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Semi – Detailed Lesson Plan in T.L.

E for Grade 10

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

a. identify the common accidents and safety precautions in the food service
b. demonstrate the proper sanitation in food services; and
c. value the importance of safety precautions in food service operations.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Safety and Sanitation

Reference: Technology and Livelihood Education IV, Pages 13-19
Materials: Laptop, Power Point Presentation,

III. Procedure:

A. Preliminary Activities
A1. Prayer
A2. Greetings
A3. Checking of the Attendance
A4. Checking of Assignments

B. Developmental Activities

B.1 Drill:
What comes into your mind about safety precaution?
B.2 Review:
What have you learned about the previous lesson?
B.3Unlocking Difficulties:
Precaution – a measure taken in advance to prevent something
dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from happening.
Machinery – a particular machine system or set of machines.
Sanitations - refers to public health conditions related to clean drinking
water and adequate treatment and disposal of human excreta and

C. Motivation
Playing a game “Hangman”

Game: Post a picture related to the topic then let the students guess the lesson
through that picture.  The class will guess the word, one letter at a time (one student
at a time).
Incorrect guesses result in a hangman being drawn (one line at a time). The game
then repeats with another student thinking of a relevant word.

D. Presentation of the lesson

Activity 1:
Materials: oslo paper
Pencil and Any coloring materials
Procedure: Draw any situation in food service showing the safety precautions
for the following:
a. Fall prevention practices e. Heat, Electricity and gas
b. Safe use of knives f. Food preparation
c. Use of the kitchen machinery g. Serving and cleaning
d. China and glassware h. First aid rules

E. Discussion

The teacher will ask the following questions:

1. What are the common accidents that occur in the food service industry?
2. What are the things to remember for safety precautions in the food service
3. What are the ways in maintaining food sanitation?

F. Application
Group the students into four and each group will dramatize the proper sanitation
in food service.

G. Generalization
The teacher will ask the students to discuss about the importance of sanitation in
food service, knowing the common accidents and safety precautions in the food
service industry.

IV. Evaluation
Give 10 reminders to prevent accidents in the workplace?

V. Assignment:
Answer the following questions in the ½ sheet of paper:
1. Differentiate food poisoning from food infection
2. How can bacteria food poisoning be prevented?

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