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Self-Awareness and Filipino Values

Aldwin Karlo M. Angcaya

Leaders don't create followers they create more leaders.

- Tom Peters

Self - Awareness

 is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as an

individual separate from the environment and other individuals.

 the key to your inner Self is: awareness. Your inner Self is subtler; it can
overpowered by your personality due to its nature of of defenselessness.

Nature of Self and Self Awareness

According to Birch (1997) , one of the most crucial processes in the early years of
the child's life is the development of sense of self. Gardener (1982), suggests that
there are a number of factors that the children should know.

 Be aware of their own body, its appearance, state and size (body size);
 Be able to refer to themselves appropriately through languages and be able to
distinguish descriptions which apply to self and which do not;
 Be aware of their own personal history, experiences they have had, skills and
abilities acquired, their own needs and wishes.

Emotional Self Awareness

How we react to environment factors and how our emotions affect our performance.
The person who possesses competency of emotional self-awareness is one who:

 is aware of his own feelings;

 knows why feelings occur;
 understands implications of our emotions;
 pays attention to the physical signs that are aroused in stressful situations
(high blood pressure, sweaty palms; and
 knows his own strengths and weaknesses and understanding his own
emotions and the impact of his behavior on others in diverse situations.
Accurate Self-Assessment

Ability to know our inner resources, abilities and limits and to be aware of our
strengths and weaknesses. The person who possesses the competency for Accurate
self-Assessment should:

 have a sense of humor about him or herself;

 be aware of own strengths and weaknesses; and
 be open to feedback.

Self - Confidence

 belief in your own self, your capability to accomplish the task. it is also about
conveying your ideas and opinions with self - confidence and having a
positive impact on others.

 we can develop self - confidence if we are equipped with sufficient knowledge

and sure of what we are doing and try to act decisively.

Meaning of Man as a Person

To speak of man as a being-with-others is to speak of man as a person.

Personalism as a philosophical movement was founded by Borden Parker Browne

and was developed later by Max Scheler, Emmanuel Mounier, Henri Bengson, and
Martin Buber.

As a philosophical movement, personalism is a study of man as a person


Every one of us has an obligation to ourselves, but there are times that we are facing
difficulties in understanding these obligation. One of the reasons is how we
understand exactly what 'self' is.

 to conceive it as a personal role that one plays in the general drama life.

 role that includes responsibilities that are to be faced;

 decision that are to made and

 involvements that are to be lived and work that is to be performed.

In understanding our self hood. Person has a particular life to live then he has a
basic responsibility toward the life. He has the obligation to see that the life is 'lived'

Many Faces of the Filipino

We are social beings and we have to interact with one another, since we are person-
oriented. Our relationship with others brings a very important part of our lives to its

 Family Orientation is the source of our strengths and weaknesses.

 Flexibility, Adaptability and Creativity allows us to adjust to any kind
 Joy and Humor serve us well in ups and down in our lives.
 Faith in God and our religiosity sources of strength and courage.

Roots of the Filipino Character

 Home Environment, Social Environment, Culture and Language, History,

Educational system, Religion, Economic Environment, Political Environment,
Mass Media, and Leadership and role models.

1. Family and Home Environment

Vital role in the development of the character of individuals. Childbearing practices,
family relation, and family attitudes and orientation are the main components of the
home environment

2. Social Environment
We are social being and we cannot live without the support of one another, for "no
man is an island." No one can survive without depending on another person

3. Culture and Languages

Filipinos have been noted as warm and our being person - oriented, devoted to
family and with sense of joy and humor are part of our culture and reinforced by all
socializing forces such as the family, school, and the peer group. Open Minded
outside forces which easily accepts foreign elements without being conscious of
cultural core.

4. History
Our mentality is the product of our colonial history, which is regarded as the culprit
for our lack of nationalism. With the invasion of the Spaniards and Americans, was
developed a sense of dependence on foreign powers that made us believe that we
are a second class citizen to them and we are not responsible for our country's fate.

5. Educational System
Problems cropped up because the textbooks being used are still dependent on
foreign sources. Schools are highly authoritarian, with teacher as the central focus.
The Filipino student is taught to be dependent on whatever the teacher says.

6. Religion
It plays a vital role in the spiritual and moral development of an individual. We,
Filipinos, believe in life after death. It is the root of Filipino optimism and its capacity
to accept life's hardship.

7. Economic Environment
Filipino traits are rooted from poverty and hard life. Our economic difficulties drive us
to take risk, impel us to work very hard and develop in us the ability to survive.

8. Political Environment
Government is obliged to deliver the basic services to the people and in return, we
pay our taxes. Philippine political government is characterized by greed and power
during election.

9. Mass Media
They have strong impact on the moral development of the youth. The children idolize
young actors, and actresses.

Strengths of the Filipino Character

1. Pakikipagkapwa-tao
This is manifested in a basic sense of justice and fairness, ability to emphasize with
others, helpfulness and generosity in times of need (pakikiramay) the practice of
bayanihan or mutual assistance in the famous hospitality concern for others.
Camaraderie and feeling of closeness to one another.

2. Family Orientation
Pertains to the concern for the family, which manifested in the honor, and respect for
parents and elders.

3. Joy and Humor

We have a positive attitude to our ups and down in our lives because despite the
odds, we still have the capacity to laugh even at the most trying times and laughing
is an important coping mechanism.

4. Flexibility, Adaptability, Creativity

Filipinos have a great capacity to adjust become creative, resourceful, adept at
learning and have the ability to improvise and make use of whatever is an hand in
order to create and produce anything.

Filipino manifested in their ability to adapt themselves to a change of environment in

any part of the world, ability to make new things out of scrap and keep old equipment
running. We are open to changes or innovations.

5. Faith and Religiosity

Filipino are noted for deep faith in God because of the belief of life after death. There
ultimate goal is to go to heaven and they are afraid of the ball of fire or otherwise
known as hell.

Filipino live eve intimately with religion and that is very tangible in our everyday lives.
Before we sleep, eat and go to school or work.

6. Ability to Survive
Filipino make the most with whatever is available in the environment.

Weaknesses of the Filipino Character

1. Extreme Personal ism

Tendency to give personal interpretations to action.

 pakiusap (request)
 lagay o regalo (fixing)
 palaksan (power of influence)
 nepotism and favoritism

2. Extreme Family Centeredness

While it is true that concern for the family is one of the Filipinos' greatest strengths, in
the extreme it becomes a serious flaw.

 Patronage
 Political dynasties

3. Lack of Discipline
This is manifested in relaxed attitude towards time, tagged as "Filipino time" and
space which in itself is lack of precision, in compulsiveness in poor time
management and delays of work. We are impatient and unable to delays gratification
or reward, skirting the rules ( palusot syndrome)

4. Passivity and Lack of Initiative

One has to be told what has to be done. This is related to a hammer (an authority),
Filipinos are too patient and can bear long suffer. (matiisin)

5. Colonial Mentality
This is manifested to our acceptance of modern mass culture, which is often
western. Such mentality is made up of two dimensions: first lack of patriotism or an
active awareness appreciation, and love of the Philippines; second is an actual
preference for foreign things.

6. Kanya - Kanya Syndrome

Filipinos have a selfish, self-serving attitude that generates a feeling of envy and
competitiveness towards others. "Crab Mentality"

7. Lack of Self-Analysis and Self-Reflection

This is related to the Filipino emphasis on form("maporma") rather than substance.
There is a tendency to be satisfied with rhetoric and to substitute this for reality.

8. Filipino Indolence
Filipino were called by the Spaniards as indolent which means lazy and lack of
initiative and ambition.

 It is unhealthy to work in the Philippine hot climate;

 The industries during the Spanish era provided that they were not lazy, but
invaders forced labor
 Spaniards were the ones who taught gambling to Filipinos;
 Filipinos were discriminated and discouraged to pursue their studies.

9. Mañana Habit
This means putting off for tomorrow what can be done today or procrastination.

10. Fiesta Syndrome

Filipino celebrate so many occasions like feast of the Patron Saint of their place,
birthday, marriage and anniversaries.
11. Hospitality
The visitors are welcomed warmly with full of enthusiasm; they are offered the best
food and even to the extent of depriving themselves just only to please their visitors.

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