Teaching Plan - Labour Laws

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Teaching Plan


Labour Laws


B.A. LL.B. (Hons.)

Semester VI

Session FEB – MAY 2021

Compiled By :

Ankit Srivastava

Course Teacher
Table of Contents

Sr. No. Contents

1. Preface

2. Objectives of the Course

3. Syllabus

4. Teaching Plan

5. Reference Material

6. List of Assignments/Projects

7. Important Instructions
1. Preface/Outline of the Subject

In this course, the students are to be acquainted with the Industrial relations
framework. Further, the importance of the maintenance of industrial peace and efforts to
reduce the incidence of strikes and lockouts are to be emphasised. The main objective
is to critically examine the provisions in the Trade Unions Act, 1926; the machineries
contemplated under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 for the prevention and
settlement of industrial disputes and other matters. Further, the objectives underlying
the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 and Disciplinary Enquiry for
misconduct are to be studied with a view to acquaint misconduct and the procedure to
be followed before imposing punishment for misconduct alleged and established.
Referring wherever necessary to the Constitutional provisions and the ILO
Conventions and recommendations will do learning of these legislations. We will be
looking at the judicial response, legislative response and probable amendments
required to the industrial relations laws to meet the challenges posed by economic
liberalisation. In order to understand the above- mentioned legislations in their proper
perceptive, a brief historical background of these legislations will also be examined.
In this course, students shall also acquaint with legal frame-work relating to social
security and welfare. The concept of social security, its importance and also
Constitutional basis for the same are introduced. The importance of ensuring health,
safety and welfare of the workmen, social assistance and social insurance schemes and
the regulation of wages under various legislations are to be emphasised. The objective
is also to understand the provisions of the Employees Compensation Act, 1923, the
Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, the Factories
Act, 1948. These legislations are to be studied with a view to acquaint the students
regarding various rights and benefits available to the workmen thereunder. Legislations
are to be analysed by examining historical background, objectives underlying these
legislations, judicial interpretations and effectiveness of these legislations in the
changed economic policies.

2.0 Objectives of the Course

• To acquaint thestudents with the Industrial relations framework
• To discuss the importance of the maintenance of industrial peace and efforts to reduce
the incidence of strikes and lockouts
• To be able to critically examine the provisions in the Trade Unions Act, 1926; the
machineries contemplated under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 for the prevention
and settlement of industrial disputes and other matters.
• To understand The concept of social security, its importance and also Constitutional
basis for the same are introduced.
• To acquaint the students regarding various rights and benefits available to the workmen
3.0 Syllabus

Module I: The Trade Union Act, 1926

• Historical aspects - The concept of social security, Trade Unionism in India,

Enactment of the Trade Unions Act, 1926- ILO Conventions relating to Trade
Unions and relevant Constitutional provisions.
• Constitutional freedom to form associations and unions – Constitution of India,
Articles 19 (1) (c), (4),23,24,39,41,42,43
• Definitions of ‘trade union’, ‘workman’ and ‘trade dispute’ – The Trade Unions Act,
1926, sections2 (g) and (h), 3-13, 15, 22
• Immunities in trade disputes: Criminal and Civil: The Trade Unions Act. 1926,
sections 17 and 18; The Indian Penal Code, sections 120-A, 120 –B

Module II: Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

• Historical Background and Introduction to the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 -

Definitions - Industry, Workman, Industrial Dispute, Appropriate Government, etc.,
• Authorities/ Industrial Dispute resolution machinery - Works Committee, Conciliation
and Board of Conciliation Powers and Functions, Court of Inquiry, Grievance
Settlement Authority
• Law relating to regulation of strikes and lockouts- Regulation U/Ss 22, 23, 10-A(4-A),
and 10 (3), Illegal strikes and lockouts, penalties. Regulation of Job losses- concepts
of Lay-off, Retrenchment, Closure and Transfer of undertakings with reference to
statutory definition and Judicial Interpretations
• The Industrial Emplyoment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 - Certified Standing Orders -
Meaning and Procedure for Certification, Certifying officers- Powers and Functions, etc.

Module III: The Employees’ Compensation Act, 1923 & The Employees’ State
Insurance Act, 1948

• The Employees’ Compensation Act, 1923 — Definitions - employee, employer,

dependent, partial disablement, total disablement, etc.
• Employer’s liability for compensation —Conditions and Exceptions - Procedure for
claiming compensation. Computation of Compensation. Commissioner- Jurisdiction,
Powers, etc. – Total and Partial Diability and Liability for death under workmen
compensation act.
• The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 — Definitions – Employment injury,
contribution, dependent, employee, principal employer, etc. - Employees’ State
Insurance Funds contribution, Benefits available
• Administrative Mechanism - E.S.I Corporation, Standing Committee, Medical
Benefits Council - Composition, Powers, Duties - Adjudication of Disputes E.S.I
Courts. Comparative analysis of the E.S.l. Act, 1948 with the Employees’
Compensation Act, 1923
Module IV: Maternity Benefit Act 1961, Minimum Wages Act 1948 & The Factories
Act, 1948
• Definitions in the Maternity Benefit Act 1961, Payment of maternity Benefit, other
protection to preganant and Nursing women, Maternity Benefit Amendment Act 2017
• Minimum wages act – Definition, Concept of fair and living wage, offenses and
penalties, Impact of MNREGA.
• The Factories Act, 1948 — Definitions - factory, manufacturing process, occupier,
worker, hazardous process, etc. - Provisions of the Factories Act relating to health,
safety and welfare of workers
• Provisions relating to working conditions of employment - working hours, weekly
leaves, Annual Leave facilities, Provisions relating to women, children and young

4.0 Tentative Lecture/Teaching Schedule

Sr. No. Topic Number of

Module I

The Trade Union Act, 1926

1. 3
Historical aspects - Master and Slave Relationship, Trade
Unionism in India and UK - Enactment of the Trade Unions
Act, 1926- ILO Conventions relating to Trade Unions and
relevant Constitutional provisions.
2. Constitutional freedom to form associations and unions – 1
Constitution of India, Articles 19 (1) (c), (4) and 33
3. Definitions of ‘trade union’, ‘workman’ and ‘trade dispute’ – The 2
Trade Unions Act, 1926, sections2 (g) and (h), 3-13, 15, 22

4. Immunities in trade disputes: Criminal and Civil: The Trade 3

Unions Act. 1926, sections 17 and 18; The Indian Penal Code,
sections 120-A, 120 –B

Total Lectures 10
Module II

Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

5. Historical Background and Introduction to the Industrial Disputes 2

Act, 1947 - Definitions - Industry, Workman, Industrial Dispute,
Appropriate Government, etc.,

6. Authorities/ Industrial Dispute resolution machinery - Works 4

Committee, Conciliation and Board of Conciliation Powers and
Functions, Court of Inquiry, Grievance Settlement Authority

7. Law relating to regulation of strikes and lockouts- Regulation U/Ss 3

22, 23, 10-A(4-A), and 10 (3), Illegal strikes and lockouts,
penalties. Regulation of Job losses- concepts of Lay-off,
Retrenchment, Closure and Transfer of undertakings with
reference to statutory definition and Judicial Interpretations
8. The Industrial Emplyoment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 - Certified 3
Standing Orders - Meaning and Procedure for Certification,
Certifying officers- Powers and Functions, etc.
Total Lectures 12

Module III

The Employees’ Compensation Act, 1923 & The Employees’ State Insurance Act,

9. The Employees’ Compensation Act, 1923 — Definitions - 2

employee, employer, dependent, partial disablement, total
disablement, etc.

10. Employer’s liability for compensation —Conditions and 4

Exceptions - Procedure for claiming compensation. Computation
of Compensation. Commissioner- Jurisdiction, Powers, etc.
Total and Partial Diability and Liability for death under workmen
compensation act.

11. The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 — Definitions – 4

Employment injury, contribution, dependent, employee, principal
employer, etc. - Employees’ State Insurance Funds contribution,
Benefits available

12. Administrative Mechanism - E.S.I Corporation, Standing 4

Committee, Medical Benefits Council - Composition, Powers,
Duties - Adjudication of Disputes E.S.I Courts. Comparative
analysis of the E.S.l. Act, 1948 with the Employees’ Compensation
Act, 1923
Total Lectures 14

Module IV

The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 & The Factories Act, 1948

13. Definitions in the Maternity Benefit Act 1961, Payment of 3

maternity Benefit, other protection to preganant and Nursing
women, Maternity Benefit Amendment Act 2017

14. Provisions relating to working conditions of employment - 3

working hours, weekly leaves, Annual Leave facilities, Provisions
relating to women, children and young persons.

15. The Factories Act, 1948 — Definitions - factory, manufacturing 3

process, occupier, worker, hazardous process, etc. - Provisions of
the Factories Act relating to health, safety and welfare of workers
16. Provisions relating to working conditions of employment - 3
working hours, weekly leaves, Annual Leave facilities, Provisions
relating to women, children and young persons

Total Lectures 12

Total Lectures Proposed to be delivered 48

5.0 Reference Material

5.1 Books:

• SC Srivastava, Industrial Relations and Labour Laws

• Dr. VG goswami, Labour Industrial Laws
• SN Mishra, Labour and Industrial Laws
• OP Malhotra, Law of Industrial Disputes
• Report of the National Commission on Labour(1969)
• Report of the Second National Commission on Labour (2002)

5.2 Acts:

• The Trade Union Act, 1926

• The Industrial Disputes Act 1947
• The Employees Compensation Act 1923
• The Employees State Insurance Act 1948
• The Payment of wages Act 1936
• The Factories Act 1948

5.3 Case Laws

Module I:
• Bangalore Water Supply v. A Rajappa (1978)
• Panayam Cement Employees Union v. Commissioner of Labour (2004) 1 LLJ 915
• Govt. Tool Room & Training Centre’s Supervisor Officer’s Association v. Asst.
Labour Commissioner
• Rangaswami v. Registrar of Trade Unions (1962)
• T T Devasthanam v. Commissioner of Labour (1979)
• K. V Sridharan v. S. Sundaramoorthy (A trade Union is not an authority u/A 12 of the
Constitution of India)
• Charu Khurrana & Othrs. v. Union of India (A trade union cannot have any such
regulations/bye laws which abrogate any of the rights conferred by the Constitution).
• Registrar of Trade Unions v. M. Mariswami (1974)
• B.S.V Hanumantha Rao & anthr. v. Deputy Registrar of Trade Unions (The rules of
the Trade Union cannot be against the letter and spirit of the provisionsof Sec. 6 of the
TU Act)
• Bokajan Cement Corporation Employees Union v. Cement Corporation of India
(2004) [When a person ceases to be an employee does he also lose his right to
continue as a member of the Trade Union?
• Rohtas Industries Ltd. & Another v. Rohtas Industries Staff Union (1976 AIR 425).
• Jay Engineering works Ltd. v. Staff (AIR 1968 Cal 407).
• Federation of Western India Cine Employees v. Filamalaya Pvt. Ltd. (1981) 1 LLJ

Module II

• Look at the discussion around the definition of Industry also in the light of Jai Bir
Singh v. State of UP
• Sindhu Resettlement Corporation Ltd. v. Industrial Tribunal (1968).
• Bombay Union of Journalists v. The Hindu (1963).
• Shri Rameshwar Manjhi (deceased) v. Management ofSangramgarh Colliery (1994)-
This SC judgment changed the different stands that were taken by the different High
Courts of our country. (Can ‘Industrial dispute’ survive after the death of the
• State of Bihar v. Kripa Shankar Jaiswal (1960).
• Madhav Kutty v. Union of India (1982) - Can a Conciliation Officer go into the merits
• the dispute?
• Sukhbir Singh v. Union of India (1994)
• Workmen of Buckingham Carnatic Mills v. State of Tamil Nadu (1982).
• Manoharan Nair v. State of Kerala (1983).
• ITC Ltd. Workers Welfare Association v. Management of ITC Ltd. (2002)
• T K Rangarajan Appellant v. Govt. of Tamil Nadu and others (2003).
• AP State Road Transport Corp. Employees v. AP State Road Transport Corporation
• Syndicate Bank v. Umesh Nayak (1994).
• Swadeshi Industries Ltd. v. Its Workmen (1960) – On legality and Justifiability of
• Gujarat Steel Tubes Ltd. v. Gujarat Steel Tubes Mazdoor Sabha (1980).
• T K Rangarajan Appellant v. Govt. of Tamil Nadu and others (2003).
• All India Bank Employees Association v. National Industrial Tribunal (1962).
• Harish Uppal v. Union of India (2002)- Read this case in the light of the
• observation made by the Supreme Court in declaring that ‘Lawyers do not have a
• fundamental right to go on a strike’.

Module III

• K Sivaraman & ors v. P. Sathishkumar& Anr SLP (C) No. 18110of 2019
• M/S Star Press v. Meena Devi (2017)
• ShriSankarKal, Vs.Sri Sunil Kumar Saha (2012) IV LLJ 629 Gau
• JyothiAdemma v. Plant Engineer, Nellore ( 2006) 5 SCC 513
• Regional Director, ESI Corporation v Francis De Costa (1997) 1 LLJ 34
• Jaipur Golden Gas Victim Association v. Union of India & Ors 164(2009) DLT 346
• United India Insurance Co. Ltd., Divisional BranchVs. Padmini (2013)III LLJ 176
• Param Pal Singh v National Insurance Company (2013) 3 SCC 409
• Malikarjun G.Hiremath v Branch Manager, Oriental Insurance Company limited
(2009) 13 SCC 405
• Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences v. Prasanath S. Dhananka 2009 (6) SCC 1
• Gopi Ram v. Bhimsen &Ors (2009)
• Air India v. Nergesh Mirza ( 1981)

Module 4

• Chandra Bhavan Boarding and Lodging Bangalore v. State of Mysore and another
• Shamrao vs State Of Bombay
• Uchinoy vs. State of Kerala
• Bhikusa Yamasa Kshatriya vs Sangammar Akola Bidi Kamgar Union
• N.M.Wadia Charitable Hospital vs. State of Maharashtra
• Engineering Workers Union Vs.Union of India (1994),
• The Director, Steel Authority of India Ltd. Vs. Ispat Khandan Janta Mazdoor Union
• National Campaign Committee for Central Legislation on Construction Labour
(NCC-CL) Vs. Union of India & Ors. [March 19, 2018]
• Kerala Private Hospital Association Vs. State of Kerala & Ors. [November 09, 2017]
4.0 List of Project Topics

The Project for labour law will be critical analysis of one case law done by a group of two
students. The students will have to read one full case law and prepare a report as per the
IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application, Critical Conclusion) method. This approach will prepare a
document for the batch with major case laws. A total of 60 cases will be circulated.

S.No. Enrollment Name of Student Topics


1. BAL/001/18 Aaditya Kashyap Bangalore Water Supply v. A Rajappa (1978)

2. BAL/002/18 Abhinav Jena Panayam Cement Employees Union v.

Commissioner of Labour (2004) 1 LLJ 915
3. BAL/003/18 Abhiroop Rathore Govt. Tool Room & Training Centre’s
Supervisor Officer’s Association v. Asst.
Labour Commissioner
4. BAL/004/18 Abhishek Verma Rangaswami v. Registrar of Trade Unions
5. BAL/005/18 Abhyudaya Yadav T T Devasthanam v. Commissioner of Labour
6. BAL/006/18 Adhiraj Pratap Lath K. V Sridharan v. S. Sundaramoorthy (A
trade Union is not an authority u/A 12 of the
Constitution of India)
7. BAL/007/18 Aditi Richa Tiwary Charu Khurrana & Othrs. v. Union of India
(A trade union cannot have any such
regulations/bye laws which abrogate any of
the rights conferred by the Constitution).
8. BAL/008/18 Aditya Puri Registrar of Trade Unions v. M. Mariswami
9. BAL/009/18 Ajay Prajapati B.S.V Hanumantha Rao & anthr. v. Deputy
Registrar of Trade Unions (The rules of the
Trade Union cannot be against the letter and
spirit of the provisionsof Sec. 6 of the TU
10. BAL/010/18 Aman Usmani Bokajan Cement Corporation Employees
Union v. Cement Corporation of India (2004)
[When a person ceases to be an employee
does he also lose his right to continue as a
member of the Trade Union?
11. BAL/011/18 Amita Singh Thakur Rohtas Industries Ltd. & Another v. Rohtas
Industries Staff Union (1976 AIR 425).
12. BAL/012/18 Ankur Shah Jay Engineering works Ltd. v. Staff (AIR
1968 Cal 407).
13. BAL/013/18 Anmol Narang Federation of Western India Cine Employees
v. Filamalaya Pvt. Ltd. (1981) 1 LLJ 123
14. BAL/014/18 Annapurna Nahar Jai Bir Singh v. State of UP

15. BAL/015/18 Anoop Kumar Bardiya Sindhu Resettlement Corporation Ltd. v.

Industrial Tribunal (1968).
16. BAL/016/18 Anoop Singh Rajput Bombay Union of Journalists v. The Hindu
17. BAL/017/18 Anshita Dave Shri Rameshwar Manjhi (deceased) v.
Management ofSangramgarh Colliery (1994)-
18. BAL/018/18 Anushka Shrivastava State of Bihar v. Kripa Shankar Jaiswal
19. BAL/019/18 Arpit Sanjar Madhav Kutty v. Union of India (1982)

20. BAL/020/18 Arushi Agarwal Sukhbir Singh v. Union of India (1994)

21. BAL/021/18 Ashutosh Workmen of Buckingham Carnatic Mills v.

State of Tamil Nadu (1982).
22. BAL/022/18 Ashutosh Gautam Manoharan Nair v. State of Kerala (1983).

23. BAL/023/18 Ashutosh Khandelwal ITC Ltd. Workers Welfare Association v.

Management of ITC Ltd. (2002)
24. BAL/024/18 Ayush Singhal T K Rangarajan Appellant v. Govt. of Tamil
Nadu and others (2003).
25. BAL/025/18 Balram Jat AP State Road Transport Corp. Employees v.
AP State Road Transport Corporation (1970).
26. BAL/026/18 Bhavya Gupta Syndicate Bank v. Umesh Nayak (1994).

27. BAL/027/18 Bhumika Chouksey Swadeshi Industries Ltd. v. Its Workmen

28. BAL/028/18 Bulbul Kumari Gujarat Steel Tubes Ltd. v. Gujarat Steel
Tubes Mazdoor Sabha (1980).
29. BAL/029/18 Charvi Yadav T K Rangarajan Appellant v. Govt. of Tamil
Nadu and others (2003).
30. BAL/033/18 Gaurav Dauneria All India Bank Employees Association v.
National Industrial Tribunal (1962).
31. BAL/034/18 Harshit Rathore Harish Uppal v. Union of India (2002)- Read
this case in the light of the
32. BAL/035/18 Himanshu Chhangani observation made by the Supreme Court in
declaring that ‘Lawyers do not have a
33. BAL/036/18 Hiya Prakash fundamental right to go on a strike’.

34. BAL/037/18 Hrithik Jatwa K Sivaraman & ors v. P. Sathishkumar& Anr

SLP (C) No. 18110of 2019
35. BAL/038/18 Ipsita Ghanshala M/S Star Press v. Meena Devi (2017)

36. BAL/039/18 Ishaan Tripathi ShriSankarKal, Vs.Sri Sunil Kumar Saha

(2012) IV LLJ 629 Gau
37. BAL/040/18 Ishita JyothiAdemma v. Plant Engineer, Nellore
( 2006) 5 SCC 513
38. BAL/041/18 Ishita Shrivastava Regional Director, ESI Corporation v Francis
De Costa (1997) 1 LLJ 34
39. BAL/042/18 Jayant Parmar Jaipur Golden Gas Victim Association v.
Union of India & Ors 164(2009) DLT 346
40. BAL/043/18 Jyoti Singh United India Insurance Co. Ltd., Divisional
BranchVs. Padmini (2013)III LLJ 176 Mad
41. BAL/044/18 K.Devkaran Param Pal Singh v National Insurance
Company (2013) 3 SCC 409
42. BAL/045/18 Kanchan Verma Malikarjun G.Hiremath v Branch Manager,
Oriental Insurance Company limited (2009)
13 SCC 405
43. BAL/046/18 Kanishka Sihare Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences v.
Prasanath S. Dhananka 2009 (6) SCC 1
44. BAL/047/18 Kaveesha Gopi Ram v. Bhimsen &Ors (2009)

45. BAL/048/18 Khushi Bagga Chandra Bhavan Boarding and Lodging

Bangalore v. State of Mysore and another
46. BAL/049/18 Kishan Singh Parihar Bhikusa Yamasa Kshatriya vs Sangammar
Akola Bidi Kamgar Union
47. BAL/051/18 Kritika Choudhary N.M.Wadia Charitable Hospital vs. State of
48. BAL/052/18 Lav Vyas J.K. Cotton & Spinning and weaving Mills v.
Badri Mali and othrs. (1964) 

49. BAL/053/18 Mansi Chhalotre Harjinder Singh v. Punjab State Warehousing
Corporation (2010) 3 SCC 192 

50. BAL/054/18 Mihir Lunawat A P Police Officer’s Association v. Secretary

51. BAL/055/18 Mukul Bhati Gujarat Rajya Police Inspector v. State of

52. BAL/056/18 Muskan Katthal In Re Inland Steam Navigation v. Unknown

53. BAL/057/18 Nayan Katariya Tata Worker’s Union v. State of Jharkhand

54. BAL/058/18 Niharika Arya Bokaro Steel Workers Union v. State of Bihar

55. BAL/059/18 Nilesh Kumar Mukund Ram Tanti v. S.I Registrar Trade
Union (1962) 

56. BAL/060/18 Nishant Pandey Tata Workers Union v. State of Jharkhand

57. BAL/061/18 Nitin Soni IFFCO Phulpur Karmchari Sangh v. Registrar
of Trade Union, Kanpur (1991) 

58. BAL/062/18 Nitya Malviya Bangalore Water Supply v. A Rajappa (1978)

59. BAL/063/18 Pankaj Mehta Panayam Cement Employees Union v.

Commissioner of Labour (2004) 1 LLJ 915
60. BAL/064/18 Paritosh Mishra Govt. Tool Room & Training Centre’s
Supervisor Officer’s Association v. Asst.
Labour Commissioner
61. BAL/065/18 Payal Rajput Rangaswami v. Registrar of Trade Unions
62. BAL/066/18 Poorva Vatsa T T Devasthanam v. Commissioner of Labour
63. BAL/067/18 Prachi Sharma K. V Sridharan v. S. Sundaramoorthy (A
trade Union is not an authority u/A 12 of the
Constitution of India)
64. BAL/068/18 Pragati Shakyapar Charu Khurrana & Othrs. v. Union of India
(A trade union cannot have any such
regulations/bye laws which abrogate any of
the rights conferred by the Constitution).
65. BAL/070/18 Pranshu Chaudhary Registrar of Trade Unions v. M. Mariswami
66. BAL/071/18 Prateek Yadav B.S.V Hanumantha Rao & anthr. v. Deputy
Registrar of Trade Unions (The rules of the
Trade Union cannot be against the letter and
spirit of the provisionsof Sec. 6 of the TU

67. BAL/072/18 Priyanshi Budholia Bokajan Cement Corporation Employees

Union v. Cement Corporation of India (2004)
[When a person ceases to be an employee
does he also lose his right to continue as a
member of the Trade Union?

68. BAL/073/18 Rachit Gupta Rohtas Industries Ltd. & Another v. Rohtas
Industries Staff Union (1976 AIR 425).

69. BAL/074/18 Raghav Parashar Jay Engineering works Ltd. v. Staff (AIR
1968 Cal 407).

70. BAL/075/18 Rajeev Meena Federation of Western India Cine Employees

v. Filamalaya Pvt. Ltd. (1981) 1 LLJ 123

71. BAL/076/18 Ram Tiwari Jai Bir Singh v. State of UP

72. BAL/077/18 Reetesh Sahu Sindhu Resettlement Corporation Ltd. v.

Industrial Tribunal (1968).

73. BAL/078/18 Richa Dixit Bombay Union of Journalists v. The Hindu


74. BAL/079/18 Rishab Pillai Shri Rameshwar Manjhi (deceased) v.

Management ofSangramgarh Colliery (1994)-

75. BAL/080/18 Rishabh Gupta State of Bihar v. Kripa Shankar Jaiswal

76. BAL/081/18 Rishiraj Singh Bhati Madhav Kutty v. Union of India (1982)

77. BAL/082/18 Ritu Janjani Sukhbir Singh v. Union of India (1994)

78. BAL/083/18 Rohit Kumar Parteti Workmen of Buckingham Carnatic Mills v.

State of Tamil Nadu (1982).

79. BAL/084/18 Rupal Yadav Manoharan Nair v. State of Kerala (1983).

80. BAL/085/18 Rupesh Bansod ITC Ltd. Workers Welfare Association v.

Management of ITC Ltd. (2002)

81. BAL/086/18 Sahaj Choudhary T K Rangarajan Appellant v. Govt. of Tamil

Nadu and others (2003).

82. BAL/087/18 Saloni Singh AP State Road Transport Corp. Employees v.

AP State Road Transport Corporation (1970).

83. BAL/088/18 Sangita Shah Syndicate Bank v. Umesh Nayak (1994).

84. BAL/089/18 Sanidhya Kshirsagar Swadeshi Industries Ltd. v. Its Workmen


85. BAL/090/18 Sanket Solanki Gujarat Steel Tubes Ltd. v. Gujarat Steel
Tubes Mazdoor Sabha (1980).

86. BAL/091/18 Santwana Sachan T K Rangarajan Appellant v. Govt. of Tamil

Nadu and others (2003).

87. BAL/092/18 Sanya Dhakad All India Bank Employees Association v.

National Industrial Tribunal (1962).

88. BAL/093/18 Shaileshwar Yadav Harish Uppal v. Union of India (2002)- Read
this case in the light of the

89. BAL/094/18 Shashank Tiwari observation made by the Supreme Court in

declaring that ‘Lawyers do not have a

90. BAL/095/18 Shobhana Uladi fundamental right to go on a strike’.

91. BAL/096/18 Shreya Shrivastava K Sivaraman & ors v. P. Sathishkumar& Anr

SLP (C) No. 18110of 2019
92. BAL/097/18 Shreyansh Vagrani M/S Star Press v. Meena Devi (2017)

93. BAL/098/18 Shruti Gogde ShriSankarKal, Vs.Sri Sunil Kumar Saha

(2012) IV LLJ 629 Gau

94. BAL/099/18 Shubham Pandey JyothiAdemma v. Plant Engineer, Nellore (

2006) 5 SCC 513
95. BAL/100/18 Shubham Saxena Regional Director, ESI Corporation v Francis
De Costa (1997) 1 LLJ 34

96. BAL/101/18 Siddharth Singh Jaipur Golden Gas Victim Association v.

Chauhan Union of India & Ors 164(2009) DLT 346

97. BAL/102/18 Somya Agrawal United India Insurance Co. Ltd., Divisional
BranchVs. Padmini (2013)III LLJ 176 Mad

98. BAL/103/18 Sparsh Rawatkar Param Pal Singh v National Insurance

Company (2013) 3 SCC 409

99. BAL/104/18 Stuti Shrivastava Malikarjun G.Hiremath v Branch Manager,

Oriental Insurance Company limited (2009)
13 SCC 405

100. BAL/105/18 Shubham Gandhi7 Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences v.

Prasanath S. Dhananka 2009 (6) SCC 1

101. BAL/106/18 Sudhanshu Bharadwaj Gopi Ram v. Bhimsen &Ors (2009)

102. BAL/107/18 Sumit Parashar Chandra Bhavan Boarding and Lodging

Bangalore v. State of Mysore and another

103. BAL/109/18 Swapnil Pal Bhikusa Yamasa Kshatriya vs Sangammar

Akola Bidi Kamgar Union

104. BAL/110/18 Swapnil Pandey N.M.Wadia Charitable Hospital vs. State of


105. BAL/111/18 Swati Dehariya J.K. Cotton & Spinning and weaving Mills v.
Badri Mali and othrs. (1964) 

106. BAL/112/18 Vaishnavi Pathak Harjinder Singh v. Punjab State Warehousing

Corporation (2010) 3 SCC 192 

107. BAL/113/18 Vaishnavi Singh A P Police Officer’s Association v. Secretary


108. BAL/114/18 Vartika Agarwal Gujarat Rajya Police Inspector v. State of


109. BAL/115/18 Vidhi Gupta In Re Inland Steam Navigation v. Unknown


110. BAL/116/18 Vikash Kumar Das Tata Worker’s Union v. State of Jharkhand

111. BAL/117/18 Vivek Kumar Athankar Bokaro Steel Workers Union v. State of Bihar

112. BAL/118/18 Yash Garg Mukund Ram Tanti v. S.I Registrar Trade
Union (1962) 

113. BAL/119/18 Yashasvi Mujalde Tata Workers Union v. State of Jharkhand


114. BAL/121/18 Shivansh Parihar IFFCO Phulpur Karmchari Sangh v. Registrar

of Trade Union, Kanpur (1991) 

115. BAL/122/18 Vibhor Mishra Roadways Mazdoor Sabha UP v. State of U.P


116. BAL/123/18 Snehil Dadhich North Eastern Railway Employees Union,

Gorakhpur v. Registrar of Trade 
U.P (1975) 

117. BAL/124/18 Reet Bose Air India v. Nergesh Mirza ( 1981)

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