Kunci Exercise More Reading Power

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Name : Jefika Lisu Sarira

NIM : K011201014

Unit 8, Exercise 5 Part A p. 139

1. What has happened to the three children from south Carver?

Answer : They disappeared because they got lost in the forest and it was predicted
that they had entered a swamp

2. What do the people in South Carver think about the situation?

Answer : they tought that the children had found shelter even though they were in a
dangerous place. They are worried.

3. What do you think will happend to them?

Answer : I think they will survive because it was said that the knew very well about
the forest and they had trained during he scouts

Unit 8, Exercise 5 Part B p.140

1. How did the story end?

Answer : The Children were found

2. How did the children feel in the night?

Answer : They were cold, wet and scared

3. Was is easy to find them?

Answer : No, it took a long time

4. How did the parents feel in the end?

Answer : Grateful and very happy

Unit 8, Exercise 6 p.141

1. According to this article, is jet lag worsed when you travel eastward or westward?
Answer : eastward, because in traveling toward the east, the body must adjust by
shortening its day, going against the body’s natural tendency.

2. What causes jet lag?

Answer : First, People often wear themselves out getting ready for a trip. Second,
long distance travelers often have a couple of drinks to pass the time. And the last, the
fact that long distance air travel upsets your internal biological clock.
3. What can you do to minimize jet lag?
Answer : Arrive early, try to sleep on the plane if it's nighttime at your destination,
stay hydrated, and get plenty of rest before your trip, avoid sleeping pills, alcohol, or
other drugs that you do not normally use.

4. Is there any quick cure for jet lag?

Answer : Not yet

Unit 8, Exercise 7 p.142

1. Is this writer hopeful or discouraged about the future? How can you tell?
Answer : The writer is discouraged about the future, because he kept writing down
bad things that might happen in the future.

2. What are some negative effect of population growth, according to this author?
Answer : A mined environment, the lack of food and water, the extintion of many
species and wars

3. What does the author say must be done to avoid disaster?

Answer : Cut human reproduction in half so there will be fewer people added to the
world’s population

Unit 8, Exercise 8 p. 144

1. Which article tells you more about the personal life of Eleanor Roosevelt?
Answer : The second article

2. The author of one of these article has written a book about Eleanor Roosevelt. Which
one do you think it is?
Answer : The second article

3. Does Eleanor Roosevelt sound like typical woman of her time? Why or why not?
Answer : No, because Eleanor Roosevelt was a woman who fought for woman’s
right, but the attitudes and ways she carried out became embodiment of a strong,
independent and free woman

4. What effect did Franklin Roosevelt’s illness have on Eleanor’s life?

Answer : Eleanor had to be much more involved in her husband’s work.

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