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Production Diary

Print Advert Pictures

In the afternoon I went out with a camera to take a
picture of a Petrol Station on Knutsford Road, here I
took a picture of the petrol station on the other side of
the road so I could take a long shot of the Esso Garage.
This went successfully as I managed to take the image I
wanted and was able to frame the garage well.
However, I had to be patient to take the picture as I had
to wait for the garage to be clear and also the road was
slightly busy which I had to wait for to be clear to take
the picture.

I began by adding a colour filter to my photo, this was so

that it made the image stand out and look more
colourful, this will help to grab the attention of the
audience. My next steps was to add the large water
bottles to the picture, this would help me to work out
what part of the cars i would need to take out and what i
could leave behind.

This is the behind the scenes for the shots of my bottles,

I decided to put them against a plant, this helped me to
create an idea of the leaves and scenery behind the

Here you can see the bottle has been cut out and
pasted in place, I removed the bottom of the bottle to
make it look as if it has been sunk into the ground. You
can also see me starting to use the close tool over and
over again creating a grass area at the back hich the car
is covering, this help to slowly remove the car.

I’ve also duplicated parts of the fuel station and cropped them
down to make them look more realistic and connected. I
shortened the blue box at the bottom and also added the cost
meter to the side of the bottle. I left the large red stands in to
make them look as if they're leading into the bottle possibly filling
it up.
I also coloured in the boards at the
petrol station and filled them in with
Hydr8 adverts, this is used to really
emphasise to the audience about the

Lastly I took a picture of a person drinking the drink against a

blue screen, I cropped them out and added them to the advert,
this was used to create understanding for the audience on
what the drink was for people and that it can be adventurous.

Audio Visual Advert

Me and my actors planned two days that we would film, one
for the main film and the other for any extra shots that are
needed, this allowed me to make sure my audio visual will be
as efficient as possible.

I started off by running through with them what they would say
and where I wanted them positioned in the frame. This allowed
me to make sure the lighting and focus was at its best.

I edited down my clips to the

right size so that they all synced up and matched, this allowed for a flowing advert. I
also added music into the editing so that the music that we picked was in the video, I
cut down the music so that on certain beats the music got louder helping to build up

the emotion.
By the end of the audio visual I had a build up of text
layers to create the ending scene, this was created
by colouring certain words and also adding a picture
of an apple. This slowly fades down to black and the
music ends showing the end to the advert.

Audio Advert

For my Audio Advert, I used the same two actors, they read through the script that I had
planned out for the. The darker blue section is the group voiceover, I had colour coordinated
this to make it easier to work out who was speaking and at what points. I also had gone out
to certain locations or used sounds from previous filmings to create the sound effects, for
instance. I used a video of a skiing holiday I went on for the skiing sound effect. Also, I went
to a local race track and managed to get some clips of cars etc. This allowed me to fulfill my
audio advert with different clips making it more interesting. The end sound in yellow was
from my audio visual for the ending of the advert. I edited all this together with a bit of music
at the start to make it all connect with other adverts.

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