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Parameter Kiln operational conditions – from light up to operation with coal

Starting the coal Raw material

Burner light-up Kiln heating-up
injection feeding

Fuels (t/h)

Fuel-oil flow 400 – 600 600 – 2500 600 – 1200 0 - 1000

Coal flow – – 2000 – 3000 4500 – 5500

Shaping air pressures (mbar)

External air 120 - 150 150 – 300 270 – 300 270 – 320

Tangential air 20 – 30 30 – 60 40 – 70 50 – 100

Dispersion air 30 – 70 60 – 110 50 – 120 70 – 120

Cooling air 10 – 30 40-80 80 – 120 100 – 150

Complementary air 20% after 6 hours

50% 0% 0%
valve opening from light up

1) If during one of those steps the flame starts to pulse, tangential /dispersion airflows may be increased and
external / compressed air flows may be reduced;

2) If during one of those steps flame touches the brick, tangential / dispersion airflows may be reduced and
external / compressed air flows may be increased;

3) After the feeding, while the secondary air temperature is low, the flame can be wider (higher tangential and
dispersion air) for a couple of hours to make coating easier. The tangential / dispersion airflows shall be gradually
reduced to the condition ‘normal flame’ presented below. Anyway while tangential and dispersion flows are
high, the shell temperatures should be closely followed.

4) To achieve the required external air pressure, the speed of the blowers should be adjusted. To achieve the required
tangential, dispersion and cooling air pressures, the position of the valves on each of these channels should be adjusted.

5) Igniter and fuel oil lance parameters should be adjusted according to the manufacturers of such equipment.

6) Complementary air valve is the valve connecting the dispersion air channel to the coal conveying air channel. This valve is
used for cooling purposes, when no coal is used.

Banking Connection: Kasernstr. 16-18
Oberbank AG . Bank Code: 15022 3500 Krems . Austria
Account no.: 511 07 77 60 . S.W.I.F.T. Code: OBKLAT2L Tel: +43 (0) 2732 75 680
Iban no.: AT331502200511077760 . Company Reg. no. FN355876y Fax:+43 (0) 2732 75 680 201
Commercial Court: Krems . VAT-ID: ATU66178012 . E-Mail:


Parameter Kiln operational conditions – during normal operation

Normal flame Longer and softer Short and wide Very intense, short
flame flame and narrow flame

Shaping air pressures (mbar)

External air 270 - 300 200 – 250 250 – 320 270 – 380

Tangential air 30 – 60 20 – 40 80 - 120 30 – 50

Dispersion air 30 – 60 20 – 40 80 – 120 30 – 50

Cooling air 100 - 150 40 - 60 100 – 120 120 - 160

1) These conditions above are described in the operation and maintenance burner manual and are just to be
used as a reference. The real flame shape and the combustion conditions depend of many other parameters
(fuels chemical and physical characteristics, raw material composition, secondary air temperature, clinker
production level, others). The operator has to observe the results when using each type of flame shape and
adjust the burner according how needed.

2) These conditions are estimated and must be tested in operation.

Banking Connection: Kasernstr. 16-18
Oberbank AG . Bank Code: 15022 3500 Krems . Austria
Account no.: 511 07 77 60 . S.W.I.F.T. Code: OBKLAT2L Tel: +43 (0) 2732 75 680
Iban no.: AT331502200511077760 . Company Reg. no. FN355876y Fax:+43 (0) 2732 75 680 201
Commercial Court: Krems . VAT-ID: ATU66178012 . E-Mail:


Parameter Normal operation Description
range (mbar)

External air 200 – 380 The external air increases the turbulence of the flame, increases the secondary air infiltration into the flame. Makes the flame
more narrow, shorter and more stable

Tangential air 20 – 120 The tangential air increases the swirl in the flame. The tangential air makes the flame wider and shorter, thus it is important to
follow the shell temperatures when using high tangential air flow. When the tangential air flow is used, there is a better control of
the NOX generation for a same amount of swirl, when compared to Dispersion air.

Dispersion air 20 – 120 Similar to tangential air, the dispersion air increases the swirl in the flame. The dispersion air makes the flame wider and shorter,
thus it is important to follow the shell temperatures when using high dispersion air flow. It brings oxygen in the center of the
burner. It is more effective than tangential air to improve the combustion, and tends to generate higher NOx for same amount of

Cooling air 40 – 160 Shorten the flame supplying oxygen in its center and cools the central region of burner.

Banking Connection: Kasernstr. 16-18
Oberbank AG . Bank Code: 15022 3500 Krems . Austria
Account no.: 511 07 77 60 . S.W.I.F.T. Code: OBKLAT2L Tel: +43 (0) 2732 75 680
Iban no.: AT331502200511077760 . Company Reg. no. FN355876y Fax:+43 (0) 2732 75 680 201
Commercial Court: Krems . VAT-ID: ATU66178012 . E-Mail:

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