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Exercise a

Answer the questions below based on the text above!

1. What marine biologists do?

Marine Biologists (people who work in marine biology) may do so in the field or analyze data
gathered from ocean sites. It can be comparative in nature and might include an analysis of similar
bacteria existing in several different oceans.

2. Is that possible that marine biologists study the other sites out of ocean?
Yes, it’s possible because marine biologists are also study other forms of science such as climatology
as it affects ocean life forms, oceanography, and animal behavior, are connected to the field and
some marine biologists are also may study the biological structure of an animal, others might study
how it behaves.

3. What is the obstacle that marine biologists face to study the undiscovered ocean’s species?

The obstacle faced by marine biologists studying undiscovered ocean’s species is the presence of are
ocean areas that people still cannot access due to temperature or depth.

4. The word this in the second sentence of the last two paragraph refers to?

in the third paragraph the word this refers to the existence of a number of sites of study in
landlocked states or countries.


Exercise b

Answer the following questions!

1. How can a wave be various of size?

Waves can be various of size because of the wind speed and friction on the water’s surface or
outside factors such as boats.

2. What is the main idea of paragraph one?

Waves can vary in size and strength based on wind speed and friction on the water’s surface or
outside factors such as boats.

3. What is the main reason of tsunami?

English 1
The main reason of tsunami is the undersea earthquakes or other sharp motions in the seafloor that
can sometimes generate enormous waves

4. What is the difference between wake, swell, and tsunami?

Wake is the small wave trains created by a boat’s movement on the water, while Swells are defined
as mature undulations of water in the open ocean after wave energy has left the wave generating
region, and tsunami is the enormous waves that caused by the undersea earthquakes or other sharp
motions in the seafloor.

5. The word it in the first sentence of the last paragraph refers to


English 2

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