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ID Title Age Activate 1 Activate2 Activate3 Administration Actions Specials Chronology Flavour

Theological disputes between Arians and Trinitarians plagued the early Eastern church. Arianism was
1 Arianism I Persians Goths -1 Religion 3 330
eventually removed from the establishment in AD380.
Emperor Constantine founded his New Rome in AD330 pouring wealth and resources into his project
2 Internal Development I Persians Huns 4 +1 DRM developments 360
from across the empire. Quickly the city became known as The City of Constantine, Constantinople.
The Nicene Creed, first formulated in AD325 then later refined, found a middle ground compromise for
3 Nicene Creed I All slowest +1 Religion 3 381
the various beliefs about the divinity or humanity of Jesus Christ.
The chariot racing teams grew in influence until two of them, the blues and the greens, operated like
4 Rise of Demes I Persians Armenians -1 economy or armies 2 440
organized crime syndicates, using gang intimidation and controlling key government posts.
The Western Roman Empire fell to a succession of barbarian hordes, with the institution of the
5 Loss of the West I Goths Huns 2 +1 DRM versus Vandals 476
Emperor abolished and the German King Odoacer becoming the first King of Italy.
The people of Constantinople revolted against high taxes chanting Nika! (victory) in the Hippodrome
6 Nika Revolt I Goths Armenians -1 development 3 532
where Emperor Justinian, fearing for his life ordered 30,000 of them slaughtered.
Emperor Justinian's brilliant general, Belisarius completed a campaign to retake the Western Empire
7 Reconquest of the West I All slowest 4 +1 DRM versus Goths 565
successfully conquering Italy (including Rome) and southern Spain.
Heraclius, born in Africa of Armenian ancestry, revolted against the Emperor Phocas and deposed him
8 Foreign Succession I Persians Vandals 3 Spend dynasty = strength to pacify one enemy on 4 square 610
heralding a period of prosperity and military success
In several years of campaigning Emperor Heraclius retook Jerusalem from the Sassanid Persians and
9 Holy War I Persians 3 Spend religion = strength to pacify one enemy on 4 square 625
recovered several relics including the True Cross.
Constantine IV launched a naval attack against the Bulgars. The attempt failed and Byzantium was
10 Tribute Payment I Huns Vandals 3 Spend 1 economy to retreat 1 opponent by 1 square 680
forced into a humiliating treaty in which they paid tribute money to the Bulgar King.
Remove active Vandals Seemingly unstoppable, Islamic armies poured out of Arabia in the 7th and 8th centuries conquering
11 Rise of Islam II HRE Armenians Bulgars 2 718
Place Arabs on square 3 Syria, Egypt, Armenia, Africa, Cyprus and twice besieged Constantinople by AD718.
Remove active Goths Neither holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire, in a direct challenge to Byzantine authority Pope Leo III
12 Holy Roman Empire II Persians Huns Arabs 3 800
Place HRE on square 3 founded the Holy Roman Empire on Christmas Day AD800, crowning Charlemagne its first emperor.
Remove active Huns Migrating ahead of the Huns, the Bulgar tribe settled Bulgaria in AD681. The Bulgarian Khanate united
13 Bulgarians II Armenians HRE Vandals 4 850
Place Bulgars on square 3 them in AD850 leading to war with the Byzantine Empire by the end of the 9th century.
King Boris of the Bulgarians adopted Eastern Christianity at the request of the Byzantine Empire. He
14 Conversion II Persians Armenians Arabs 4 Spend religion = strength to pacify one enemy on 4 square 864
was partly motivated by a desire to establish the alphabet developed by St Cyril.
Iconoclast banned icon-worship as forbidden by the Bible. Disdaining Eastern Orthodoxy, the
15 Iconoclasm II All slowest -1 religion 2 880
iconodule Popes looked to their Holy Roman Empire to supplant the Eastern Empire.
Defeated by the Bulgars the Byzantines bought back their captives with land and an annual tribute
16 Tribute Payment II Goths Arabs Persians 3 Spend 1 economy to retreat 1 opponent by 1 square 896
payment in return for which the Bulgars agreed not to invade Byzantine territory.
Emperor Leo VI commissioned a codification of all Roman Laws, building on the earlier work of
17 Code of Laws II All slowest +1 development 4 912
Emperor Justinian. This work streamlined the delivery of justice in the Byzantine empire.
Emperor Basil II, impressed by his Scandinavian mercenaries, made them the imperial guard.
18 Varangians II HRE Vandals Huns +1 armies 3 960
Following the Norman conquest of Britain in AD1066, Anglo-Saxons filled the Varangian ranks.
Emperor Basil II offered his sister Anna in marriage to Vladimir I of Kiev in exchange for military
19 Marriage II Persians Arabs Huns 3 Spend dynasty = strength to pacify one enemy on 4 square 989
Under the Macedonian dynasty the Byzantine Empire expanded and thrived. With Cataphract heavy
20 Cataphracts II Persians Arabs Bulgars 3 +1 DRM campaigns 1055
cavalry on land and Greek Fire at sea, Byzantine military technology was unparalleled.
Remove active Persians Migrating into Persia, the Islamic Seljuq Turks blended Islam with Persian culture. From AD1227 the
21 Turks III HRE Arabs Mongols 3 1150
Place Turks on square 2 Ottoman Turks expanded West from Persia into Anatolia, clashing with the Byzantine empire.
Many emperors took little interest in the day to day running of the empire. The 5 emperors of the
22 Decadence III All slowest -1 armies or religion 3 1185
Angelid dynasty presided over failure and retreat, each meeting an ignominious end.
Invited by Emperor Alexios I to recover Jerusalem for Christendom, the Western Kingdoms sought
23 Crusades III Armenians HRE Arabs -1 development 3 1204
prestige and plunder, eventually sacking Constantinople in the fourth crusade.
Remove active Armenians Punctuated by succession crises, Mongol armies conquered Persia and Armenia and clashed with
24 Mongols III HRE Bulgars Turks 3 1243
Place Mongols on square 2 Arabs, Turks, Bulgars and the Holy Roman Empire.
Seeking military aid, Emperor Michael Palaeologus acknowledged Roman Catholic supremacy over a
25 Conversion III Mongols Arabs Turks 3 Spend religion = strength to pacify one enemy on 4 square 1282
united Christendom. However his successor, Andronicus II repudiated the union.
Emperor Andronicus III married several of his daughters to the Mongol Khans Toqta and Uzbek to
26 Diplomatic Marriage III Mongols Arabs Persians 4 Spend dynasty = strength to pacify one enemy on 4 square 1341
secure peace and obrain military aid in recovering Anatolian cities for Byzantium.
Empress Anna of Savoy pawned the Byzantine Crown Jewels to Venice for twice the Imperial annual
27 Venetian Loans III All slowest -1 economy 3 1343
income. On a tour of Europe, her son John VI was held for two years as a debtor in Venice.
Following the death of Emperor Andronicus III his 9-year-old son John V was at the centre of a
28 Civil War III Turks Mongols Bulgars -1 dynasty or armies 2 1347
succession war dividing the empire into factions based on class and religion.
With an empty treasury, Constantinople stopped paying tribute to the Turks leading to the final siege
29 Tribute Payment III Turks HRE Bulgars 3 Spend 1 economy to retreat 1 opponent by 1 square 1449
and eventual fall of Constantinople.
Sultan Mehmed II of the Ottoman Turks used a great bronze cannon to pound the Theodosian walls
30 Gunpowder III Turks Arabs HRE 3 From this turn on -1 DRM sieges 1453
for two months before his 80,000 strong army stormed into Constantinople.

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