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Business :Concept
▣ Business is an economic activity intended
to earning profit.
▣ Business is the development and processing
of economic values in the society.
▣ Types of Business
▣ Trade
▣ Commerce
▣ Industry

▣ Industry is as old as mankind. Man

is industrial because man is
intelligent (Homo sapiens means
intelligent man).
▣ Man is the first being that
makes/creates tools and uses tools
for obtaining material ends.

▣ The very word ‘industry’ is derived

from the Latin word ‘Industria’
which means skill and

▣ So, industry means the invention and

use of tools in order to achieve a
material thing. In this sense, man is
the first industry in our civilization.
Industry :Continues
▣ Today, industry is treated as a means of
creating utility.
▣ Modern industry is defined as the application
of complex and sophisticated methods to the
production of economic goods and services.

▣ So, industry is a transformation/

conversion process or system that converts
inputs into output for the use of mankind.

▣ The term system represents a group of things

or parts working together in a regular relation
(Oxford Dictionary).
▣ A system is a set of interrelated elements
functioning as a whole.-Moorhead and
Griffin (1999).
▣ A system, therefore, is any collection of
interrelated parts, objects, things or
organisms that works or functions as an
integrated whole.
A System
Characteristics of a Social System

◼ Established pattern of interaction. A

definite role for each actor of the social
◼ Shared cultural norms and values.
◼ Own boundary
◼ Common goals or rewards.
◼ Social system may represent the entire
society or a number of subsystems.
Industrial Social Organisation

▣ Industry is a social organisation

(Hawthorne study).

▣ What is organisation?
▣ Organization is the assemblage of
role-related people with a common
goal.-Edger Schein.
What is Orgnisation ?
▣ Organization is a group of people
working together in a structured and
coordinated fashion to achieve a set of
goals -Ricky W. Griffin .

▣ Organization is a system of
consciously coordinated activities or
forces of two or more
persons.-Chester I Barnard.
Basic Elements of Organization
▣ A Group of people.
▣ A Role-relationship among people.
▣ A Common Goal i.e. mutually agreed
▣ A Continuing System
▣ A Consciously Rational activity.
▣ A Pattern of Behaviour/ action.
▣ A Highly Differentiated System of
▣ A Conversion System.
Organization Types

▣ Organic Organisation

▣ Mechanistic
Mechanical Organic
Structure Hierarchical Network based on

Communication Vertical Lateral throughout.

Work Direction: Directed Through advice.

Information: At the top Throughout

Membership: Requires obedience Commitment to task,

and loyalty progress and

▣ Management is getting things done by and

through others.- Mary parker Follett.
▣ Management is set of activities (including
planning and decision making, organizing,
leading and controlling) directed at an
organization’s resources ( human,
financial, physical and information) with
the aim of achieving organizational goals
in an efficient and effective manner”. -
Ricky W. Griffin
What is management?

▣ Management is the process of

designing and maintaining an
environment in which individuals,
working in a group, efficiently
accomplish selected aims.
▣ -Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz
Features of Management
▣ Management is a functional process
consisting of Planning, Organizing,
Leading and Controlling.

▣ Management is a universal knowledge.

It applies to any kinds of organization
and activity.

▣ It applies to managers at all levels of

Features of Management
▣ The aim of management is to create a
▣ It is concerned with productivity,
which implies effectiveness and
▣ Management is a guiding or
supervisory task.
▣ Management is a dynamic process.
Functions of Management

▣ Planning
▣ Organizing
◼ Departmentation / Departmentalization.
◼ Organization Structure and Chart.
◼ Span of Supervision
◼ Centralization and Decentralization of authority.
◼ Delegation of Authority.
◼ Staffing
▣ Leading
◼ Communication
◼ Motivation
◼ Leadership
▣ Controlling
Concluding Remark
▣ There are many functional managements
in an organisation. Such as Financial,
Operations, Marketing, R&D etc

▣ Human Resource Management (HRM) is

a such a functional activity / management.
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