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Merrick Moore Re-entry Toolkit

The intent of this document is to provide staff with a checklist for

welcoming students back to MME for in-person instruction beginning
__March 15th__. This document includes items compiled from guidance
you have already received from the district and MME during the past few

Prepare Yourself


● DPS students, families, and employees have a collective responsibility to create and maintain a
safe and healthy learning and work environment for the approximately 32,000 students and
5,000 employees across all schools and worksites. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this
responsibility includes every student and employee taking affirmative steps to help minimize the
spread of COVID-19 by strictly adhering to the health safety protocols set forth below.

● Health experts serving on the ABC Science Collaborative and providing health guidance to the
school system have repeatedly stressed that the single most critical factor in a successful
return to in-person instruction during the pandemic is the development, implementation, and
adherence to health guidelines, requirements, and protocols.

● This plan outlines required health safety protocols, provides links to key health guidance, and
reminds students and families of relevant Board policies.

● This plan may be updated as public health guidance and conditions change.

Individuals are required to follow federal,

state, and local requirements, if they are more
restrictive than DPS guidelines. These
requirements and recommendations are
subject to change at any time, depending on
federal, state, and local health guidance and

Cloth Face Coverings and PPE

The NC Department of Health and Human Services require students in grades kindergarten through 12th
grade, all school staff and visitors wear face coverings while at school and on the school bus unless an
exception applies, is eating or is engaged in strenuous physical activity.

See District communication around face coverings for Students. PPE includes coverings that are designed
to protect the wearer and/or those nearby from the spread of illness-causing germs

DPS Face Coverings Guidelines

AM Duty (7:10 am – 7:45 am)

Duty Roster

● All classroom teachers are expected to be on duty at the classroom door during arrival, to remind
students to keep face covering on.
● Classroom teachers are to greet students and direct them to their desks.
● Classroom teachers are to supervise breakfast in the classroom and morning routine facilitates students’
preparedness for school day success.
● Students are not to talk during breakfast.

● The safety and security of students is of paramount importance

● Conferences and appointments should not be scheduled during duty time.Conferences and appointments
must be done virtually.
● If you must be absent, you are expected to ensure that your coverage is aware of your duty

Duty Location Responsible Staff Member Coverage

Bus Loop (Bus Health Screeners)

1. Anissa Hicklen
2. Christian Carver
(Care Center Monitor)
1. (Rotating Admin & Support Staff)
(Ushering students in)
1. Molly Morgan
2. Nikki Steckroth
3. Javaris Quinn
4. Shea Neville

Carpool (Car Rider Health screeners(temp and questions))

1. (Questions) Stephen Mullaney
2. (Temp) Misty Myers
3. (Temp) Kevin Wicker
4. (Questions)Benjamin Gaspar
5. (Floating)Trasi Pollino
6. (Admin) R. Mullaney
1. Gloria Suarez

Entry Door for students 1. Gabrielle Farrington

Across from 2. Kate Hanlon
*Grab and Go Breakfast setup in this area*

Main Office Secretary

Breakfast Bus Riders Students grab breakfast bags and are directed to their
Staff Members:
1. Cafe staff

Breakfast Car Riders Students grab breakfast bags and are directed to their
Staff Members:
3. Cafe staff

Hallway Coverages K/1st Grade Hallway

1. Kathy Conner
2. Anna Britt-Harty
2nd Grade Hallway
1. Annie Hill
3rd Grade Hallway
2. Marion Dixon
4th Grade Hallway
1. Thomas Prica
5th Grade Hallway
1. Brittany Carter
Main Hall (By gym)
1. Lonnie Kendall

Restrooms (3rd grade) Michelle Blessing

Restrooms (4th Grade) Maegan Rizer
Restrooms (5th Grade) Phyllis Bailey


Staff Arrival
● All staff must: Screeners: Ms. Hill /Ms. Ceres
○ be screened before entering the building.
○ enter the building between 6:30-7:15
through the front door
○ Have screen and temperature checked
○ Sign-in sheet will be used for staff
attendance. No need to enter the front
● If staff leave campus at any time, he/she will need
to repeat the process.
● See above guidelines for procedures on exposure,
symptoms or diagnosis

Student Arrival
Screener Teams:
● Purpose: To take the temperature and document that students coming into the building are healthy
● Work as a two person team:
○ One screener to confirm child has completed pre-screener
○ One screener to take the temperature of the students
Bus Arrival & Screening 7:15 - 7:45
○ Team will be provided with the appropriate safety equipment to keep them safe and document
○ Students will be released off the bus one student at a time.
○ An adult will let students know when it is time to get off the bus.
○ Students will stand on a marker placed on the ground
○ A staff member will conduct the health screening
○ Students will then have their temperature taken using a forehead thermometer.
○ of the screening checklist can be completed
● Students who have a temperature of 100.4 or greater will be escorted to the Care Center

Car-Rider Arrival & Screening 7:15-7:45

● Parents must wait until a child has passed the health screening process before driving away.
● Students will be screened while they’re still in their vehicle.
● Person dropping off the student should answer the questions.

If a student does not have a face covering, they will be provided one.

● Students will enter the door once all covid screening is complete.

■ Students who have a temperature of 100.4 or greater will remain with their parents

Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities may require modifications to the general health guidelines in order to provide required
services and maintain healthy practices. Schools may make these modifications for students with special needs:
● Assigning a known employee to conduct the screening. (Mrs. Kornfield may need to be present in duty
● Encouraging families of nonverbal students to complete the daily Attestation Form if an adult will not be
available to answer the questions at drop-off.
If you are concerned about a student’s need to require modifications, please contact Ms. Potts and Dr. Alford.
Contracted Vendor/Special Transportation
Students who ride special transportation or with a vendor will follow the same health screening procedures and
guidelines as yellow bus transportation.

Students Who Do Not Pass the Daily Health Screening

● Students who do not pass the daily health screening should be offered a face covering if they do not have one.
● An employee must escort them to the Care Center (room _305_____)
● The employee assigned to the Care Center to monitor at that time will contact Ms. Hill at the front desk and she
will contact the parent.
● An employee must supervise the Care Center. Students will be placed in the Care Center and the person
monitoring the Care Center will sit outside the Care Center.
● The student will stay in the Care Center until their parent/guardian arrives to pick them up. The supervisor will be
notified once the parent arrived and will escort them out the building using the closest exit.

Late Student Arrival

● Parents of tardy students must accompany their child to the front door to complete the screener test and the
student will be permitted into the building after they pass the screening..
● Parents will not be allowed in the school building
○ Front office staff will confirm if the pre-screener has been completed for the child
○ If the child has not completed the pre-screener, the screener team will conduct the screen using the
screening checklist

Hallway Expectation: District Guidelines

When students transition throughout the school the teacher should have students clean their hands before and after the
movement. Dots are placed on the floor to remind students of traffic patterns. Staff on duty must usher students to class
as quickly as possible. Staff should remind students of the hallways expectations:
● Must maintain social distancing at all times
● Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
● Walk with quiet feet.
● Walk on the right side.
● Voice level is 0 (zero).
● Report issues to an adult.
● Hands down by your side.
● There will be no unattended student movement in the hallways
No student should be sent into the hallway unsupervised at any time

Stairways: Must maintain social distancing at all times. Must follow guidelines designating up/down stairwells.

Classroom Morning Arrival

Students must maintain social distancing at all times
● Teachers must set up their classroom to have students spaced out at least 6 feet apart. Chairs or desk cannot be
● Centers/Circle time may only be used if they allow for social distancing.
● There will be no use of cubbies in classroom. Please ensure student’s place all items on the back of their seat or
beside them.
Establishing Rules Handwashing
● Teach handwashing in the classroom
● Reinforce hand washing during key times throughout the day.
● If the student is unable to access a hand-washing station, hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol) will
be provided.
● Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds
Establishing Rules Bathroom
● Ensure the hallways and bathrooms are not crowded
● Students will be allowed to use the bathroom during scheduled restroom times. Schedule will be provided.
● Grade level IAs will escort students to the bathroom during instructional time.
● Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade will use restrooms in classrooms
● 3rd grade restroom, 3rd grade will use the 4th/5th grade restroom
● No more than 2 students in a restroom at a time
Establishing Rules Water Fountains
● Students will be prohibited from drinking directly from water fountains.
● Students will be provided water bottles.
● All water bottles should be clearly labeled with the user’s name.

Classroom Setup
● Remember to remove the following from your classroom as they can not be sanitized: cushy chairs,
couches, futons, fabric chairs, beanbags, cushions, stuffed animals, rugs, carpets, tents, blankets,
○ EC MU classrooms should keep items that are necessary for students (personal blankets,
etc.) Sanitize as you are able.
● Excess desks and chairs should remain in the classroom and setup as normal. Social distancing may
be accomplished by skipping desks.
● Remember not to stack unused desks or chairs; this creates a safety hazard for students.
● Reference the Classroom Social Distancing Design and Layout examples for concepts and ideas to
maximize social distancing between students as possible.

Shared Spaces
● If you have cubbies in your classroom they can not be used.
● Students will not share supplies. Between the supply list and supplies purchased by the
school you will be encouraged to make bags/buckets for each student. A container and a
bag will be provided for you to put students.
● Upper Elementary classes should not set up any shared centers/stations. Students should
remain in their desks or standing in the immediate vicinity as much as possible.

Outdoor Learning Spaces

● Outdoor Seating can be spaced by using beach towels, hula hoops, or other equipment to
help students maintain distance. Existing structures such as picnic tables, knee high walls,
and covered walkways are also good options. Additional creative and safe seating options,
including layout options, can be seen through the Green Schoolyards America website as
well as specific seating layouts here.
● See this link for maps of selected schools, showing outdoor learning areas.
● Plan for teachers to communicate so multiple classes are not using the same space during a
given time period?.


SEL Guide to Re-Entry

Breakfast / Lunch

● Students will get a grab and go meal upon arrival

● Two serving bays will be set-up. (Carpool loop/Bus Loop)
● Breakfast will be pre-packed
● Trash cans must be placed by classroom doors
● Students can lower mask to eat food
● Students can not socialize while eating

Lunch in Classrooms:

● Students must be silent during lunch.

● ALL students will eat lunch in their classroom
● Instructional assistants and/or support staff will supervise students during lunch
● Classes have the option of eating in the outdoor spaces. Please see Mr. Gaspar and Mr. Mullaney for rotations.
● Students will sit facing the same direction
Lunch Clean up:
● Instructional Assistant or Support Staff supervising lunch will assist students with cleaning their table
● Trash cans will be placed in a central space
● IA will instruct student to dispose trash in bin once
● Teach students what they need to do to clean up
● When students have completed their lunch they will need to use hand santazier
Opportunities for free play, to engage in physical activity, and to practice social skills are especially important during
the COVID-19 pandemic.

● Students should be given ample time to play and socialize each day as COVID-19 diminished students’
ability to interact with peers in informal settings.
● Students should have outdoor recess as much as possible and should be encouraged to dress
appropriately for the weather.
● Students may remove masks if they are outdoors and more than 6 feet from other students.
● Playground times should be staggered, and limit mixing of students form separate classrooms as much
as possible
● Students and staff wash or sanitize hands before and after recess.
● Playground equipment is closed
● This includes any balls, hula-hoops, or large jungle-gym equipment.
● Hygiene will be more important than ever.
● Hand sanitizer will be available to practice hand hygiene during play
● Students should utilize hand sanitizer before and after recess time.
● Teachers should talk with students about how to stay healthy – avoid touching their eyes, nose, and
mouth and covering their cough.
● Teachers should talk with students about the importance of social distancing and demonstrate
appropriate social distancing and what to do if someone is getting too close. (6 feet away from other
● Teachers should provide age appropriate activities/games for children to learn about taking care of their
bodies and helping their peers stay healthy, too!
● There will be a designated area listed below for each class to enjoy recess each day.
● Teachers could consider organized games to allow students to be active while remaining socially
distanced (ie - Simon Says, Red Light/Green Light, etc.)

See schedule for recess times - Link will be added once schedule is completed

Outdoor Activities

Requirements and Recommendations for Recess, Specials, and General


Preparing for dismissal:
Before students leave the classroom classroom teachers will:

● Have students pack up and ready for dismissal

● Provide clear direction on how students will transition/reminders of expectations
● Ensure students are wearing face covering
● Remind students according to their mode of transportation (car rider, bus name)
● All students should use hand sanitizer before leaving the classroom
● Car riders K-1st grade will be dismissed to the auditorium
● Car riders 2nd- 3rd grade will be dismissed to the auditorium
● Staff assigned to car riders duty will escort students directly to the auditorium
● Students MUST be seated on social distancing marker
● Students will remain seated, on a voice volume “0” in order to hear names being called for dismissal.
● Students will remain seated until their names/number are called and will go straight to their mode of

Dots are placed on the floor to remind students of traffic patterns.Staff on duty must usher students to move to bus as
quickly as possible.Staff should remind students of the hallways expectations:

● Students will be dismissed from their class by a schoolwide Google Slide presentation shared on a teacher’s
Brightlink. (Not in presentation mode so changes are seen live)
● Teachers will dismiss students when they see the number/color of the bus moved from “On deck” to “Bus is
● Must maintain social distancing at all times
● Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
● Walk with quiet feet.
● Walk on the right side.
● Voice level is 0 (zero).
● Exit the building quietly.

Duty (2:15 pm – 3:00 pm)

● Classroom teachers should actively supervise classrooms to ensure that students are exiting the
classroom in a safe and orderly manner while wearing a face covering.
● Bus riders will stay in their classrooms with their teacher.
● Carpool students will be escorted to the auditorium, escorts will stay and monitor

Teachers need to be standing at their doors during dismissal.

Duty Location Responsible Staff Member

Front of school calling names Trasi Pollino

for carpool (walkie)

Carpool Pick-up/Monitoring K- Jaia Grady

1- Marvin Reed
2- Kathy Conner
3- Nikki Steckroth
4- Maegan Rizer
5- Brittany Carter

Carpool (Outside) Michelle Blessing

Towanna Thomas
Emily Kinder

Carpool (Inside) Calling Names in auditorium: Phyllis Bailey

Monitoring Transitionin main lobby: Thomas Prica
Carpool Admin: Ryan Mullaney

(2nd grade) Stairwell Jennifer Schoener

Bus Hallway Monitor K/1 Thomas Prica

(Monitoring 303 Hallway)

Bus Hallway Monitor 2nd/AU

Bus Hallway Monitor 4th Anna Britt Harty

Bus Hallway Monitor 3rd Marion Dixon

Bus Hallway Monitor Main Annie Hill


Bus Lot Outside Anissa Hicklen

Shea Neville
Christian Carver

Late Duty Coverage (Late Duty Roster link )

○ For Art, Music, Media specials, students will remain in their grade level classrooms and will
access the specialist’s google meet link for instruction. Specialists will ensure that materials
and supplies needed will be provided in advance.
○ For PE, students will transition to the gym, where PE will be taught inside the gym or outside

● For further guidance:

Additional Resources:

Master Schedule

Care Center (Room _305___)

The Care Center is located in room305 and will be used for students who fail the health screener and/or are
assessed during the school day for exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.

Review the chart below for scenarios when the student can go to the health room or care Center..

Health Room Screen for Care Center Care Center

Medication Administration Sore Throat Fever 100.4 or higher

Case Management of on-going Runny Nose Feverish or chills

medical needs

Injuries Stomach Ache Loss of taste or smell

Allergic Reaction Fatigue/Body Aches Diarrhea/Vomiting

Asthma maintenance treatment with Cough with history of asthma New Cough or shortness of breath
individual inhaler

1. If a student needs to be assessed a care center staff will be notified.

2. If determined not to send the student to the Care Center, follow normal guidance for managing illnesses in
3. If a student has one or more of the symptoms listed to go to the Care Center or assessed to need the Care
Center: separate the student, and notify the Covid Coordinator.
4. The supervising adult should wear cloth face covering or a procedure mask and a face shield; if direct contact or
significant respiratory symptoms, also wear gloves and a gown. Ensure the student is also wearing a cloth face
covering or procedure mask while waiting to leave the facility.
The staff member will:

a. Bring the student to the Care Center,

b. Documenting student information on the
c. Visibly supervise symptomatic students while staying at least 6 feet away.
d. Request assistance in contacting parent/guardian to pick up the student and any siblings if COVID
testing is advised.
For additional information on managing cases in the Care Center,
APPROVED | COVID-19 | Handling Possible or Confirmed Cases of COVID-19
Fire Drill
Fire Drill Procedures Review
The purpose of fire exit drills is to ensure the safe evacuation of the building in case of an actual fire. While speedy
evacuation is important, order and control are of the utmost importance. It is important to always follow the fire
evacuation diagrams and instructions posted in your room. By law, a fire drill will be conducted once a month during the
school year. Please adhere to the following rules and regulations while here at MMES:

o Absolutely NO TALKING.
o Form a single file, straight line at the exit door.
o Evacuate the building as quickly and as orderly as possible. No running. Return to the building in the same manner.
o Lights should be turned out and all doors should be closed by the last person in line.
o Social distancing and mask protocols should be followed.
o Once outside, stand in a single file line facing the building at a safe distance (at least 75 feet away).
o Teachers and assistants must count to see that all children have been evacuated safely.
o Remain at this point until the signal to return to the building has been given.
⮚ Evacuation procedures should be posted in every room (see diagram and explanation)
For Teachers: Should the fire alarm sound while in the auditorium /gym, students must be in line and quietly escorted to
the STAFF PARKING lot area. Supervise your students at all times.

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