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16 Descriptive Programming

1) Programmatic description can be very useful if you want to perform an operati

on on an object that is stored in the object repository.
A) True
B) False
2) There are two types of programmatic descriptions:
A) Static & Dynamic
B) Statement & Dynamic
C) Step & Dynamic
D) Standard & Dynamic
3) You can also use programmatic descriptions to perform the same operation on s
everal objects with certain identical properties, or to perform an operation on
an object whose properties match a description that you determine dynamically du
ring the run session.
A) True
B) False
4) QuickTest evaluates all property values in programmatic descriptions as regul
ar expressions
A) True
B) False
5) From the below 4 statements which one is invalid:
A) Browser("Title:=Mercury Tours").Page("Title:=Mercury Tours").WebEdit("Name:=A
uthor", "Index:=3").Set "Amit Kumar"
B) Browser("Index").Page(Desc1).Link(docu3)
C) Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Title:=Mercury Tours").WebEdit("Name:=Author",
"Index:=3").Set "Amit Kumar"
D) Browser("Title:=Mercury Tours").Page("Title:=Mercury Tours").WebEdit("Author"
).Set "Amit Kumar"
6) When using programmatic descriptions from a specific point within a test obje
ct hierarchy, you must continue to use programmatic descriptions from that point
onward within the same statement.
A) True
B) False
7) You can run any application from a specified location using a ..... statement
A) Start.Application
B) System.UtilRun
C) SystemUtil.Run
D) SystemUtii.RUn
8) When creating a programmatic description for an ActiveX test object and the r
elevant run-time object is windowless (has no window handle associated with it),
you must add the ........ property to the description and set its value to True
A) Window Handle
B) WindowLess
C) Winless
D) None
9) You can compare the run-time value of a specified object property with the ex
pected value of that property using either programmatic descriptions or user-def
ined functions.
A) True
B) False
10) When you specify an application to open using the Record and RunSettings dia
log box, QuickTest adds a SystemUtil.Run statement to your test.
A) True
B) False
17 - QTP Expert View
1) You can use the Expert View tab to view a text-based version of your test.
A) True
B) False
2) Expert View contains each step as a VBScript line. In object-based steps, the
VBScript line defines the ........ hierarchy.
A) Action
B) Object
C) Test
D) Step
3) If you focus on a specific step in the Keyword View and switch to the Expert
View, the cursor is located in that ..... line of the test.
A) Next
B) Previous
C) Last
D) Corresponding
4) For each object and method in an Expert View statement, a corresponding row e
xists in the Keyword View.
A) True
B) False
5) When you switch from the Expert View to the Keyword View, QuickTest automatic
ally checks for syntax errors in your script, and shows them in the Information
A) True
B) False
6) In the Expert View, the ....... is always visible and the Expert View always
displays the script for the selected action.
A) Action List
B) Expert List
C) Check List
D) View List
7) You can insert a checkpoint or output value statement in the Expert View manu
A) True
B) False
8) You can copy a Checkpoint or Output statement from the Expert View to another
A) True
B) False
9) You can also manually enter standard VBScript statements, as well as statemen
ts using QuickTest test objects and methods, in the Expert View.
A) True
B) False
10) You cannot print the test displayed in the Expert View or a function library
A) True
B) False
11) When you type in the Expert View or a function library, .......... enables y
ou to select the test object, method, property, or collection for your statement
from a drop-down list and view the relevant syntax.
A) Object Property dialog box
B) Web edit Property dialog box
C) Intellisense
D) dropdown list
18 - Function Library
1) Using QuickTest, you can define and store your user-defined functions in a ..
A) function library
B) directly in an action within a test.
C) both A & B
D) None
2) Default file extention of function library is
A) .flf
B) .qtfl
C) .qfl
D) .tfl
3)When you store a function in a test action, it can be called from any other ac
tion or test.
A) True
B) False
You cannot define private functions and store them in a function library.
A) True
B) False
You can drag and drop a function (or part of it) from one document to another.
A) True
B) False
You can add steps to your function library manually or using the StepGenerator.
A) Manually
B) using Step Generator
C) Both A & B
D) None
In function libraries, IntelliSense does not enable you to view test object name
s or collections because function libraries are not connected to object reposito
A) True
B) False
Function Libraries can be edited during the debug session.
A) True
B) False
To close all open function libraries:
A) Choose File > Close All Function Libraries,
B) Window > Close All Function Libraries.
C) Widow > Close All
D) Both A & B
Any text file written in standard VBScript syntax can be used as a function libr
A) True
B) False
If you create a user-defined function manually and do not define the scope as Pu
blic or Private, it will be treated as a ..... function, by default.
A) Private
B) Public
C) Both A & B
D) None
If you choose not to register your function at this time, you can manually regis
ter it later by adding a RegisterUserFunc statement after your function
A) RegisterUserFunction
B) RegisterUserFunc
C) RegUserFunc
D) Both A & B

19 - QTP Parameterization

You can parameterize values ..... in your test.
A) in Steps
B) in Checkpoints
C) of Action Parameters
D) Both A & B
E) All of above
You can parameterize values in steps and checkpoints while ...... your test.
A) recording
B) editing
C) Both A & B
There are four types of parameters: Test/Action, Random number,Environment Varia
ble, Regular Expression.
A) True
B) False
While using Test and Action Input Parameters,you can enter the parameter name in
the Expert View using the Parameter utility object, in the format: ............
for the current action.
A) Parameter("ParameterName")
B) ParameterName("Parameter")
C) Parameter("Parameter-Name")
D) Parameter("Parameter_Name")
..... parameters are available only for top-level actions.
A) Action
B) Environment Variable
C) Test
D) None
...... parameters are available for subsequent steps and for nested actions. The
y are defined in the action containing the steps or in the action that calls the
nested action.
A) Action
B) Environment Variable
C) Test
D) Parent action
When specifying the name for data table parameter, the first character of the pa
rameter name must be a ......
A) letter
B) underscore
C) number
D) both A & b
By outputting values to the global Data Table sheet from one action and using th
em as input parameters in another action, you can easily pass values from one ac
tion to another.
A) True
B) False
....... parameters are especially useful for localization testing, when you want
to test an application where the user interface strings change, depending on th
e selected language.
A) Action
B) Environment
C) Test
D) Parent action
You can also store environment variable files in Quality Center.
A) True
B) False
....... built-in environment variable that tells version of the OS on which you
are working.
B) OS_Ver
D) OSVersion
Random number parameters are appropriate for non-numeric
values, such as text or hypertext links.
A) True
B) False

1) e, 2) c, 3) b, 4) a, 5) c, 6) D, 7) d, 8) A, 9) b, 10) a, 11) d, 12) b

20 - Regular Expressions

Regular expressions enable QuickTest to identify objects and text strings with u
ndependable values.
A) True
B) False
You can use regular expressions only for values of type string and number.
A) True
B) False
If you expect the value of a property to change in an unpredictable way during e
ach run session, you can use regular expressions
A) True
B) False
All ........ are automatically treated as regular expressions.
A) programmatic description
B) Window
C) WinObject
D) Collection
If a backslash character is used before a character that has no specialmeaning,
the backslash is ignored.
A) True
B) False
You can use regular expressions in the Find what and Replace with strings to enh
ance your search.
A) True
B) False
Regular Expressions can also be used with XML checkpoints.
A) True
B) False
What is the Regular Expression Matching Zero or More Specific Characters
A) x
B) #
C) *
D) &

1) A, 2) B, 3) B, 4) A, 5) A, 6) A, 7) A, 8) c
21 Virtual Objects
Virtual objects enable you to record and run tests on objects that are normally
recognized by QuickTest.
A) True
B) False
In the test results, the virtual object is displayed as though it is a standard
class object.
A) True
B) False
QuickTest does not support virtual objects for ....... recording.
A) analog
B) low-level
C) normal
D) both A & B
E) both A & C
You can use the Object Spy to view virtual object properties.
A) True
B) False
You cannot insert any type of checkpoint on a virtual object
A) True
B) False
The ............ contains all the virtual object collections defined on your com
A) Virtual Objects Manager
B) Virtual Manager
C) Virtual Object Manager
D) Virtual Object Wizard
Extention of virtual object collection files
A) .vcf
B) .vot
C) .vct
D) .vcd
You can remove virtual objects from your test by ....... these objects.
A) disabling recognition of
B) deleting
C) deleting virtual object collection files of
D) All of Above
E) both A & B
When you want QuickTest to recognize virtual objects during recording, ensure th
at the ....... check box in the General tab of the Options dialog box is cleared
A) Disable recognition of virtual object Files while recording
B) Disable recognition of virtual object Collection while recording
C) Disable recognition of virtual objects while recording
D) Enable recognition of virtual objects while recording
QuickTest identifies a virtual object according to its ......
A) Properties
B) boundaries
C) Object Spy
D) Edges

1) B, 2) A, 3) D, 4) B, 5) A, 6) C, 7) b, 8) E, 9) C, 10) B
22 - Recovery scenarios
Recovery scenarios activate specific recovery operations when ......... occur.
A) Specific Errors
B) Test Errors
C) Trigger Events
D) QTP Errors
You can also control and activate your recovery scenarios during the run session
by inserting .............. into your test.
A) Trigger Events
B) Recovery Events
C) Recovery Statements
D) Catch Statements
If you choose On error in the Activate recovery scenarios box in the Recovery ta
b of the Test Settings dialog box, the recovery mechanism does not handle trigge
rs that occur in the last step of a test.
A) True
B) False
By default, recovery scenario operations are activated only after a step returns
an error.
A) True
B) False
A ....... is a convenient way to organize and store multiple recovery scenarios
A) recovery file
B) recovery folder
C) Recovery Log
D) Log File
The Recovery Scenario Manager dialog box enables you to create and editrecovery
files, and does not let you create and manage the recovery scenarios stored in t
hose files.
A) True
B) False

Each recovery scenario is represented by an icon that indicates its type.
A) True
B) False
The Recovery Operations screen in Recovery Scenario Wizard enables you tomanage
the collection of ........ in the recovery scenario.
A) recovery operations
B) recovery Files
C) Trigger events
D) All of Above
If you define a Restart Microsoft Windows recovery operation, it is always inser
ted as the last recovery operation, and you can change its position in the list.
A) True
B) False
If more than one scenario uses a function with the same name from different func
tion libraries, the recovery process may fail.
A) True
B) False

1) c, 2) c, 3) a, 4) A, 5) A, 6) b, 7) a, 8) a, 9) b, 10) a
23 - Debug
To debug a function library, you must first associate it with a test and then de
bug it from that test.
A) True
B) False
To detect and isolate defects in a test or function library, you can control the
run session using the .... command
A) Pause
B) Run
C) F14
D) Session
When the test or function library run stops at a breakpoint, you can use the ...
... to check and modify the values of VBScript objects and variables.
A) Debug Window
B) Debug Dialog
C) Debug Viewer
D) Debug page
While the test and function libraries are running in debug mode, they are read-o
A) True
B) False
You cannot debug a file that is called using an ...... statement, or any of the
functions contained in the file.
A) ExecuteFiles
B) Execute_File
C) Execute-File
D) ExecuteFile
The debug session can continue at the backend while you can perform file operati
ons like opening a new test etc.
A) True
B) False
Any changes you apply to external resources saved in the file system, such as fu
nction libraries, are implemented only when the test is closed and reopened but
any changes you apply to any external resource that is saved in your Quality Cen
ter project, such as a function library, will be implemented immediately.
A) True
B) False
You can use the .......... command to begin your debug session at a specific poi
nt in your test.
A) Start from Step
B) Run to Step
C) Run from Step
D) Start to Step
You can specify the time (in milliseconds) QuickTest pauses between each step by
modifying the ..... option in the Run tab of the Options dialog box (Tools > Op
A) Delay step execution by
B) Delay every step execution by
C) Delay all steps execution by
D) Delay each step execution by
To display the Debug toolbar, choose ............
A) View > Toolbar > Debug
B) View > Toolbars > Debugs
C) Views > Toolbar > Debug
D) View > Toolbars > Debug
1) A, 2) A, 3) C, 4) A, 5) D, 6) B, 7) B, 8) A, 9) D, 10) D
24 - Add-in
You can install the QuickTest...... add-ins (Web, ActiveX, Visual Basic) when yo
uinstall QuickTest Professional, or you can install the QuickTest built-in add-i
ns at a later time by running the installation again.
A) internal
B) external
C) built-in
D) All of above
Add-ins that are installed separately from the QuickTest Professional installati
onare referred to as ....... add-ins.
A) internal
B) external
C) built-in
D) built-out
When QuickTest opens, you can choose which of the installed add-ins you want to
load using the QuickTest Professional - ...... dialog box.
A) Add-In Window
B) Add-In
C) Add-In Manager
D) Add-In Management
Installing and Loading an Add-in is one and the same thing.
A) True
B) False
You can install Add-in Upgrade patches by running the relevant patch executable
from the \...... folder.
A) AddinsUpdate
B) AddinsUpgrade
C) Addins_upgrade
D) Both A & B
In Add-in Manager dialog box, Time-Limited column displays values only when usin
g a QuickTest seat license not a concurrent license.
A) True
B) False
You can view the list of add-ins that are currently installed or loaded by choos
ing ...................
A) File > Settings
B) Tools > Options and click the General tab.
C) Help > About QuickTest Professional.
D) both A & B
To maximize performance and object identification reliability, load all the add-
A) True
B) False
The add-in is displayed as Not Licensed in the License column of the Add-in Mana
ger dialog box:
A) If an add-in license has not yet been installed for a specific external add-i
B) if no concurrent license server within your subnet has a registered license f
or the specific add-in
C) if all concurrent licenses are in use
D) All of Above
You can use only one license type per session for QuickTest Professional and all
loaded add-ins-either seat or concurrent.
A) True
B) False
1) C, 2) B, 3) C, 4) B, 5) B, 6) A, 7) C, 8) B, 9) D, 10) A
25 - Record & Run Options
Before you record or run a test on a Web or Windows application, you can use the
.... dialog box to instruct QuickTest which applications to open when you begin
to record or run your test.
A) Record and Run
B) Record and Run Settings
C) Run and Record
D) Run and Record Settings
If you define environment variables to specify the record and run details, those
values override the values in the Record and Run dialog box.
A) True
B) False
You can record tests only on ............
A) Microsoft Internet Explorer
B) Netscape Browser
C) Mozilla Firefox
D) Opera
Record and Run Settings window contains two tabs
A) Web & Window
B) Web & Windows Applications
C) Web & Window Applications
D) Web & Windows Application
You can add up to ... applications to the application list displayed in the Wind
ows Applications tab
A) 10
B) 12
C) 24
D) 64
You can use special, predefined environment variables to specify the application
sor browsers you want to use for your test while specifying the Record and Run D
A) True
B) False
If you select the option to Record and Run on any application or browser (the up
per radio button in each tab of the Record and Run Settings dialog box), QuickTe
st ..... any defined record and run environment variables.
A) does not
B) ignores
C) may or may not ignore
D) None of above
To use environment variables to specify the applications or browsers you want to
use for your test run, you must use the appropriate variable names E.g. the var
iable name for the Web address to display in the browser is
The setting of the Active Screen capture level (Tools > Options > Active Screen
tab) can significantly affect the ..... for your test and the functionality of t
he Active Screen while editing your test.
A) repeating time
B) waiting time
C) average time
D) recording time
The Web tab (Record and Run Settings dialog box) is available only when Web supp
ort is installed and loaded.
A) True
B) False
1) B, 2) A, 3) A, 4) B, 5) A, 6) A, 7) B, 8) C, 9) D, 10) A
26 - Actions - 2
The ...... enables you to view either the entire test flow (the calls to the act
ions in the test) or you can view the steps for a selected reusable or external
A) Action Menu
B) Action List
C) Action Toolbar
D) Action View
You can view the ....... of the original action in the General tab of the Action
Properties dialog box.
A) Parameters
B) Location
C) Associated Repositories
D) Type
You can create an additional call to any reusable or external action in your tes
t by pressing ...... while you drag and drop the action to another location at a
parallel (sibling) level within your test.
A) F3
B) alt
C) shift
D) ctrl
You can use action parameters in any step in your action (including function cal
A) True
B) False
Input values for an action parameter can be retrieved
A) from the test (for a top-level action)
B) from the parameters of the parent action that calls it (for a nested action)
C) from the output of a previous action call (for a sibling action)
D) All of above
The Action Call Properties dialog box enables you to set options that apply only
to a ...... action call.
A) following
B) preceeding
C) specific
D) internal
Specifying input and output parameter values in action calls is .......
A) required
B) optional
C) required only for internal action
D) both A & B
You can share a value that is generated in one action with other actions in your
test by storing the value in the ..... Data Table.
A) Internal
B) External
C) Local
D) Global
A) Exits the current action, regardless of its iteration attributes.
B) Exits the current iteration of the action.
C) Exits the test, regardless of its iteration attributes.
D) Exits the current global iteration.
If the action called by the RunAction statement includes an ExitAction statement
, the RunAction statement can return the value of the ExitAction's RetVal argume
A) True
B) False
1) B, 2) B, 3) D, 4) A, 5) D, 6) C, 7) b, 8) d, 9) A, 10) A
27 - Object Repository - 2
If an object with the same name and description is located in both the local obj
ect repository and in a shared object repository that is associated with the sam
e action, the action uses the ...... object definition.
A) shared
B) local
C) Can use any
D) None of above.
You cannot use the same shared object repository with multiple actions.
A) True
B) False
If one or more of the property values of an object in your application differ fr
om theproperty values QuickTest uses to identify the object, your test ..... fai
A) may
B) must
C) should
D) will certainly
You can open as many shared object repositories as you want.
A) True
B) False
You can also open an object repository from the .......... in the File menu.
A) Recent Folders list
B) Current Files list
C) Recent Files list
D) Both A & c
QuickTest saves the object repository with a ..... extension in the specified lo
A) .vsr
B) .tsr
C) .lsr
D) .qsr
If you opened the object repository in ...... mode, you must enable editing for
the object repository before you can modify it.
A) read-write mode
B) read-execute mode
C) read-write-execute mode
D) read-only mode
You can also modify a shared object repository by merging it with another shared
object repository.
A) True
B) False
You can also add objects to a shared object repository using the ....... option.
A) Navigate and Learn
B) Navigate and earn
C) Navigate
D) Navigate and Click
While Finding Objects in an Object Repository, You can use the Find and Replace
dialog box to replace property or object names.
A) True
B) False
1) B, 2) B, 3) A, 4) A, 5) C, 6) B, 7) D, 8) A, 9) A, 10) B
28 - Object Properties
In the Expert View, you can use the Object property to activate the method for a
Web object.
A) True
B) False
The test object property set for each test object is created and maintained by .
...... The run-time object property set for each run-time object is created and
maintained by the object creator
A) Microsoft
B) Adobe
D) QuickTest
You can view or modify the test object property values that are stored with your
component in the Object Properties or Object Repository dialog box.
A) True
B) False
It is possible that you can use the Object property to access the native propert
iesof any run-time object.
A) True
B) False
You cannot retrieve the values of test object properties from a run-time object.
A) True
B) False
You can use the GetTOProperty, GetTOProperties, and SetTOProperty methods in you
r ........ to set and retrieve the test object property values of the test objec
A) Test
B) Function Library
C) Applciation area
D) Both A & B
Because QuickTest refers to the temporary version of the test object during the
run session, any changes you make using the SetTOProperty method apply only duri
ng the course of the run session, and do not affect the values stored in the tes
t object repository.
A) True
B) False
You can use the Object Spy at any time to view ..... properties and values of th
e objects in the application you are testing.
A) run-time
B) test object
C) Both A & B
D) None
You cannot add to the list of properties that QuickTest uses to identify an obje
A) True
B) False

The default properties for a Link object (hypertext link) are...
A) Name
B) text
C) HTML tag
D) Tag
1) A, 2) D, 3) A, 4) A, 5) B, 6) D, 7) A, 8) C, 9)B, 10) B,C
29 - API's
Text (or text area) checkpoints may behave differently in different run sessions
depending on the APIs used in your application
A) True
B) False
Using the Windows API, you can extend testing abilities and add usability
and flexibility to your...... .
A) tests
B) function libraries
C) applications
D) Both A & B
API functions are located inside Windows DLLs
A) True
B) False
Integrating QuickTest with Quality Center enables you to store and access
files in a Quality Center project, as well as use the ....... object to access t
wide range of functionality provided in the Quality Center Open Test
Architecture API.
A) QCUtil
B) QCUtility
C) QCUtill
D) QCUntil
QuickTest works directly with the SAP Gui Scripting API to record your operation
s. Therefore, QuickTest adds steps to your test or component only when ........
are sent to the server.
A) API catches
B) API events
C) API starts
D) API stops
QuickTest communicates directly with the SAP Gui Scripting API to record and run
your operations on SAP Windows objects.
A) True
B) False
........... declares references to external procedures in a dynamic-link library
A) Declare
B) Extern
C) Intern
D) None
The QuickTest automation object model supplies a type library file named .......
.... This file is stored in \bin.
A) QTObjectModel.dll
B) QTObjectModell.dll
C) QTObjecModel.dll
D) Both A & B
If you want to call a QuickTest test containing Stingray objects from WinRunner
or vice versa, you must first ensure that WinRunner and QuickTest are both using
the latest version of the Stingray agent. To do this, search for the ..........
file in\bin and in \arch. Then replace the earlier file with the later one.
A) Stagent.dll
B) Stagerent.dll
C) Staent.dll
D) Stagents.dll

In the General tab of Options dialog box, Use text recognition mechanisms in thi
s order: (Please select valid options from below)
A) First Windows API then OCR
B) First Windows API then LCR
C) First Windows API then MCR
D) First Windows API then NCR
1) A, 2) D, 3) A, 4) A, 5) B, 6) A, 7) A, 8) A, 9)A, 10) A

30 - Sharing Information Between Actions

A Dictionary object is the equivalent of a PERL associative array.
A) True
B) False
Values from one part of a run session cannot be used later in the run session
A) True
B) False
For other actions to use the value in the Data Table as an input parameter, you
can store a value in the Data Table by outputting the value to the ..... Data Ta
A) local
B) global
C) action
D) both A & B
The Dictionary object enables you to assign values to variables that are accessi
ble from .... actions
A) local
B) external
C) both A & B
D) None of above
After you have added the reserved Dictionary object to the registry, it is ....
to restart QuickTest.
A) required
B) not required
C) may or may not be
D) None of above
It is possible to create nested Dictionary objects.
A) True
B) False
A function cannot return a dictionary object.
A) True
B) False
A function can accept a dictionary object as a parameter.
A) True
B) False
By default if you want to debug a dictionary object, then QTP debug windowhelps
a lot in that.
A) True (QTP debug window can be used with Dictionary objects)
B) False (QTP debug window cannot be used with Dictionary objects)
............ Removes a key, item pair from a Dictionary object
A) Remove Method
B) RemoveAll Method
C) Delete Method
D) DeleteAll Method
1) A, 2) B, 3) B, 4) C, 5) A, 6)A, 7) B, 8) A, 9) B, 10) A
31 - Maintenance Run Mode
As QuickTest runs in Maintenance Run Mode, it identifies discrepancies between t
he objects in the repository and those in your .......
A) Function
B) Action1
C) application
D) Both A & B
In Maintenance Run Mode, the run ..... each time an object is not found.
A) Resumes
B) Stops
C) pauses
D) None
When you run a test in Maintenance Mode, the ........ opens for steps that faile
d because an object was not found in the application.
A) Maintenance Wizard
B) Maintenance Run wizard
C) Maintenance Run option
D) Maintenance Work Wizard
When the Maintenance Run Mode ends, Maintenance Mode wizard provides a summary o
f the changes it made to your test.
A) True
B) False
You can run in Maintenance Run Mode only when QuickTest is set to use the .....
run mode.
A) Maintenance
B) Low Level
C) Analog
D) Normal
You can run in Maintenance Run Mode on applications that do not have a user inte
rface, such as Web services.
A) True
B) False
You must have the Microsoft Script Debugger installed to run the tests inMainten
ance Mode.
A) True
B) False
The Add Comment screen enables you to add a comment to your test or component ..
... the current step.
A) After
B) before
C) At Last
D) Both A & C
The Add Object to Repository screen opens if the object to which you pointed ...
. in any associated object repository.
A) is not added
B) exist
C) does not exist
D) is added
Maintenance Mode makes changes to the .... object repository only.
A) Shared
B) Local
C) Both
D) None
1) c, 2) c, 3) b, 4) a, 5) d, 6) b, 7) a, 8) b, 9) c, 10) b
32 - QTP Test Run Results
After a run session, you view the results in the Test Results window. By default
, the Test Results window opens when a run session is ........
A) completed
B) half completed
C) about to be completed
D) Both A & C
The left pane in the Test Results window displays the .............--a graphical
representation of the test results.
A) run results images
B) run results tree
C) run results icons
D) None
By default, when the Test Results window opens, a test summary is displayed in t
he .......... tab in the right pane of the window.
A) Result Detail
B) Res Details
C) Result Details
D) Details
The right pane of the Test Results Window contains tabs labeled ................
A) Result Details and Screen Recorder
B) Result Detail and Screen Recorder
C) Res Details and Screen Recorder
D) Details and Screen Recorder

QuickTest Professional can capture still images and movies of your application d
uring a run session.
A) True
B) False
You can view the results of an individual.................
A) iteration
B) an action
C) a step
D) All of above
A test, iteration, or action containing a step marked Warning may still be label
edPassed or Done.
A) True
B) False
You can use ............. statements in the Expert View to disable or enable the
saving of selected steps, or to save only steps with Failed or Warning status.
A) Reporter.Event
B) Reporter.Results
C) Reporter.Filter
D) Reporter.Result
You can view the saved results for the current test or component, or you can vie
w the saved results for other test or components.
A) True
B) False
You can use the .............. to remove unwanted or obsolete run results from y
our system, according to specific criteria that you define.
A) Test Results Tool
B) Test Results Deletion Tool
C) Results Deletion Tool
D) RunResults Deletion Tool
1) A, 2) B, 3) C, 4) A, 5) A, 6) D, 7) A, 8) C, 9)A, 10) B
32 - QTP Test Run Results
After a run session, you view the results in the Test Results window. By default
, the Test Results window opens when a run session is ........
A) completed
B) half completed
C) about to be completed
D) Both A & C
The left pane in the Test Results window displays the .............--a graphical
representation of the test results.
A) run results images
B) run results tree
C) run results icons
D) None
By default, when the Test Results window opens, a test summary is displayed in t
he .......... tab in the right pane of the window.
A) Result Detail
B) Res Details
C) Result Details
D) Details
The right pane of the Test Results Window contains tabs labeled ................
A) Result Details and Screen Recorder
B) Result Detail and Screen Recorder
C) Res Details and Screen Recorder
D) Details and Screen Recorder

QuickTest Professional can capture still images and movies of your application d
uring a run session.
A) True
B) False
You can view the results of an individual.................
A) iteration
B) an action
C) a step
D) All of above
A test, iteration, or action containing a step marked Warning may still be label
edPassed or Done.
A) True
B) False
You can use ............. statements in the Expert View to disable or enable the
saving of selected steps, or to save only steps with Failed or Warning status.
A) Reporter.Event
B) Reporter.Results
C) Reporter.Filter
D) Reporter.Result
You can view the saved results for the current test or component, or you can vie
w the saved results for other test or components.
A) True
B) False
You can use the .............. to remove unwanted or obsolete run results from y
our system, according to specific criteria that you define.
A) Test Results Tool
B) Test Results Deletion Tool
C) Results Deletion Tool
D) RunResults Deletion Tool
1) A, 2) B, 3) C, 4) A, 5) A, 6) D, 7) A, 8) C, 9)A, 10) B
33 - Relative & Absolute Path
In Edit > Action > Action Properties, in Associated Repositories tab, you cannot
enter an associated object repository as a relative path.
A) True
B) False
..............method helps you resolve the specified relative file path and retu
rns its absolute path.
A) Local
B) Lrelative
C) Locate
D) Lresolve
In the FIle ->Settings, Resource tab, you can enter an associated function libra
ry as a relative path.
A) True
B) False
ExecuteFile Statement which executes the VBScript statements in the specified fi
le can accept ............ of the file to execute.
A) Absolute
B) Relative
C) Both A & B
D) None
When working with tests, if your recovery files are stored in the file system an
d you want other users or Mercury products to be able to run this test on other
computers, you should set the recovery file path as a ......... path.
A) Absolute
B) Relative
C) Both A & B
D) None
When you choose Insert-> Call to Existing Action, in the Select Action dialog th
at opens, you cannot enter the relative path in "From test" dropdown.
A) True
B) False
If you expect other users to open your tests and all actions in your tests are s
tored in the same drive, you should use absolute paths for your reusable actions
so that other users will be able to open your tests even if they have mapped th
eirnetwork drives differently
A) True
B) False
A relative path is a path that is indicated relatively to a ......... location i
n the file system tree.
A) previous
B) root
C) current
D) base
You can use a .......statement in your test to retrieve the complete path that Q
uickTest will use for a specified relative path based on the folders specified i
n the Folders tab.
A) PathFinder.Locale
B) PathFinder.Locate
C) Locale.PathFinder
D) Locate.PathFinder
.................. Property Assigns a relative path to a shortcut, or identifies
therelative path of a shortcut.
A) RelativePath
B) Relative_Path
C) Relative-Path
D) RelativePaths
1) B, 2) C, 3) A, 4) C, 5) B, 6) B, 7)B, 8) C, 9)B, 10) A
34 - Reporter Object
The object used for sending information to the test results is....
A) ReporterEvent
B) Reporter
C) both A & B
D) None of above
Reporter object is an utility object
A) True
B) False
ReportEvent Method .......
A) Reports an event to the Quality Center
B) Reports an event to the Excel Sheet
C) Reports an event to the test results.
D) Reports an event to the Business Process Testing.
ReportEvent method's EventStatus argument has the following predefined constants
: (click all answers that apply)
A) 0 or micPass
B) 1 or micFail
C) 2 or micDone
D) 3 or micWarning
E) 4 or micError
.........Retrieves the run status at the current point of the run session.
A) RunStatuses
B) RunStatus
C) Run_Status
D) Run-Status
The following example uses the RunStatus property to retrieve the status of the
run session at a specific point and exit the action if the test status is ......
If Reporter.RunStatus = 1 Then ExitAction
A) Pass
B) Fail
C) Error
D) Warning

.................Retrieves or sets the current mode for displaying events in the
Test Results
A) Filters
B) RFilter
C) R.Filter
D) Filter
You can use ...... property to completely disable or enable reporting of steps
A) enable
B) disable
C) filter
D) enable-disable
How would you insert result for a step in Test Results
A) Reporter.Reports micPass, "step", "details"
B) Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "step", "details"
C) Reporter.PassEvent , "step", "details"
D) Reporter.Event.Report micPass, "step", "details"
.....................Retrieves the folder path in which the current test's resul
ts are stored
A) Reporter.Report.Path
B) Reporter.ReportsPath
C) Reporter.ReportPath
D) Reporter.Report_Path
1) B, 2) A, 3) C, 4) A,B,C,D 5) B, 6) B, 7) D, 8) C, 9) B, 10) C
QTP Multiple Choice Questions- Set 35 - Bitmap Checkpoints
You can create bitmap checkpoints for all supported testing environments
A) True
B) False
The results of bitmap checkpoints may be affected by factors such as....
A) operating system
B) screen resolution
C) color settings
D) All of above
E) Both A & C
In the Test Results window you can also view a bitmap that reflects the differen
ce between the two bitmaps.
A) True
B) False
You can adjust the comparison to enable the checkpoint to pass even if the bitma
ps are not identical by setting the......
A) RGB tolerance
B) Pixel tolerance
C) Bitmap tolerance
D) Both A & B
The RGB (Red, Green, Blue) tolerance determines the percent by which the RGB val
ues of the pixels in the expected bitmap can differ from those of the actual bit
map and allow the checkpoint to pass.
A) True
B) False
You cannot modify an existing bitmap checkpoint.
A) True
B) False
Bitmap checkpoints can capture only the visible part of an object. Therefore,
confirm that the object to capture is always fully visible on the screen before
a bitmap checkpoint step is performed. One way to do this is to insert a
..... statement.
A) BitmapVisible
B) AreaVisible
C) MakeVisible
D) PixelVisible
If you want to create a bitmap checkpoint that contains multiple objects, you sh
ould select the highest level object that includes all the objects to include in
the bitmap checkpoint.
A) True
B) False
In the Checkpoint Properties dialog box, ........enables you to select the compa
rer for QuickTest to use to run the checkpoint.
A) Bitmap Comparer
B) Pixel Comparer
C) Comparer
D) CheckComparer
When you create a bitmap checkpoint, QuickTest can also capture any part that is
scrolled off the screen, or hidden by another object
A) True
B) False
1) A , 2) D , 3) A, 4) D , 5) B , 6) A , 7) C , 8) A , 9) C , 10) B
36 - Table Checkpoints
You can add ...... checkpoints to check the content of tables displayed in youra
A) table
B) Cell & Row
C) Spreadsheet
D) Excel
Table checkpoints are supported for table objects in a Which of add-in
A) Web
B) ActiveX
C) Java
D) All of above
For selecting a range of rows to be included in your checkpoint, You can include
A) All rows
B) Visible Rows
C) Range
D) All of Above
Table checkpoints are also supported for some list view objects, such as WinList
View and VbListView.
A) True
B) False
The Table Checkpoint Properties dialog box does not allow you to edit or paramet
erize the expected data for the cells included in the check.
A) True
B) False
In Table Checkpoint Properties dialog box, the Class specifies
A) Type of object
B) Class of content
C) Class of table grib
D) None of above
When you create a new table checkpoint, all cells contain a ..... check mark, in
dicating they are all selected for verification.
A) Red
B) Blue
C) Green
D) Yellow
In a Table Checkpoint Properties dialog box, in order to Add an entire column to
or remove it from the check
A) Double-click the top-left corner of the grid
B) Double-click the row header
C) Double-click the column header
D) None of Above.
In Table Checkpoint Properties dialog box, Double-clicking on the grid toggles t
he settings for all selected cells.
A) True
B) False
In Table Checkpoint Properties dialog box, in the settings tab, you can specify
the numeric range against which the content of the cell is compared. QuickTest d
isplays this option only when Numeric Range is selected as the Verification type
A) True
B) False
37 - Text Checkpoints
You can check that a specified text string is displayed by adding one of the fol
lowing checkpoints to your test.
A) Standard Checkpoint
B) Text Area Checkpoint
C) Text Checkpoint
D) All of Above.
When checking text, QuickTest tries to retrieve the text directly from the objec
t. If QuickTest cannot retrieve the text in this manner (for example, because th
e text is part of a picture), it tries to retrieve the text using an OCR (optica
l character recognition) mechanism.
A) True
B) False
Tick mark the true and complete statment:
A) You can add a text checkpoint while recording steps in a Windows- or Web-base
d application.
B) You can add a text checkpoint while recording or editing steps in a Windows-
or Web-based application.
C) You can add a text checkpoint while recording or editing steps in a Windows-b
ased application.
D) You can add a text checkpoint while editing steps in a Windows- or Web-based
You can add a text area checkpoint only while recording a test on Windows-based
applications, such as Standard Windows, Java, Visual Basic, and ActiveX.
A) True
B) False
In the Text/Text Area Checkpoint Properties Dialog Box Options, in Checkpoint Su
mmary area, QuickTest automatically displays the checked text in ....., and the
text before and after the checked text in .....
A) Red, Blue
B) Green, Blue
C) Green Yellow
D) White, Pink
In Windows-based environments, if there is more than one line of text selected,
the Checkpoint Summary area displays [complex value] instead of the selected tex
t string. You can then click Configure to view and manipulate the actual selecte
d text for the checkpoint.
A) True
B) False
In the Text/Text Area Checkpoint Properties Dialog Box Options, in Checkpoint Su
mmary area, You can only view and cannot modify the text selection displayed.
A) True
B) False
You can parameterize the checked text.
A) True
B) False
If you specify a checkpoint timeout other than 0, and the checkpoint ....., theT
est Results window displays information on the checkpoint timeout.
A) Passes
B) Fails
C) Fails or Passes
D) None
Any text that is not selected as Checked Text, Text Before, or Text After is dis
played in ..... The .... text is not displayed the next time the Configure Text
Selection dialog box is opened.
A) Black
B) Brown
C) Gray
D) Yellow
1) D , 2) A , 3) B, 4) A , 5) A , 6) A , 7) B , 8) A , 9) B , 10) C
38 - Database Checkpoints
Database checkpoints are supported by all environments.
A) True
B) False
Database checkpoint is displayed in the Expert View as a CheckPoint
A) DbTable.Checkpoint
B) DataTable.Check
C) DbTable.Check
D) DTable.Check
You can define the query for your checkpoint using
A) Microsoft Query
B) Manually
C) Oracle
D) both A & B
The Database Checkpoint Properties dialog box enables you to check database cont
A) True
B) False
In Database Checkpoint Properties dialog box, the .... displays the data that wa
scaptured for the checkpoint.
A) lotusdb area
B) table area
C) spreadsheet area
D) grid area
When you create a new database checkpoint, all cells in the grid area of Databas
e Checkpoint Properties Dialog Box contain a Red check mark, indicating they are
selected for verification.
A) True
B) False
In the Database Checkpoint Properties dialog box, you can select to check the
A) entire results set
B) specific rows
C) specific columns
D) specific cells
E) All of Above
You cannot modify the SQL query definition and the expected data in an existing
database checkpoint.
A) True
B) False
In Database Checkpoint Properties dialog box, the default setting is to treat ce
ll values as ..... and to check for the exact text, while ignoring spaces.
A) Numeric
B) String
C) Variant
D) array
You can modify the value of a cell or you can parameterize it to use a value fro
m an external source, such as ....
A) Data Table
B) an environment variable
C) Both A & B
D) None of above
1) A , 2) C , 3) D, 4) A , 5) D , 6) B , 7) E , 8) B , 9) B , 10) C
39 - Standard Checkpoint
Standard checkpoints compare the expected values of object properties to the obj
ect s current values during a record session.
A) True
B) False
You use standard checkpoints to perform checks on ....
A) images
B) tables
C) Web page properties
D) None
E) All of Above
To add a standard checkpoint while editing, two of the following can be true dep
ending on the environment and applcaton:
A)Active Screen information exists for the step.
B)Active Screen information does not exist for the step.
C)The object for which you want to create a checkpoint is currently not displaye
d in the application.
D)The object for which you want to create a checkpoint is currently displayed in
the application.
In the Configure value area, you can define the expected value of the property t
o check as a .......
A) Constant
B) Parameter
C) Both A & B
D) None
Checkpoint timeout specifies the time interval (in milliseconds) during which
QuickTest attempts to perform the checkpoint successfully.
A) True
B) False
If you specify a checkpoint timeout other than 0, and the checkpoint fails, theT
est Results window displays information on the checkpoint timeout.
A) True
B) False
Standard checkpoint enables you to compare the expected image source file with t
he actual image source file.
A) True
B) False
Once standard checkpoint is created you cannot modify the settings of existing c
A) True
B) False
You can use ....... parameters while parameterizing the Object property to check
A) Data Table
B) Environment Variable
C) Random number
D) Test or Action
E) All of above
By default, the checkpoint name is the same as the name of the test object on wh
ich the checkpoint was created.
A) True
B) False
1) B , 2) E , 3)A,D 4) C , 5) B , 6) A , 7) A , 8) B , 9) E , 10) A
By creating tests that call multiple ......, you can design tests that are more
modular and efficient.
A) actions
B) Functions
C) Environment Variables
D) Data Files
You can add steps to your test (select all those apply)
A) by dragging objects from your object repository
B) by recording on your application
C) Automatically from Quality Center
D) by exporting from Excel
When you create a function, you can insert it directly in an action to make it a
vailable only within that action, or you can insert it in a function library to
make it available to any test that is associated with that function library.
A) True
B) False
In QuickTest, you can create tests and components and then save them directly to
your Quality Center project.
A) True
B) False
Business Process Testing uses a .......... methodology for testing.
A) Hybrid
B) Functional Decomposition
C) Record & Play
D) keyword-driven
By default, QuickTest automatically checks for online software updates once ever
y ...... days.
A) Three
B) Four
C) Six
D) Seven
QuickTest remembers the add-ins you load so that the next time you open QuickTes
t, the add-ins you selected in the previous session are selected by default.
A) True
B) False
If you focus on a specific step in the Keyword View and switch to the Expert Vie
w, the cursor is located in that corresponding line of the test.
A) True
B) False
The ...... View is a script editor with many script editing capabilities.
A) Remote View
B) Keyword View
C) Additional View
D) Expert View

You cannot work on several function libraries at the same time.
A) True
B) False
1) A, 2) A,B, 3) A, 4) A, 5) D, 6) D, 7) A, 8) A, 9)D, 10) B

The ....... Screen provides a snapshot of your application as it appeared when y
ou performed a certain step during a recording session.
A) Keyword View
B) Expert View
C) Active
D) Library
The ......... pane enables you to drag and drop objects or calls to functions in
to your test.
A) Keywords
B) Available Keywords
C) Action
D) Test
QuickTest automatically opens information pane when a syntax error is detected.
A) True
B) False
In Data Table Menu commands CTRL + K ...
A) Deletes the current selection.
B) Clears the contents from the current selection
C) Finds a cell containing specified text.
D) None of Above
You can also filter the Missing Resources pane to display a specific type of mis
sing resource, such as Missing Object Repository and hide the other types.
A) True
B) False
.........Checks the syntax of the active document.
A) Ctrl+F6
B) Ctrl+F7
C) Ctrl+F8
D) Ctrl+F9
QuickTest cannot test your dynamically changing application by learning and iden
tifying test objects and their expected properties and values.
A) True
B) False
....Sets or clears a breakpoint in the test.
A) F7
B) F8
C) F9
D) F10
Process guidance is displayed in two panes: ..........
A) Process Guidance Activities
B) Process Guidance Information
C) Process Guidance Plan
D) Process Guidance Description
The To Do pane also enables you to view the TODO comments that exist in the acti
on or an open function library.
A) True
B) False
1) C, 2) B, 3) A, 4) A, 5) A, 6) B, 7) B, 8) C, 9) A,D, 10) A
To view details for, or modify, the QuickTest Professional licenses installed on
your computer, click the ...... button after selecting Help > About QuickTest P
A) License View
B) License
C) Active License
D) Modify License
Use ..... to toggles between the Keyword View and Expert View.
A) Shift+Page Up/Page Down
B) Alt+Page Up/Page Down
C) Ctrl+Page Up/Page Down
D) Page Up/Page Down
For each test object class, QuickTest has a list of ..... properties that it alw
ays learns.
A) identification
B) mandatory
C) assistive
D) All of above
QuickTest uses a very similar process of elimination with its ..... mechanism to
identify an object, even when the learned description is no longer accurate.
A) Elimination
B) Ordinal identifier
C) Identification
D) Smart Identification
During a run session, QuickTest searches for a ...... object that exactly matche
s the description of the test object it learned previously.
A) run-time
B) test-time
C) prime-time
D) action-time
You can add test objects to an object repository by......
A) QuickTest Navigate and Learn option
B) add test objects manually
C) perform an operation on your application while recording
D) All of above
If the mandatory property values are not sufficient to uniquely identify the obj
ect within its parent object, QuickTest adds some assistive properties to create
a unique description.
A) True
B) False
The native property set for each run-time object is created and maintained by th
e .....
A) QuickTest
B) Object creator
C) Microsoft
D) Adobe
You can view the syntax of the test object operations as well as the native oper
ations of any object on your desktop using the Operations tab of the Object Spy.

A) True
B) False
You can retrieve property values from the run-time object during the run session
by adding GetROProperty statements.
A) GetTOProperty
B) SetROProperty
C) GetROProperty
D) GetSOProperty
1) B, 2) C, 3) B, 4) D, 5) A, 6) D, 7) A, 8) B, 9) A, 10) C
The Export and Replace Local Objects option (in Object Repository window) .....
A) exports the local objects to a shared object repository
B) associates the new shared object repository with your action
C) deletes the objects in the local object repository
D) All of above
You cannot define the priorities of the object repositories associated with an a
ction using the Associate Repositories dialog box.
A) True
B) False
The Object Repository window is read-write-only during record and run sessions.
A) True
B) False
You can modify the properties of the temporary version of the object during the
run session without affecting the permanent values in the object repository by a
dding a ...... statement.
A) SetROProperty
B) GetTOProperty
C) SetTOProperty
D) Both C & A
You can add a test object to the local object repository only if that test objec
t does not already exist in a shared object repository that is associated with t
he action.
A) True
B) False
You cannot add new test objects to your object repository that do not yet exist
in your application.
A) True
B) False
You cannot add ..... objects directly to an object repository using the Add Obje
cts to Local button in the Object Repository window.
A) Web
B) WinMenu
C) Webelement
D) Both B & C
You can add test objects to the local object repository of the current action by
selecting the required object in the Active Screen.
A) True
B) False
To copy an object to a different location within an object repository press the
.... key while dragging the object and drop it at the required location in the t
A) Shift
B) Alt
C) Shift
D) Ctrl
You can modify the root node of an object repository.
A) True
B) False
1) D, 2) A, 3) B, 4) C, 5) A, 6) B, 7) B, 8) A, 9) D, 10) B
A shared object repository stores objects in a file that can be accessed by mult
iple tests in ....... mode.
A) read-write
B) read-only
C) write-only
D) read-write-execute
You can not transfer local objects to a shared object repository.
A) True
B) False
If an object with the same name is located in both the local object repository a
nd in a shared object repository associated with the same action, the action use
s the .... definition.
A) local object
B) shared object
C) Object Spy
D) Smart Identification
If a child object is added to a local object repository, and its parents are in
a shared object repository, its parents are automatically added to the local obj
ect repository.
A) True
B) False
In order to export Local Objects to a Shared Object Repository, you can use OR W
indow but NOT OR Manager.
A) True
B) False
Test objects of environments that are not installed with QuickTest will be displ
ayed with an ........ in the object repository.
A) unknown icon (exclamation mark)
B) unknown icon (hand mark)
C) unknown icon (question mark)
D) All of above
While the Object Repository window is open, you can continue using QuickTest, an
d you can continue modifying objects and object repositories.
A) True
B) False
Checkpoint and output objects can be dragged and dropped from the Object Reposit
ory window.
A) True
B) False
You can use the Object Spy at any time to view ...... properties and values of t
he objects in the application you are testing.
A) Run-time
B) native
C) identification
D) both B & C
You can modify checkpoint and output value details for objects saved in the loca
l object repository.
A) True
B) False
1) B, 2) B, 3) A, 4) A, 5) A, 6) C, 7) A, 8) B, 9) D, 10) A
You delete objects in the local object repository using the Object Repository Ma
nager, and objects in the shared object repository using the Object Repository W
A) True
B) False
You can search for a specific object in your object repository. You can search f
or an object according to its ......
A) Color
B) Font
C) Type
D) None of above
You can use the Find and Replace dialog box to replace property or object names.
You cannot replace property values in a read-only component.
A) True
B) False
You can update a test object in your object repository by selecting the correspo
nding object in your application and relearning its properties and property valu
es from the application.
A) True
B) False
If you just want to restore the original test object description property set, w
hile retaining any property values you have modified, you can use the ....... se
t option.
A) Restore true property
B) Restore property
C) Restore compulsory property
D) Restore mandatory property
When an object changes in your application, or if you are not satisfied with the
current name of a test object for any reason, you can change the name that Quic
kTest assigns to the stored object.
A) True
B) False
When you modify the name of a test object in the local object repository, the na
me is not automatically updated for all occurrences of the test object. When you
modify the name of a test object in a shared repository, the name is automatica
lly updated in all components open on the same computer that use the object repo
sitory as soon as you make the change, even if you have not yet saved the object
repository with your changes.
A) True
B) False
The name you assign to the test object must be unique within the same class and
hierarchy in the object repository. Object names are ......
A) case-sensitive.
B) Not case-sensitive.
An ordinal identifier assigns a ...... value to a test object that indicates its
order or location relative to other objects with an otherwise identical descrip
tion (objects that have the same values for all properties).
A) Decimal
B) Floating point
C) numerical
D) String
You cannot configure the way that QuickTest learns and identifies objects.
A) True
B) False
1) B, 2) C, 3) B, 4) A, 5) D, 6) A, 7) B, 8) B, 9) C, 10) B
....... properties are properties that QuickTest learns only if the mandatorypro
perties that QuickTest learns for a particular object in your application are no
t sufficient to create a unique description.
A) Assistive
B) Ordinal
C) Semi-mandatory
D) Smart
If several assistive properties are defined for an object class, then QuickTest
learns two assistive properties at a time, and stops as soon as it creates a uni
que description for the object.
A) True
B) False
If the combination of all defined mandatory and assistive properties is not suff
icient to create a unique test object description, QuickTest also...
A) Uses Smart Identification
B) Learns the value for the selected ordinal identifier.
C) Learns Disc Properties
D) None
The learned and Smart Identification properties of certain test objects cannot b
e configured, for example, the WinMenu, VbLabel, and VbToolbar objects.
A) True
B) False
During the run session, QuickTest looks for objects that match .... properties i
n the test object description.
A) assistive
B) mandatory
C) all
D) None
You can include the same property in both the mandatory and assistive property l
A) True
B) False
If QuickTest can use other identification properties to identify the object duri
ng a run session, the ordinal identifier is ignored.
A) True
B) False
QuickTest can use the following types of ordinal identifiers to identify an obje
A) Index
B) Number
C) Location
D) CreationTime
By default, some test objects already have Smart Identification configurations a
nd others do not.
A) True
B) False
The Smart Identification mechanism uses two types of properties:
A) Base Filter Properties
B) Option Filter Properties
C) Optional Filter Properties
D) Basic Filter Properties
1) A, 2) B, 3) B, 4) A, 5) C, 6) B, 7) A, 8) A,C,D, 9) A, 10) A, C
If, after completing the Smart Identification elimination process, QuickTest sti
ll cannot identify the object, then QuickTest uses the ........... to identify t
he object.
A) learned description and smart identification
B) smart identification and the ordinal identifier
C) smart identification plus the run time properties
D) learned description plus the ordinal identifier
If QuickTest successfully uses Smart Identification to find an object after no o
bject matches the learned description, the step is assigned a ....... in the Tes
t Results.
A) Passed status
B) Failed status
C) Warning status
D) Yellow status
While Mapping User-Defined Test Object Classes, You should map an object that ca
nnot be identified only to a ....... class with comparable behavior.
A) Standard Windows
B) Standard WinObject
C) Standard Winclass
D) Standard Winmap
With Object Repository Manager, You can work with object repositories saved both
in the file system and in a Quality Center project.
A) True
B) False
You open the Object Repository Manager by choosing ...........
A) File > Object Repository Manager
B) Object Repository > Object Repository Manager
C) Resource > Object Repository Manager
D) Resources > Object Repository Manager
You cannot open as many shared object repositories as you want.
A) True
B) False
If QuickTest is connected to a Quality Center project with version control enabl
ed, you can ......
A) view and manage versions of your shared object repositories
B) view comparisons of two shared object repository versions
C) view baseline history
D) All of above
You can add checkpoint or output value objects to a shared object repository via
the Object Repository Manager.
A) True
B) False
Even when steps containing an object are deleted from your component, the object
s remain in the object repository.
A) True
B) False
When you open an object repository that is stored in the file system and was cre
ated using a version of QuickTest earlier than version 9.0, QuickTest converts i
t to the current format when you make it editable.
A) True
B) False
1) D, 2) c, 3) A, 4) A, 5) D, 6) B, 7) D, 8) B, 9) A, 10) A
You can export the test objects in an object repository to an XML file.
A) True
B) False
QuickTest provides an .......... that enables you to manage QuickTest shared obj
ect repositories and their contents from outside of QuickTest.
A) Object Repository automation object model
B) Object Repository Manager
C) Object Repository Window
D) Object Repository Dialog box
QuickTest Professional enables you to merge two shared object repositories into
a single shared object repository using the ..........
A) Object Repository Manager
B) Object Repository Merge Tool
C) Object Repository automation object model
D) Object Repository Dialog box
The Object Repository Merge Tool also merge checkpoint or output objects from th
e primary and secondary object repositories into the target shared object reposi
A) True
B) False
You can configure how the Object Repository Merge Tool automatically deals with
conflicting objects during the merge process or when performing an Update from L
ocal Repository operation.
A) True
B) False
You can specify the ..... in which object names are displayed in the target obje
ct repository according to their source, and whether they caused a conflict. Thi
s enables you to see the status of each object more easily.
A) Type
B) Font
C) Text
D) color
An object repository that is currently open by another user is locked. If you tr
y to merge the locked file, a warning message displays, and you cannot perform t
he merge.
A) True
B) False
You can view or change how ...... objects are dealt with during the updateproces
s in the Settings dialog box.
A) Same
B) Similar
C) conflicting
D) two
While updating a shared object repository from a local object repository, You ca
n only add a component whose application area is associated with the shared obje
ct repository you are updating and whose local object repository contains object
A) True
B) False
After you merge two object repositories, the Object Repository Merge Tool displa
ys ......, which describes how the files were merged, and the number and type of
any conflicts that were resolved during the merge.
A) the merge dialog box
B) the Statistics dialog box
C) the complete dialog box
D) the merge complete dialog box
1) A, 2) A, 3) B, 4) B, 5) A, 6) D, 7) B, 8) C, 9) A, 10) B
You can also open an object repository from the Recent Files list in the File me
A) True
B) False
QuickTest saves the object repository with a .... extension in the specified loc
ation and displays the object repository name and path in the title bar of the r
epository window.
A) .lsr
B) .tsr
C) .msr
D) .tso
While an object repository is being edited, it is locked so that it cannot be mo
dified by others. When you close the object repository, it is automaticallyunloc
A) True
B) False
When you open an object repository, it is opened in read-only mode by default. Y
ou can open it in editable format by clearing the ......... check box in the Ope
nShared Object Repository dialog box when you open it.
A) Repo in read-only mode
B) Open in read-only mode
C) Get in read-only mode
D) Set in read-only mode
The ......... enables you to add multiple test objects to a shared object reposi
tory while navigating through your application.
A) Learn and Add option
B) Navigate and Add option
C) Learn and Navigate option
D) Navigate and Learn option
Minimized windows are not learned when using the Navigate and Learn option.
A) True
B) False
You can use the ........ button in the Manage Repository Parameters dialog boxto
see where a repository parameter is being used.
A) Find in Repository
B) Locate in Repository
C) See in Repository
D) Look in Repository
The Object Repository Merge Tool also not merge checkpoint and output objects.
A) True
B) False
You can import and export object repositories from and to XML files.
A) True
B) False
Checkpoint and output objects are included when importing the contents of an obj
ect repository from an XML file.
A) True
B) False
1) A, 2) B, 3) A, 4) B, 5) D, 6) A, 7) A, 8) B, 9) A, 10) B
You can generate statements in a Function Library in the following ways:
A) You can use the Step Generator to add steps that use methods and functions.
B) You can manually insert VBScript statements that perform operations.
C) You can import from Excel or Word.
D) Both A & B
When you type in a function library, IntelliSense (the statement completion feat
ure included with QuickTest) enables you to select the ...... for your statement
from a drop-down list and view the relevant syntax.
A) variable,
B) test object,
C) operation,
D) property,
E) collection
If you type a period after an object that you created in your script (using the
CreateObject method, for example), QuickTest displays the ...... that you can us
e for that object.
A) operations
B) properties
C) collection
D) variable
If you press CTRL+SPACE, QuickTest displays a list of the relevant test objects,
operations, properties, collections, VBScript functions, user-defined functions
,VBScript constants, and utility objects that you can add. This list is displaye
d even if you typed an object that has not yet been added to the object reposito
ry. If the test contains a function, or is associated with a function library, t
he functions are also displayed in the list.
A) True
B) False
When the Auto-expand VBScript syntax option is enabled and you start to type aVB
Script keyword in a function library, QuickTest automatically recognizes the fir
st two characters of the keyword and adds the relevant VBScript syntax or blocks
to the script.
A) True
B) False
You can use the ......... to jump to a specific line in a function library.
A) Go To dialog box
B) Bookmarks
D) Both A & B
You cannot use Find & Replace option in Function Library.
A) True
B) False
When you are in function library, both the below statements are identical.
Browser("Mercury").Page("Find a Flight:").WebList("toDay").Select "31"
browser("mercury").page("find a flight:").weblist("today").select "31"
A) True
B) False
You can comment a statement by clicking ......... of/in the statement and clicki
ng the Comment Block button.
A) in the middle
B) at the begining
C) anywhere
D) at the end
You cannot change the font style and size of text in your scripts and function l
ibraries, but can change the color of different elements, including comments, st
rings, QuickTest reserved words, operators, and numbers.
A) True
B) False
1) d, 2) a, b, c, d, e 3) a, b, 4) a, 5) a, 6) d, 7) b, 8) a, 9) c, 10) b
QTP Function Libraries Multiple Choice Questions - 2
QTP Function Libraries - Multiple Choice Questions
When testing in a Unicode environment, you must select a Unicode-compatible font
. Otherwise, elements in your test or function library may not be correctly disp
layed in the Expert View or function library windows.
A) True
B) False
You cannot register a user-defined function as a method for a QuickTest test obj
A) True
B) False
Using QuickTest, you can define and store your user-defined unctions............
A) in a function library
B) in an action within a test
C) in an excel file
D) in a word file
Each function library opens in a separate window, enabling you to open and work
on one or several function libraries at the same time.
A) True
B) False
Function Library cannot be opened in a read-only mode.
A) True
B) False
Function Library does not show up in the the recent files list in the File menu.
A) True
B) False
You can save Function Library
A) to Quality Center project
B) to the file system
C) as an attachment to a test
D) Both A & B
To insert calls to the attached function library, you need to associate it with
a test.
A) True
B) False
You can edit a function library at any time using the QuickTest editing features
that are available in the......
A) VBScript
B) Expert View
C) Keyword View
D) None of above
You can drag and drop a function but not a part of it from one document to anoth
A) True
B) False
11) a, 12) b, 13) a, b, 14) a, 15) b, 16) b, 17) a, b, c, 18) a, 19) b, 20) b
If your test contains a global Data Table parameter, QuickTest runs the test onc
e for each row in the Data Table. If your test contains a Data Table parameter f
or the current action data sheet, QuickTest runs the action once for each row of
data in that action data sheet.
A) True
B) False
You can specify whether to run the first iteration or all iterations, for the en
tire test or for a specific action in the test; or to run the iterations for a s
pecified range of data sets.
A) True
B) False
You can run the entire test from the beginning, but you cannot run part of it.
A) True
B) False
If you cleared the "View results when run session ends" check box in the Run pan
e of the Options dialog box, the Test Results window does not open at the end of
the run session.
A) True
B) False
You can use the ....... option to run a single action in your test. Using ......
. ignores any iterations.
A) Run Current Actions
B) Run Action
C) Run Current Action
D) Ran Current Action
In the Run Dialog Box, in Results Location Tab, ........... option displays the
default path and folder name in which the results are saved.
A) New run result folder
B) New run folder
C) New run results path
D) New run results folder
During a ...... session, QuickTest automatically marks steps that open certain d
ialog boxes as optional.
A) Run
B) Recording
C) Both A & B
D) None of above
You cannot use Test Batch Runner to run several tests in succession.
A) True
B) False
Using Test Batch Runner, you can set up a list of tests and save the list as an
..... file, so that you can easily run the same batch of tests again, at another
A) .ntb
B) .mtb
C) .mbt
D) .btm
For a test that does not contain Data Table parameters, the Test Results window
shows a ..... test iteration(s).
A) Single
B) Two
C) Both A & B
D) Multiple
1) a, 2) a 3) b, 4) a, 5) c, 6) d, 7) b, 8) b, 9) b, 10) a
If the test contains Data Table parameters, and the test settings are configured
to run multiple iterations, the Test Results window displays details for each i
terationof the test run. The results are grouped by the ...... in the test.
A) Tests
B) Actions
C) Iterations
D) Parameters
After you run a test, the Test Results window displays all aspects of the run se
ssion and can include - The exact locations in the test where failures occurred.
A) True
B) False
The Test Results window can show results with up to ..... levels in the tree hie
rarchy. If you have results with more than 300 nested levels, you can view the e
ntire report by manually opening the results.xml file.
A) 150
B) 200
C) 350
D) 300
while Viewing Run Session Results, If an iteration contains checkpoints, the pos
sible results are Passed or Failed. If an iteration does not contain checkpoints
, the possible results are ..............
A) Passed or Failed
B) Done or Passed
C) Done or Failed
D) OK or Failed
You cannot change the look and feel of the Test Results window, as required.
A) True
B) False
If your QuickTest test is stored in Quality Center, the results are stored in th
test folder in Quality Center. You cannot change the location of the run session
A) True
B) False
Results files for QuickTest Professional version 6.5 and earlier are saved with
a .qtp file extension. By default, only results files with an ......... extensio
n are shown in the Select Results File dialog box. To view results files with a
.qtp extension in the Select Results File dialog box, select Test Results (*.qtp
) in the Files of type box.
A) .html
B) .xhtml
C) .xml
D) .ml
A test, iteration, or action containing a step marked Warning may still be label
edPassed or Done.
A) True
B) False
The ........... dialog box enables you to filter which iterations are displayed
in the run results tree of the Test Results window.
A) Fillers
B) Filter
C) Results
D) Filters
You can use ........ statements in the Expert View to disable or enable the savi
ngof selected steps, or to save only steps with Failed or Warning status.
A) Reporter.Filters
B) Report.Filter
C) Reporting.Filter
D) Reports.Filter
11) b, 12) a, 13) d, 14) c, 15) b, 16) a, 17) c, 18) a, 19) d, 20) a
You cannot also programmatically add an image to the Result Details tab using th
e ReportEvent method of the Reporter utility object.
A) True
B) False
By default, QuickTest does not save a still image of your application for failed
A) True
B) False
Movie is also stored with test results. You can export a captured Screen Recorde
r movie to a file. The file is saved as an ...... file. You can view .fbr files
in the HP Micro Recorder. You can also attach ...... files to defects in Quality
A) .fbr
B) .sbr
C) .tbr
D) .mbr
You can export the test result details to an HTML, PDF, or DOC file.
D) Both A & C
E) All of Above
You can use the .......... Tool to remove unwanted or obsolete test results from
your system, according to specific criteria that you define. This enables you t
o free up valuable disk space.
A) Test Results Trash
B) Test Results Removal
C) Test Results Deletion
D) All of Above
You can use the Windows command line to instruct the Test Results. Deletion Tool
to delete test results according to criteria you specify.
A) True
B) False
You cannot instruct QuickTest to automatically submit a defect to a Quality Cent
er project for each failed step in your test.
A) True
B) False
If QuickTest successfully uses Smart Identification to find an object after
multiple objects are found that match the learned description, QuickTest
shows the Smart Identification information in the Test Results window.
A) True
B) False
You cannot view the results of the checkpoint in the Test Results window.
A) True
B) False
By default, the bottom pane in the Result Details tab in the Test Results window
displays information on the selected checkpoint only if it has the status ......
A) Pass
B) Failed
C) Done
D) All of above
You can view detailed results of the table or database checkpoint in the Test Re
sults window.
A) True
B) False
The top pane in the Result Details tab displays the checkpoint step results, inc
luding ........
A) its status (Passed or Failed)
B) the date and time the checkpoint was run
C) the portion of the checkpoint timeout interval that was used
D) the expected text and actual text that was checked
E) the verification settings you specified for the checkpoint
F) Both A & C
By default, if the checkpoint passes, the View XML Checkpoint Results button is
not available.
A) True
B) False
When you include accessibility checkpoints in your test, the Test Resultswindow
does not display the results of each accessibility option that you checked.
A) True
B) False
You can view information on parameterized values and the results of output value
steps in the Test Results window. But you cannot also view the contents of the
run-time Data Table.
A) True
B) False
21) b, 22) b, 23) a, 24) e, 25) c, 26) a, 27) b, 28) a, 29) b, 30) b, 31) a, 32)
a,b,c,d,e, 33) a, 34) b, 35) b
The QTP & QC connection process has two stages. First, you connect QuickTest to
............ Quality Center server.Next, you log in and choose the project you w
ant QuickTest to access.
A) local
B) remote
C) inhouse
D) both B & C
Quality Center projects are password protected
A) True
B) False
You can choose a Quality Center server accessible via ............
A) Local Area Network (LAN)
B) Wide Area Network (WAN).
C) Both A & B
You can log in to the same Quality Center server using a different user name by
clicking Change User.
A) True
B) False
To view the current Quality Center connection, point to the Quality Center icon
onthe status bar. A tooltip displays the Quality Center .......... to which Quic
kTest is connected.
A) server name
B) IP Address
C) project
D) Both A & B
If a Quality Center test, or shared file (such as a shared object repository or
Data Table file) is open when you disconnect from Quality Center, then QuickTest
keeps it open.
A) True
B) False
Integrating QuickTest with Quality Center enables you to store and access files
in a Quality Center project, as well as use the ....... object to access the wid
e range of functionality provided in the Quality Center Open Test Architecture A
A) QCUtility
B) QCenterUtil
C) QCUti
D) QCUtil
You can also use the ....... object in your QuickTest automation scripts to acce
ss the Quality Center OTA.
When QuickTest is connected to a Quality Center project, you can open QuickTest
tests that are a part of your Quality Center project. You locate tests according
to their position in the ........, rather than by their actual location in the
file system. You can also open tests from the recent tests list in the File menu
A) test module tree
B) test case tree
C) test plan tree
D) test plan graph
If the test is stored in a Quality Center project with version control support,
you can view version control information for the test by clicking the Views down
arrow and selecting ........
A) info
B) Details
C) QC Info
D) Detail
1) a,b, 2) a 3) c, 4) a, 5) a, c, 6) b, 7) d, 8) a, 9) c, 10) b
..... tests serve as the basis for all QuickTest tests created in Quality Center
. A ..... test is a QuickTest test that contains default test settings.
A) Server
B) Template
C) Dummy
D) Sample
When a Quality Center user creates a new QuickTest test in Quality Center, the d
efault template test for the installed QuickTest version is automaticallyassocia
ted with the test unless the users selects another template test,
A) True
B) False
A default template test is installed on each Quality Center client when the Quic
kTest Professional Add-in for ......... is installed.
A) Web Services
B) Quality Center
C) .Net
You can create multiple template tests, each for a specific testing purpose.
A) True
B) False
In Quality Center, you create QuickTest tests in the ...............
A) test module plan
B) test case module
C) test tree module
D) test plan module
When you create a QuickTest test in Quality Center, you must choose a template t
est that specifies the QuickTest add-ins to be associated with the test. Otherwi
se the required QuickTest add-ins will not be loaded during the run session.
A) True
B) False
QuickTest stores temporary test run results for all tests in ......... The path
in thetext box of the Temporary run results folder (not saved in the project) op
tion is read-only and cannot be changed.
A) %TEMP%\TempResults
B) %TMP%\TempResult
C) %TMP%\TempResults
D) %TMP%\TmpResults
You can report defects to a Quality Center project either automatically as they
occur and not manually directly from the QuickTest Test Results window.
A) True
B) False
You can run QuickTest tests that are stored in a Quality Center database via....
A) QuickTest
B) a Quality Center client that is installed on your computer
C) a remote Quality Center client.
D) All of above
You can run QuickTest tests from Quality Center if the QuickTest computer is log
ged off or locked.
A) True
B) False
11) b, 12) a, 13) b, 14) a, 15) d, 16) a, 17) c, 18) b, 19) d, 20) b
By default, QuickTest opens and runs in hidden mode when Quality Center activate
s it to run a test in a test set.
A) True
B) False
For security reasons, remote access to your QuickTest application is not enabled
. If you want to allow Quality Center (or other remote access clients) to open a
nd run QuickTest tests, you must select the ........ option in the Options dialo
g box.
A) Allow other HP products to run tests
B) Allow other HP products to run tests and components
C) Allow other HP products to run components
D) Allow other HP products to run tests or components
When you run a QuickTest test or business process test from Quality Center, the
QuickTest ........ opens on the QuickTest computer. The QuickTest .......... det
ermines how QuickTest behaves when a test is run by a remote applicationsuch as
Quality Center.
A) Connection Agent
B) Server Agent
C) Remote Agent
D) Both A & B
The ................ Enables you to view and compare your QuickTest assets in bo
Quality Center and QuickTest.
A) Resources model
B) Dependencies model
C) Resources and Dependencies model
D) Resources or Dependencies model
You can use the Asset Comparison Tool to compare versions of individual QuickTes
t assets and the Asset Viewer for viewing an earlier version of a QuickTest asse
A) True
B) False
You can share assets with other projects and synchronize them as needed.
A) True
B) False
While Working With the Resources and Dependencies Model in Quality Center, The .
........ displays the relationship between a selected asset, such as a test, and
the assets with which it is associated.
A) Dependency tab
B) Dependencies tab
C) Resource tab
D) Resources tab
The QuickTest Asset Comparison Tool enables you to ........
A) compare two versions of a particular QuickTest asset
B) enables you to drill down in an asset to view a comparison of entities that a
re associated with the asset
C) both a & b
D) none
You manage asset versions by checking assets in and out of the version controlda
A) True
B) False
In QuickTest, you can check out only the latest version of an asset, although yo
u can view and compare earlier versions. This is because assets that are stored
in Quality Center are often linked to or dependent on one another.
A) True
B) False
21) a, 22) b, 23) c, 24) c, 25) a, 26) a, 27) b, 28) c, 29) a, 30) a
Saving your changes to an existing asset does not check them in. Even if you sav
e and close the asset, the asset remains checked out until you choose to check i
t in.
A) True
B) False
While an asset is checked out, Quality Center users can run the previously check
ed-in version of your asset. For example, suppose you check out version 3 of an
asset and make a number of changes to it and save the asset. Until you check the
asset back into the version control database as version 4, Quality Center users
can continue to run version .......
A) 4
B) 5
C) 3.1
D) 3
If you do not want to check your changes into the Quality Center database, you c
an undo the check-out operation.
A) True
B) False
A ......... represents a version of a project at a specific point in a project s l
ife cycle.
A) baseline
B) caseline
C) projectline
D) both a & c
If you want to view the content of an asset on a particular date or after a part
icular user checked in the asset, use the ...... option to view or compare the a
A) Version History
B) baseline
C) both A & B
D) none of above
A Quality Center server with version control support requires the installation o
fversion control software as well as the Quality Center Version Control Add-in.
A) True
B) False
When you choose File > Open > Test to open a test that is currently checked in t
o the version control database or is checked out to another user, it is opened i
n ..... mode.
A) write-only
B) read-only
C) read-write
D) None of above
You can review the checked-in test. You cannot run the test and view the results
A) True
B) False
When you use Save As to save a new test in a Quality Center project withversion
control support, QuickTest automatically saves the test in the project, checks t
he test into the version control database with version number ......
A) 1.0.0
B) 1.0.1
C) 1.1.1
D) 0.1.1
You can use the Version History dialog box to.........
A) view version information about the currently open test
B) retrieve an earlier version of the test.
C) View an earlier version of the test.
D) All of above
31) a, 32) d, 33) a, 34) a, 35) a, 36) a, 37) b, 38) b, 39) 40) d
1. You can create tests using the ...
A) keyword-driven methodology
B) Step recording
C) Stop recording
D) Both A & B
2. ...... enables you to record the operations you perform on your application.
A) keyword-driven methodology
B) Step recording
C) Stop recording
D) Both A & B
3. Keyword-driven testing enables you to design your tests at a business level r
ather than at the object level.
A) True
B) False
4. As you navigate through your application, QuickTest graphically displays each
step you perform as a ... in the Keyword View.
A) row
B) Column
C) Cell
D) None
5. After creating an initial test, you can further enhance it by adding and modi
fying steps in the or .
A) Keyword View
B) Expert View
C) Both A & B
D) You cannot enhance it.
6. You can also use the CheckProperty method, which enables you to verify thepro
perty value of an object without using the checkpoint interface.
A) CheckpointProperty
B) CheckProperty
C) VerifyProperty
D) CheckingProperty
7. While parameterizing tests, you can supply data from ..
A) data table
B) environment variables
C) values that QuickTest generates during the run session
D) All of above
E) None
8. QuickTest enables you to define the path to a resource that you are adding to
the file system or to Quality Center, as only a relative path.
A) True
B) False
9. Using relative paths means that the paths remain valid when files or folders
containing files are moved or copied to other locations or computers, provided t
hat they are moved within the same folder structure.
A) True
B) False
10. QuickTest resource files can be locked by QuickTest to protect the informati
on in the file from being overwritten.
A) True
B) False
1)d, 2)b, 3) a, 4) a, 5)c, 6) b, 7)d, 8) b, 9)a, 10) a
posted by sachin | 9:37 AM
1. Using File > Export Test to Zip File enables you to save together, conserving
space and making it easier to move a test.
A) configuration
B) run-time
C) setup data
D) Active Screen files
E) A,B & C
F) All of above
2. When you save a new test to the file system, QuickTest suggests a default fol
der called .
B) Test
C) Tests
D) QuickTest
3. To set Active Screen preferences, such as instructing QuickTest not to captur
e Active Screen files while recording or to only capture Active Screen informati
on under certain conditions, you can modify the Active Screen pane of the Option
s dialog box under...........
A) Tools > Option > Active Screen node
B) Tool > Options > Active Screen node
C) Tools > Options > Active Screen node
D) Tools > Options List > Active Screen node
4. To conserve disk space if you do not require the run results for later analys
is, or if you are saving an existing test under a new name and do not need the r
un results, clear the .............. check box.
A) Save run results
B) Save run Screens
C) Save run Screnshots
D) None of Above
5. Which of the following is not a valid option in QTP:
A) Save Function Library
B) Save Recovery Scenario
C) Save Shared Object Repository
D) Save Environment Variable File
E) Both C & D
F) All are Valid
6. If you clear the Save Active Screen files check box and then later want to ed
it your test using Active Screen options, you can regenerate the Active Screen i
nformation by performing an Update Run operation.
A) True
B) False
7. QuickTest does not support hidden files.
A) True
B) False
8. If a test has locked QuickTest resource files, you can open the test in .....
A) read-only mode
B) read-write mode
C) Write-only mode
D) Both A & B
9. Names and paths of tests and resources (for example, function libraries,
object repositories, and recovery scenarios) are Unicode compliant.
A) True
B) False
10. The keyword-driven methodology is especially useful for organizations that h
ave both technical and less technical users because it offers a clear division o
f automation tasks.
A) True
B) False
1)f, 2)c, 3) c, 4) a, 5)f, 6) a, 7)a, 8) d, 9)b, 10) a
1. The automation infrastructure usually includes ...................
A) one or more shared object repositories
B) one or more function libraries
C) Both A & B
D) None
2. QuickTest provides support for development environments using add-ins.
A) True
B) False
3. While you record your test steps, QuickTest creates test objects representing
the objects in your application on which you perform operations. This enables Q
uickTest to identify the objects in your application both while and .
A) creating a test
B) during a run session
C) Both A & B
B) None
4. By default, each test includes a single action, but can include multiple
A) True
B) False
5. By default, QuickTest records in the ............ recording mode.
A) Analog
B) Standard
C) Normal
D) Low Level
6. This method enables you to record the exact mouse and keyboard operations you
perform in relation to either the screen or the application window.
A) Analog
B) Standard
C) Normal
D) Low Level
7. When you record in Analog Recording mode, QuickTest adds to your test a .....
..... statement that calls the recorded analog file.
A) RunTime
B) RunAnalog
C) RunAction
D) None
8. You can switch to either Analog Recording or Low Level Recording in themiddle
of a recording session for specific steps.
A) True
B) False
9. QuickTest can record only on Web browsers that were opened after QuickTest.
A) True
B) False
10. QuickTest records the visual relation identifier property when recording ste
A) True
B) False
1)c, 2)a, 3) c, 4) a, 5)c, 6) a, 7)b, 8) a, 9)a, 10) b
1. You can use the Keyword View to add new steps to your test and but you cannot
view and modify existing steps.
A) True
B) False
2. In the keyword view, in a Value cell, press ....... to add line breaks (multi
-line arguments) to your argument value.
3. In a Value cell (keyword view),if you enter quotation marks as part of the ar
gument value, they are included in the argument value used during the run sessio
A) True
B) False
4. You can copy or cut a parent object together with only some of its child obje
A) True
B) False
5. In case of Keyboard Shortcuts in the Keyword View, Press.... to add a new ste
p below the currently selected step.
A) F9
B) F11
C) F8
D) F12
6. ....... tool enables you to encode passwords so that you can use the resultin
g strings as method arguments or data table parameter values (enabling you to pl
ace secure values into the data table).
A) Password Tool
B) Password coder Tool
C) Password decoder Tool
D) Passworder Tool
7. IntelliSense information works in the keyword view.
A) True
B) False
8. A test comprises calls from actions.
A) True
B) False
9. An action consists of its own test script, including all of the steps in that
action, and any objects in its shared object repository.
A) True
B) False
10. An action in QTP can correspond to more than one DataSheet.
A) True
B) False
1)b, 2)b, 3) a, 4) b, 5)c, 6) b, 7)a, 8) b, 9)a, 10) a
1. To modify a called, external action, you may or may not open the test with wh
ich the action is stored and make your modifications there.
A) True
B) False
2. Input values for an action parameter can be retrieved from any of the followi
A) the test (for a top-level action)
B) the parameters of the parent action that calls it (for a nested action)
C) the VBScript Engine
D) the output of a previous action call (for a sibling action)
3. Action parameters enable you
A) to transfer input values from your test to a top-level action,
B) to transfer input values from a parent action to a nested action,
C) to transfer input values from an action to a sibling action that occurs later
in the test.
D) to transfer output values from a step in an action to its parent action,
E) to transfer output values from a top-level action back to the script or appli
cation that ran (called) your test.
4. The actual value specified for an input action parameter and the location spe
cified for action output parameter cannot be different for each call to the acti
A) True
B) False
5. You can share a value that is generated in one action with other actions in y
our test by storing the value in the global data table. Other actions can then u
se the value in the data table as an ..... parameter.
A) input
B) output
C) both
D) none
6. As an alternative to using environment variables to share values between acti
ons, you can use the Dictionary object.
A) True
B) False
7. An action call in the Expert View can define
A) the action iterations,
B) inputparameter values,
C) output parameter storage locations,
D) an action return values.
E) Both A & B
8. An action call with parameters has the following syntax:
A) RunAction ActionCall, IterationQuantity, Parameters
B) RunAction ActionName, IterationQuantity, Parameters, Time
C) RunAction ActionName, IterationQuantity, Parameters,
D) RunAction ActionName, IterationQuality, Parameters
9. If you expect other users to open your tests and all actions in your tests ar
e stored in the same drive, you should use ....... paths for your reusable actio
ns so that other users will be able to open your tests even if they have mapped
theirnetwork drives differently.
A) Relative
B) Absolute
C) Any
D) None
10. If a test contains a call to an action from another test, and that other tes
was renamed in Quality Center, the original test name still appears (in
square brackets) in the Test Flow pane.
A) True
B) False
1)b, 2)a,b,d 3) a,b,c,d,e 4) b, 5)a, 6) a, 7)a,b,c,d 8) c 9)a, 10) a
posted by sachin | 8:46 AM
1. By default, QuickTest names the checkpoint using the name of the test object
on which the checkpoint was created.
A) True
B) False
2. When you run the test, QuickTest compares the expected results of the checkpo
int to the current results. If the results do not match, the checkpoint may or m
ay not fail.
A) True
B) False
3. Which of the following following examples illustrate situations in which inse
rting an existing checkpoint may be useful:
A) If each page of your application contains your organization s logo, you can reu
se a bitmap checkpoint to verify each occurrence in the application.
B) If your application contains multiple edit boxes, you can reuse a checkpoint
to confirm the enabled status of these edit boxes throughout your test.
C) Both A & B
D) None
4. Standard checkpoints are supported for all add-in environments
A) True
B) False
5. You create an image checkpoint by inserting a ..... checkpoint on an imageobj
A) standard
B) Pic
C) Image
D) Picture
6. You can create a bitmap checkpoint for any area in your application.
A) True
B) False
7. You create a table checkpoint by inserting a ...... checkpoint on a table obj
A) table
B) standard
C) webtable
D) tab
8. Text area checkpoints are supported for
A) all Windows-based environments
B) Java
C) Both A & B
D) None
9. Page checkpoints are only supported for the Web add-in environment
A) True
B) False
10.The XML Checkpoint option is supported for all add-in environments
A) True
B) False
1)a, 2)b 3) c 4) a, 5)a, 6) a, 7)b 8)c 9)a 10) a
1. After you insert a checkpoint step, the checkpoint object is added to the
...... object repository.
A) Shared
B) Local
C) Both
2. Return value of a checkpoint is a
A) numeric
B) string
C) boolean
D) variant
3. You can use the CheckProperty method to check specific property or itemproper
ty values.
A) True
B) False
4. Checkpoints that contain more than 64K of data may run slowly.
A) True
B) False
5. With Bitmap Checkpoint you can check an entire object or any area within an o
A) True
B) False
6. The results of bitmap checkpoints may be affected by factors such as
A) operating system,
B) screen resolution,
C) color settings,
7. The ........ determines the number or percentage of pixels in the actual bitm
ap that can differ from those in the expected bitmap and allow the checkpoint to
A) Image tolerance
B) RGB tolerance
C) pixel tolerance
D) Both A & C
8. ....... Specifies the time interval (in seconds) during which QuickTest attem
pts to perform the checkpoint successfully.
A) Checkpoint Time
B) Checkpoint TimeOut
C) Checkpoint TimeIn
D) Checkpoint Time Frame
9. A table checkpoint on a large table may take a long time to create and a long
time to run.
A) True
B) False
10 In Table Checkpoint Properties Dialog Box, in settings tab, Exact Match optio
n is available only when String Content is selected as the Verification type.
A) True
B) False
1)b, 2)c 3) b 4) a, 5)a, 6) a,b,c 7)c 8) b 9)a, 10) a
1. Text Checkpoint enables you to check that the text is displayed in a
......... according to specified criteria.
A) Screen
B) Window
C) Web page
D) All of Above
2. QTP can retrieve the text using an OCR (optical character recognition) mechan
A) True
B) False
3. You can create a check on a database to check the contents of the entire resu
lt set, and not a part of it.
A) True
B) False
4. You can modify the expected data of a database checkpoint before you run your
test. But you cannot make changes to the query in an existing database checkpoi
A) True
B) False
5. When you create a database checkpoint on one machine and try to run it on dif
ferent machine, you should have the same ........ installed on both machines.
A) DBC driver
B) DDBC driver
C) MDBC driver
D) ODBC driver
6. You can perform checkpoints on
A) XML documents contained in Web pages,
B) XML documents contained in frames,
C) on XML files,
D) on test objects that support XML
E) Both A & C
F) All of Above
7. XML documents and files often need a well-defined structure to be portable ac
ross platforms and development systems. One way to accomplish this is by develop
ing an ......, which describes the structure of the XML elements and data types.
A) XML schema
B) XML structured doc
8. XML checkpoints are not compatible with namespace standards.
A) True
B) False
9. What types of XML checkpoints you can create:
A) XML Web Page/Frame Checkpoint. Checks an XML document within a
Web page or frame.
B) XML File Checkpoint. Checks a specified XML file.
C) XML Test Object Checkpoint.
D) All of Above
10. QuickTest cannot generate the expected return values of an operation when yo
u insert an XML checkpoint on a Web service operation, but it can generate this
information after it runs the operation.
A) True
B) False
1)d, 2)a 3) b, 4) b, 5)d, 6) f, 7)a 8) b 9)d, 10) a
1. QuickTest cannot generate the expected return values of an operation when you
insert an XML checkpoint on a Web service operation.
A) True
B) False
2. The XML source on which you base your checkpoint must be
A) in a valid XML format,
B) confirm to W3 standards,
C) Both A or B
D) Both A and B
3. You can use the ....... button to confirm that the XML in your application or
file adheres to the structure defined in a specific XML schema or schemas.
A) Activate Schema Validation
B) Activate Structure Validation
C) Activate Schema Verification
D) Both A and B
4. If you are validating an XML file using a schema defined in the XML file, the
schema can be defined with ......
A) an absolute
B) relative path.
C) Both A and B
D) Both A or B
5. If there is a schema with a namespace defined in your XML document, the names
pace of the external schema may or may not be identical to the one defined in yo
ur document.
A) True
B) False
6. The path or URL of your XML schema file is Schema path or URL
A) True
B) False
7. When you parameterize the value of an object property for a local object, you
are modifying the test object description in the shared object repository.
A) True
B) False
8. You cannot parameterize values of operation arguments defined for a selected
A) True
B) False
9 You can parameterize a value using a test or action parameter only if the para
meter has been defined for the test or action.
A) True
B) False
10. You can also create test or action parameter output values that retrieve val
ues during the run session and store them for use at another point in the run se
A) True
B) False
1)a, 2)d 3)a, 4) d, 5)b, 6) a, 7)b, 8) b 9)a, 10) a
1. When you create a new data table parameter, a new column is added at the ....
. of the data table and the current value you parameterized is placed in the fir
st row.
A) Start
B) End
C) Middle
D) None
2. If you parameterize a value that is defined as a variant value, then when Qui
ckTest retrieves the value from the data table, it will retrieve it as a string.
A) True
B) False
3. Environment parameters can be used for testing the same application on differ
ent browsers.
A) True
B) False
4. You can create several external variable files with the same variable names a
nd different values and then run the test several times, using a different file
each time.
A) True
B) False
5. Variables that represent information about the test and the computer on which
the test is run, such as Test path and Operating system. These variables are ac
cessible from all tests, and are designated as ........
A) Read & Write only
B) Read Only
C) Write only
D) None
6. You cannot select built-in environment variables when parameterizing values.
A) True
B) False
7. You can also store environment variable files in Quality Center.
A) True
B) False
8. When working with Quality Center and environment variable files, you must sav
e the environment variable file in the ........ module in your Quality Center pr
oject before you specify the file in the Environment pane of the Test Settingsdi
alog box.

A) Test Management
B) Test Library
C) Test Resources
D) Any of Above
9. QuickTest also has a set of predefined environment variables that you can use
to set the values of the Record and Run Settings dialog options.
A) True
B) False
10. By outputting values to the global data table sheet from one action and usin
g them as input parameters in another action, you cannot pass values from one ac
tion to another.
A) True
B) False
1)b, 2)a 3) a 4) a, 5) b, 6) b, 7)a 8) c 9)a, 10) b

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