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2003 Venkatesh et al (2003) User acceptance of information technology: TOWARD A UNIFIED VIEW1

Performance expectancy
U6: I would find the system useful in my job.
RA 1: Using the system enables me to accomplish tasks more quickly.
RA5: Using the system increases my productivity.
OE7: If I use the system, I will increase my chances of getting a raise.

Effort expectancy
EOU3: My interaction with the system would be clear and understandable.
EOU5: It would be easy for me to become skillful at using the system.
EOU6: I would find the system easy to use.
EU4: Learning to operate the system is easy for me.

Attitude toward using technology

A 1: Using the system is a bad/good idea.
AF1: The system makes work more interesting.
AF2: Working with the system is fun.
Affect1: I like working with the system.

Social influence
SN1: People who influence my behavior think that I should use the system.
SN2: People who are important to me think that I should use the system.
SF2: The senior management of this business has been helpful in the use of the system.
SF4: In general, the organization has supported the use of the. system.

Facilitating conditions
P8C2: I have the resources necessary to use the system.
P8C3: I have the knowledge necessary to use the system.
P8C5: The system is not compatible with other systems I use.
FC3: A specific person (or group) is available for assistance with system difficulties.

I could complete a job or task using the system ...
SE1: If there was no one around to tell me what to do as I go.
SE4: If I could call someone for help if I got stuck.
SE6: If I had a lot of time to complete the job for which the software was provided.
SE7: If I had just the built-in help facility for assistance.

ANX1: I feel apprehensive about using the system.
ANX2: It scares me to think that I could lose a lot of information using the system by hitting the wrong key.
ANX3: I hesitate to use the system for fear of making mistakes I cannot correct.
ANX4 : The system is somewhat intimidating to me.

Behavioral intention to use the system

811: I intend to use the system in the next months.
812: I predict I would use the system in the next months.
813: I plan to use the system in the next months.
Aşteptări privind performanţa (PE)
Perceived Usefulness (Davis 1989; Davis et al. 1989) and Extrinsic Motivation (Davis et al. 1992)
1. Using the system in my job would enable me to accomplish tasks more quickly.
2. Using the system would improve my job performance. performance.
3. Using the system in my job would increase my productivity.
4. Using the system would enhance my effectiveness on the job.
5. Using the system would make it easier to do my job.
6. I would find the system useful in my job.
Job-fit (Thompson et al. 1991)
1. Use of the system will have no effect on the performance of my job (reverse scored).
2. Use of the system can decrease the time needed for my important job responsibilities.
3. Use of the system can significantly increase the quality of output on my job.
4. Use of the system can increase the effectiveness of performing job tasks.
5. Use can increase the quantity of output for the same amount of effort.
6. Considering all tasks, the general extent to which use of the system could assist on the job. (different scale
used for this item).
Relative Advantage (Moore and Benbasat 1991)
1. Using the system enables me to accomplish tasks more quickly.
2. Using the system improves the quality of the work I do.
3. Using the system makes it easier to do my job.
4. Using the system enhances my effectiveness on the job.
5. Using the system increases my productivity.

Aşteptări privind efortul (EE)

EE1 Învăţarea modului de utilizare a sistemului de e-learning este uşoară.
EE2 Este uşor să utilizez sistemul de e-learning pentru activităţile de învăţare.
EE3 Interacţiunea cu sistemul de e-learning este clară şi uşor de înţeles.
EE4 Este uşor pentru mine să devin competent în utilizarea sistemului de e-learning.
EE5 Sistemul de e-learning este flexibil.
EE6 Sistemul de e-learning este uşor de utilizat.

Influenţa socială (SI)

SI1 Profesorii cred că eu ar trebui să utilizez sistemul de elearning.
SI2 Colegii şi prieteni cred că eu ar trebui să utilizez sistemul de e-learning.
SI3 Profesorii m-au ajutat să utilizez sistemul de e-learning.
SI4 În general. conducerea universităţii a sprijinit utilizarea sistemului de e-learning..

Condiţii favorabile (FC)

FC1 Eu am resursele (calculator, acces la Internet etc.) necesare utilizării sistemului de e-learning.
FC2 Eu am cunoştinţele necesare utilizării sistemului de elearning.
FC3 Sistemul de e-learning este compatibil cu alte sisteme pe care le utilizez.
FC4 O persoană este disponibilă pentru asistenţă atunci când întâmpin dificultăţi în utilizarea sistemului de e-

Intenţia de continuare a utilizării (CI)

CI1 Dacă aş putea, atunci aş dori să continui utilizarea în viitor a sistemului de e-learning în activităţile mele de
CI2 Probabil, voi continua utilizarea în viitor a sistemului de elearning.
CI3 Mă aştept să continui utilizarea în viitor a sistemului de elearning.

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