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Production Technology‐
Inflow Relation for Multiphase and 
Gas wells
By : 
Dr. Mofazzal Hossain
Omar Al‐Fatlawi

16/08/2017 1
Problem 1 – Multiphase flow
Consider well of open‐hole diameter 7.875 inch is producing from a 
reservoir with a finite closed boundary area of 640 acres.  Average 
reservoir pressure is same as the bubble point pressure of 4500 psi. 
Following additional data are given. Calculate the oil production rate at a 
flowing bottom hole pressure of 4000 psi.
Data Given:
Reservoir permeability = 100 md, skin , S = 10, h = 200 ft and no 
PVT properties for different pressure:

p μo Bo kro
4500 1.1 1.42 0.31
4300 1.08 1.4 0.27
4200 1.07 1.38 0.22
4000 1.06 1.36 0.18

16/08/2017 2
• Assume that a cylindrical reservoir with radius 1500 ft ,
thickness 50 ft, porosity 20% and permeability 80 mD
produces gas with specific gravity 0.6 under the semi‐steady
state from well with radius 0.25 ft and skin effect ‐0.5 at
reservoir temperature 600 R. The following table includes the
fluid properties. Calculate gas flow rate using the more
suitable equation when
• ܲതோ = 3800 psia and Pwf= 3400 psia
• ܲതோ =2500 psia and Pwf= 2200 psia
• ܲതோ = 2000 psia and Pwf= 1000 psia
• Ignore the non‐Darcy effects.

16/08/2017 4
Problem.2‐Given data
P, psia µ, cP Z Bg, bbl/SCF
0 0.012083 1

500 0.013109 0.923109 0.006400

1,000 0.014604 0.85582 0.003200

1,500 0.016412 0.801945 0.001600

2,000 0.018405 0.77044 0.001160

2,500 0.020481 0.764905 0.000980

3,400 0.024206 0.811376 0.000750

3,600 0.025012 0.827592 0.000695

3,800 0.025809 0.844111 0.000660

16/08/2017 5
• Re‐ calculate gas flow rate for all cases in 
problem.2 with considering non‐Darcy effect. 

16/08/2017 10

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