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Discuss the Internet, including their origins, the three generations of the web,
and the most common uses.
2. Describe how to access the Internet. What are the providers? Define browsers
and discuss URLs, HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, Applets, and mobile browsers.
3. What are Web utilities? Discuss plug-ins, filters, file transfer utilities, and
Internet security suites
4. Discuss Internet communications, including client-based and web-based email,
instant and text messaging, social networking, blogs, microblogs, webcasts,
podcasts, and wikis.
5. Define search tools including search services. Discuss search engines and
specialized search engines. Describe how to evaluate the content of a web site.
6. Describe electronic commerce, including
business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer, and business-to-business e-
commerce, and security.
7. What is cloud computing? Describe the three basic components of cloud
1.) The internet is when computers from all over the world are connected
together. The internet was release in 1969, when the United States funded the
project which connect the computer nationally. The World Wide Web
(WWW) was introduced in 1991 in Center for European Nuclear Research
(CERN). The most common uses are communication, shopping, searching,
education and entreating.
2.) The most common way to access the internet is to access the Internet Service
Provider (ISP) which can connect through the phone line, cable, or wireless.
The browser is a program that provides access to the web. URL (Uniform
Resource Locator), is a specific address or resource, which inside the address
has the protocol (HTTP), domain name (ex. JavaScript, AJAX,
Applets, or Mobile Browsers are Technologies used to provide highly
interactive and animated Web sites.
3.) Web utilities are special programs that makes uses of the internet and web
safer, and sometimes easier. Plug-ins are programs that enhance the user’s
browser by enabling special files formats and multimedia elements. Filters are
programs that block access to selected sited and could set time limits. File
transfer are programs that helps the user upload/download files from the
internet. The internet security suites are design to maintain the user’s privacy
and security while surfing the web.
4.) The internet communication is the most popular way of communicating while
long/short distance companions. With this you could transmit electronic
messages over the internet. Client-based e-mail are e-mails that could be sent
to personal people, while web-based e-mail are e-mails that are sent from
companies or advertisement. Instant messages are a form of e-mail contact
direct or live, such as video chat, or file sharing. Text messages are a short
message service (SMS). Social networking is connecting to people or groups
with similar interest or activity, like Facebook, Google+, or LinkedIn. Blogs
are Technologies used to provide highly interactive and animated Web sites.
Microblogs are short status updates that answer the question (ex. What are
you doing now?). Webcast are streaming technology for live broadcast of
audio and video. Podcast are audio and video files that can be downloaded to
5.) Search tool aids the user in multiple ways, such as search services. The search
engines help a user search information on the web, like yahoo search, or
google search. Specialized search engines are a more advance way of using
the search engines but more defined. To evaluate the content of a web site, the
user looks at authority, accuracy, objection, and currency.
6.) Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is buying and selling goods over the
internet. Business-to-consumer (B2C) is the fastest growing market that
includes online banking, financial banking, and shopping, consumer-to-
consumer (C2C) are web auctions similar to traditional auction, and business-
to-business (B2B) is one business selling to another business, mainly to help
7.) Cloud computing is when a user is working on a file on one computer that’s is
connected to the internet, saves it, and then opens it on another computer that
is also connected to the internet. The three basic component of cloud
computing is; clients (end-users), service providers, and the internet.

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