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My reflection to this movie is very disappointing because even the

ambassador didn’t admit the heroism of the main actor. In the movie the main actor
has a characteristics of being brave, furious and strong. Being brave to face any
enemies, and also protect his comrades especially his marine buddy Mr. Hodges.
Mr. Hodges is a retired military personnel who owe his life to Mr. Childers, they
where like father and son.
Mr. Childers has gone in Yemen to save and protect the ambassador from a
crowd of protesters with armed snipers. The ambassador and his family was rescued
by Mr. Childers. But the crowd continuosly fired to the military personnel, they acted
so wild that some of the military was shot dead and some was wounded. So Mr.
Childers engage an open fire to the crowd that resulted the death of 83 Arabs and
accused him a murder.
Mr. Childers ask his retired military buddy Mr. Hodges to become his lawyer
in this case. As a friend who save his life in the war, Mr. Hodges investigate his case
in Yemen where he discovered many things just like tapes, gunshots and wounded
people. Mr. Hodges taught that Mr. Childers was a furious, a murderer and
impatience man that he open fire to the crowd.
There will always be a person that will ruin your achievements and
reputation. Person who do not have gratitude, this is the attitude of the ambassador
and the national security advisor. At the end of this, those who have a immoral
attitude will not win and they will be stuck by their own conscience.
Mr. Hodges is a good example of friend who is trustworthy, a friend that will
show gratitude and will never betray you, and especially a friend who always there in
times of challenges and problems.
The rules and engagement in life is always be strong in times of challenges
and problems. Just like in a combat who ever is strong will always remain.

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