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Technological University of Corregidora

English IIV
Carranza Martínez Ana Cristina

ACTIVITY 6. - Culture Shock

The toilets in Australia: It is incredible to see how the technology in its pipes allows eliminating
a source of infection such as a garbage can.
Grills in public places: I like that in Australia they think of others and not just oneself and a
clear example is finding gas grills to prepare roast meat.
Second-hand culture: Wow, an act should be replicated in Mexico, because someone's trash
can be someone else's treasure.
My question:
1.-Why is it safer to drive in Australia?
2.-What are grocery stores like in Australia?
3.-What is the difference between the university campuses of both countries?
Answer to Carlos Cruz
Australians are polite in asking for things? Yes of course
What do Australians use in their coffee? They use milk
What is a long black coffee in america? It is a black coffee with cream sugar
They eat Squid in Australia: I would like to try them to see how they prepare them and if I
change them for some fries.
The parcel: It seems more practical to use motorcycles to send packages, because this makes
their transfer more efficient.
Commercial: It is great how in Australia they do not advertise drugs, this allows people not to
self-medicate and go to a doctor.
School buses: I prefer them to be yellow, as this makes them more striking and I think it
prevents accidents.
Schools with pets: It is super nice to see that all schools have an animal to represent them.

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