporated, and the "Not No elections are held if the Emperor is the Round.
HRE" token is removed. controlled by an NPR.
If an Area gets reincorporated into the Call Crusade (2 DP)
HRE the Emperor gains one IA. Place a Crusade token on the
The Papal Curia Capital of a non-Christian
Internal HRE Wars and Papal Actions Realm. Crusades may not be
If you, as Emperor, do not have a Casus Belli called in Ages III and IV.
Only Player Realms with a Catholic State The Crusade token provides a Holy War
when Declaring War on one of your Imperial
Religion may influence the Papal Curia by Casus Belli on the target Realm for all Cath-
Subjects, you will lose one IA, and must
playing Man of the Church Action Cards. olic Realms.
remove 3 Influence from HRE Areas (in
Having control of more Cardinals than If you are Catholic, Declaring War on a
addition to the regular penalties for no CB).
anyone else on the Papal Curia track makes Realm targeted by a Crusade immediately
you the Papal Controller and gives you ac-
NPR Emperor cess to the Papal Actions, as well as the bo-
grants 1 VP and 2 free Mercenary Infantry.
All Catholic Player Realms score 1 VP
If the HRE region is in play, but the Emper-
or is controlled by an NPR, the HRE Mat is
still used to keep track of IA. IA starts on +3
as usual, and goes down one step each time
an Area leaves the HRE, and up one step
whenever an Area gets reincorporated.
Roll a six sided die at the end of the
Round to see if IA increases or decreases.
If the roll is two higher (or more) than the
current IA, it increases by one step. If the

per successful Siege until the end of the
The Crusade token is removed in the
Peace & Rebels Phace.

Action Phase in 2-
and 3-Player Games
2-Player Games
In a 2-player game, each player must take
two Event Actions each Round before they
may pass.
When the first player has passed, the re-
maining player may take two more Actions
before they must pass.
If the remaining player has not taken one
or both of their Event Actions at this stage,
they may nonetheless take one other Action
of their choice before taking the Event Ac-
In a 2-player game the First Player is
allowed to retain the First Player token by
passing first.

3-Player Games
In a 3-player game, each player takes one
Event Action.
The fourth unpicked Event is automati-
cally executed at the end of the Action Phase
if it is a Realm specific Event, in which case
option B) is always selected when there is a
The fourth Event is ignored if it is a ge-
neric Event, except for the symbols at the
bottom, which are always executed accord-
ing to the auto-resolution rules as described
on page XX.

Playing with
­Alternative Realms

Appendix: Deus Vult (5 AP) the Diplomatic discard pile to draw a Spy
Permanent Casus Belli against adjacent Network card.
List of Ideas heathens and heretics.
Integrated Elites (5 DP)
Administrative Ideas Diplomatic Ideas Reduces the Influence cost of Annexing Vas-
sals, using the Vassalize/Annex Action Card,
Adaptability (5 AP) Quest for the New World (5 DP) depending on Vassal's Tax Income:
As an Action you may spend 1 Monarch 1–3: -1 Influence
Allows you to take the Explore Action. Upon
Power and 2 Ducats to draw a card of the 4–6: -2 Influence
gaining this idea, gain 1 Monarch Power of
matching type from the discard pile. Upon ≥7: -3 Influence
your choice.
gaining this idea, draw 1 Administrative card
from the discard pile. Shrewd Commerce Practice (5 DP)
_____________________________ Free Trade (5 DP) 3 Ducats extra income from every Trade
Allows you to recruit another Merchant and Action initiated by you.
Additional Merchants (5 AP) place him in an eligible Trade Node. Upon
Allows you to recruit another Merchant and Experienced Diplomats (5 DP)
gaining this idea, immediately perform a
place him in an eligible Trade Node. Upon Forge Alliance becomes a Free Action (does
Trade Action at no DP cost (the Merchant
gaining this idea, immediately perform a not take a Turn).
must be activated).
Trade Action at no DP cost (the Merchant
must be activated). Press Gangs (5 DP) Military Ideas
For every third Light or Heavy Ship you
Organized Mercenary Pay (5 AP) build during a Recruit Action, you get a Cannons (5 MP)
Mercenary Units cost 1 Ducat less to hire. Allows you to recruit Artillery Units for
Light Ship for free. Allows you to build 2
Upon gaining this idea, immediately gain a your Armies. Upon gaining this idea, you
Ships per Port during a Recruit Action.
free Mercenary Infantry. may immediately recruit 1 Artillery Unit at
Tribute System (5 DP) no additional cost.
Bureaucracy (5 AP) Gain 3 Ducats whenever you Vassalize a _____________________________
Tax Income increases by 1 for every 10 Base
Realm. Income from each of your Vassals
Tax Income you have (rounded up).
is increased, depending on Vassal's Tax In- Grand Army (5 MP)
come: Allows you to three Armies on the board
Competitive Merchants (5 AP) at the same time. Upon gaining this idea,
1–3: +1 Ducat
Your Merchants have a Trade Power of 2. immediately perform a Recruit or Activate
≥4: +2 Ducats
Action at no MP cost.
Colonization Policy (5 AP)
Pride and Glory (5 DP)
Only 4 Colonists needed to colonize a Terri- Noble Knights (5 MP)
You may fabricate one Claim per DP spent
tory. Upon gaining this idea, gain 2 colonist. Re-roll up to two Cavalry Dice in any Battle.
during a Fabricate Claim Action.
Upon gaining this idea, you may immedi-
Tolerance (5 AP)
Benign Diplomats (5 DP) ately hire any Leader providing Cavalry dice
Ignore Religious Dissent in up to two of from any discard pile, as a General, for free.
Whenever you place 3 or more influence at
your Areas when adding Unrest. You may
once during an Influence Action, place 1 ex-
re-roll one Rebel Die each Peace & Rebels Serfdom (5 MP)
tra Influence for free. Your limit of Influence
Phase. Increase Manpower by 4 Units.
placed in an area per action is increased to 3.
Scientific Revolution (5 AP) Military Drill (5 MP)
Cabinet (5 DP)
All Ideas cost one Monarch Power token Replace a die of your choice (before rolling)
Add one more Alliance/Royal
less. with an automatic success in any Land Bat-
Marriage token to your sup-
ply. Upon gaining this Idea, tle. Upon taking this idea, take a Loan token
Church Attendance Duty (5 AP) (without gaining the 5 Ducats).
The Basic Action Raise Stability costs only you may place a Marriage
5 AP. token on the Capital of any
Superior Seamanship (5 MP)
Replace a die of your choice with automatic
Inquisition (5 AP) success in any Naval Battle.
Convert Action and Man of the Church costs Efficient Spies (5 DP)
1 AP less. Upon gaining this idea, take The Sow Discontent and Support Rebels
Actions on the Spy Network card cost 1 DP
Glorious Arms (5 MP)
control of one of the Cardinals of the Papal Gain 1 VP each time you win a Land Battle.
Curia. less. Upon gaining this idea, look through

The Young can Serve (5 MP)
Refresh one more Manpower each Round.
Upon gaining this idea, immediately refresh
3 Manpower.

Defensive Mentality (5 MP)

Every time someone Sieges one of your
Provinces you may spend an MP to roll an
Infantry Die. If you roll an Infantry result,
the besieger suffers a Casualty and the Siege
fails. Upon gaining this idea, draw 2 Military
Action Cards.

Supply Trains (5 MP)

Recruit up to 2 Units directly into an Army
in a Hostile or Neutral Area during a Recruit
Military Units Action. Upon gaining this
idea, you may take a Recruit Action by pay-
ing 1 MP.

Tercios (5 MP)
Score two hits on the double hit result on
the Battle Dice (the outlined Infantry sym-
bol now counts as a hit). Infantry Unit may
still only score one hit each. Requires the
Ideas, "Cannons" and "Quest for the New

The Age of Discovery and the Protestant Reformation
Time Period: 1444 – 1620
Number of Players: 4
Playable Realms: France (blue), Castile (yellow), England (red), Austria (white)
1st Player Round 1: France
Number of Rounds: 8

Realm Set-ups
France: Provinces/Towns: Influence: Relations: Merchants: Military:
Paris (L), Champagne Languedoc (2), Scot- Kingdom of Scotland: Bordeaux, Seine: Army 1 (2
(L), Orleanais (L), Lyon­ land (2), Lombardy Alliance, Duchy of ­Genoa Infantry, 1 Cavalry),
nais (L), Saintonge, (1), Burgundy (1) Provence: Alliance, Aquitaine: Army 2
Poitou, Armagnac, Lim- Brittany & Nor- (1 Infantry), ­Saintonge:
ousin, Berry, Bourbon, mandy: Claim, 1 Light Ship, Montpel-
Toulouse, Languedoc Aquitaine: Claim lier: 1 Light Ship
Castile: Provinces/Towns: Influence: Relations: Merchants: Military:
Madrid (L), Salamanca Aragón (2), Portugal Andalucía: Claim Sevilla, Genoa Castile: Army 1(2
(L), Sevilla (L), Astur- (1), Lombardy (1), Infantry), Sevilla: 2
ias, Badajoz, Córdoba, Central Italy (1) Light ships
Burgos, Murcia, Canary
England: Provinces/Towns: Influence: Relations: Merchants: Military:
London (L), Bordeaux Brittany & Norman- Kingdom of Portugal: English Chan- Brittany & Nor-
(L), North­umberland, dy (1), Scotland (1), Alliance and Royal nel, North Sea mandy: Army 1 (2
York, Lanca­shire, Pale, Seine (2), Portugal (2) Marriage Infantry), Hampshire:
Shrewsbury, Gloucester- 1 Light Ship, London:
shire, Hampshire, Oxford, 1 Light Ship, Lanca­
Essex, Caux, Normandie, shire: 1 Light Ship
Austria: Provinces/Towns: Influence: Relations: Merchants: Military:
Wien (L), Ostmark, Stei- Lorraine (1), Bohemia Emperor of HRE Adriatic Sea, Austria: Army 1 (2
ermark, Kärnten, Lienz, (1), Upper Hungary (see note below) Wien Infantry), Krain: 1
Tirol, Krain, ­Sundgau (2), Bavaria & Swabia Light Ship
(2), Lombardy (1),
Dalmatia (1), Central
Italy (1), Rhineland
(1), Saxony (1)

Event Decks
Age I 101, 102, 111, 112, 121, 122, 131, 132, 11A, 12A, 13X, 14A, 15A, 16A, 17A, 18A
Age II 201, 202, 211, 212, 221, 222, 231, 232, 21A, 22A, 23A, 24X, 25A, 26A, 27A, 28A

Trade Deck Notes

Take out all cards that are marked with a ° or ˆ, and set them aside. Austria is the Emperor of the HRE (starting with +3 IA), and thus has
These are only added as Distant Continents are Explored. 8 Manpower

Missions Victory Conditions

All players may pick two Missions from the starting Missions (green). Most VP at the end of Age II (when there are no more Event cards to


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