IC T MO DU LE: Week 1

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Santa Monica Institute of Tech.

Andrada Bldg. Poblacion, Iligan City Module 1

Week 1

Senior High School

Empowerment Technologies
2nd Semester of A.Y. 2020-2021 Instructor: Ceasar Ian H. Mundala


Empowerment Technology is an Information and communication technologies as tool for curating,

contextualizing, collaborating, and creating content and experiences for learning in the professional tracks.
Empowerment technology is being thought in school to create foundation in understanding the world of ICT,
To understand and demonstrate the proper etiquette in using ICT and more. To the millennials, Technology
or ICT is a big impact and also a big help in their everyday lives especially in school and communicating. In
able to do this properly, they’ve develop this subject to teach and let students understand the world and
importance of ICT. With the help of E-Tech, Students and other millennials will be able to understand the
IC real value of technology; that with technology, they can make their lives and future a better one. Of course,
before entering this kind of world you should understand it first and that’s one job for Empowerment
technologies.Therefore, Empowerment technology is important , especially to the millennials to prepare, to
T teach the value and to introduce them/us to the proper world of ICT (Information and Communication
Technologies) and also, of course to teach us the proper etiquette of using it and not the way where people
use it in violence that could end up someone else’s precious life.
MO Intended Learning Outcomes

DU At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. explain that knowing yourself can make you accept your strengths and limitations and dealing with others
LE 2. share your unique characteristics, habits and experiences; and,
3. start and maintain a journal.

Activity 1:
Did you use the internet after you woke up this morning?
On your activity sheet, answer the questions.
1. How many times have you checked your phone this morning?
2. How many status updates have you posted in FB or Twitter today?
3. Did you use internet for an hour after you woke up this morning?
4. Do you follow a celebrity via his/her social media account?

Unlocking of Difficulties
The following are the terms you will encounter with this module:
Key Terms
• Web 1.0- static website without interactivity
• Web 2.0- websites that contain dynamic content
• Web 3.0- a concept of the World Wide Web that is designed to
cater to the individual user
• Static-refers to the web that are the same regardless of the user
• Folksonomy- allows users to categorize and classify/ arrange information
• Hashtag- used to categorize posts in website
• Convergence- the synergy of technological advancements to work
on a similar goal or task
• Social media- websites, applications, or online channels that enable users to
create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user generated content.

Activity 2:
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. A web page that allows interaction from the user

a. static c. social
b. dynamic d. comment
2. This refers to the feature where users are able to categorize and locate
information through tagging.
a. hashtags c. taxonomy
b. folksonomy d. rich user experience
3. A feature of a dynamic website that allows users to put their own content

IC a. rich user experience

b. long tail
c. user participation
d. mass participation
4. It provides a common framework to allow data to be shared and reused across

T platform, enterprise, and community boundaries.

a. W3C c. Web 1.0
b. Semantic Web d. Web 2.0
MO 5. According to this magazine, two Philippine cities are part of the top 10 in their
research about “The Selfiest Cities around the World.”
a. People c. Reader’s Digest
DU b. Time d. Candy
6. This is the operating system for blackberry phones.
a. Blackberry OS c. Window’s Mobile
LE b. Symbian d. iOS
7. Pinterest is a social media website that can be classified as
a. Bookmarking site c. Microblogging
b. Media Sharing d. Blogs and Forums
8. Currently, this is the fastest mobile network.
a. 2G c. 4G
b. 3G d. 5G
9. This media is designed to help people who have visual and reading
a. assistive c. bookmark
b. Social d. accessibility
10.This type of social media website focuses on short updates posted by the user.
a. blogging c. social media
b. microblogging d. hashtagging



ICT- Information and Communication Technology - It deals with the use of different communication
technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, Internet to locate, save, send and edit information 

 Is a study of computers as data processing tools. It introduces students to the fundamental of using
computer systems in an internet environment.

When we make a video call, we use the Internet. When we send a text or make a call, we use

cellular networks. When we run out of load or battery, we use payphones which use a telephone
network. Having a unified way to communicate is one of the goals of ICT. In terms of
economics, ICT has saved companies a lot of resources (time and money) with the kind of

communication technology they use, nowadays. In a similar way, we spend less because of ICT.
As it normally costs us a peso to send a text message or SMS, with the Internet, we can send
multiple messages and only be charged by a fraction.

MO ICT in the Philippines

DU  Philippines is dub as the ‘’ICT Hub of Asia” because of huge growth of ICT-related jobs, one of which
is BPO, Business Process Outsourcing, or call centers.

 According to the 2013 edition of Measuring the Information Society by the International
Telecommunication Union, there are 106.8 cellphones per 100 Filipinos in the year 2012. That would
mean that for every 100 Filipinos you meet, there is a high chance that they have a cellphone and
approximately for the seven of them, they have two.
 In a data gathered by the Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industries in 2010, the ICT industry
shares 19.3% of the total employment population here in the Philippines.
 To add to these statistics, Time Magazines "The Selfiest Cities around the World” of 2013 places two
cities from the Philippines in the top 1 and top 10 spots. The study was conducted using Instagram, a
popular photo sharing application. With these numbers, there is no doubt that the Philippines is one of
the countries that benefits most out of ICT.

Activity: ICT, Me, and My Community

To fully understand the importance of ICT, let us first look at our community. Look
for a small business around your community.
Conduct a short interview (via free data on messenger) of the business owner using
the following guide:

T Computer- an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to
instructions given to it in a variable program.

MO Internet- is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet protocol  suite
(TCIP/IP) to link billions of devices worldwide.
 Means of connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world via dedicated routers
DU and servers.
 Sometimes called simply ‘’the Net’’, is a worldwide system of computer networks- a network of
networks in which the users at any   one computer can get information from any other computer.

World Wide Web

 An information system on the internet that allows documents to be connected to other documents by
hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another. 
 Is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by URLs, interlinked
by hypertext links, and can be accessed via the Internet.
 Invented by Tim-Berners Lee

Web Pages
 Web page is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide Web.   It is a document that is   suitable
for the World Wide Web.

The different online platforms of World Wide Web:

1.  Web 1.0 – refers to the first stage in the World Wide Web, which was entirely made up of the Web
pages connected by hyperlinks.

2. Web 2.0 – is the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic pages. The user is able to see a  website
differently than others.
– Allows users to interact with the page; instead of just reading the page, the user may be able to
comment or create user account.

3. Web 3.0 –  this platform is all about semantic web.

   –  Aims to have machines (or servers) understand the user’s preferences to be able to deliver web content.

Static Web Page- is known as a flat page or stationary age in the sense that the page is ‘’as is’’ and cannot
be manipulated by the user. The content is also the same for all users that is referred to as Web 1.0

Dynamic Web Pages- web 2.0 is the evolution of web 1.0 by adding dynamic web pages. The user is able to
see website differently than others e.g. social networking sites, wikis, video sharing sites.


1. Folksonomy- allows user to categorize and classify information using freely chosen keywords e.g.

T tagging by FB, Twitter, use tags that start with the sign #, referred to as hashtag.
2.  Rich User Experience – content is dynamic and is responsive to user’s input
3.  User Participation- The owner of the website is not the only one who is able to put content. Others are
MO able to place a content of their own by means of comments, reviews and evaluation e.g. Lazada, Amazon.
4. Long Tail- services that are offered on demand rather than on a one-time purchase. This is synonymous
to subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the amount of time you spent in the internet.
DU 5. Software as a services- users will be subscribe to a software only when needed rather than purchasing
them e.g. Google docs used to create and edit word processing and spread sheet.
6.  Mass Participation- diverse information sharing through universal web access. Web 2.0’s content is
LE based on people from various cultures.


1. Convergence- is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task. For
example, besides using your personal computer to create word documents, you can now use your

2. Social Media- is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users web users to create , co-
create, discuss modify, and exchange user generated content.

Six types of Social Media:

a) Social Networks - These are sites that allows you to connect with other people with the
same interests or background. Once the user creates his/her account, he/she can set up a
profile, add people, share content, etc
Example: Facebook and Google+

b) Bookmarking Sites - Sites that allow you to store and manage links to various

IC website and resources. Most of the sites allow you to create a tag to others.
Ex. Stumble Upon, Pinterest

T c) Social News – Sites that allow users to post their own news items or links to
other news sources. The users can also comment on the post and comments may also be rank. Ex.
Reddit and Digg

MO d) Media Sharing – sites that allow you to upload and share media content like images,
music and  video.  Ex. Flickr, YouTube and Instagram

DU e) Microblogging - focus on short updates from the user. Those that subscribed to the user will
be able to receive these updates. Ex. Twitter and Plurk

LE f) Blogs and Forums - allow user to post their content. Other users are able to comment on
the said topic. Ex. Blogger, WordPress and Tumblr

 3. Mobile Technologies - The popularity of smartphones and tablets has taken a major rise over the years.
This is largely because of the devices capability to do the tasks that were originally found in PCs.
Several of these devices are capable of using a high-speed internet. Today the latest model devices use
4G Networking (LTE), which is currently the fastest.

iOS - use in apple devices such as iPhone and iPad
Android - an open source OS developed by Google. Being open source means mobile phone
companies use this OS for free.
Blackberry OS - use in blackberry devices
Windows phone OS - A closed source and proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft.
Symbian - the original smartphone OS. Used by Nokia devices
WebOS- originally used in smartphone; now in smart TVs.
Windows Mobile - developed by Microsoft for smartphones and pocket PCs

4. Assistive Media - is a non- profit service designed to help people who have visual and
reading impairments. A database of audio recordings is used to read to the user.

5. Cloud computing- distributed computing on internet or delivery of computing service over the internet.
e.g. Yahoo!, Gmail, Hotmail
-Instead of running an e-mail program on your computer, you log in to a Web e-mail account remotely. The
software and storage for your account doesn’t exist on your computer – it’s on the service’s computer
DU cloud.

LE It has three components

1. Client computers   –   clients are the device that the end user interact with cloud.
2. Distributed Servers – Often servers are in geographically different places, but server acts as if they are
working next to each other.
3. Data centers – It is collection of servers where application is placed and is accessed via Internet.


 PUBLIC CLOUD allows systems and services to be easily accessible to the general public. Public
cloud may be less secured because of its openness, e.g. e-mail
 PRIVATE CLOUD allows systems and services to be accessible within an organization. It offers
increased security because of its private nature.
 COMMUNITY CLOUD allows systems and services to be accessible by group of organizations.
 HYBRID CLOUD is a mixture of public and private cloud. However, the critical activities are
performed using private cloud while the non-critical activities are performed using public cloud.

Multiple Choice: Cirlcle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. A web page that allows interaction from the user.

a. Static b. Dynamic c. Social d. Comment

2. This refers to the feature where users are able to categorize and locate information through tagging.
a. Hash Tags b. Taxonomy c. Folksonomy d. Rich user experience

3. A feature of a dynamic website that allow users to put thier own content.
a. Rich User Experience b. User Participation c. Long Tail d. Mass Participation

4. It provides a common framework to allow data to be shared and reused across platform, enterprise, and community
a. W3C b. Semantic Web c. Web 1.0 d. Web 2.0

T 5. According to this magazine, two Philippine cities are part of the top 10 in their research about "The Selfies Cities
around the World".
a. People b. Time c. Reader's Digest d. Candy

MO 6. This is the Operating System for Blackberry Phones.

a. Blackberry OS b. Windows Mobile c.Symbian d.iOS

DU 7. Pinterest is a social media website that can be classified as

a. Bookmarking sites b. Media Sharing c. Micro Blogging d. Blogs and Forum

LE 8. Currently this is the farthest mobile network.

a. 2G b. 3G c. 4G d. 5G

9. This media is designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments.
a. Assitive b.Social c.Bookmark d.Accesibility

10. This type of social media website focuses on short short updates posted by the user.
a. Blogging b. Micro Blogging c. Social Media d. Hash Tagging

1. Why do you think microblogging platforms have become popular when regular blogging becomes
platforms already exist?
2. What do you think of Web 3.0? Do you think it will be realized someday in the future?

A. Ask your parents, or an elderly in your house for one momentous event in the Philippine history wherein
ICT play a huge role in making it a success.

True or False: Write T for True; otherwise F on the blank before earch item.

_____1. Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web.

_____2. People Magazine conducted the reasearch on the "The Selfies Cities in the World".
_____3. Web 2.0 introduced static web pages that allow users to interact with the web page
_____4. Folksonomy allows the users to categorize and locate information.
_____5. Technological convergence is the synergy of technological advancement to on a similar
_____6. Accoding to Nielsen, usrs who use the internet spend more ti,e in social media sites than in any
other type of site.
_____7. Blogging sites are sites that focus on short updates from the user.
_____8. Adroid is an operating system for mobile device like Apple.
_____9. Assitive media is a profit service designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments.
_____10. Information and communication technology (ICT) deals with the use of different communcation
technology to locate, save, and edit information.

III. Write SO for Social Media as social network, BS for bookmarking site, SN for social news, MS for
media sharing, MI for micro blogging, and BF for blogs and forum.

____1. Facebook ____2. Plurk ____3. Twitter ____4. Tumbler ____5. Reddit
____6. Google+ ____7. Instagram ____8. Pinterest ____9. Blogger ____10. StumbleUpon

IC Resources and Additional Resources

 Rolluqui , Lawrence (2018 June 23), Empowerment Technology, Retrieved from:

T https://www.scribd.com/document/382418048/Empowerment-Technology


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