55265A - Microsoft PowerApps - Skillpipe - Mod - 0

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28/5/2020 Module 0: Course Overview

Module 0: Course Overview

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
No aro be No aro be
un ara long un ara long
au au
tho ujo3 s to tho ujo3 s to
riz @ A riz @ A
ed gm lvar ed gm lvar
co ail o co ail o
pie .co Arau pie .co Arau
sa m jo. sa m jo.
llo llo
we we
d! d!

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
me m
alv nt alv ent
No aro be No a be
un ara long un roara long
au a
tho ujo3 s to uth uj
ori o3@ to Al
riz @ Alv z
ed g ma aro ed g ma varo
co i co
pie l . c A r piebe ireproduced
l.c Ar
Copyright © Combined Knowledge s a oLtd. m Allaurights
jo. reserved. No part of this manual may s a om
au in any form
or by any method without the expressed, l l o written consent of Combined Knowledge. l l o
we we
d! d!

Please call 44-1455-200-520 for more information.

V 2.0

Table ofThContent Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
No aro be No a be
g un roara long
au au
tho ujo3 s to tho ujo3 s to
riz @ A riz @ A
COURSE gm lvar
ed MODULES ed gm lvar
co a o co a o
pie il.co Arau pie il.co Arau
MANUAL sa m jo.
all llo
ow we
ed d!



Th Th
is is
cu cu
m m
tb ENVIRONMENT alv ent
N a N a b

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28/5/2020 Module 0: Course Overview



The UK and Based SharePoint Communities



Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
Course NModules
ou a roa belo No aro be
na r n un ara long
uth aujo gs to au
tho ujo3 s to
ori 3@ Alv riz @ A
d c gma ar ed gm lvar
op il.c o Ara co ail
pie .co Arau
ies om ujo sa m jo.
all . llo
ow we
ed d!

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
No aro be No aro be
un ara long un ara long
au au
tho ujo3 s to tho ujo3 s to
riz @ A riz @ A
ed gm lvar ed gm lvar
co ail o co ail o
pie .co Arau pie .co Arau
sa m jo. sa m jo.
llo llo
we we
d! d!

This two-day class includes a total of nine modules. Modules 1 to 8 include discussions, diagrams, scenarios and
screen shots and will be presented by your instructor. Module 9 includes step by step labs for you to follow in the
test environment.
Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
me me
Using the No Course
a lva n t b Manual
e N
a lva nt b
un roara long ou
rau ongs
au u jo s u jo
tho to tho to
riz 3@g A riz 3@g A
ed ma lvaro ed ma lvaro
co co
pie il.co Arau pie il.co Arau
sa m jo. sa m jo.
llo llo
we we
d! d!

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
N a b N a b

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28/5/2020 Module 0: Course Overview

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
No aro be No aro be
un ara long un ara long
au au
tho ujo3 s to tho ujo3 s to
riz @ A riz @ A
ed gm lvar ed gm lvar
co ail o co ail o
pie .co Arau pie .co Arau
sa m jo. sa m jo.
llo llo
we we
d! d!

The course manual is yours to keep at the end of the course and includes all of the information that you will need to
understand, use, create and manage Power Apps. Here in module 0 we describe how the manual will be used
during yourTinstructor
his led course. Th
do do
cu cu
me m
alv nt alv ent
No aSlides b e N a roa belo
un roara long ou
n r n
tho ujo3 s to
a uth aujo gs to
A ori 3
gm lvar ze @gm Alva
oA dc r
co ail
pie .co rau op ail.c o Ara
sa m jo. i es o m ujo
llo all .
we ow
d! ed

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
No a be No a be
un roara long un roara long
au au
tho ujo3 s to tho ujo3 s to
riz @ A riz @ A
ed gm lvar ed gm lvar
co a o co a o
pie il.co Arau pie il.co Arau
sa m jo. sa m jo.
llo llo
we we
d! d!

To allow you to focus on the training we have taken all the information that you need to be successful in each
course topic and have included it in the course materials. This includes a copy of each PowerPoint slide from the
instructors slide deck, background information, diagrams and common problems.
Th Th
is i
do not ask you to read the course manual from cover tos cover,
Your instructor will do
cu cu instead they will present the
me me
information to you
alv withna
t bvariety of demonstration and group discussions ato
lvahelpntyou understand the content and
N a N b
make it easier to digest.
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28/5/2020 Module 0: Course Overview

Hands on Labs and Steps

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
No aro be No aro be
un ara long un ara long
au au
tho ujo3 s to tho ujo3 s to
riz @ A riz @ A
ed gm lvar ed gm lvar
co ail o co ail o
pie .co Arau pie .co Arau
sa m jo. sa m jo.
llo llo
we we
d! d!

After the instructor

Th has guided you through each course module youTthen get the chance to test your understanding
is his
by following a series do practice the techniques and
cu of Hands on Labs. These offer you a chance to put into cu
meacquired during the course module. m
knowledge you havealv nt alv ent
No aro be No a be
un ara long un roara long
au uj st a ujo st
Hands on Labs arethnot ori ano3exam oso feel free to ask your instructor for help uand
tho discuss o
ze @gm Alva riz 3@gthe Alabs lva with other members
d r oA e d m r
of your class. co ail
pie .co rau
cop a il.c o Ar
i es o au
sa m jo. all
m jo.
llo o
we we
Hands on labs are all found in moduled!9. d!

This course manual includes step by step guides to create and manage Power Apps. These guides use visual
references to allow you to easily follow the same process after the course.

Th Th
The example ibelow
oc shows the styles of numbering used, and how the imouse
oc pointer icon will guide you to the
um um
option that needs
a to be
e ntclicked. a en
No lvar be No lvar tb
un oa lon un oa ng
au r a g s a r a
tho Apps u jo3 to u tho u jo3 s to
2. Click on Power riz @ A riz @ A
ed gm lvar ed gm lvar
co a o co a o
pie il.co Arau pie il.co Arau
3. Click Settings, then Admin m
s a center jo. s m jo.
llo all
we ow
d! e d!

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
N a b N a b

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28/5/2020 Module 0: Course Overview

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
me m
alv nt alv ent
No aro be No a be
un ara long un roara long
au a
tho ujo3 s to uth uj s
ori o3@ to Al
@ Alv
Text that is Bold suchrizas edPower gm Apps aro is used to identify clickable items. Entries zein thegm
dc step by va step guides that
co ail A o ail Ar
have an Italic font represent references
ies . c r
om onauthe screen like headings and categories. ie p . c o au
all jo. sa m jo.
ow llo
ed w ed
! !
Throughout the course manual, you will see three icons in the left margin of the page; these icons are used to
identify Notes, Tips, and Warnings.

Th Th
isTips are useful pieces of advice such as keyboard shortcuts is
do do that are not immediately obvious -
cu c
these are some me of the most useful nuggets of information. If you areuskimming m through the course manual
alv nt alv ent
afterNoa course,
aro keep be a look out for tips. No a b e
un ara long un roara long
au u jo s a u u jo st
tho to tho oA
riz 3@g Alv riz 3@g
ed ma aro ed ma lvaro
co co
pie il.co Arau pie il.co Arau
sa m jo. sa m jo.
llo llo
Warnings tell you when w eda process is potentially dangerous for example if a process w ed to delete a
! !
document would be permanent and cannot be reversed.

Notes are pieces of information that provide additional relevant detail for the process or action, for
Th if one program works well with another program this
This slightly off topic but still useful to know so
is be included as a note.
it would is
do do
cu cu
me m
alv nt alv ent
No a b e N o u aroa belo
un roara long na r n
tho ujo3 s to uth aujo gs to
Training Environment riz @ A
gm lvar
o riz 3 @ A
gm lvar
ed o ed o
co a co a
pie il.co Arau pie il.co Arau
sa m jo. s all
m jo.
llo ow
we e
d! d!

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
N a b N a b

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28/5/2020 Module 0: Course Overview

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
No aro be No aro be
un ara long un ara long
au au
tho ujo3 s to tho ujo3 s to
riz @ A riz @ A
ed gm lvar ed gm lvar
co ail o co ail o
pie .co Arau pie .co Arau
sa m jo. sa m jo.
llo llo
we we
d! d!

The TestThEnvironment
oc cu
um me
For some classes e
alv yourntinstructor will create a test environment for you and alv provident you with the required username
No aro be No a roa belo
u a l
and password. Ifnayour rinstructoro u
has not created a test environment it willntake
uth aujo gs to
n au about rau 15 ng minutes for you to create
jo3 s to
ori to create t h ori 1. @
one yourself. The steps ze @gm a Alvtest environment are listed in module 9, lab ze Alv
dc a
aro d c gma aro
op il A op il A
ies .com rauj ies .com rauj
a o .
If in doubt, please check with yourlloinstructor before creating your own test environment, there a o.
llo is no benefit in
we we
having two test environments. d ! d !

Online Training – using GoToMeeting

If you are attending this course online rather than in a classroom the session is hosted by an instructor via
GoToMeeting. The diagram below introduces a few of the components of GoToMeeting that you will find useful.

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
No a be No a be
un roara long un roara long
au au
tho ujo3 s to tho ujo3 s to
riz @ A riz @ A
ed gm lvar ed gm lvar
co a o co a o
pie il.co Arau pie il.co Arau
sa m jo. sa m jo.
llo llo
we we
d! d!

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
N a b N a b

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28/5/2020 Module 0: Course Overview

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
No aro be No aro be
un ara long un ara long
au au
tho ujo3 s to tho ujo3 s to
riz @ A riz @ A
ed gm lvar ed gm lvar
co ail o co ail o
pie .co Arau pie .co Arau
sa m jo. sa m jo.
llo llo
we we
d! d!

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
me m
alv nt alv ent
No aro be No a be
un ara long un roara long
Microphone – When a uth you a
uj first sjoin the GoToMeeting your Microphone will automatically
uth ujo sbe muted so no one can
o i o3@ to Al o 3@ to A
hear you. If you wish rto zespeakgm
dc you va need to click the Microphone icon, whenrizyou
ro ed g
havemafinished lva
ro talking you can
o ail A co i l Ar
click the same icon again to pmute ies your . co microphone.
rau pie . c au
m jo. s a om jo.
ow llo
ed w ed
! !

Chat – To talk to everyone in the training session simply type your message or question into the chat window. The
trainer and other delegates will see your message. Beneath the chat window you may notice a To: field. Here you
can select the
Th trainer or a specific delegate if you would like to chat privately Th to them.
is is
do do
cu cu
me me
Participants a n a lvawillnuse
lva –t bHere you will see the trainer’s desktop. TheNtrainer
roa belo
this window to present slides
un roara you
and present. Additionally, n g will also see your trainer via a web cam
that also rappears
a ng in this window. The
au au
tho ujo3 s to tho ujo3 s to
trainer’s webcam canribe @
ze pinned A
to ldifferent
va sides of the screen based on your rpreference.
ize @ APlease
lva note that as a
d c gma ro d c gma ro
delegate, you are not required op to ihavel.c aAwebcam to attend the course. o i l . c A
ies om rauj pie
s a om
all o.
ow l l ow
ed ed
! !
Additional Resources

After your training course visit the Combined Knowledge website for information about other training courses and to
download free white papers on specific SharePoint topics.

Th Courses and Support tools Th
is is
do do
cu cu
me me
a n
lva tb free N a
whitelvpapers nt
N a b

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28/5/2020 Module 0: Course Overview

https://www.youtube.com/user/combinedknowledge/videos Videos

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
No aro be No aro be
un ara long un ara long
au au
tho ujo3 s to tho ujo3 s to
riz @ A riz @ A
ed gm lvar ed gm lvar
co ail o co ail o
pie .co Arau pie .co Arau
sa m jo. sa m jo.
llo llo
we we
d! d!

Th Th
is is
If you are looking do for a local group of SharePoint experts in the UK, consider
do joining the free groups below who hold
cu cu
meSharePoint community. For international delegates, look m
regular events for alv the nt alv eout nt for SharePoint Saturday groups
No aro be No a r be
in your country.un ara long un o ara long
au a
tho ujo3 s to uth uj
ori o3@ to Al
riz @ Alv z
ed g ma aro ed g ma varo
The UK and Based coSharePoint
pie il . c A rau Communities co
pie il.co Arau
s a om jo. sa m jo.
llo llo
we we
d! d!

Th Th
is is
http://uk.communities.tech/ do
cu cu
me m
alv nt alv ent
No aro b e N o u aroa belo
Also, look out for ara loevents
un upcoming n g led by Combined Knowledge and theirnapartners.
r n
These events showcase the
t o ujo3 s to uth aujo gs to
ultimate Office 365 heventriz @
experience A
gm lvar with internationally renowned speakers, ovendors
riz 3 @ A
gm alvvariety
and of seminars.
ed o ed aro
For more information on our a
co events co a
pie il.cosubscribe
to our newsletter pie il.co Arau
sa m jo. sa m jo.
llo llo
we we
https://secure.campaigner.com/CSB/Public/Form.aspx?fid=1517150 d!

Lab 0 – Setting up Office 365

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
N a b N a b

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28/5/2020 Module 0: Course Overview

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
No aro be No aro be
un ara long un ara long
au au
tho ujo3 s to tho ujo3 s to
riz @ A riz @ A
ed gm lvar ed gm lvar
co ail o co ail o
pie .co Arau pie .co Arau
sa m jo. sa m jo.
llo llo
we we
d! d!

Please turn to Module 9 pages 3-6 to begin the process of setting up your Office 365 tenant for this course. You are
only required to complete Lab 0 if your instructor has not provided you with an Office 365 tenant for your training
course. Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
me m
alv nt alv ent
Manual Version
N ou a roa Updates
b el N ou a roa belo
na rau ongs na r n
uth jo3 t o uth aujo gs to
ori ori 3
ze @gm Alva ze @gm Alva
dc ro dc r
a il
op UPDATES A op ail.c o Ara
ies .com rauj ies om ujo
all original version
1.0 The ow on this course was based on a 2-dayaformat llo
w which. included
ed ed
RELEASED – 21/09/2018 !
both Microsoft Power Automate as well as Microsoft Power Apps. ! This new manual
has been authored to provide a more in-depth Power Apps experience and
Microsoft Forms is now covered in a separate 1-day class.
2.0 Microsoft have rebranded PowerApps as Power Apps to correspond with Flow
RELEASED – 12/01/2020 being rebranded as Power Automate. These changes are reflected in this course
update alongside the latest licensing updates and the introduction of Power Apps
Th Portals. Finally we have overhauled aThcouple of the exercises to introduce some
is is
do new ideas and features. do
cu cu
me m
alv nt alv ent
No a b e N o u aroa belo
un roara long na r n
tho ujo3 s to uth aujo gs to
riz @ A o riz 3 @ A
ed gm lvar ed gm lvar
co a o co a o
pie il.co Arau pie il.co Arau
sa m jo. s all
m jo.
llo ow
we e
d! d!

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
m m
alv ent alv ent
N a b N a b

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