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Heinz bodies, Bite cells G6PD Deficiency

Amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles Alzheimer’s

Kayser-Fleisher rings Wilson Disease (copper accumulation)

Cherry red spot on macula Tay Sachs


Foam cells Niemann-Pick

Macrophages that resemble crumpled tissue Gaucher disease


Trophozoite resembling an old man with Giardia duodenalis


Morula cells of Mott Plasma cells with cytoplasic immunoglobulin Trypanosoma brucei

Trophozoites in a maltese cross Intraerythrocytic ring-shaped trophozoites in Babesia microti


Meyers-Kouwenaar bodies Small epithelioid granulomas composed of Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia - Filariasis
aggregates of microfilariae surrounded by
acidophilic hyaline material

Nurse cells Nematode encysted within a host-derived cell Trichinella spiralis

Spaghetti & meatballs/bacon & eggs on KOH Short pseudohyphae + spores in LM Malassezia furfur

Box-car like on gram stain Black eschar Bacillus anthracis

Medusa head morphology on culture
Poly-D-glutamic acid capsule

Tennis racket, drumstick, snow shoe Clostridium tetani

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea Clostridium difficile
Pseudomembranous colitis

Ingestion of raw honey in babies Clostridium botulinum

Floppy baby syndrome

Club, comma-shaped arranged in V or L Thick grayish membrane over throat and Corynebacterium diphtheriae
shape, looks like chinese characters tonsils with enlarged LN
Babes-Ernst/Volutin granules

Tumbling motility Listeria monocytogenes

Shooting star motility Vibrio spp.

Rice water stools, washerwoman’s hands Vibrio cholerae

Swarming motility Proteus mirabilis

Safety pin on gram staining Buboes on axilla, inguinal area Yersinia pestis

Closed safety pin appearance, buttery Pasteurella multocida

colonies with musty odor

Aerial hyphae Nocardia asteroides

“Fried egg” appearance or “mulberry” Mycoplasma pneumoniae

appearance colonies

Shepherd’s crook hook at one or both pointed ends Leptospira interrogans

Halberstadter-Prowazek inclusions round to oval cytoplasmic inclusion bodies Chlamydia trachomatis

near the nuclei of conjunctival epithelial cells
in trachoma

Clue cells Gardnerella vaginalis

Donovan bodies, closed safety pins, beefy red Klebsiella granulomatis (Donovanosis)
ulcer, pseudobuboe
Owl’s eye nuclear inclusions CMV

Brick-shaped poxvirus, Guarnieri bodies, Smallpox

Paschen bodies

Henderson-Paterson bodies Molluscum contagiosum

Warthin-Finkeldey bodies Multinucleate giant cells with eosinophilic Measles virus

nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusion bodies

Negri body Rabies

Cowdry Type A HSV. VZV

Cowdry Type B Poliovirus, Adenovirus

Torres bodies, Councilman bodies Yellow fever

Malignant T-cells with flower-shaped nucleus Adult T-cell leukemia caused by HTLV (human
T-cell lymphotropic virus)

Faggot cells with Auer rods Acute promyelocytic leukemia

(Auer rods - Acute myeloid leukemia)

Smudge cells CLL

Reed-sternberg cells Hodgkin Lymphoma

“Starry sky pattern” Cells have high N:C ratio so they appear Burkitt lymphoma
dark-purple and macrophages (tingible-body)
that phagocytose those cells are interspersed
in between

Sezary cells, Pautrier microabscesses Mycosis fungoides (Cutaneous T-cell


Birbeck granules Racket-shaped granules Langerhans cell histiocytosis

Leukoerythroblastosis Primary myelofibrosis

Corpora arenacea Pineal gland

Corpora amylacea (starch-like bodies) Prostate gland

Reinke crystals Leydig cells

Schaumann bodies, Asteroid bodies Sarcoidosis

Cafe-au-lait spots, Lisch nodules Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (Von


(Cafe-au-lait spots also seen in Von-Hippel

Lindau Disease)

Drusen Age related macular degeneration

Cherry-red spot Central retinal artery occlusion

Bone spicules Retinitis pigmentosa

Flashes, floaters, curtain drawn down Retinal detachment

Blood and thunder appearance Retinal vein occlusion

Sunburst pattern on xray Osteosarcoma

Herring bodies Posterior pituitary

Antoni A Dense, pink areas Schwannoma

Antoni B Loose, hypocellular areas

Verucay bodies Palisading of nuclei

Charcot-Leyden crystals Slender-pointed crystals Asthma

Lepra cells Lipid-laden macrophages Lepromatous leprosy

Globi Masses of acid fast bacilli

Onion-skinning of blood vessel Smooth muscle cells with thickening and Malignant Hypertension
reduplication of basement membrane

Salt and pepper chromatin Small cell lung carcinoma

Azzopardi effect: Basophilic staining of vascular walls

Heliotrope rash Lilac-colored discoloration of upper eyelids Dermatomyositis

with periorbital edema

Gottron papules

Rust-colored sputum Streptococcus pneumoniae

Currant jelly sputum, alcoholism, T2DM Klebsiella pneumoniae

Greenish discharge/culture Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Fruity/corn taco odor

Gullwing appearance Campylobacter jejuni

Culture with satellite phenomenon Haemophilus

School of fish on gram stain H. ducreyi

Cigar-shaped yeast cells, asteroid bodies Sporothrix

India-ink: clear halos against a dark Cryptococcus


Koilocytes Clear halos surrounding nuclear material HPV

Schiller-duval bodies Endodermal sinus tumor/Yolk sac tumor

Michaelis-Gutmann bodies Malakoplakia

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