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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 7

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
b. enumerate the different types of ecological relationship
c. identify the ecological relationships that exist in the given pairs of organisms
d. show concern and cooperation in taking good care of the environment


Topic: Ecological Relationships
Reference: Science Links p. 157-159
Author: Estrellita A. Madriaga, et. al
Materials: visual aids, chalkboard, chalk



A. Daily Routine
1. Opening Prayer
2. Checking of the physical condition of the
3. Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation
To have an idea of what our lesson for
today will be, let us play a simple game. Are
you familiar with 4 PICS 1 WORD? Yes, Ma’am!

Good. Our game is somewhat similar to

that. All you have to do is to arrange the
jumbled letters to come up with a word that is
related to our topic for this morning. The
pictures will serve as your clues.

Are you ready? Yes, Ma’am!

Let’s start.

(The teacher will call some students in front

of the class to play the game)


C. Discussion

With that, what do you think will be our (Answers may vary)
lesson for today?

For today, we will discuss the different

types of ecological relationships.

Does anybody know the meaning of

ecological relationship? Ecological relationship pertains to the
interaction between or among two species of

That’s right!

What are the four types of ecological The four types of ecological relationships
relationships? are symbiosis (mutualism, commensalism,
parasitism), predation, competition and

Very good!

Let’s discuss them one by one.

The first type of ecological relationship is

symbiosis. What is symbiosis, class? Symbiosis is a type of relationship between
two different organisms where one benefits and
the other is affected or unaffected or both of
them benefit.

That is right!

Symbiotic relationship has three kinds:

Mutualism, Commensalism and Parasitism

Mutualism is often referred to as the

“perfect relationship.” Why do you think so? Because in mutualism, both species of
organisms benefit.


One good example of mutualism is the

relationship between a bee and a flower. The
bee harvests nectar from the flower as source
of food. Likewise, the flower also benefits
from the bee because, as the bee harvests
nectar from the flower, some of its pollen
grains attached to it can be transferred to the
stigma of the said flower thereby enabling

Can you think of other examples? (Answers may vary.)

Let us proceed to the second kind of

symbiotic relationship which is

What is Commensalism, class? Commensalism is a type of symbiotic

relationship where one species of organism
benefits while the other is not affected.

That’s right! An example of such are the

barnacles that are usually attached on the shells
of mussels and other marine animals so that
they will have a place to stay and to live.
Barnacles benefit from the mussels while the
mussels are unaffected.
Can you think of other examples?

What is the last kind of symbiotic (Answers may vary.)



What is Parasitism? Parasitism is the last kind of symbiotic

relationship, Ma’am!

Very good!

The organism that benefits in parasitism is

called the Parasite, and the one that is harmed Parasitism is a relationship in which an
is called the Host. organism benefits and the other is harmed, but
not always killed.

One good example of this kind of

relationship is the relationship between the
mosquito and human.

Who benefits from this relationship? The mosquito benefits from the relationship,

How about the man? The man is harmed from the relationship.

(Answers may vary.)

Can you think of other example for

Parasites are classified into two:

Ectoparasites and Endoparasites. Who can Ectoparasites are parasites that live outside
differentiate the two? the body of the host while Endoparasites are
those that live inside the body of the host.

Examples of Ectoparasites are ticks, flees,

mosquitoes while examples of Endoparasites
are hookworms, tapeworms, etc.
(Answers may vary.)
Do you have any questions so far?

Next to symbiosis is Predation. What is Predation is a type of ecological

Predation, class? relationship where one species of organism
kills or eats the other.

Very good!

Examples of Predation are owls that eat

mouse, and lions that eat other animals.

What do you call the organism that is eaten? Prey, Ma’am!

How about the one that harms or eats the Predator, Ma’am!
other animal?

That’s right!

In the case of the owl and the mouse, which

is the predator and which is the prey? The owl is the predator and the mouse is the

Very well said.

(Answers may vary.)
Now, can you think of your own example of

Alright. The next type of ecological

relationship is Competition. Please read the
meaning of Competition. Competition is a relationship that occurs
when two organisms compete for the same

Organisms tend to compete for food,

shelter, space, light and even mate for survival.

(The teacher will show a picture)

For what do you think these two red deer

are competing for? The two red deer are competing for space.

Lastly, is the relationship called (Answers may vary)

Cooperation. What comes to your mind when
you hear the word COPERATION? Do you
have this in your classroom?

Just like humans, animals and other (Answers may vary)

organisms also show cooperation in their
group. How? One example is the working
colony of ants. Why do you think ants stop for
a moment when they meet up?

That’s true!

Another example of Cooperation is the

herds of grazing cattle or sheep arrange
themselves so that the strongest are on the
outside. Moreover, many sets of eyes and ears
are on the look-out for possible danger. (Answers may vary)
Can you think of your own example?

Very good! It seems that the class

understood very well the lesson.. Are there any None, Ma’am!
D. Activity Proper
Using the Ecological Relationship Board,
match the relationship to its meaning and
example. The lights will be turned on if the
correct connection among the ecological
relationship, its meaning and examples has
been made.

E. Generalization
The teacher will call one student to sum up
the lesson being discussed.

Identify what is being described in each statement. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.

__________1. It is a type of ecological relationship where one species of organisms kills or eats
the other
__________2. These are parasites that live inside the body of the host
__________3. A kind of symbiotic relationship where both species of organisms benefit from
one another
__________4. The animal that is eaten in Predation
__________5. A type of ecological relationship where one organism benefits while the other is

Interview parents/elders in the community and ask why ecosystem is important.

Prepared by:

Ms. Arlene Litao De Jesus

(BSED General Science)

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