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Performance Task 1
A.Discuss the Appropriateness of the following assessment
1. Objective test- used to evaluate the various level of hierarchy of educational objectives with the
use of written instrument.

2. Essay test-used to determine the student’s skills and knowledge in a particular topic or issue with
their opinion, analysis, idea, reaction and reflection.

3. Performance test-it is used to determine whether or not the student do and act in a particular

4. Oral Questioning- assess the pre and post competency or knowledge of the students by means of
verbal communication.

5. Observational and self-reports- use multiple methods to measure the student’s behavior,
observations, self-reports, activities or outputs, remarks and others.

6. Product reports- commonly used in business or institution to rate the products.

B.If you were to utilize all these procedures, how would you put weights on each of the
procedure. Explain your answer.

As a future educator/teacher it is very important to put an attention to the different

assessment methods that can be used to evaluate the learners’ knowledge on a specific topic. If I
were to utilize all these procedure, first I will consider the students’ level/year in studying. Some
students are not capable of answering observational and self-report, product reports, essay test
and oral questioning. As we can see to the given test of elementary teachers is different to the
high school teachers and college instructors. To be effectively used the assessment methods; we
can determine the strengths and weaknesses of the students and monitor all these methods from
time to time.

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