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&TERROR Pages 523 - 530

• Everyone, all levels of society,
afraid during Great Fear
• Attacks on upper estates
SETTING THE • Manor houses burned
STAGE • Prior to women's march, some
nobles and clergy in National
Assembly responded to uprisings
in emotional late-night meeting
August 4, 1789, Nobles makes speeches on love of liberty and
• Motivated by fear
• Joined others in sweeping feudal privileges of 1st and
2nd estate away
• By morning, Old Regime was dead
• Weeks later, Assembly adopted statement
of revolutionary ideas: The Declaration of
the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
• Language emphasized equality of all men,
promoted development of human rights
• "men are born and remain free and equal in rights"

THE RIGHTS OF • "liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression"

• Outlined civil rights to protect individual
MAN freedoms
• Equal justice, freedom of speech, freedom of religion

• Revolutionary leaders adopted "Liberty,

Equality, and Fraternity" as their motto
• Did not apply to everyone
• Olympe de Gouges published declaration on rights for women,
it was rejected
• Executed as enemy of the Revolution in 1793
• Early reforms in Nat'l Assem focused on the church
• Took over church lands, church officials and priests would be
elected + paid as state officials
• Church lost lands and political independence
• Reasons were economic
• Sale of lands helped pay off French debt

• Reforms alarmed peasants – devout Catholics

• Idea in accord with Enlightenment, but still offended peasants
• Believed Pope should rule church
• From this point, peasants opposed reforms
• Advisors warned
Louis that he and his
family were in danger
• Many supporters of the
monarchy left France
• June 1791, Luis and
family tried to escape to
Austrian Netherlands
• Apprehended near border and
returned to Paris, under guard
• Attempt increased
influence of radical
enemies in gov't and
LOUIS TRIES TO ESCAPE sealed his fate

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