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With the contribution of Cristina L.

Silva and Gerhard Schleining

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Innovation in Food studies Upgrading and training

to meet current job market teachers

New disciplines Innovative Innovative Pedagogical and

(reasearch teaching teaching training skills for
based) methods methods FS&T teachers

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Favour interaction between research

education and the industry

PhD – 3°level of Research and

education technology
LLL and CP

IFood4: Pert diagram

WPM: project management

WP1: Quality project plan

WP3 Interface between
Qualification of
“New skills for education &
University teaching
new jobs” industry in a LLP

Innovative teaching tools

WP7 Expolitation
Bridging education-research and industry

WP2: Dissemination

WP1: Project Quality Management
Aims and tasks:
• to monitor the activities of the project, the involvement of the partners
• to guarantee the project impact

WP2: dissemination
to disseminate information related to
-general aspects
- activities and outputs of the project

Activities: to be planned, but they have to include:

•general material of the project, including website electronic and paper-made
materials (poster, leaflets, notebook, …….bookmarks)
•media and electronic resources
•other events (e.g. workshops)

WP 3 New skills for new jobs
Main aim:
• to identify the strategies for the implementation of the existing courses based
on the needs from the job market and the development and innovation
coming from the food science and technology research.
• To develop new curricula in the Food studies at international level
Tasks: Needs and modernisation of FS&T courses
– To collect the state of the art of master courses with innovative subjects
(molecular gastronomy, nanotechnology, ….) as well as curses aimed to
develop “soft skills”
– Define contents for disciplines (nanotechnology, innovative processing,
food product design, ….) for bachelor and master degrees.

WP4. Qualification of university teaching staff
Main aim: Qualification of university teaching staff (in collaboration with “educational
centers” of the institutes involved or specific partners involved?) and innovation in
teaching methodologies for Food Studies
– Survey on educational teaching methods in FS&T courses (questionnaire) currently
used (face-to-face, blended, …) to evidence needs and constraints
- Training of teachers on educational and communication skills
- development of tools to facilitate the adoption of innovative teaching methodologies
and multilinguistic approaches for FS&T students (Blended Learning, ….)
- Pilot study on the use of innovative teaching methodologies (identify in the proposal
some partners interested to apply an innovative teaching method with students and
make the evaluation)

WP5: Third cycle degree and technology transfer
- To implement the importance of the third cycle in the training of FS&T professional
in an international context
-To develop (joint) PhD degrees in accordance with the requirements of the job
market and the request of innovation and technology transfer in the Food
Technology and Eng field
-development of harmonized virtual campus infrastructures assisting the PhD student
and the tutor

- To identify competences and expertise to be developed during the third cycle

curses for professional technology transfer and innovation
- Open forum discussion (at an international level, e.g. a series of workshops?)

WP6: Innovative teaching tools and methods
Preparation and editing of tools to support the activities of the other WPs. Topics
must be defined at the kick off meeting of the project and quickly developed as they
need to be used by the partners.
It will be important to work on tools for specific target groups:
•books (undergraduated-graduated-graduated in industries- e.g. Food
Chemistry-Food ingredients) (WP3)
• e-learning courses (WP3)
• Virtual labs (WP3)
• webinars series
•teachers handbooks (WP4): possible topics: how to write learning
outcomes students

WP7: Exploitation: Bridging research-industry-education
1. Support exploitation of the network activities
- conference
- workshops
- e-journal
- Summer school for teachers
2. Support IT&C within the network activities

WP Coordinator Co-coordinator Core EU Core
WPM Paola Pittia (IT) All Coordinators
WP1- Quality project plan Xavier Nicolay (B) Farhetin Gogus (Tr) ? ?
WP2 – Dissemination Lynn McIntyre Mona Popa (RO) Helmut Glattes Peter Mitchell
WP3 – New-skills for new job Marco Dalla Rosa Peter Ho Margarida Viera (PT) ?
WP4 – Qualification of Jesus Frias (Ir) Anna McElhaton (Cy) Richard Marshall ?
University teaching staff (UK)
WP 5 Improving the interface Chelo Gonzales Oliver Schulter Cristina Silva Sam Sagui (Israel)
between university and
industry in a LLP
perspective:third cycle
degree and technology
WP 6 Innovative teaching Ferruh Erdogdu Kris Kristbergson (Is) Gerhard Schleining Semith Otles (Tr)
tools and methods (AT)
WP7 Bridging research- Rui Costa (PT) Winfried Russ (DE) Julian Drausinger Stephan Drusch
industry and education (AT) (DE)

• 3 General assemblies: Porto, Lubiana ? …?
• 2 Core: Teramo, Wien, .
• 3 Steering: Leeds, Coimbra,

Timing : network preparation

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Timing : coordination

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