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Mario Herrera • Christopher Sol Cruz

Assessment Package
ISBN-10: 0-13-304496-3; ISBN-13: 978--0-13-304496-6
© 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Mario Herrera • Christopher Sol Cruz

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Test-Taking Strategies
Students need to take quizzes and tests throughout their school careers. Creating a supportive,
stress-free environment for testing will help students perform well, and help to ensure that testing
provides an accurate reflection of students' knowledge and abilities. Share these strategies with
students to help them prepare for and take tests.

v' The best way to do well on tests is to do well in class, from day one.
• Pay attention every day.
• Be prepared.
• Ask questions when you are confused or need help.
v' Find out about the test you will have from your teacher. This helps you know what to study and
what to expect.
• What material will the test cover?
• What formats will be on the test?
Check the answer Multiple-choice
Circle the answer Oral interview
Draw Read and answer
Fill-in-the-blank True/false
Match Write
• How much time will you have for the test?
v' Prepare for the test the day before.
• Choose a comfortable, quiet place to study.
• Choose a time to study when you aren't tired or sleepy.
• Review your Student Book and Workbook.
• Review your class notebook, worksheets, quizzes, and tests.
v' Really study.
• Identify the information you know well and spend a little time reviewing it.
• Identify the information you don't know well and spend the most time studying it.
• Read difficult parts aloud or write them down. This helps you concentrate and remember
information better.
v' Try these strategies to help you remember information.
• Make flash cards or note cards and review them often.
• Make a drawing or a poster and hang it on a wall you see every day.
• Use graphic organizers, such as idea maps or outlines, to make sense of material. Organized
information is easier to remember.
• Use songs and chants to remember vocabulary and grammar.
• Visualize a picture that illustrates words or ideas you need to remember.

Two meanings of trunk:

1. the long, tube-like part of an
elephant's face used for feeding
and drinking
2. a large, strong box with a
lock and key; used for storing
objects and for traveling

Level 31 Diagnostic Pre-Test Name ______________

a Complete the dialogues. Write have or has.

1. A: What does Henry ______ to do?

B: He ___ ___ to make his bed.

2. A: What do they ______ to do?

B: They to wash the dishes.

,. Listen and write the correct number.

a. b. c.

d. e. f.

,-� fl Complete the sentences using the past tense of the verb in parentheses.

1. What ______ you do last Saturday? (do)

2. How ______ the party last night ? (be)
3. I ______ pancakes for breakfast yesterday. (eat)
4. We _ _____ to the zoo yesterday. (go)

a Complete the questions. Circle the correct for m of the verb.

r 1. Where did/ does/ do your mother work last year?

-=- 2. What did/ does/ do you do every Sun day morning?

3. What did/ does/ do your brother say to you yesterday?

4. What did/ does/ do Paul have to do tonight ?

Copyright© by Pearson Education, Inc. Level 3 3

Level 31 Diagnostic Pre-Test Name ---------------

Listen and write the correct number.

a. b. c. d.

£l Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

feels looks smell sounds tastes

1. This pie _______ delicious.

2. These flowers ------- nice.

3. This music _______ awful.

4-. This pillow _______ soft.

5. Her hair _______ messy.


ell Complete the sentences. Circle some or any.

1. There are some/ any pickles in the jar.

2. Is there some/ any milk on the table?

3. There are some/ any eggs in the refrigerator.

4-. There is some/ any ham on my sandwich.

5. There isn't some/ any cheese on my sandwich.

6. There aren't some/ any green peppers on my pizza.

Level 3 Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc.

· �ev� I 31 oiagtll»��u: ���;,�··· Name ---------------

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r-- Look at the schedule. Complete the sentences with before or after.
Claudia's Schedule
6:30 wake up 3:20 get home
6:45 get dressed 3:30 ride my bike
7:00 eat breakfast 4:45 do my homework
7:15 brush my teeth 5:30 play soccer
7:30 go to school 6:30 eat dinner

1. Claudia eats dinner ------- school.

2. She eats breakfast ------- school.

3. She gets dressed school.

4-. She plays soccer school.

,.� Listen. Number the activities in the correct order.

--- Eat breakfast

___ Wake up

--- Brush teeth

--- Get dressed

a Underline the subject in the sentences.

1. Paul likes to go to the zoo.

2. I play soccer every day.

a. Underline the verb in the sentences.

1. We go to the movies on Sunday.

._.,.. 2. Daniel watches television with his parents.

Copyright© by Pearson Education, Inc. Level 3 5

Unit 1 I Practice Test Name --------------

,. Listen. Write before or after.

1. Tony gets dressed _______ he eats breakfast.

2. He eats breakfast he brushes his teeth.

3. He gets dressed _______ he brushes his teeth.

4. He gets dressed he goes to school.

a Complete the sentences. Write the time.


1. I wake up at _______ 2. My sister eats lunch at _______

3. We leave school at ------- 4. I feed my dog at ______

6 Level 3 Copyright© by Pearson Education, Inc.

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Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

cleans does feeds makes wakes up

1. My friend Julio ___ ___ at 6 o'clock in the morning.

2. Then he his bed.
3. Before school, he ____ __ his dog.
4. After school, he his homework.
5. He his room before he goes to bed.

� Cl Look at the schedule. Circle T for True or F for False.

Monday Wednesday , I Friday

play basketball eye doctor play basketball
4:00- 5:00 4:15-5:00 5:30- 6:30
piano lesson go to park free
4:30- 5:30 3:30- 5:00
walk dog play soccer walk dog
5:30- 6:00 5:00-6:00 5:30- 6:00

1. All three girls are busy from 4:00 to 4:30 on Monday. T F

2. Patty is free at 4:30 on Wednesday. T F
3. Only Meena and Patty are free on Wednesday at 5:30. T F
4. All three gir ls are busy at 5:00 on Monday. T F

5. All three gir ls are free on Friday from 5:30 to 6:00. T F

Answer the questions. Complete the sentences.

1. What do you do before you go to school?

Before I go to school, I -----------------------
2. What does your family do a fter dinner ?
After dinner, my family _______________________

3. What do you do before you go to bed?

Before I go to bed, I ________________________

Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc. Level 3 7

Unit 1 I Unit Test · Name ---------------

a Look. Write the time.

1. She wakes up at _______

2. He eats breakfast at -------

3. She brushes her teeth at -------

4. She does her homewor k at -------

5. He watches TV at -------

(. Listen. Number the activities in the correct order.

--- Do homewor k --- Eat dinner

--- Watch TV __ Walk the dog

a Look at Ethan's schedule. Answer the questions.

1. What does Ethan do before soccer practice?

3:30 M

2. What does Ethan do after soccer practice?


3. What time does he eat dinner ?

4. What time is his piano lesson?

8 Level 3 Copyright© by Pearson Education, Inc.

, tlnit'1 I Unit Test
' ' '
... · ··. Name ______________

ri Cl Read the sentences. Underline the subject. Circle the verb.

1. Parents give good advice.

2. Soap kills bacteria.
3. I shower every day.
4. Toothpaste cleans your teeth.
5. You have nice teeth.

a Tell about a chore you do at home or school. Write two or three sentences.

Q Answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. Whot do you do on Saturday mornings?

r 2. What do you do on Saturday afternoons?


3. Do you like Saturdays? Why or why not?

Copyright© by Pearson Education, Inc. Level 3 q

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Unit 1 I SpeakingAs�;�.;;;p
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10 Level 3 Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc.

Un it q \ Practice Test Name --------------

Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. Use some words
more than once.

did (2x)

1. Where _______ you _______ yesterday?

2. I _______ to the zoo yesterday.
3. What _______ you _______ there?
4. I different animals.
5. Did Kenny _______ to the zoo?
6. Yes, he to the zoo, too!

Q Complete the dialogues. Circle the correct word.

1. A: Where did/ does your class go yesterday?

B: They goes/ went to a dairy farm.

2. A: What did/ do they see/ saw at the farm?

B: They saw/ sees the farmer milk a cow.

a Answer the questions. Write sentences.

1. Where do you go to learn about paintings?

2. Where do you go to see a live elephant ?

3. Where do you go to hear some music?

Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc. Level3 67

Unit q I Unit Test Name --------------

,. Listen and write the correct number.

a. -- b. -- c. ---

fl Complete the sentences. Write go or went.

1. Where did your class ______ on field trips last year?

2. My class ______ on lots of field trips last year.
3. We to three parks and a m useum.
4. Where did you yesterday?
5. We didn't anywhere yesterday.

a Complete the sentences. Circle the correct verb.

1. The cows on the dair y far m is/ are quiet today.

2. The woman on the stage dances/ dance ever y day.
3. The men in the play talks/ talk a lot.
4. He like / likes the concer t.

5. The students go/ goes to the park a lot.

6. She want / wants to go to the zoo.

68 Level3 Copyright© by Pearson Education, Inc.

Unit q J Unit Iesi • · ·· · · Name --------------

Q Complete the dialogue. Use the words from the box. Use a capital letter
- when necessary.

aquarium did(3x) do go saw was went were

Dad: Where your class yesterday?

1. 2.
Pete: We to the
3. 4.
Dad: What you there?
5. 6.
Pete: Well, we some big shar ks. They scary.
7. 8.
Then we saw the penguin show.

Dad: _______ you like it ?


- a
Pete: Yes, it _______ funny.

Write sentences about a field trip you want to take.

1. Where do you want to go?

2. Why do you want to go?

3. What do you want to do or see there?

a Write two or three sentences about something you did yesterday.

Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc. Level3 6q

Unit q I Speaking Assessment Prompts

70 Level3 Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc.

Unit q I Speaking Assessment Prompts

1. Have each student draw a picture of one of the field trips they read about and imagine they just
went on that trip. Ask individual students, Where did you go? What did you see? Have them
describe what is in the picture in the simple past tense: I went..., I saw ...
Challenge: Ask students if they liked their field trip. Have them use their drawing to discuss
whether the trip was interesting or boring, and why.
2. Ask individual students to pick one of the locations in the illustrations. Then ask them
questions about their location. Where did you go? What did you do? Did you like it? Why?
Why not? Remind students to answer in complete sentences.


Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc. Level 3 71

Level 3 j Final Exam Name --------------

. •

• Listen and check the correct box.

1. a. b.

2. a. b.

3. a. b.

I.I. a. b.

a Look at the pictures. Then complete the sentences.

1. The sweater ------ soft. 2. The band ------ aw ful.

3. The pie ______ delicious. I.I. The flowers ------ nice.

80 Level3 Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc.
Level 31 Final Exam Name --------------

Q Look. Complete the questions and answers.

1. there any milk? No, there isn't milk.

2. there any onions? Yes, there are onions.

3. Is there bread? No, there isn't bread.

4-. Are there pickles? Yes, there are pickles.

s. there any green peppers? Yes, there are

green peppers.

there any mustar d? Yes, there is mustar d.

What do you and your parent /parents do on the weekends? Write two or
three sentences.

& It is hot and sunny. What do you wear ? Write two or three sentences.

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Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc. J, Level3 81
Editing Items (And Instructions) You Wish To Change
Highlight the items or the instructions you wish to change. Click on
the Edit button at the bottom of the screen as shown in Figure 6. You
will now see a screen that looks like Figure 7.
Highlight any word or words within the Question field (the top half
of the screen) and edit the item in the same manner as you would on
a word processor. (For example, space ship could be changed to train.)
(I) =,&• ___ soft.

Be sure to edit the answer in the Answer field (the bottom half of the
screen) as appropriate.
Click on the Record button at the bottom of the screen.
Your edited item will now appear on your customized test.
If you wish to change the instructions, highlight them and
edit them in the same way as you would edit an item.

Writing New Items For Your Test

• • • • I • • • 1 • • • I • • • 2 • • • 1 • • • 3 • • • I • • • 4 • • • 1 • • •

If you want to write new items that are not included in the test, click feels

on the New button at the bottom of the screen as shown in Figure 6.

You will now see a screen similar to Figure 8.
Choose the item type you wish to use for your question, then click on
OK. For Big English, it is recommended that you select from
the following types:
- Figure 7
True/False Completion
Modified True/False . Short Answer
Multiple Choice
Multiple Response
Essay --------��--,
r TrudFMle r-�
Yes/No Listening
{"' UOdllodTl\.le.fabe r-
r·..._OIOieo r SholtAMWW
r......,....,... r­
The editor window will open (the same window that you used to edit "'­
an item). Write your question and the answer choices, if applicable.
Exam View will automatically number the item. Remember to set the
answer for the question. When finished, click on Record to save your
item. Repeat these steps for each new item you wish to write.
Figure 8
Adding New Questions
In Exam View, each listening and reading section has been treated as a single "item'' in order to protect the integrity
of the Big English tests. Choose Listening only if you wish to create a listening section.
To add a new listening question, highlight the listening section you wish to change. Click on the Edit button at
the bottom of the screen. Type in a new question. (You may need to renumber items as appropriate.) Click on the
Record button.
Note: If you decide to edit, delete, or add items to the listening section, the item numbers may not match what
students hear on the audio.

Saving, Printing, And Closing Your Test

To save your test, click on the Save icon on the toolbar. !If} Your test is not actually saved before this, even though
you named the test at the start.
To print your test, click on the Print icon on the toolbar. t€iI
� -
7J; .���jC.1J
To close your test, go to the File menu and click on Close.
For other ways to create tests or to view System Requirements, please see the CD-ROM. .,,

Share in your students' success.
Watch them excel in English.
BIG ENGLISH prepares students for the

challenges they will find in today's world:
• CLIL: because students are learning
English and so much more

• 21st Century Skills: because students

want to get ahead and need to be
prepared for the world around them
• Assessment for Learning: because
confidence leads to success

Think Big! Dream Big!


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