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 Saxophone -like the string bass and contrabassoon, it furnishes

-this wind instrument has a single reed that combines the foundation for the harmonic fabric.
the reed mouthpiece of a clarinet with a curved conical -its sound is rather like the bass trombone, but
metal tube. fuller, richer and more powerful.
-It blends well with either woodwind or brass  Cornet
- is a brass-wind musical instrument of the trumpet
THE BRASSES family, consisting a long looped tube, 9 ft. long.
-have been regularly used in many countries. -it is used in orchestras, bands and brass bands.
-consist of the: trumpet, horn, trombone, & tuba -is larger than the trumpet
-are indispensable for their ability to play very loudly, -has a shorter body and possesses greater agility
for melody, for sustaining harmony, for rhythmic accent -the tone is rounder but less brilliant than that of
and fro the flamelike sonority they contribute to the the trumpet
-have cup-shaped mouth-pieces (except for the horn, THE PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS
whose mouthpiece is shaped like a funnel) -percussion section comprises a variety of
-a player sounds a brass instrument by blowing into the instruments that are made to sound by hitting them
mouthpiece, varying the note by altering the tension of with special sticks, or by striking or shaking their
his lips. This allows him to blow a series of notes but not parts together.
a complete scale. -some are made of metal or wood
-Drums-vibration is set up by striking a stretched
 Trumpet skin.
-possesses a firm and brilliant timbre that lends -The percussion instruments fall into 2 categories
radiance to the orchestral mass.  Definite pitch are:
-because of its military history, it is often associated 1. Kettledrums or Timpani
with martial pomp and vigor or battle calls. – which is used in sets of 2 or 3.
-played softly, the instrument commands a lovely - It is a hemisphere copper shell, across which a
round tone. stretched “head” of calfskin is held in place by a
-the muted sound, which is made by inserting the metal ring.
mute, a pear-shaped device of metal or cardboard - The instrument is played with 2 padded sticks,
in the bell, is much used. which may either be soft or hard.
 Horn - Its dynamic range extends from a mysterious
-generally called the French horn rumble to a thunderous roll.
-is a versatile instrument; as a solo instrument, it is 2. Glockenspiel (German for a set of balls)
very satisfactory because it has a wide range and - consists of a series of horizontal tuned plates of
can be loud or soft, lyrical or dramatic. various sizes, made of steel.
-normally has a smooth, mellow tone, but can be -the player strikes these with mallets, producing
made to sound very brassy. bright metallic sounds
-the timbre of the horn blends equally well with -usually cover about 2 octaves
woodwinds, brass & strings, for which reason it 3. Xylophone
serves as the connecting link among them. - consists of tuned blocks of wood which produce a
-has the ability to project sounds across great dry, crisp timbre when struck.
distances - expert xylophone players attain dazzling speed and
-by playing a mute or by putting a hand into the accuracy.
bell, the performer can get a muted sound, a poetic 4. Marimba
faraway sound which is haunting. - a xylophone of African and South American origin,
-by pushing one’s hand far into the bell and blowing is associated with dance music.
with greater force, one can produce an extremely - it is simply a xylophone with a resonator.
brassy, almost threatening sound. -small tubes suspended under the wooden bass
 Trombone resonate the sound of the vibrating wood
- in Italian means “large instrument”  Indefinite pitch are:
-are of 2 kinds: tenor & base (Snare drum, bass drum, cymbals, gong, triangle and etc.)
-the 2 are alike in construction but the bass 1. Snare Drum
trombone has a lower range. - is the small drum in the orchestra
-its tone is rich and mellow - it has a drumhead stretched across each end
-it can play softly, but it is more often used to 2. Chimes
achieve effect of nobility & grandeur - consist of a set of tuned metal tubes of various
 Tuba lengths attached to a frame and struck with a
- is the bass of the brass choir hammer.
-they have a broad dynamic range, from a metallic
tinkle to sonorous clang
-are frequently called upon to stimulate church
3. Harp
-is said to be one of the oldest musical instruments
-its earliest form appeared in the Babylonian
inscriptions several thousand years ago.
-this instrument is almost extinct today
-it survives in the modern orchestra, as a supporting
instrument most of the time
-its strings are played by plucking, producing a
crystalline tone that blends well with the orchestral
-the pedals are used to shorten the strings, thereby
raising the pitch
-chords on the harp are frequently played in broken
form; that is, the tones are sounded one after
another instead of simultaneously.

-these instruments are operated by means of a
keyboard which consists of a series of black and
white keys.
-produce tones in a variety of ways
-when a performer depresses a key, a tone sounds
-normally included with the percussion group, they
constitute a special set which may be considered
- Piano, celesta, harpsichord & organ are all
keyboard instruments of definite pitch but each has
physical properties quite different from the others

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