Resin-Based Dental Restorative Material: WWW - - JP

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Failing proximal restorations After removal of the restorations Restoration with Fantasista Resin-based Dental Restorative Material
and caries elimination (A2O and A2)


Secondary caries at the margins After removal of the restorations Restoration with Fantasista (A2)
and caries elimination

Posterior Restoration Using Incremental Technique

Materials used Hybrid Bond Metafil Flo and Fantasista

Pre rea men Hybrid Bond is applied and Me a il Flo(A2) is placed and The oo h is res ored wi h Comple ed res ora ion
ligh cured ligh cured Fan asis a (A2) and ligh cured

Containing 2.5mL (4.2g) each
A tough, highly cosmetic resin-based restorative material
Shades : A1, A2, A3, A3.5, A4, A2O (A2 Opaque), A3O (A3 Opaque), Inc (Incisal),
for anterior and posterior restorations
BU (B Universal), CU (C Universal), BW (Bleaching White)

It will change your practice

Made in Japan by

., .

571-2 Furutaka-cho, Mor yama,

Sh ga, 524-0044, Japan
Phone:81-77-582-9981 Fax:81-77-582-9984 Fan ta si st a
http://www.sunmed ca
for Anterior
& Posterior
Fantasista’s unique four-part filler technology creates a strong,
wear-resistant restorative with a chameleon-like ability to mimic
the surrounding tooth shade.


Spreads smoothly – Doesn’t slump

Fantas sta doesn t s ump. Not even at body temperature. So anatomy can be
eas y formed dur ng bu d-up w thout rush ng to cure cusps or nc sa s before
they ose the r shape.
Yet under the s ght pressure of an nstrument, Fantas sta spreads eas y w thout
res stance or st ck ness. So t’s easy to p ace and make adjustments before
Spread smoothly Immediately after After 2 min at 37℃
cur ng.
×500 50μm ×500 50μm
Microfiller TMPT reac ive organic filler

Adapts beautifully to your preparation

Fantasista resists bubble formation.
Because of its thixotropic nature, it
×500 50μm 200nm(0.2μm)
200nm(0.2μm) spreads easily into line-angles and
Proprie ary Sr filler Nanofiller marginal areas without excessive
trapping of air.
Fan asis a Compe i ive produc
Fantasista’s 4-part filler system combines the best properties of
▶ TMPT reactive organic filler that polishes magnificently and maintains the finish long
after other composite resins have begun to dull
▶ the best balanced combination of a nanofiller and a microfiller for strength,
▶ a proprietary strontium filler for shade and translucency control After your f rst few Fantas sta restorat ons you’ apprec ate ts super or aesthet c and hand ng qua t es.
But stud es revea t a so features super or phys ca propert es. Its h gh compress ve and f exura strength p us h gh fracture energy means
This distinctive technology creates a unique restorative material with extraordinary handling that a Fantas sta restorat on res sts crack ng and ch pp ng ... even when use n part cu ar y stressfu poster or app cat ons.

properties, cosmetics and long-term performance.

(MPa) Compressive strength (J×10-4) Fracture energy (MPa) Flexural strength

500 200 160

150 120

Unparalleled translucency and ability to blend with shade of the surrounding tooth 300

Fantas sta’s propr etary stront um f er adjusts the refract ve ndex to comp ement that of the 100 80

res n matr x. The resu t s a restorat on w th fe- ke trans ucency that v sua y b ends nto the 200 60

surround ng natura tooth structure. Marg ns become nv s b e. It’ s dea for the 40
most-demand ng anter or cosmet c dent stry – yet prov des the h gh strength, wear-res stance
S andard filler pas e Fan asis a and rad opac ty needed for ong-term performance under poster or occ us on.
0 0 0
Fantasista Venus Inten-s Point4 MAJESTY Fantasista Venus Inten-s Point4 MAJESTY Fantasista Venus Inten-s Point4 MAJESTY

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