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The book Heroes and the Gods is a

story in which the Trojan War

between Greeks and Trojans
according to Greek mythology is
Unicia telling the story of paris
who is he is the son of Priam and
Hecuba, kings of Troy, one of the
youngest among the many they had.
Jason: Son of a king who was
dethroned by his brother, he
claimed the throne when he was
older but his uncle made it a
condition that he previously get
the Golden Fleece. Hercules He is
the strongest and most famous of
all heroes. He is the son of Zeus
and Alcema, the wife of Host whom
Zeus seduced. As soon as he was
born, Hercules drowned in his bed
two snakes sent by Hera against
him. Achilles: Son of Thetis and
Peleus, king of the Myrmidons of
Thessaly, is the main hero of the
Greeks in the Trojan War. his
mother Thetis, to make him
invulnerable, immerses him in the
Styx lagoon; Perseus: He is one of
the oldest mythological heroes. And
the kind of flawless hero who,
protected by the gods, always
triumphs in everything. Son of
Zeusy Danae daughter of Acriseo,
king of Argos. Warned that he would
be killed by his grandson,
Agamemnon: King of Mycenae and
Argos and one of the heroes of the
Iliad. He is the son of Atreus and
he and his brother Menelaus, as
children of Atreus are known by the
Atriad, a Tragic lineage whose
legend has served as the subject of
many authors. Ulysses: Ulysses is
one of the most popular heroes in
ancient Greece. Actually, his Greek
name is Odysseus. Ulysses is the
name that the Latinos gave it very
later. Ulysses is a popular hero
sung by the rhapsodies. He is the
quintessential traveling hero,
adventures are remembered by oral
translation. He is the son of
Laertes, king of Ithaca, Hector: He
is the eldest of the sons of Priam
and Hecuba, kings of Troy, and
husband of Andromache and the most
courageous of the Trojan warriors.
The oracles have announced that as
long as Hector lives the city will
not succumb. Hector as commander of
the Trojan forces, kept the Greek
army at bay for nine years, until
it happened that finally when
Hector forced the Greeks to return
to their ships, Patroclus: Greek
leader in the Trojan war, friend of
the soul of Achilles. In the tenth
year of the war Achilles withdraws
his troops, the Myrmidons, because
he has a fight with Agamemnon, the
commander of the Greek forces.
Theseus: He is a fabulous king of
Athens, between historical and
mythological, turned into the
mythological national hero of the
Attica. In his youth he runs many
adventures and always triumphs
because of his strength and

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