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David Copperfield is the main character in the novel “David Copperfield” of Charles Dickens.
He was a child who suffered a lot of miseries in his life, in the context of 19th
century England. The society in 19th century was full of child neglect and child abuse.
The adults were very cruel to the little boy David. They were willing to rob all the money
and belongings he had. However, David was still a courageous, determined and
strong-willed boy who was always eagle to come to Dover to find his aunt. At the
beginning of the trip, the donkey-cart driver robbed all of his money and luggage. David had
to start the journey with bare hands. Moreover, he had to sleep outside all the time and he
had to sell his clothes for pence and shillings. Nevertheless, he did not have any intention
to give up. He wanted to go on to find a new life in Dover. David was willing to stay
strong and calm to continue his trip. However, he was also a sentimental boy. When he
spent the first night outside his old school, David was so desperate and hopeless. He
missed his schoolmates and regretted the old days. Sometimes, he wished to be among them
in Salem House. David was so sentimental at that moment, but he had a strong motivation
inside him. That was the picture of his mother. His mother’s soul seemed to follow and
encourage him whenever he felt disappointed and helpless. He was so happy when he
reminisced about the young and beautiful image of mother in his mind. His mother
was really the guidelines for him to go on and also she eased away his tiredness and
exhaustion. She was always be in his mind until he reached Dover, a new place for his
better life.

From David we can see clearly Dicken’s humanism, or we can say that David is full of the
glory of human nature Dickens gave prominence to David’s quality of thinking highly of
friendship and stressing philanthropy. Streeforth, who was David’s classmate of childhood
once had protected David, and David respected their friendship all his life, he even considered
Streeforth as his good teacher and helpful friend. When the innocent girl Emily was cajoled
and abandoned by Streeforth, David was very angry at Streeforth’s dirty behavior, but on the
other hand, David was still to lerant and

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