S&T318 Constantinople Errata

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S&T 318 Constantinople: errata/clarifications

* = official errata/clarifications

Rules/map/charts: “city” and “town” are used interchangeably throughout.

*The circled number inside the Byzantine hexes is the Treasury Value.
The map has a number of ambiguities relating to Byzantine fleet movement (e.g. 0609, 1211, 1610, 1811, 2102, 2202 &
2302 each have 2 coasts). Fleets ending a move on one coast can only move out from the same coast, not the other. Apart
from 0609, the others can easily be covered by a house rule interpreting the geography.
There are similar ambiguities with respect to Byzantine land movement (e.g. 0604, 0705, 0909 & 1712), but these are minor
& unlikely to affect play.
Much more importantly, it is not clear from the map that land movement 1609-1510-1509 is possible, yet the map allows
Barbarian land movement 1609-1510, and the theme border extends around the north and northwestern sides of 1510. I
suggest allowing Byzantines land movement 1609-1510-1509.
Note the land connection across the Gulf of Corinth in 1110. Land movement is possible 1111-1110-1109, while fleet
movement 1110-1210 is not possible. If you make a house rule to reverse this situation on real-world geographical
grounds, it will make re-garrisoning Athens very difficult should you lose control of it.

*Byzantine recruiting & maintenance table. Theme army. Special (correction): Change “2 in own Theme, 4 elsewhere” to
“0 in own Theme, 2 elsewhere”
Movement chart: see 18.1 below.
Siege effects summary chart. Combat (clarification): This row only applies to units required to fall back to Constantinople
or a Barbarian home base that are under siege.
Combat Result explanations:
*AR (correction): Delete instruction #3.
BB (clarification): Add “(23.0)” to end of instruction #3.
DR (clarification): Add “(22.0)” to end of instruction #2 and “(23.0)” to end of instruction #3.
DV (clarification/correction): Add “(23.3)” to end of instruction #2; change “(21.6)” to “(21.7)” at end of instruction #3.
*DV (clarification): If the defending hex is Constantinople, then the Walls value would be reduced by one. But since
the ensuing Barbarian advance into the hex would end the game per (6.1), this becomes superfluous. This is
explained under (29.1).

3.1 Map features (clarification): Constantinople is part of Thrace theme.
4.3 One-step Units (clarification): Change to read: “Except for some Barbarian garrison units, all Barbarian units have a
concealed side...”
*6.2 End Game Victory Determination (clarification): There may be cases where neither Byzantine nor Barbarian
forces occupy Constantinople at the end of the game. In this case, the VP for Constantinople would not be gained, but
does not result in a Barbarian Sudden Death Victory (6.1).
7.1 Deployment (clarification): After rolling for the number of mobile units in each contingent, the first unit picked must be
a leader if one is available. (i.e. should be identical to Barbarian reinforcement rolls in 11.3 dot point 2).
*7.1 Byzantine thematic armies. Cibyr Rhaedis (clarification): Delete “Attaleia (2011)” and “Note:” so that line now reads:
“Cibyr Rhaedis: place the Kibyrrhaioton Fleet ‘A’ in Attaleia (2011)” [Cibyr Rhaedis is an alternative spelling for
7.1 Expending bezants (correction): Delete “Fleet” from the list of units one can by at set-up: fleets costs $20, and you start
with $2-$12, so fleets are unaffordable at set-up.
11.4 Barbarian movement routes (clarification): Barbarians nearest their objective move first.
11.9 Ceasing movement (clarification): Byzantine units adjacent to, but not on, a Barbarian route do not cause Barbarian
units to halt, but if the modified movement die-roll causes the Barbarians to end their movement adjacent to an off-route
Byzantine force, the Barbarians must still attack (see 11.10).
12.4 Islands (addition): Add Cherson to the list of areas not part of regional Themes.
15.2 Increasing taxes (clarification): Change “popularity marker” to “popularity stratagem”.
*16.1 Maintain units (correction). Dot point 4: change “the cost is per the table” to “the cost is 2 bezants”
18.1 Functional fortress (clarification/reminder): The Barbarian home base hexes with a thick black outline (i.e. not the
Khazar home base), plus Benevento, Antioch and Jerusalem, are all fortresses, as well as the Byzantine fortresses (hexes
with thick red border). This affects both for movement purposes (die roll modifier), and Byzantine recruitment placement
(Byzantines can build in Byzantine controlled fortresses).
21.4 CRT column shifts. Example (clarification): Change “and contains Basileos” to “including the Basileos”. Change
“final percentage column is 1.5:1” to “final percentage column is 1:1”.
21.5 Combat results explanations. Order of reduction (correction): Change “strongest combat strength” to “weakest combat
strength” (i.e. you eliminate the weakest first, then work our way up towards the strongest, so that the leaders, being the
strongest, will always be the last units eliminated).
22.0 Fall back (clarification): Change “Certain combat results” to “AR or DR combat results”
23.1 Advance procedure. Exception (correction): Change “There are two cases” to “There are seven cases”, “on a route (hex
0907 and 1812).” to “on their own route.”, and “In these cases, Barbarian forces” to “In these cases, those Barbarian
forces”. The 7 cases are: 0907/Dyrrachium & 1506/Adrianople for the Sklavs; 1808/Nicaea for the Mosul Emirate;
1810/Chonea for the Syrian Emirate; and 1412/Chandax, 1510/Ephesus & 1308/Thessalonika for the Egyptians.
24.1 Siege (clarification): Note that it is possible for Constantinople to be besieged by up to 5 different Barbarian
contingents at the once, each from a different hex!
25.2 Fleet movement (addition): Add to end of dot point 4: “, or across all-land hexsides (e.g. 2212 to 2213 or vice versa).”
25.7 Transported units (addition): Add “Transported units may not move overland before or after transportation by a fleet.
Only one fleet may transport a land unit each turn (i.e. no ‘chain’ transportation).”


Set up the same as the Standard scenario [7.0], but:
1) African Theme: Africa, the Africa Garrison and Thematic Army are out of play. Africa has been conquered by the
Arabs; neither side can place units in it nor are any points gained for it.
2) Overrun Territory: Do not place Byzantine garrisons in Naissus and Constantia―those units start the game
eliminated (but can be replaced if the towns are reconquered).
3) Emirate of Egypt: Place a Barbarian “2” garrison and the starting Egyptian mobile units in Constantia (Cyprus).
4) Bulgarian Khanate: Place the starting mobile units on the Invasion Route hex adjacent to (north of) Adrianople.
5) Sklavs: Place the starting mobile units on the Invasion Route hex adjacent to (southwest) of Corinth. Place a
Barbarian “2” garrison in Naissus.
6) Byzantines: Set up other units normally, but place the Thrace Thematic Army in Adrianople and the Hellas
Thematic Army in Thessalonika.
7) Add at Constantinople: one Tagmata unit and Fleet C.
8) Pick two Stratagems instead of one (if either is the Event marker, then return it and pick a substitute).
Note: The Egyptians, Bulgars & Sklavs begin the game activated only if the Activation Table calls for it.

Optional rules:
Option (7.1): It seems a bit odd to roll for the number of units in each Barbarian contingent at setup, and then again in the
Barbarian campaign phase of Gameturn 1. While Joseph Miranda has said this is correct, I prefer to ignore the
reinforcement rolls for each contingent on Gameturn 1.
Option (23.1): There are a number of places on the map where a stack of units of one Barbarian contingent may conceivably
end its movement along its route adjacent to the forces of a different Barbarian contingent. In any such situation, the force
that has just moved adjacent to the rival contingent must attack. Remember to take into consideration the strictures of
11.10: A Barbarian will preference attack on any ‘enemy’ units (whether Byzantine or from a different Barbarian
contingent), that are directly ahead of it on its own route. If there are no enemy units directly ahead of it on its own route,
then it will attack any units, Byzantine or from a different Barbarian contingent, that are in any of the other 5 hexes
adjacent to it. If more than one of these hexes contains enemy units, then attack one chosen at random.
In four of these places, a town or fortress is involved, so a Barbarian garrison of one contingent may attack and destroy,
and then replace the garrison of another Barbarian contingent. You may need to keep track of which Barbarian contingent
‘owns’ these 4 particular garrisons: 1506/Adrianople for the Sklavs/Bulgars; 1808/Nicaea for the Mosul Emirate/Syrians;
1510/Ephesus for the Egyptians/Syrians; & 1308/Thessalonika for the Sklavs/Egyptians.
In all cases where a contingent attacks a force of another contingent that is adjacent to it, but not along its own route, no
advance/pursuit after combat is possible, but a garrison may still be placed if the vacated defending hex was a town or

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