English III Brittany Contrera 1-20-1221 Grupo: 024 1. Notebook: Unit 3 Vocabulary and The Meaning

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English III

Brittany Contrera


Grupo: 024

1. Notebook: Unit 3 Vocabulary and the meaning.

2) Workbook:

21 ( A)
A. Complete the sentences with words from the box. Use the correct form.

1. My city does not have much nighlife. There are not many clubs or restaurants here.

2. Jason commute to work every day by bus. It takes 45 minutes.

3. Many people like to live in urban areas because there are lots of Jobs there.

4. I live near the airport , so it is very noisy. We can hear planes all night.

5. Kayla always drives on the highway because it is much faster than the small streets.

6. The population of Mexico City is more than 20 million people.

7. My grandparents live on a farm in a rural area. It is very quiet there.

8. Large cities are very crowded because there are so many people and cars.

9. My city has a big problem with traffic because many people have bought cars for the first time.

10. Paris has very good public transportation. There are buses, trains, and the subway.

22 (A, B)

A. Unscramble the sentences to make a conversation.


Tim: How do you like living in your neighborhood?

(has great nightlife/well/some problems/it/but/there/are)

Jesse: Well. There are some problems but It has great nightlife.

Tim: Like what?

(it/transportation/have/does not/good)

Jesse: It does not have have good transportation.

(problem/like/sounds/a/that/pretty big)

Tim: That sounds like a pretty big problem.

(the city/but/is building/now/a subway)

(better/we´ll/next year/transportation/have)

Jesse: The city is building a subway now but next year we´ll have better transportation.

B. Label the pictures with these expressions about neigborhoods.

A lot of noisy beautiful old buildings heavy traffic serious crime green space

1. Green space

2. Heavy traffic.

3. Serious crime.

4. Beautiful old buildings.

5. A lot of noisy.

26 ( A, B )

A. Complete the crossword puzzle using vocabulary and grammar from this unit.

1. A place with many stores (2 words).

8. all the cars on a street.

9. an adjective for “in the city”.

11. We´ll study hard we take the test.

12. with too many people in one place.

14. this tells you how big things on a map are.


1. a very tall building.

2. the number of people who live in a place.

3. things to do at night.

4. travel to work to another place.

5. one small part of a city.

6. an adjective for “in the country”.

7. in the year 2030, more people live in cities.

10. I´ ll wash dishes we eat dinner.

13. California is in the of the United States.

B. Complete the paragraph with words from the box.

I live in a nice (1) neighborhood in the city. There are a lot of (2) green spaces where you can enjoy
nature. But (3) heavy traffic is a problema; the city needs better (4) public transportation. It Will (5)
definitely improve (6) after they finish the new subway.

3) Student Book:

Page 31 ( C )

Write the words or phrases from the box in the correct column. Add two more ideas to each column.

Good things in a neighborhood Bad things in a neigborhood

Beautiful buildings Crime
Public transportation A lot of noisy
Trees and green spaces Heavy traffic
Many differents stores pollution

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