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25.0 NAVAL OPERATIONS NOTE: To remove the rules from this 3.0 THE MAP
26.0 MUSLIMS magazine, carefully and slowly peel The game map shows Asia Minor and the
27.0 MUSLIM REACTION them from the subscription card they are Holy Land as they were in the 11th Century.
28.0 WINTER & SUPPLY attached to by peeling from the top and
29.0 SPECIAL SPACES then the bottom meeting in the middle. 3.1 Map Features
30.0 CILICIAN ARMENIA The card is not intended to be removed. Players must familiarize themselves with the
31.0 THE ASSASSINS following map features to play the game.
32.0 SPECIAL UNITS These rules use the following color system:
33.0 CAMPS, CASTLES & Red for critical points such as errata and Paths: The lines connecting spaces. The
MONASTERIES exceptions, Blue for examples of play. player only move their units via paths.
34.0 SUMMARY OF ACTIONS Check for E-rules updates to this game @ There are several types of paths:
Roads (land): These connect the
OPTIONAL RULES 1.0 INTRODUCTION main routes from Constantinople
34.0 SIEGE The First Crusade is a solitaire wargame to Jerusalem via land.
35.0 CRUSADER CAVALRY system covering the First Crusade of 1097-
36.0 CRUSADER KINGDOMS 99. The player controls Crusader and allied Sea: These connect sea spaces,
37.0 MULTI-PLAYER OPTIONS Byzantine and Cilician Armenian forces. and sea routes with ports.
The game system controls Muslim forces
Credits (Seljuk Turks and Fatimids) as well as the Errata: There should be a Sea
Design:Joseph Miranda Assassins. The objective of the player is to path from the town of Pergamum
Development: Eric R. Harvey reconquer the Holy Land while accomplishing to the adjacent sea space.
Playtesters: Ty Bomba, various quests in the name of Christendom.
Christopher Cummins, Dr. Roger Pass: These connect spaces on routes
Mason, Joe Youst, John Conner, 2.0 COMPONENTS laterally and have special movement rules.
Gilles Paoletti, Gene Wytrykus This game is complete if it includes one
Map Graphics: Joe Youst counter sheet (176 game pieces), one Spaces: Locations in which you place units.
Counter Graphics: Antonio Pinar 22” x 32” map of Asia Minor and the Different types of spaces are described
Rules Layout: Chris Cummins Holy Land, and this rules booklet. on the Terrain Effects Chart. Some of the
Special Thanks: Nick Wade spaces are named after towns or cities.
2.1 Dice There are several types of spaces.
© 2016 Decision Games Players must provide themselves one or
Bakersfield, CA. more six-sided dice to play this game. Constantinople: The Byzantine capital
Made & Printed in the USA. and main Christian base.

Open: Clear terrain


Strategy & Tactics 299 | JUL–AUG 2016 R1

3.3 Indexes Note: The names of all game pieces have
Desert: Harsh, arid landscape been anglicized and therefore may differ
Muslim Reaction: Provides the “artificial from some obscure historical spellings.
Towns: Population locations intelligence” to generate Muslim reactions.
Christian Units: Represent military
Fortresses: Strongpoints. Step: Keeps track of the current step formations controlled by the player. Christian
of the game turn, plus the number of units include Crusaders (white), Byzantines
Crusader Pilgrimage Fortresses: Special Actions available each turn. (purple), and Cilician Armenians (orange).
Fortresses which have religious
and political significance for the Turn: Keeps track of the current Muslim Units: Represent military
Crusaders: Jerusalem, Tripolis, turn of the game. formations controlled by the system.
Antioch, Damascus, Edessa, Ancyra These include Seljuk (Turks, blue) and
(Byzantine), Iconium (Byzantine), Ephesus 3.4 Tables & Charts Fatimids (based in Egypt, green).
(Byzantine), and Kypros (Byzantine),
Sis (Armenia), Vahka (Armenia). Actions Summary: Summarizes the Assassin Unit: The garrison of
various game Actions which you can take. Masyaf, stronghold of the Ismailis.
Jerusalem: The ultimate Crusader objective. This is a special Muslim unit.
Muslim Counteroffensive Table: Generates
Byzantine Objective Cities: Fortresses a possible Muslim Counteroffensive (27.3). Pilgrimage Markers: Represents
which are critical to a Byzantine various boons (and sometimes
re-conquest of Anatolia. Pilgrimage Markers: Explains the effects banes) to Crusader forces.
of the various Pilgrimage markers (13.0).
Cilician Armenia: Fortresses Administrative Markers: Used to
which are part of the Christian Random Events Table: Generates record various game information.
kingdom of Cilician Armenia. Random Events (9.0).
4.1 Sides
Assassin Fortress: Masyaf. Random Events Explanation: Explains the The Christian side includes.
effects of various Random Events (9.0).
3.2 Organizational Displays Crusaders: Various European
Terrain Effects Chart: Explains Christian contingents
Pilgrimage Available: Holds Pilgrimage the various map features.
markers that have been recruited and can Byzantines: Eastern Roman Empire.
be used to enhance Crusader Actions. 3.5 Bins
“Bins” are wide-mouth opaque containers, Cilician Armenians: Christian
Armenia Activated: Place the marker such as empty ale mugs, used to randomize kingdom in southeastern Anatolia.
here to indicate that Armenia is now the picking of various counters. The following
actively on the side of the Crusaders. Bins are needed to play the game. Mercenaries: Mercenaries is a general
term for Christian units which may
Crusader Camps, Castles, Pilgrimage Bin: Holds Pilgrimage markers show up along the way (as a result of
Monasteries: Holds these markers until picked. Pilgrimage marker picks; see the backs
which can be built on the map. of counters that say "Pilgrimage").
Crusader Recruits: Holds
Christian Crusader Markers (on- Crusader units not yet in play. The Muslim side includes.
line Optional rules): Holds the
Kingdom markers until deployed. Byzantine Recruits: Holds Seljuks: Turks.
Byzantine units not yet in play.
Christian Eliminated Leaders: Holds Fatimids: Caliphate based in Egypt.
Christian Leader units which were Armenian Recruits: Holds
destroyed in the course of play. Armenian units not yet in play. Assassins: Popular term for Ismailis.

Muslim Eliminated Leaders: Holds Seljuk: Holds Seljuk (Muslim) combat units. 4.2 Combat Units
Muslim Leader units which were
destroyed in the course of play. Fatimid: Holds Fatimid (Muslim) combat units. Sample Combat Unit (see next page)

Battle Display: A convenient area to 4.0 PLAYING PIECES Type: The general type of military formation.
temporarily place units engaged in combat. There are several general types of playing
pieces in the game, described as follows. Unit Identification: For leaders, this
Battle Marker: A convenient place to is the name; for various units, it’s a
hold non-unit markers related to combat. Leader, title or Roman numeral.

R2 Strategy & Tactics 299 | JUL–AUG 2016

Two Step Christian Unit
Christian Unit Names: Christian Turn: Indicates the current Game Turn.
leaders have their historic names or
Warrior for Unit ID
identifying Roman numeral. Several Step: Indicates the phase of the current turn
Christ Varangian Contingent Byzantine units have historic titles.
Special Actions: Indicates the number
(H)eavy Muslim Unit Names: Muslim leaders have of Special Actions (if any) available.
4 (I)nfantry their historic names. Several Spear of
units have historic titles. Longinus Siege: See on-line Optional rules.
4.3 Pilgrimage Markers Massacre: See on-line Optional rules.
Combat: The basic amount of combat power
of the unit, expressed as a number value. Pilgrimage markers have a title and one Armenia Activated: Indicates that
or more symbols. They are explained in Armenia is activelyon the Crusader side.
Movement: the Pilgrimage rule (see 13.0). Pilgrimage
Movement markers include several Mercenary units. 5.0 Game Definitions
is variable Concealed: An enemy counter that
(see 17.0). is deployed face down and cannot
Castle Camp be examined by the player.
Leader Unit Control a Space: A force controls
a space when it occupies that space
Leaders are and there are no enemy units in it.
treated as 4.4 Camp, Castle & Monastery Markers
combat units, but they have special abilities. These represent edifices which Force (of units): One or more units
on the same side in the same space
Reverse Side
Muslim Unit taking an action together.

Two-step units: Many Unit ID Warrior for Friendly (Christian) Units: These are the
Christian units have two Contingent Kilij Islam units controlled by the player. Crusader (red on
steps. The front side is their full-strength, white), Byzantine (purple), Cilician Armenian
the other is their reduced strength. (H)eavy (orange), Mercenary (red on white Pilgrimage).
One-step units: All Muslim and some
4 Enemy (Muslim) Units: These are the
Combat opposing units controlled by the game
5 Military Leader Crusaders can build (see 33.0). system that will fight against Christian
forces. They include Seljuk (blue grey)
II 2 Diplomatic Leader
4.5 Muslim Combat Units Turks and Fatimids (light green).
HC Heavy Cavalry Muslim units function in the same
Fleet general way as Christian units. They Enemy (Assassin) Unit: This is
2 Horse Archer
come onto the map temporarily to fight a special type of enemy unit.
HI Heavy Infantry battles or engage in specified actions
as dictated by the game system. May: You can choose to take this action or not.
Mil Militia

4.6 Administrative Markers Must: You are required to take this action.
Christian units are “one-steppers.” The game includes the following
They have no reduced side. markers for administrative purposes. Occupy: Have a unit in a space
Unit Types (with or without enemy units).
All of the unit types that will appear Battle: Place in a space where a battle
in the game as listed as follows. is taking place as a mnemonic. This Pick: Randomly choose a counter.
Fleet: naval unit marker also indicates which side has
the Tactical Edge in a specific battle. Reveal: Flip a concealed
Note: Leaders are also combat Muslim counter face up.
units per above. Crusader Kingdom: Used in the Optional
Note: There are three “Diplomatic” rules to establish Crusader States. Select: Deliberately choose a counter.
leaders in the game, Raymond, Stephen,
and Adhemar; they are distinguishable Muslim Reaction: Used on the Muslim VP: Victory Points.
from other leaders by their beige shield Reaction index to indicate the current
icons (instead of red shield icons). state of Muslim reaction to the Crusade. You: The player.

Strategy & Tactics 299 | JUL–AUG 2016 R3

7.0 HOW TO SET UP THE GAME Note: Crusader Kingdom and
6.0 HOW TO WIN Perform these steps in this order. Massacre markers are used with
The game is won on Victory Points the on-line Optional rules.
(VP), explained as follows. 1) Turn Record
6.1 Determining VP Place the Turn marker on 1097 “Spring.” Crusader is played in turns. Each turn
At the end of the game, total your VP as such. Place the Step marker on the “Events” space. represents a Campaign Season. During
Place the Special Actions marker on “zero.” each turn, you must follow the steps in
1) You gain VP for: the Sequence of Play (described below).
Jerusalem controlled by a 2) Muslim Deployment A scenario comes to an end if:
Crusader Force: +10
Jerusalem controlled by a Byzantine Place one “1” strength Seljuk militia unit a) The last turn of the scenario has been
or Armenian Force: +2 in each fortress on the map other than completed. At this point, evaluate victory.
Each other Crusader Pilgrimage Fortress Vahka, Sis, Masyaf, Rhodos and Kypros. b) The conditions for a Sudden Death
controlled by a Christian Force: +3 Place all remaining Seljuk Combat victory or defeat are in effect (6.3).
Each Armenian fortress controlled units in the Seljuk Bin.
by a Christian Force: +3 Place all Fatimid Combat units in the 8.1 Sequence of Play (per turn)
Each Byzantine Objective fortress Fatimid Bin (none begin on the map). You must take the following actions
controlled by a Christian Force: +3 Place the Assassin unit in Masyaf. in each turn, in this order.
Masyaf controlled by a Christian Force: +3
Each other Fortress controlled Note: Thereafter, Muslim units are picked 1) Event Step (9.0): Make an Event Check.
by a Christian Force: +1 and placed without looking at the counters
Ascalon controlled by Christian force: +2 and placing them concealed (face down). 2) Standard Action Step (12.1):
Each Monastery you have built and on a) First Action: Take one Action.
the map at the end of the game: +1 Set the Muslim Reaction Level to I – Low. b) Second Action: Take a second Action.
Each Castle you have built and on the c) Third Action: Take a third Action.
map at the end of the game: +1 3) Pilgrimage Markers
3) Special Actions Step (12.2):
2) You lose VP for: Place all Pilgrimage markers a) Special Actions Determination:
Byzantine Leader Alexios eliminated: 10 in the Pilgrimage Bin. Determine the number of Special
Mercenary Leaders eliminated: 0 (additional) Actions you can take this turn.
Each other eliminated Christian Leader: 1 Note: This includes the Mercenary units. b) Special Actions Execution: Execute
any/all Crusader Special Actions.
Note: Eliminated Leaders include only those 4) Christian Deployment
Leaders in the Eliminated box on the map, 4) Muslim Reaction Step (27.0):
not units withdrawn or otherwise not in play. Place all Camps, Castles and a) Check if the Muslim
Monasteries in the box on the map. Reaction Level changes.
6.2 Degree of Victory b) Determine if the Muslims will
The number of VP totaled above will Crusader: Place in Constantinople all Leaders conduct a Counteroffensive.
give you your level of victory. (10 total); Heavy Cavalry x 2; Heavy infantry x
4; Pilgrims (Monks) x 8. Place them face up. 5) Winter Supply Step (28.0): If this is the
30 or fewer VP Defeat and Disgrace Autumn turn check all forces (Christian
Byzantine: Place in Constantinople all and Muslim) for their supply status. For
31-39 VP Draw Leaders (four total); then roll two dice. Total Spring and Summer, ignore this step.
41-50 VP Victory the results and pick that number of Byzantine
units. Place them face up in Constantinople. Note: Therefore, during a turn you will
51+ VP Overwhelming Victory
check for an Event; conduct at least three
Note: Rhodos and Kypros start with no units. standard Actions with Christian forces;
6.3 Sudden Death Victory/Defeat possibly take one or more Special Actions;
The game immediately ends if either of the Armenians: Place in Sis: Leader Constantine then determine the Muslim Reaction
following conditions are in effect at any time. and two Armenian units (place them face up). and conduct any counteroffensive.
Place in Vahka: two Armenian units (place Additionally, if this is the Autumn turn,
Victory: You win the game if a Crusader them face up). Pick non-leader units randomly. check the supply status for all forces.
force controls Jerusalem and Christian forces
control all other fortresses on the map. Place all remaining Crusader units in Attention: The following rules are
one Bin. Place all remaining Byzantine generally presented in the same order
Defeat: You lose the game if there are units in a second Bin. Place all remaining as the game’s Sequence of Play (8.1).
no Crusader leader units on the map. Armenian units in a third Bin.

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9.0 RANDOM EVENTS stack with any Christian contingent, You can only examine Muslim units
During each Event step, you must make a and be part of any Christian force. and Muslim markers if some specific
check to determine a Random Event. Check game action allows for it.
the Events Explanations Table. Roll two 5) Supply/Siege: The Supply (28.0)
dice and cross index them (the first die roll and Optional (on-line) Siege rules The instant that Christian and Muslim units are
is the column, the second is the row). have an impact on stacking. in the same space, reveal those Muslim units.

Example: “1” and “3” would 10.2 Marching Through If you play a Treachery marker, you can then
be “Assassins Strike.” Christian units of different contingents can examine all Muslim units in one space.
move through each other freely. Stacking
9.1 Pilgrimage Generated Events applies only at the end of an Action. 12.0 ACTIONS
Certain Pilgrimage markers can also An Action is a discrete operation which
cause a Random Event to be generated. Seljuk, Fatimid and Assassin units may allows you to accomplish things with Christian
See the Pilgrimage Chart. never occupy the same space. The forces (move, fight, and much more).
rules are such that they never will.
10.0 FORCES & STACKING Muslim stacking is theoretically unlimited 12.1 Standard Actions
A “force” is a group of units in the same space (but will be bound by the number of units During the Standard Action step of a turn,
conducting an Operation together. A force can picked during Muslim Reaction, see 27.0). you may conduct up to three Actions.
consist of a single unit or more than one unit.
10.3 Markers 12.2 Special Actions
Example: You have three units in a space. These do not count for stacking. The Special Actions Index indicates the
You could form them into one combined force number of Special Actions available this turn.
(of three units), or two forces (one force of 10.4 Engagement The number may be increased by Events and
two units which moves, and a second of one Christian units must stop movement when during the Special Activations Determination
unit which stays behind, or vice versa). they enter a space containing a Muslim or step through expenditure of certain Pilgrimage
Assassin counter (concealed or revealed). markers and control of certain fortresses. The
10.1 Stacking This will lead to combat. Conversely, if Index is reset to zero at the end of the phase
Stacking is having more than Muslim units are placed in the same space regardless of whether all Special Actions have
one unit in a single space. as Christian units, this will lead to combat. been used. They are generated by the following.

Christian: An unlimited number of 10.5 Control of Spaces Event outcomes: These are
Christian units can occupy a space, registered immediately.
within the following restrictions. Control: A Christian force controls a space it
occupies if there are no Muslim units in that Pilgrimage markers: You can expend
1) Christian Contingents: Byzantine units same space. The Muslims control a space if certain Pilgrimage markers to gain
may not end an Action in the same space they have one or more units in it and there Special Actions (see the explanations
as Crusader or Armenian units. Crusader are no Christian units in that same space. on the last page of the rules). Play
and Armenian units may only end an these at the start of the Special Actions
Action in the same space if Armenia has Contesting a Space: A space is contested Determination phase to raise the Index.
been activated. If for some reason units if both sides have a force in it.
are in violation of stacking at the end Control of Fortresses: During the Special
of Action, you must select all units of Non-Controlled Spaces: A space is Actions Determination step of the turn,
one contingent and eliminate them. Non-Controlled if there are no units in it. increase the Special Actions index
by 'one' for each of the following.
2) Constantinople: An unlimited Constantinople: The Christians
number of Christian units can stack always control Constantinople (it Crusader Pilgrimage Fortresses
in Constantinople. This includes does not have to be garrisoned). If Crusader forces control three or more
units from different contingents (as Crusader Pilgrimage Fortresses (Jerusalem,
a special case to the above). Example: A Crusader force moves into Tarsus Tripolis, Antioch, Damascus, Edessa).
and destroys a Seljuk force. The Crusader
3) Armenians: Crusader units may stack force now controls Tarsus. On an ensuing Byzantine Objective Fortresses
with Armenian units only upon play of the Action, you move all Crusader units out of If Byzantine forces control three or
Armenian Activation Pilgrimage marker. Tarsus. Tarsus is now Non-Controlled. You more Byzantine Objective fortresses
After that, Armenian units may stack have to keep a unit there to maintain control. (Ancyra, Iconium, Ephesus, Kypros).
with Crusaders (but not Byzantines).
11.0 FOG O’ WAR Armenia
4) Mercenaries: Mercenaries are a special You can always examine If Armenian forces control both
type of Christian unit (received as picks Christian units on the map. Armenian fortresses (Sis, Vahka).
from the Pilgrimage Bin). They may

Strategy & Tactics 299 | JUL–AUG 2016 R5

Note: You could, therefore, have one any number of operations per turn as long
Special Action for control of three Crusader as you expend the Actions for them. Mercenary Unit: Deploy the picked unit
Pilgrimage Fortresses, a second for control as a special Reinforcement. If a Land unit,
of three Byzantine Objectives, and a third for 13.0 PILGRIMAGE place it in the space with the Leader who
control of Armenia. This would be in addition Pilgrimage markers represent special abilities initiated the Pilgrimage. If a fleet, place it
to those for Events and Pilgrimage markers. and additional forces gained along the way in the Leader’s space if a Port; otherwise,
Also, to gain the victory points for fortresses, of the Crusade. All the markers are placed place it in Constantinople. Thereafter, this
you must control the spaces with units from in the Pilgrimage Bin during initial setup. is treated as a Christian unit. If eliminated,
the designated contingent. For example, an return the unit to the Pilgrimage Bin.
Armenian force controlling Antioch would Note: Some Pilgrimage markers are
not count for this purpose. You can take critical to play so it behooves you to read Banes: If you pick a Bane due to a Pilgrimage
special actions with any contingent, not all of the explanations thoroughly. Action, you must immediately apply the
necessarily the same one which generated it. effects listed on the Pilgrimage marker chart.
13.1 Go on a Pilgrimage Procedure Then return the marker to the Pilgrimage
Limits: You can never have more than Designate a Crusader Leader in a Crusader Bin. If the marker was picked due to other
six Special Actions. Also, unused Special controlled Crusader Pilgrimage Fortress game Actions, then treat it as no effect.
Actions do not carry over from turn to or Monastery marker. If a military leader,
turn—reset the Index to zero at the pick one Pilgrimage marker, but if a Note: Banes are only Ambush or Event.
end of the Special Actions phase. diplomatic leader, then pick two.
If the Pilgrimage called for more than
Loss: Certain game events will cause the 13.2 Disposition one marker to be picked, and a Bane is
loss of Special Actions. Only those Special There are several types of Pilgrimage picked, then do not pick any more (you
Actions currently registered on the Index are markers, each represented by a specific can keep those already picked).
affected; if there are not enough to comply symbol printed on the front (see the
with the event, there is no additional effect last page for symbol types). 13.3 Explanations
(the Index does not go negative). The loss of Pilgrimage explanations are on the Pilgrimage
Special Actions does not affect your standard Boon: Keep the marker (place it in the chart (see the last page of these rules).
Actions (which you can always take). Christian Pilgrim Markers Available box on They may supersede other game rules.
the map). Each Boon has one or more symbols
12.3 Types of Actions designating the types of Actions you can take 13.4 Your Cross to Bear
These are summarized in section 34.0. with it. Playing a Boon marker requires no Certain battle outcomes and events will cause
Various rules sections will provide details. Action expenditure. The Pilgrimage Marker the Christian side to gain or lose Pilgrimage
Explanation Chart (see page 16) provides markers (see 24.0). This is regardless of
Note: Actions indicated as “Optional” are details when and how they can be played. whether the battle involved Crusader,
used only with the on-line Optional rules. You may retain a Boon marker until played Byzantine, or Armenian forces. However, if
or some event causes its loss. Upon playing, more Pilgrimage markers are to be lost than are
12.4 Action Procedure (General) return a Boon marker to the Pilgrimage Bin. in the Available box, there is no further effect.
Designate the force to take the action.
Then follow the instructions. Example: You use a March Action to move 14.0 RECRUITING ACTION
a Crusader force into Antioch, which is You conduct Recruiting to bring more Crusader,
Note: Some Actions require a Leader, occupied by a Seljuk force. This triggers Byzantine, and Armenian units into play.
or for a Force to be in a specific combat—you may play a Military Advantage
location. See the various rules. (sword symbol) marker to gain the advantage 14.1 Recruiting Procedure
listed at no extra cost in Actions. Designate one Christian Leader in
12.5 One Action, One Force Constantinople, a Port, a Crusader Pilgrimage
No more than one force may engage in a If a Boon marker has more than one symbol, Fortress, or an Armenian Fortress (not a
single Action. Also, you must complete an then you can use it for one action of your Byzantine Fortress). If a Military Leader,
Action before proceeding to the next one. choice; then return it to the Pilgrimage Bin. pick one unit of the same contingent from
its Bin. If a Diplomatic Leader, pick two
Example: By initiating a March Action, you Example: A Penance in Arms has both a units from its Bin, however. Place the
could move one and only one force. Since Military Edge and Special Actions symbol, You unit in the same space as the Leader.
you can move only one force at a time, can expend it to either gain the Military Edge
you will not be able to march two or more in one combat, or to add Special Actions. Example: A Crusader
forces into the same space to conduct a Diplomatic Leader in Antioch
combined attack—representing assorted You may play more than one Boon would pick two reinforcements.
command control issues of the era. marker at the same time, however.
14.2 Fleets
12.6 Multiple Actions Example: You could play a Military Advantage If you pick a Fleet unit, and the
A single unit or force of units can conduct and a Treachery for a single battle. recruiting Leader is in a port, then

R6 Strategy & Tactics 299 | JUL–AUG 2016

place it in that port. Otherwise, you Military Leader cannot be used for this). If so, Example: A force has a movement of “3.” The
must place the Fleet in Constantinople you can do one of the following as an Action. force may move three, two, one, or zero spaces.
(regardless of the Leader’s location). Say, in its second space of movement, it picks
1) If Armenia has not been activated, up a unit. That unit can move with the force
14.3 Strength Armenia becomes Crusader controlled. one more space (for the third and final space).
Two-step units are recruited at their
full strength side. One-step units 2) If Armenia is already activated, then 17.5 Pass Movement
are on their one step side. pick one Pilgrimage marker. Passes are the dotted lines between Routes.
A force can move from one Route to another
14.4 Recruit Limit 17.0 MOVEMENT (GENERAL) Route across Passes. However, this requires
The number of units in the There are two types of movement, land the force to use a Leader. Furthermore,
counter mix is a finite limit. and naval movement. They follow the same this uses up all of that Force’s movement
general procedures, explained as follows. (regardless of the Force’s movement
14.5 Replacements allowance). Apply any Attrition results.
Christian Leader units which are 17.1 Movement Procedure
eliminated cannot be recruited again. Non- Movement is an Action. Designate one Example: To move across the Cicilian
Leaders are returned to their Bin when Christian Force. Move it a number of spaces Gates, a force would start on Tarsus
eliminated and can be recruited again. up to its movement value (determined per and end in Heraclea, or vice versa.
below). Movement is from one space to
14.6 Mercenaries another space via connected routes. 17.6 Engagement
Units picked from the Pilgrimage Bin do A Christian force must stop if it enters a space
not require a Recruiting Action. They are 17.2 Routes with any Muslim units. This will lead to combat.
placed according to rule (13.2). If eliminated, There are four movement Routes on the map:
a Mercenary Leader is permanently A Christian force which begins in the same
out of play. An eliminated non-Leader Eastern (Land) space as a Muslim force may move out via
is returned to the Pilgrimage Bin. Central (Land) normal movement rules (it does not have to
Coastal (Land) attack). It would have to cease movement in
15.0 RALLY ACTION Mediterranean (Sea) the next Muslim occupied space it enters.
You conduct Rally to restore reduced
Christian units to full strength. 17.3 Determining the Movement Allowance Note: Generally, combat will result in only
Refer to 18.1 for a force without a leader, units of one side remaining in a space. The
15.1 Rally Procedure or 19.1 for a force with a leader. only time when units are co-existing is a
Designate one space containing reduced Siege situation (see on-line Optional rules).
Christian units and at least one Christian 17.4 Movement along a Route
Leader. They must be in either Constantinople, A force moving along a route pays one 18.0 LAND MARCH ACTION
a Port, or any type of Fortress. For each point of its movement allowance per space Move land units via land routes (17.2).
Leader in that one space, flip one reduced (point) on the map. A force can move
unit in that space to its full strength side. some, all or none of its movement. 18.1 March Procedure
Designate one Christian force (with no Leader).
Example: If you have two Crusader If there is more than one unit in a force, they Roll one die: the number rolled is the Force’s
leaders in Antioch, you could rally move together. You may drop off units as the Movement Allowance (one to six). If the
up to two Crusader units there. force marches. A Force can pick up units as die roll equals “6” then, in addition, the
it moves, but the picked-up units must move Force must make an attrition check (18.2).
15.2 Leaders with the moving force (and no farther).
A reduced Leader can Rally Exception: If any space entered
himself, or another unit. is Desert, then make an Attrition
Check on a die roll of “5-6.”
15.3 Restrictions Example: Land Routes
Completely eliminated units cannot be Rallied.
They can be replaced (14.5) however.

Diplomacy is an Action which
Christian Diplomatic Leaders can
perform, explained as follows.

16.1 Diplomacy Procedure

You must have a Christian Diplomatic Leader
in Sis (in Armenia) to engage in diplomacy (a

Strategy & Tactics 299 | JUL–AUG 2016 R7

20.1 Naval Movement Procedure Christians Attacking: When a Christian
If the force ends the march in the same space Designate one Christian force containing Force enters a space containing a
as a Muslim force, then it must stop and attack Fleets (and any transported units). Roll one die. Muslim force. The combat occurs at the
(after any attrition). The number rolled is the Force’s Movement completion of the movement. In this
Allowance (one to six). If the die roll is “6” then case, the Christians are the attackers
Note: A force does not have to move, in addition, the Force must make an Attrition and the Muslims the defenders.
regardless of the die roll above, if the Check (18.2). A transported unit is only affected
player decides not to move instead (for by attrition if the transporting fleet is affected. Muslims Attacking: When a Random event
instance, if he cannot get his force as far or a Muslim Reaction Table outcome
as he would like to, but alternately does Move the Fleet Force along the Mediterranean calls for a Muslim force to be placed in
not want that force to move from its current Route, and to/from any ports. the same space as a Christian force. In
space). A force that does not move is still this case, the Muslims are the attackers
subject to attrition on a die roll of "6." If the force ends the sea move in the same and the Christians the defenders.
space as a Muslim force, then it must attack.
18.2 Attrition Check 23.1 Combat Procedure Sequence
Except per 22.0, roll one die and check the 20.2 Ports
result. This is the number of units in the Ports are both Land and Sea spaces. Both 1) Reinforce Muslims. Pick Muslim units
force that are not affected by attrition. Land units and Fleet units may occupy from the Bin. If a Seljuk force, use the
All others units are reduced by one step. them. A Fleet may enter or exit a Port by Seljuk Bin; if a Fatimid force, use the
You can select the units to be affected. expending one Movement point and then Fatimid bin. To determine the number of
must stop. If a Port is enemy-occupied, units picked, consult the Muslim Reaction
Example: A force has five units. An Attrition the Fleet must engage in naval combat. level and roll the number of dice indicated,
Check die roll results in a “3.” You reduce two total them, and pick that number. If there
units, and the other three are not affected. All 20.3 No Combined Movement are already Muslim units in a space, then
units finish the march, regardless of attrition A force making a Sea move may not engage the reinforcing units are added to them.
(unless completely eliminated). Note the in a Land move in the same Action.
effect of this is that smaller forces have a Note: This will be from one to three
better chance of having a higher proportion of 21.0 LEADER NAVAL dice rolls of reinforcing units.
units not being attrited. Attrition will affect MOVEMENT ACTION
units which are dropped off or picked up. Designate one Christian force that has 2) Reveal units. Reveal all Muslim combat
a Leader. Roll two dice and total the units in the space. Then place all
Note: The Supplies Pilgrimage results. The total is the Force’s Movement Muslim and Christian units face up in
marker will negate an Attrition— Allowance (two to twelve). If the die roll the Battle Display. Place the Battle
play it after the result is rolled. is “7” or “8,” then, in addition, the Force marker in the space as a mnemonic.
must make an Attrition Check (18.2).
19.0 LEADER LAND 3) Determine Tactical Edge. Total
MARCH ACTION Leader Naval Movement is otherwise the following for each side:
conducted per (20.1).
19.1 Leader March Procedure For the Christian force:
Designate one Christian force that contains 22.0 SUPPLIED MARCH a) If there are any Christian military
a Leader (any type). Roll two dice and This is a modification to Land March and Sea Leaders in the force: add “one.”
total the results. The total is the Force’s Movement (with or without Leaders). The b) You may play one (and only one)
Movement Allowance (two to 12). If the Force or Fleet must start its movement in a available Pilgrimage marker that has
total is “7” then in addition, the Force Fortress or Camp and end in another Fortress a Tactical Edge modifier (see page
makes an Attrition Check (18.2). or Camp which was Christian-occupied at the 16): add “one” (see the Markers).
start of the Action. There is no Attrition check. c) If the Christian force has more
Exception: If any space entered is Horse Archer units than the Muslim
Desert, then make an Attrition Check 22.1 Camps force has Horse Archers, and this is
on a dice roll of “7” or “8.” If a Camp was used, then it is removed and not in a fortress space: add “one.”
returned to the Available box. If there are d) If the Christian force is defending
If the force ends the march in the same Camps in both the start and end Space, in Jerusalem: add “one.”
space as a Muslim force, then it must stop select either one to remove, instead.
its move and attack (after any attrition). Then:
23.0 COMBAT (GENERAL) e) Roll one die. Add the result
20.0 NAVAL MOVEMENT Combat occurs when Christian units are in to the total of the above.
ACTION the same space as Muslim units. There are
Move fleets and any units they transport (25.2). two general conditions when this will occur. Note: Playing a Pilgrimage marker for Tactical
Edge does not count as a separate action.

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For the Muslim force: Continue this procedure until the 23.3 Combat Results
a) If there are any Muslim Military battle comes to an end, per above. For each “Hit” inflicted.
Leaders in the force: add “one.”
b) If the Muslim force has more Note: On subsequent rounds, do not pick If the targeted unit (or a leader) is a
Horse Archer units than the Christian additional Muslim reinforcements! one-step unit, it is eliminated.
force has Horse Archers (if not in
a fortress space): add “one.” 8) Battle Victory Determination An eliminated Christian mercenary unit
c) If an Ambush: add “one.” is placed back in the Pilgrimage Bin.
d) If the Muslim force is defending a) Victorious Battle: If one side has
in Jerusalem: add “one.” the only units remaining in the space, it Other eliminated Christian units are
wins the battle. See (24.0 and 24.1). placed in their respective Bins.
Then: b) Stalemate: Otherwise, the battle
e) Roll one die. Add the result is a Stalemate. See (24.2). An eliminated Muslim unit is
to the total of the above. placed in its respective Bin.
23.2 Fire Procedure
Compare the modified die rolls: Each unit fires individually. If the targeted unit is a two-step unit
The side with the higher modified die and is on its front side, it is flipped to its
roll total has the Tactical Edge. If the Roll one die for each unit. If the result is less reduced side (and remains on the map).
net modified die rolls are tied, then the than or equal to the unit’s combat factor, then
defender wins if the combat is occurring in it inflicts a “Hit.” If the die roll if greater than If the targeted unit is a two-step unit
a Fortress. Otherwise, the attacker wins. the unit’s combat factor, it has no effect. on its reduced side, eliminate it and
place it in its respective Bin.
4) Determine the number of rounds in the Example: A unit with a combat factor of “3”
Battle. Roll one die. The number rolled is would “hit” on a die roll of “1”, “2” or “3.” Note: Only certain Christian
the number of Rounds to be fought (one units have two steps.
to six). Place the Battle Rounds marker You roll once for each unit in each
in the space on the Index on the map. round of combat. You can do this in any 23.4 Overkill
order you want for both sides. A firing If a force inflicts more losses on the enemy
Exception: Only one round of combat force applies actual losses against the than there are units to be eliminated or
occurs in a fortress space enemy after all dice are rolled. reduced, there is no additional effect.

5) First Round of Battle You do not have to designate individual 23.5 Fortresses
targets. Rather, after all combat dice If a force is attacking a Fortress, then the
a) Tactical Edge Fire Segment. The are rolled, you determine which units defender wins any Tactical Edge tie die rolls.
side with the Tactical Edge fires all of its will receive any rolled Hits. Also, there is no benefit for Horse Archers
units. Use the Fire Procedure (below). for either side when attacking a Fortress.
b) Tactical Non-Edge Fire Segment. All losses inflicted during a round
The side without the Tactical Edge are applied before the other side When a combat takes place in a Fortress,
now fires all of its surviving units. has a chance to return fire. there is only one round of combat. Do
Use the Fire Procedure (below). not roll for the number of rounds.
You can select which Christian
6) Battle Continuation Determination units are to be “Hit.” Note: The Optional Siege
rules can change this.
a) If this is the last round of the battle, For the Muslims, you must start with the
then the battle comes to an end. unit that has the weakest combat strength. 23.6 Jerusalem
In the event of ties, select which enemy In addition to the above, the defender adds an
Otherwise: unit is to be Hit. However, you must select additional “one” to the Tactical Edge die roll.
b) If one side has been completely a non-Leader unit before a Leader.
eliminated, the battle comes to an Terrain
end. The side with surviving units Example: A Muslim force takes three “hits.” The only terrain which affects
has won the battle (see 24.0). It includes two “1” strength militia, a “2” combat is Fortresses.
c) If both sides have surviving units, then heavy cavalry, a “2” strength Leader, and a
the battle continues. Fight another round “3” horse archer. You would eliminate the 24.0 WINNING A BATTLE
of battle. Whoever won the Tactical Edge two militia and the “2” heavy cavalry. If a Christian force wins the battle,
maintains it for the remainder of the battle. it remains in the space.
Note: A unit that was hit in
7) Continuing Rounds of Battle. Following combat may be eliminated, thereby Also, if any Muslim Leaders were eliminated:
the same procedure as for the First preventing it from firing back.
Round, then Battle Continuation.

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Example: Sea Routes

1) Gain one Special Action.

If a Muslim Force is attacking, 25.2 Fleet Transport
And return all surviving Muslim attackers Fleet units may transport Christian units.
to their contingent’s bin. The Fleet and the transported unit must
2) Pick one Pilgrimage marker from the Bin. start the Action in the same port space. The
Keep any Boon and Mercenary markers. If a Crusader force is attacking, you must Fleet “picks up” the unit and moves via Sea
Deploy Mercenaries in the space, unless withdraw it one space. Move it into any one movement. At the end of that move, the Fleet
fleets which are placed in any Christian adjacent space. That space can have no may disembark the transported unit (only if
occupied port or Constantinople. Return enemy units in it. If there are any Crusader in a port), or the unit may remain embarked.
Bane markers without playing them. fleets in the force, they can withdraw one Units transported by Fleets cannot, however,
space to sea (and each fleet can embark move independently in the same Action.
24.1 Losing and transport one land unit). All units must
If a Muslim force wins the battle. withdraw together. Any units which cannot 25.3 Fleet Capacity
withdraw are instead eliminated. Then follow Each Fleet can transport one Christian unit
1) If this is not a Fortress, then return all the procedure for 24.1 for the Muslims. (any type other than a Fleet). Units being
Muslim units to their contingent’s Bin. transported are not affected by attrition
If a Battle ends in a Stalemate, do not gain or unless the transporting Fleet is eliminated.
2) If this is a Fortress, then pick one Muslim lose Special Actions or Pilgrimage markers.
unit from the force randomly and place it face Designer’s Note: The fleet capacity
down, it remains in the fortress. Return all Note: A Christian force does not have to limits represent the historical situation;
other Muslim units in that force to their Bin. withdraw along the route it entered the The First Crusade saw very little
space—withdraw can be used to “infiltrate” in the way of naval actions.
Also, if any Christian Leaders were eliminated. into a space further down the road.
25.4 Fleets and Combat
1) Lose one Special Action 25.0 NAVAL OPERATIONS Fleets are combat units. A Fleet in the
Fleets have special capabilities. They same space as a Muslim force engages in
And otherwise follow rules for other units. combat per the normal rules of Battle. Any
transported unit in the force must disembark
2) You must pick one Boon marker 25.1 Sea Movement in that space and engage in combat.
in the Available box (if any) and Only Fleets and units transported by Fleets
return it to the Pilgrimage Bin. can move via Sea spaces/routes. Note: A quick perusal of the map shows that
the only place this will happen is in ports.
24.2 Stalemates Fleets may enter only Constantinople, There are no Muslim fleets in the game.
If a battle ends in a draw (in other words, Sea Spaces, and Ports.
at the completion of the combat, both sides 26.0 MUSLIMS
still have units remaining in the space), Fleets move via Sea Spaces in the Muslim units are controlled by the game
then the attacking force must withdraw. same manner as land units. system. They are placed on the map via
various game instructions. Depending on the
particular rule, they may remain on the map

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or are removed after a battle and placed in and you can move Christian units into it 2) Roll a second die: This gives the
their contingent bin or in the eliminated units without triggering a Fortress Defense row on that column to be used.
box. When Muslim units are in the same Reinforcement check (26.4), however.
space as Christian units, combat ensues. 3) Cross index the two and this will give
Note: Among other things, this will allow you you a Counteroffensive direction: Attack,
26.1 Initial Placement to move units from one Christian contingent Relief Force, Raid or Naval Action.
Initial setup instructions will place Muslim out of a fortress in one action, then move
units on the map. Additional game Actions another force into it in a second action. Note: Muslim units are never
will place Muslim units on the map. placed in Constantinople.
26.2 Picking Muslim Units from Bins During the Muslim Reaction Step, 27.4 Muslim Attack
Pick units at random; reveal them if the determine what the Muslims will do. The Muslim Attack result gives which of the
space in which they are to be placed three Routes on which the Attack will occur.
contains Christian units. If there are no 27.1 Muslim Reaction Index
units remaining in a bin, then do not pick. The Muslim Reaction Level (see the The Battle occurs in the space on that
map) indicates the number of dice you Route occupied by a Christian force closest
26.3 Random Events must roll for Muslim reinforcements to Jerusalem. If there is a Christian force
Certain events will place Muslim units on the when directed to do so for a combat. in Jerusalem, it occurs in Jerusalem.
map. If they are placed in the same space
as Christian units, the normal sequence Low: One die roll. If there are no Christian forces on
of play is interrupted and Muslim units Medium: Two dice rolls. the Route determined by the die
must attack (see the Events Table). High: Three dice rolls. roll, then there is no effect.

Note: In this case, the Muslims 27.2 Check for a change in the If a Battle occurs, then roll a number of
will be the attacker. Muslim Reaction Level dice per the current Muslim Reaction level
During this step, you must: (one to three). Pick that number of Muslim
26.4 Fortress Defense Reinforcement units and place these units in the space
The instant that a Christian force enters a 1) Check the number of Crusader occupied by the Crusader units determined
Fortress containing any Muslim units and controlled or contested fortresses. above. Those Muslim units then immediately
that fortress had no Christian units in it prior execute an attack per the Battle Procedure).
to the moving force, then roll a number of 2) Roll three dice; If the result is less than or Christians must defend in such a case.
di(c)e per the Muslim Reaction Chart (one, equal to the number of Crusader controlled
two or three); pick a number of Muslim or contested fortresses, then increase 27.5 Relief Force
units from the designated Contingent’s the Muslim Reaction Level by “one.” This follows the same procedure for
Bin and place them in that space. Muslims Attack, with the following change:
3) If the result is greater than that number, The space in which the Muslim units are
Note: In this case, the Muslims there is no additional effect. placed must contain a Fortress which has
will be the defender. Christian units in it. If no such Fortress
Note: Armenian fortresses count as Christian exists, then treat this as a Raid instead.
Note: Generally, these will be Seljuk units. occupied, even if Armenia has not been
However, the Fatimids may gain control of activated. Constantinople never counts Note: If a Muslim Attack outcome
Jerusalem or Acre, from which point on you among the Fortresses. Certain Events will is rolled and a Fortress is the space
pick Fatimid units for Jerusalem and Acre. also change the Muslim Reaction Index. closest to Jerusalem, then the Muslims
attack that fortress; that is, a Fortress
26.5 Post Battle Note: Certain Pilgrimage markers will might be attacked by either a Muslim
If the Muslims win a battle (clearing all change the Muslim Reaction Level. Attack or Relief Force outcome.
Christian units from a space), then pick one
Muslim unit from that force (face down) and Designer’s Note: It is perfectly legitimate 27.6 Raid
place it in that space. Place all others in the Bin. for the Crusader player to purposefully The Raid will give a location on the
avoid controlling fortresses to affect the map. If there are Christian units in that
Note: This unit may be reinforced Muslim Reaction Level dice roll. This space, then follow the same procedure
if the conditions of 26.4 apply. tactic may affect victory when the victory for Muslims Attack for that space.
conditions are assessed, however.
26.6 Abandoned Fortresses If there are no Christian units in that space,
If for any reason neither side has units 27.3 Check for a Muslim Counteroffensive then no battle occurs (do not re-roll).
in a space, Muslim units can be placed Consult the Muslim Counteroffensive Table.
back into it (but only if a Muslim Reaction Note: The way the procedure works, the
Chart result causes them to be placed 1) Roll one die: This gives more territory the Christians take, the
there). The space remains uncontrolled the column to be used. greater the chance for a Counteroffensive.

Strategy & Tactics 299 | JUL–AUG 2016 R11

27.7 Reoccupation 2) Roll one die and pick that number of Note: All combat units must check for supply,
If the space chosen by Muslims Attack, Relief Fatimid units; place them in Jerusalem. including Leaders. Markers do not, though.
Force, or Raid has no Christian units in it, then
the Muslims move into that space if it is a 3) Place the Fatimid Take Jerusalem Otherwise, a Christian force is Out of Supply.
Fortress or Town. Pick one unit at random from marker in the box on the map.
the Seljuk or Fatimid Bin. Place it face down in 28.2 Out of Supply
that space. If there was already a Muslim unit Once this event is in effect, if any game For each Out of Supply Force, roll one die.
in that space, do not pick this additional unit. event calls for the placing of any Muslim This is the number of units in the Force
units in Jerusalem or Ascalon, Fatimid which survive. All other units are reduced.
Note: Obviously, the Muslim unit in this units are placed (instead of Seljuk).
space will trigger Muslim reinforcements if Note: This means that it is impossible to
Christian units move into the space later on. 27.11 Mediterranean completely wipe out a force (because the
Muslim units picked for raiding into the minimum die roll is at least “1”), representing
27.8 Naval Action Event Mediterranean route (Kypros and Rhodos) are forces that are small enough to be able to
This applies only if Christian Fleet units always picked from the Fatimid Bin, regardless forage and live off the land indefinitely.
are in a Mediterranean Route space on if the Fatimid Take Jerusalem event occurs.
or east of Rhodos (including Ports). Note that there are no Muslims Attack or Relief For Crusaders, you choose the
Force events for the Mediterranean route. units to be reduced.
Fleet Action Procedure
Roll two dice and total the results. Note: This reflects the naval situation 28.3 Muslim Supply
This is the Muslim Fleet Strength. in the eastern Mediterranean A Muslim force is In Supply if it
is in a fortress or town. All other
If the Muslim Fleet Strength is less than or 28.0 WINTER & SUPPLY forces are returned to their Bin.
equal to the total Christian Fleet combat During the Supply Step following the Autumn
value total east of Rhodes (inclusive), the turn, perform the following (in this order). 29.0 SPECIAL SPACES
Christians win. Christians gain one Special
Action. Also, pick one Pilgrimage marker from 1) Christian Supply Check: Check 29.1 Constantinople
the Pilgrimage Bin per each winning battle. all Crusader units for their Only Christian units can enter
Supply Status. See (28.1). Constantinople. Muslim units cannot.
If the Muslim Fleet Strength is greater than
the total Christian Fleet combat value, the 2) Muslim Supply Check: Check all Muslim There is no limit to the number of units which
Muslims win. Reduce all Christian Fleet units for their Supply Status. See (28.3). may be in Constantinople. All Christian
units (and any land units transported) east units can co-exist in Constantinople.
of Rhodos (inclusive). Eliminate any units Note: Yes, there is a Winter at the end of the
already reduced. Treat this the same as last year of the scenario. This is to mitigate Christian forces in Constantinople leave by
losing a land battle for losing Pilgrimage against the player making last turn moves paying normal movement points to enter
markers. Also, lose one Special Action. which would be otherwise unrealistic. on-map spaces. Christian units which enter
Constantinople must cease movement for that
27.9 Other Combat 28.1 Christian Supply Check Action. They can move out in an ensuing Action.
A Jihad event can cause Muslim units to be A Christian force is In Supply if:
placed on the map and engage in combat. Constantinople counts as a Fortress
An Ambush Pilgrimage draw can also It is in Constantinople and a Port for all game purposes.
cause this. Interrupt the normal sequence It is in a Port
of play to execute these combats. It is in a Fortress 29.2 Crusader Pilgrimage Fortresses
It is in a Town These act as Fortresses, plus:
27.10 Fatimids Intervene
Generally, when picking Muslim It is in the same space as a Camp 1) You can conduct a Pilgrimage action
units, pick from the Seljuk Bin. (this expends the Camp—return in a Crusader Pilgrimage Fortress.
it to the available box).
If the Fatimids Intervene marker goes into 2) Certain Pilgrimage markers can be played
effect, and the Seljuk do not currently It is adjacent to a Christian- only in Crusader Pilgrimage Fortresses.
control Jerusalem (it is contested or controlled Port (regardless of
Crusader controlled), there is no effect. contingent occupying the port). 3) For each Crusader Pilgrimage Fortress
occupied by a Crusader Leader
If the Seljuk do control Jerusalem, then: It is a Crusader or Mercenary unit in the at the start of the Special Acton
same space as a Castle or Monastery. phase, gain one Special Action.
1) Remove any Seljuk units in Jerusalem
and place them in the Seljuk Bin. If the player expends a Pilgrimage Note: (3) changes in the Optional rules.
marker which has Supply capability.

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31.2 Assassin Combat Factor
3) If the Armenian Alliance event is rolled. The Assassin combat unit has a variable
combat strength. For each round of combat,
Or roll one die. The number rolled is the combat
strength of the Assassin unit for that round.
4) The instant that Muslim units
are placed in Armenia. 31.3 Additional Effects
The Assassin unit can never
Note: Place the Armenia Activated move. It is always supplied.
marker in the box as mnemonic.
29.3 Jerusalem If a Crusader force eliminates the Assassin
Jerusalem is considered to be 30.2 Armenian Operations unit, then treat this as a Victorious Battle
on all three land routes. Crusader and Byzantine forces may enter (24.0) for gaining Pilgrimage markers and
Armenia before it is activated, but not end a Special Actions. If a Crusader force fails
Jerusalem is a Crusader Pilgrimage Fortress. move stacked with Armenian forces (other to eliminate the Assassin unit by the end
than for a Leader or a Leader plus other units of a battle, treat it as a Battle defeat.
Crusader units must cease movement when to conduct an Action to activate Armenia).
they enter Jerusalem, regardless of who 32.0 Special UNITS
controls it, for that movement. They may Once activated, Armenian forces may
move out normally in an ensuing Action. stack with Crusader units (but not 32.1 Leaders
Byzantine). They cannot operate as a The effects of Leaders are explained
A Christian force requires two Actions single combined force. However, they throughout the rules. Leaders are
to move into and attack Jerusalem would defend together if attacked. generally treated as land units. The
Caspax Byzantine naval leader is treated
A Christian or Muslim force Armenian forces are limited in their movement. as a fleet with Leader abilities.
defending in Jerusalem gains a “+1” They may move into spaces up to two spaces
tactical edge die roll modifier. from Armenia. This may be by paths or passes. Leaders Rally normally. A Leader who
is completely eliminated is permanently
A Crusader Leader conducting a Example: Armenian units could out of play (but see 32.4).
Pilgrimage in Jerusalem picks one move as far as Tarsus.
additional Pilgrimage marker. 32.2 Alexios
31.0 THE ASSASSINS Alexios Comnenus was the Byzantine Emperor;
Jerusalem begins in 1097 under the control Masyaf is a stronghold of the Ismailis, more If Alexios is completely eliminated, then
of the Seljuks. This may change in the course popularly known as the Assassins. During immediately remove from play all Byzantine
of a game. See the Fatimids Intervene event. initial setup, place the Assassin garrison units not located in Constantinople or in
in the space. This unit never moves. fortresses. For the remainder of the game,
30.0 CILICIAN ARMENIA you may not initiate Actions with Byzantine
Armenia consists of the fortresses 31.1 Attacking the Assassins units. They defend normally, however.
of Sis and Vahka. Armenians are a A Christian force can enter Masyaf by
Christian contingent, with special rules. making a Pass move from adjoining Also, lose 10 VP at the end of the game.
Armenia begins in 1097 as a neutral. Routes. The Force then attacks Masyaf.
Combat is resolved normally. 32.3 Takitios
30.1 Activating Armenia The Byzantine Takitios unit can
You may not initiate any Actions with Armenian An Assassin force defending in Masyaf stack with Crusader units.
units until you have activated Armenia. gains a “+1” Tactical Edge die roll modifier.
32.4 Emirs
To activate Armenia do one of the following. The Assassin garrison returns to play at any These represent generic Muslim
time in the game that Masyaf is not occupied leaders. If eliminated, they are
1) Move a Christian Diplomatic Leader into by Christian units. Place it in Masyaf. returned to their Contingent Bin.
the Armenian fortress of Sis and conduct a
Diplomacy Action; at the end of the move, The Assassins Strike event 32.5 Mercenaries
Armenian forces become Crusader controlled provides additional effects. You receive Mercenaries picked from the
Pilgrimage Bin. Assign them as follows.
Or You gain additional VP at the end of
the game for controlling Masyaf. Land units: With the force
2) Play the Negotiations marker conducting the Action.
(from anywhere on the map). Muslim forces never enter Masyaf.
Masyaf is not on any of the four routes. Fleet units: If the force conducting the

Strategy & Tactics 299 | JUL–AUG 2016 R13

action is in a port, place it with that force. space are Supplied. Expend the Camp Otherwise 2), if Armenia is activated, pick
Otherwise, place in Constantinople. at the end of the supply check (28.1). one Pilgrimage marker (see 16.1(2)).

Mercenaries are treated as Crusader units. Combat: A defending Christian force in a Go on a Pilgrimage: Designate one
They have one step. If eliminated, return Camp wins any Tactical Edge die roll ties. Christian Leader in a Crusader Pilgrimage
non-Leaders to the Pilgrimage Bin; eliminated Fortress or Monastery. A Military
Leaders are permanently out of play. 33.7 Castle Effects Leader picks one Pilgrimage marker. A
Castles act as fortresses for all game Diplomatic Leader picks two Pilgrimage
Mercenary fleets may stack with purposes (e.g., 23.5 and 28.1). markers (13.1). If in Jerusalem, a
and transport Crusader units. Leader picks one additional marker.
Victory: Each Castle on the map at the
33.0 CAMPS, CASTLES end of the game counts for VP (see 6.1). Land March: Designate one Christian
& MONASTERIES force (without a Leader). Move
You can build Camps, Castles, and 33.8 Monastery Effects it via the Land March rule (18.0).
Monasteries. These are markers Make any Attrition check.
which are placed on the map. Pilgrimage: A Leader can initiate a
Pilgrimage Action in a Monastery. If the Leader Land March: Designate one
33.1 Building Camps Monastery also contains a Crusader Pilgrimage Christian force containing a Leader.
Designate a Christian Leader of any type Fortress, there is no additional effect. Move it via the Leader Land Movement
(The space cannot contain a Fortress, Desert, rule (19.0). Make any Attrition check.
Castle, or other Camp). Expend one action. Supply: Monasteries act as
Place a Camp marker in the space. towns for supply (see 28.1). Sea Move: Designate one Christian force
containing fleets (without a naval Leader).
33.2 Building Castles Victory: Each Monastery on the map at the Move it via the Naval Movement (see
Designate a Crusader Military Leader in a end of the game counts for VP (see 6.1). 20.0). Make any Attrition check.
space (the space cannot contain a Fortress,
Desert, other Castle, or Camp). Expend three 33.9 Limits Leader Sea Move: Designate one Christian
Actions. Place a Castle marker in the space. The number of Camp, Castle, and Monastery naval force (with a Leader). Move it
markers is limited by those in the counter via the leader Naval Movement rule
33.3 Building Monasteries mix. You can build either side of a Castle/ (21.0). Make any Attrition check.
Designate a Crusader Diplomatic Leader in Monastery marker, but once built, it cannot
a space (the space cannot contain Desert or be switched. If destroyed, you can use Supplied March: Designate one Christian
another Monastery). Expend two Actions. either side of the counter for future builds. Force and make a Land March or Sea
Place a Monastery marker in the space. Move (with or without a Leader) with a
34.0 SUMMARY OF ACTIONS Force of Christian units. All units must
Note: The Actions expended can be begin in the same Fortress or Camp
Standard or Special, or a combination. Types of Actions and all units end their movement in the
Actions are summarized below. Unless same Fortress or Camp (the final space
33.4 Movement otherwise stated, each requires the must be Christian controlled at the
Camps, Castles, and monasteries can never expenditure of one Action. Various start of the march). Expend one camp
move, nor be transported by Fleets. rules sections provide details. if used. No Attrition check. (22.0)

33.5 Combat Recruiting: Designate one Christian Leader March (any type) then Attack: Move
Camps, Castles, and Monasteries are not in Constantinople, a Port, an Armenian one Christian force by any kind of
units. They are removed from the map if Fortress or a Crusader Pilgrimage Fortress. A March, end in a space containing a
a Muslim force is in the same space and Military Leader recruits one unit of its own Muslim force, then execute an attack
there are no Christian units in their space. contingent. A Diplomatic Leader recruits against that Muslim force (23.0).
They are not otherwise affected by combat. two units of its own contingent (14.1).
The marker is available to be rebuilt. Build a Camp: Designate a Christian
Rally: Select a space with at least one Leader. Expend one action. Place a
33.6 Camp Effects leader that is in either Constantinople, a Camp marker in the space (33.1).
Port, or any type of Fortress. For each Leader
Supplied March: A force which begins in that one space, flip one reduced unit in Build a Castle: Designate a Crusader Military
or ends a March or Sea move in a camp is that space to its full strength side (15.1). Leader. Expend three actions. Place a
making a Supplied Move (22.0). Expend Castle marker in the space (33.7).
the Camp at the end of the Action. Diplomacy: If a Crusader diplomatic
leader is in the fortress of Sis, then Build a Monastery: Designate a
Winter Supply: All Christian units in the 1) If Armenia has not been activated, Crusader Diplomatic Leader. Expend
Armenia becomes Crusader controlled.

R14 Strategy & Tactics 299 | JUL–AUG 2016

two actions. Place a Monastery Christian Infighting: Pick one Pilgrimage Storms: Roll one die for each Sea
marker in the space (33.8). marker from the Available box and space containing Christian fleets.
return it to the Bin. Also, for the On a “1-2” pick up all fleets in that
Establish a Crusader Kingdom (on- remainder of this turn, you can take space and any transported units;
line Optional rules): Designate one actions only with Crusader units (and move them to Constantinople.
Crusader Leader in a Crusader Pilgrimage mercenaries they are stacked with).
Fortress. Place the Title marker on that Turk Civil War: 1) If Christian forces control
Leader corresponding to the Fortress. Crusader Leader Goes Home: Select two or more of the following fortresses
one Crusader Leader and place (Nicaea, Iconium, Damascus) then Reduce
Initiate a Siege (on-line Optional rules): him back in the Recruit Bin. the Muslim Response by one level; and gain
Move a Christian Military Leader to a one Special Action. 2) Otherwise, no effect.
fortress occupied by a Muslim force. Crusader Reinforcement: Pick one unit
Place a Siege marker in the space (do from the Crusader Reinforcement
not attack). See the Siege rule. Bin. Place it in either Constantinople
or any Crusader controlled port.
Make a Siege Attack (on-line Optional
rules): Designate a Christian Earthquake: the turn immediately comes to
force besieging a Muslim occupied an end. Do not take any further actions,
fortress. Conduct a Siege Attack. nor check for Muslim Reaction. If this is
Autumn, go directly to the Supply Step.
EXPLANATIONS Fatimids Intervene: This goes into effect
(see the map Event Table) only if Christian forces control two or more
Crusader Pilgrimage Fortresses. See 27.10
Armenian Alliance: Armenia immediately for effects. If Christians do not control
activates as a Christian contingent. the fortresses, or if this event is already
If Armenia is already activated, in effect and rolled again, no effect.
then gain one Special Action.
Gesta Francorum: Gain two Special Actions.
Assassins Strike! Do both of the following.
1) pick one Pilgrimage markers in the Jihad: This goes into effect only if a Christian
Available box and return it to the Bin; force occupies Jerusalem or Damascus.
and 2) select one Christian Leader on the If so: 1) Increase the Muslim Reaction
map. Roll one die: if the result is less than level by “one;” and 2) Immediately
or equal to the Leader’s combat value, check on the Muslim Counteroffensive
there is no effect; if the result is greater Table and implement the result, this
than the Combat value, he is reduced (or may lead to combat. Muslims gain an
eliminated if already reduced). If Crusader additional plus “one” for their Tactical
forces currently occupy Masyaf, treat as Edge die roll for this combat.
no effect and gain one Special Action.
Muslim Infighting: Reduce the
Byzantines Go Home: Roll one die for each Muslim Response by one level;
Byzantine force not located in a fortress and gain one Special Action.
or Constantinople. On a “1-2,” pick up all
units in that force and place them in the Papal Support: Roll one die and pick
Byzantine Recruit bin. Otherwise, no effect. that number of Pilgrimage markers.
Examine them without playing. You
Byzantine Reinforcement: Pick may keep any Boons and Mercenary
one unit from the Byzantine Bin. units (place the latter in Constantinople
Place it in Constantinople or Crusader controlled port); return
Banes to the Bin without playing.
Celestial Wonder: Return all Pilgrimage
Action markers in the Available box back Plague: Roll one die for each space on
to the Pilgrimage Bin. Then pick an equal the map which contain three or more
number of markers from the Bin. Keep any units. On a “6,” reduce all units in that
Boons markers. Place any Mercenaries in space. This includes Christian and
Constantinople. Ignore any other picked Muslim forces, and Constantinople.
markers and return them without playing.

Strategy & Tactics 299 | JUL–AUG 2016 R15


Boons Explanation

Negotiations (any marker with a scroll) You must have any Christian Leader in a Byzantine Objective fortress,
Pilgrimage fortress or Sis. Then play at any time to do one of the
following: 1) Reduce the Muslim Response Level by “one;” or
2) Activate Armenia (once per game).

Military Adv. (any marker with a sword) Play at the start of a battle for a Christian force
to gain +1 to the Tactical Edge die roll.

Special Action (any marker with a shield) Play at the start of the Special Action step
to gain two Special Actions.

Treachery (any marker with an eye) Play to examine all Muslim units and then do one of the following:
1) At the start of a battle to reduce the number
of Muslim Reinforcement die rolls by “one”
(may be done only once per battle). Or
2) During any type of March action to move one Christian force
through one space containing a Muslim force without stopping.

Supplies (any marker with a wagon) Play to do one of the following:

1) After a March die roll, to negate any Attrition. Or
2) During a Winter Supply Step, to place all
Christian units in one space in Supply.

Banes (Immediate) Explanation

Ambush (the marker with a skull Apply the effects of a Muslim Raid in the space with
symbol of the same name) the Leader taking the Pilgrimage action (27.6). Engage
in combat. Muslims receive an additional +1 Tactical
Edge die roll modifier. Return the marker to the Bin.

Event (the marker with a skull Consult the Event Table, determine one Event, and
symbol of the same name) apply it. Return the marker to the Bin.

Mercenary Unit Explanation

Unit (printed with a red band at the top) A mercenary unit. Deploy this unit as a Reinforcement. See (32.5).

R16 Strategy & Tactics 299 | JUL–AUG 2016

OPTIONAL RULES As long as a fortress is under siege, do
You can use these Optional Rules (34.0 to not remove besieged Muslim units from The space otherwise does not count as a
37.0) to enhance realism and complexity. the space after the completion of a battle Fortress for other Christian Actions such as
unless all Christian units are eliminated Recruiting, conducting Pilgrimages, etc.
34.0 SIEGE or withdrawn. In this case, follow the
A Christian force can take Siege Actions to procedure in 27.7 (Muslim Reoccupation). 34.5 Muslim Sieges
enhance the ability to attack a Fortress Generally, Muslim forces which are
A fortress, once besieged, does not check placed in Christian-occupied fortresses
34.1 Siege Procedure for additional reinforcements per 26.4. follow the Standard rule for attacking
You can declare a Siege if you have a (that is to say, whatever forces are rolled fortresses. They do not initiate sieges.
Christian Military Leader (plus any other up when it is initially besieged are all the
units) which completes a move in a units that will be placed inside of it). However, if a Muslim force has a Military
space with an enemy occupied fortress. leader, the attack lasts one die roll amount
At the completion of the move: As long as the Siege marker is in the space, of rounds. If the Muslims or Christians have
enemy units can co-exist. There is no obligation not won by the end of the last round, the
1) Place a Siege marker on the space. for either side to attack. Although, a besieged battle is a draw and the Muslims withdraw.
And: Muslim force attacks the besieging force if a
2) Roll a number of dice per the Muslim Battle Counteroffensive or Jihad event calls for it. 34.6 Massacres
Reinforcement rule (26.4); pick and then A Massacre marker is placed in a fortress
place that number of Muslim units from 34.4 Relief Forces when a force makes an attack on a fortress
the Bin and place them in the fortress. If a Muslim force is placed in a space in and wins the battle on the second or
3) There is no attack (in this action). which a Christian force is besieging a subsequent round. If the attack wins on the
Muslim force, both the reliving and besieged first round, or fails, there is no Massacre.
Jerusalem: A Christian force must expend Muslims forces combine to attack the
two Actions to initiate a Siege in Jerusalem besieging Christian force. The Christian A Massacre marker destroys all supply
force receives no benefit for the fortress. capacity in the fortress (for Supplied March,
34.2 Conduct of Sieges Winter Supply). It does not affect supply
In subsequent Actions, you can declare If the Muslims win the battle, then the from Camps and Pilgrimage markers.
a Siege Attack. The attack is made per combined force occupies the Fortress.
the Standard Fortress Attack rule (see If the Muslim lose the battle, then they A Christian Leader can conduct a Pilgrimage
23.5), with the following special cases: all withdraw (are removed from the in a space containing a Massacre marker.
map) and the Christians gain control.
1) At the start of the battle, roll one die. There can never be more than one
This is the number of rounds the attack 34.5 Supply Effects Massacre in a single fortress.
will continue (from one to six). A Christian force which is besieging a fortress
receives no supply benefits for it. Supply can be A Massacre marker remains in a fortress
2) At the completion of the final round of gained if adjacent to a Christian controlled port until the end of the Winter Supply step,
battle, if one side has won (destroying all (28.0), or by building and expending a Camp in at which point remove it from the map.
enemy units) then it controls the fortress. If the fortress space (the camp would be removed
neither side has won (both sides have units from play when expended for supply, or when 35.0 CHRISTIAN CAVALRY
surviving) then the siege is maintained. the Christians gain control of the fortress).
Both side’s units remain in the space. 35.1 Mobility
Note: If using a Port, the connecting A Christian force containing only full-strength
Note: A besieged Fortress still can be path can be a Pass. cavalry (of any type) and/or full strength
attacked via the Standard game rule. cavalry leaders adds “one” movement
A Muslim force inside a fortress must make a point to its movement alliance when using
34.3 Siege Lines supply check during the Winter Supply Step normal land March, and two movement
The Besieging force is considered to be outside (28.0). Roll two dice and total the results: This points when using Leader March.
the fortress, the Besieging force inside. is the number of Muslim units which survive.
All other besieged Muslim units are eliminated. 35.2 Combined Arms
The Siege marker remains in place as long If a Crusader force has at least three heavy
as there is at least one Christian unit in the 34.6 Other Effects cavalry units and three heavy infantry
space (which may be one of the originally As long as there are enemy units in a fortress, units, then it gains a combined arms
besieging units or others that marched in) and the space counts as enemy-occupied for advantage. This gives that force a “+1”
at least one defending unit. If all besieged things such as stopping movement, etc. die roll modifier for determining Tactical
units are eliminated for any reason, then the Edge (in addition to any other modifiers).
besieging force gains control of the Fortress The fortress provides no defensive benefit
(and is now considered to be inside of it). for the besieging force. The besieged force Note: This can include Leaders who are
receives normal benefits for the Fortress. heavy cavalry or heavy infantry, respectively.

Strategy & Tactics 299 | JUL–AUG 2016 R17

36.0 CRUSADER KINGDOMS 36.5 Special Actions 36.8 Victory
You can create Crusader Kingdoms to Change the Standard rule which automatically You gain additional VP for
enhance your position in the Holy Land as provides one Special Action for the establishing Kingdoms:
well as to gain additional Victory Points. Crusader Leaders occupying three or more
Crusader Pilgrimage Fortresses (12.2) to: Establish the Kingdom of Jerusalem: +10
36.1 The Kingdoms
You can establish the following Kingdoms: For each Kingdom Leader on the map Establish Kingdoms of Tripolis, Antioch,
(regardless of location), the Christians Edessa, Damascus: +3 each
Jerusalem, Tripolis, Antioch, receive one additional Special Action.
Edessa, Damascus. When using this optional rule,
Note: Just having a Crusader Leader in a increase the number of VP you need
Each of these fortresses can become fortress does not give the advantage, for each Victory Level by “15”.
the capital of a Kingdom. he has to have the Title; on the other
hand, he can move out of the fortress 37.0 MULTI-PLAYER OPTIONS
36.2 Procedure within the limits of this rule and the Crusader can be played with two or
Establishing a Kingdom is an Action. You Christians still gain the Special Action. more people as teams. This can be done
must have a Crusader Leader (of any type) with whatever player arrangements are
in the space as one of the fortresses 36.6 Recruiting & Pilgrimages agreeable. For example, one player can
(from above) as well as controlling it. That Add to the Standard Pilgrimage and control Crusader units, a second the
fortress becomes the capital. Place the Recruiting rules (13.0 and 14.0): Byzantine units, a third the Armenian forces.
Title marker on the Leader counter. Players can negotiate who will execute
All Titled Crusader Kingdom Leaders standard and special Actions each turn.
36.3 Endurance are treated as Diplomatic Leaders for
The Title remains with the Leader as long recruiting and going on Pilgrimages. They Players can trade Pilgrimage markers.
as the Leader is on the map, and the effects pick two units when recruiting and two
of that Kingdom are in force. If the Leader is Pilgrimage markers, respectively. Players can work towards a mutual victory, or
eliminated, another Leader can be awarded determine individual victories, or determine
the Title if the prerequisites are met (36.2). 36.7 Building Castles and Monasteries individual player victory in terms of who
Add this to the Standard rule for building contributed the most to the final outcome. In
36.4 Effects on Leader Movement Castles and Monasteries (33.0): the event of disputes, settle it via a joust.
The Leader may occupy only the space
of his capital, or any immediately- These can be built only on or adjacent
connected adjacent land spaces (including to Crusader Kingdom Capitals (but
spaces connected via Passes). not necessary by a Crusader Kingdom
Leader). Camps are not affected.

R18 Strategy & Tactics 299 | JUL–AUG 2016

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