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Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
Dr. N. Balaji
Professor of ECE

Session: 2
Topic : Classification of Signals and Systems
Date : 12.05.2020

Dr. N. Balaji
Professor of ECE

• Continuous-time signals: Fourier series and Fourier transform representations,
sampling theorem and applications; Discrete-time signals: discrete-time Fourier
transform (DTFT), DFT, FFT, Z-transform, interpolation of discrete-time signals;

• LTI systems: definition and properties, causality, stability, impulse response,

convolution, poles and zeros, parallel and cascade structure, frequency response,
group delay, phase delay, digital filter design techniques.

 Unit Impulse, Unit Step, Unit Ramp functions and their Properties
 Example Problem on properties of the functions.
 Classification of Systems
 Causal and Non-causal Systems

 Linear and Non Linear Systems

 Time Variant and Time-invariant Systems

 Stable and Unstable Systems

 Static and Dynamic Systems

 Invertible and non-invertible Systems

 Solved Problems of previous GATE Exam

Unit Impulse Function
 One of the more useful functions in the study of linear systems is an Unit Impulse Function.

 An ideal impulse function is a function that is zero everywhere but at the origin, where it is
infinitely high. However, the area of the impulse is finite.
• The unit impulse function,

= undefined for t=0 and has the following special property

5 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Unit Impulse Function
• A consequence of the delta function is that it can be approximated by a narrow pulse as
the width of the pulse approaches zero while the area under the curve =1.

6 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Unit Impulse Function

7 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Representation of Impulse Function
• The area under an impulse is called its strength or weight. It is represented graphically
by a vertical arrow. An impulse with a strength of one is called a unit impulse.

8 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Unit Impulse Train
• The unit impulse train is a sum of infinitely uniformly- spaced impulses and is given by

9 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Properties of an Impulse Function
• is an even signal
• It is a neither energy nor power signal.
• Weight/strength of impulse

• Area of weighted impulse

= weight of impulse

10 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Scaling Property of an Impulse Function
• Scaling property of impulse:-
= )

• Eg:-

11 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Multiplication property of an Impulse Function

12 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Multiplication property of an Impulse Function

13 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Sampling Property of an Impulse Function
• The Sampling Property

14 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Example Problem based on Sampling property

15 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Proof of Sampling Property

16 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Example problem on Sampling Property

17 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Example Problem

18 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Example problem on Sampling Property

19 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Derivatives of impulse function

20 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Example problem for Derivatives of an Impulse function

21 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Unit Step Function

22 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Unit Ramp Function

t , t  0  t
r a m p t       u   d   t u t 
0 , t  0 

•The unit ramp function is the integral of the unit step function.
•It is called the unit ramp function because for positive t, its slope is one amplitude
unit per time.
23 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff
Relation among Ramp, Step and Impulse Signals

24 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides from

Sinusoidal and Exponential Signals
 Sinusoids and exponentials are important in signal and system analysis because
they arise naturally in the solutions of the differential equations.
 Sinusoidal Signals can expressed in either of two ways :
cyclic frequency form- A sin (2Пfot) = A sin(2П/To)t
radian frequency form- A sin (ωot)
ωo = 2Пfo = 2П/To
To = Time Period of the Sinusoidal Wave

25 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Sinusoidal and Exponential Signals Contd.
x(t) = A sin (2Пfot+ θ)
Sinusoidal signal
= A sin (ωot+ θ)

x(t) = Aeat Real Exponential

= Aejω̥t = A[cos (ωot) +j sin (ωot)] Complex Exponential

θ = Phase of sinusoidal wave

A = amplitude of a sinusoidal or exponential signal
fo = fundamental cyclic frequency of sinusoidal signal
ωo = radian frequency

26 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Real Exponential Signals and damped Sinusoidal

x(t) = e-at x(t) = eαt

27 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Signum Function
 1 , t  0
 
s g n t    0 , t  0   2 u t   1
1 , t  0 
 
Precise Graph Commonly-Used Graph

The Signum function, is closely related to the unit-step


28 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Rectangular Pulse or Gate Function
Rectangular pulse,

 1 / a , t  a / 2
 a t   
 0 , t  a/2

29 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

The Unit Triangle Function
A triangular pulse whose height and area are both one but its base width is not one, is called unit triangle function. The
unit triangle is related to the unit rectangle through an operation called convolution.

30 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Sinc Function
The unit Sinc function is sin  t 
sinc  t  

related to the unit Rectangle t
function through the Fourier
 It is used for noise removal in

31 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Sinc Function

32 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Sampling Function

33 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

34 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff
Introduction to System

• Systems process input signals to produce output signals

• A system is a combination of elements that processes one or
more signals to accomplish a function and produces output.

output signal
input signal

35 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Types of Systems
• Causal and non-causal
• Linear and Non Linear
• Time Variant and Time-invariant
• Stable and Unstable
• Static and Dynamic
• Invertible and non-invertible Systems

36 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Causal, Anti Causal and Non-Causal Signals
• Causal signals are signals that are zero
for all negative time(or spatial

Causal signal

• Anticausal are signals that are zero for

all positive time.

• Non-causal signals are signals that

have nonzero values in both positive
and negative time.
37 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff
Causal and Non-causal Systems

• Causal system : A system is said to be causal if the present

value of the output signal depends only on the present
and/or past values of the input signal.
• Examples: 1. y[n]=x[n]+1/2x[n-1]
2. y(t) = x(t)
3. y(t) = x(t-1)
4. y(t) = x(t) + x(t-1)

38 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Causal and Non-causal Systems
• Non-causal system : A system is said to be Non-causal if the present
value of the output signal depends also on the future values of the
input signal.
• Example: 1. y[n]=x[n+1]+1/2x[n-1]
2. y(t) = x(t+1)
3. y(t) = x(t) + x(t+1)
4. y(t) = x(t-1) + x(t+1)
5. y(t) = x(t-1) + x(t) + x(t+1)

Exercise on Causal and Non-causal Systems
Q) Check whether the following are casual or non-casual
1. y(t) = x(2t) 7. y(t) =
2. y(t) = x(-t) 8. y(t) =
3. y(t)= x(sin t) 9.y(t) =

4. y
5. y(t) = odd [x(t)]
6. y(t) = sin (t+2) x(t-1)
Solution to the Problems

1. y(t) = x(2t)
Substitute t=1 in the above then y(1) = x(2)
Hence the given System is Non-Casual

2. y(t) = x(-t)
Substitute t=1 in the above then y(-1) = x(1)
Hence the given System is System is non-casual

3. y(t) = x(sin t)
Substitute t= - in the above y(-Π) = x(0) (- Π = -3.14)
System is non-casual
Solution to the Problems
4. y

substitute t= -1 y(-1) = x(-2), which is past value of input.

0, substitute t = 1 y(1) = x(0), which is past.
System is Casual.

5. y(t) = odd x(t)

x(t) – x(−t) x(−1) – x(1)
y(t) = substitute t=-1 then y(-1) = , which
is dependent on future value. Hence the given System is non-casual

Solution to the Problems on Causal and non-causal System
6. y(t) = sin(t+2) x(t-1) 8. y(t) =
put t = 1
y(1) = sin(3) x(0) y(t) =
Present output depends on future values
Constant coefficient Past value also
Hence, the system is non-casual
System is casual

7. y(t) = 9. y(t) =
y(t) =
Present output depends on present
y(t) =
and past values
Hence, the system is casual Present output depends on future values
also. Hence, the system is non-casual

Linear and Non Linear Systems
• A system is said to be linear if it satisfies the principle of superposition or if it satisfies the
properties of Homogeneity and Additivity.
• Consider a system where an input of x1[t] produces an output of y1[t]. Further suppose
that a different input, x2[t], produces another output, y2[t]. The system is said to
be additive, if an input of x1[t] + x2[t] results in an output of y1[t] + y2[t], for all possible
input signals.
• Homogeneity means that a change in the input signal's amplitude results in a
corresponding change in the output signal's amplitude. In mathematical terms, if an input
signal of x[t] results in an output signal of y[t], an input of cx[t] results in an output
of cy[t], for any input signal and c is a constant.

44 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Linearity Condition
 For the system to be linear, it should satisfy two properties

Then Additivity

B Scaling (or) Homogeneity


b Super position

Linearity Condition
For linearity:
1.Output should be zero for zero input.
2.There should not be any nonlinear operation
Example : The functions like Sin, Cos, tan, Cot, Sec,
cosec, Log, Exponential, Modulus, Square, Cube, Root,
Sampling function(), sinc(), Sgn() etc.…. have nonlinear

46 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Problem based on Linearity and Non-Linearity
1. y(t) = x(t) + 2
If input is (t), then (t) is output
If input is (t) then (t) is output
If input is (t) + (t) then the output must be (t) + (t)
(t) (t) = (t) + 2
(t) (t) = (t) + 2
(t) + (t) (t) + (t)
(t) + 2 + (t) + 2
= (t) + (t) + 4
(t) + (t) ≠ (t) + (t) + 4
Hence the system is non-linear

Check whether the given system is linear or nonlinear

48 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Time Invariant and Time Variant Systems

• A system is said to be time invariant if a time delay or time advance of

the input signal leads to a identical time shift in the output signal.

49 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

50 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff
Time Variant and Time in Variant System

51 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

52 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff
53 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff
54 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff
Stable and Unstable Systems

• A system is said to be bounded-input bounded- output stable

(BIBO stable) if every bounded input results in a bounded

55 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Stable and Unstable Systems Contd.


y[n]  x[n]  x[n 1]  x[n  2]
 (| x[n] |  | x[n 1] |  | x[n  2] |)
 (M x  M x  M x )  M x

56 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Stable and Unstable Systems Contd.

Example: The system represented by y(t) = A x(t) is

unstable ; A˃1
Reason: let us assume x(t) = u(t), then at every instant
u(t) will keep on multiplying with A and
hence it will not result in a bounded value and it may
tend to infinite value.

57 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Stable and Unstable Systems
1. y(t) = x(t) +2
put x(t) = 10
y(t) = 10 + 2
= 12
As input is bounded value, output is also a bounded value.
Hence System is Stable

2. y(t) = t x(t)
put x(t) = 10
y(t) = 10t
As ‘t’ can be any value between -∞ to ∞,
y(t) is unbounded. Hence System is Unstable
Problems on Stable and Unstable Systems
3. y(t) =
put x(t) = 2

y(2) =
When ‘t’ is 0 and Π, then sin(t) has values of sin 0 = 0 and
Sin(Π) = 0 respectively.
Therefore, y(t) = i.e., y(t) is unstable as output is not bounded

Static Systems

• A static system is memoryless system

• It has no storage devices
• Its output signal depends on present values of the input
• For example

60 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Dynamic Systems

• A dynamic system possesses memory

• It has the storage devices
• A system is said to possess memory if its output signal
depends on past values and future values of the input signal

61 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Example: Static or Dynamic?

62 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Example: Static or Dynamic?
• The system shown above is RC circuit
• R is memoryless
• C is memory device as it stores charge because of which
voltage across it can’t change immediately
• Hence given system is dynamic or memory system

63 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff


64 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Exercise Problems
Check whether given system is Static or Dynamic
1. y(t) = x(t) + x(t-1)
2. y(t) = x(-t)
3. y(t) = x(sin t)
4. y(t) = x(t-1)
5. y(t) = Even [x(t)]
6. y(t) = Real [x(t)]

Invertible & Non-invertible Systems
• If a system is invertible if it has an Inverse System. Otherwise it is
non-invertible system
x(t) y(t) Inverse x(t)

• Example: y(t)=2x(t)
– System is invertible must have inverse, that is:
– For any x(t) we get a distinct output y(t)
– Thus, the system must have an Inverse
• x(t)=1/2 y(t)=z(t)
System y(t)=2x(t) Inverse
x(t) System x(t)

66 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Check whether the following Systems are invertible

67 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Check whether the following Systems are invertible

68 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Check whether the following Systems are invertible

69 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Previous Gate Questions

70 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Gate 2013 question

71 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Gate 2013 solution

72 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Gate 2011 question

73 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Gate 2011 solution

74 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Gate 2010 question

75 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Gate 2010 solution

76 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Gate 2008 question

77 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Gate 2008 solution

78 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Gate 2005 question

79 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Gate 2005 solution

80 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Gate 2004 question

81 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Gate 2004 solution

82 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Gate 2004 question

83 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Gate 2004 solution

84 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

Sources and Reference Material
i) Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and
ii) Lecture slides of Prof. Paul Cuff
iii) Solved Problems from Standard Textbooks.

 Disclaimer: The material presented in this presentation is taken

from various standard Textbooks and Internet Resources and the
presenter is acknowledging all the authors.

85 Acknowledgement : Lecture slides of Michael D. Adams and Prof. Paul Cuff

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