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Nama : Aditya Elmadhani Whilujeng

Kelas : XIII MT

No. :2

Mapel : B.Ing ( Personal Letter & Bussines Letter)


Rosa Gomez
Sr. Project Manager
Crane & Jenkins
555 Apple Lane
Seattle, WA

July 1, 2025

Martin Love
Sr. Data Analyst
Cloud Clearwater
100 Orange Circle
Seattle, WA

Dear Mr. Love,

It is my pleasure to strongly recommend Wendy Jones for the Jr. Data Analyst role with
Cloud Clearwater. I am Rosa Gomez, a project manager at Crane & Jenkins. I have 12 years
of experience working in the tech industry and have seen many young professionals come
and go. Ms. Jones is one individual I have worked with who uniquely stands out.

During our time together, Wendy displayed great talents in data analytics. When we first met,
I was immediately impressed with Wendy, but during the time worked together, her
understanding of analyzing data to achieve results for our company grew far more than that
of her peers.

It’s not just her technical skills that impress me, however. Wendy was a joy to work with
because of her amazingly positive attitude and ability to communicate across teams. Her
focus and attention to detail were also necessary and valued not just by myself, but by her
peers, who often relied on her to get the job done.

I am absolutely confident that Wendy would be a great fit at Cloud Clearwater. Not only will
she bring the kind of skills and experiences you’re looking for in an applicant, she will
quickly become an asset and help your company grow in any way she can.
If you need more information or specific examples, please do not hesitate to contact me at
555-111-9999. As a recommendation letter likely only provides a snapshot of her talents and
achievements, I would be happy to further elaborate on my time working with her.


Rosa Gomez
Sr. Marketing Manager
December 25, 2009

No. : 499/12/CP/2009 Subject: Confirmation letter

Citra Puspita Head of Art Department Bandung Art Company 24 Cipaganti Street Bandung

Dear Ms. Puspita,

This is to confirm the appointment requested by your company on your behalf in regard to
matters of new art project. The meeting will be held in the Hotel Bandung at 7:30 pm.

The meeting will be attended by the manager art department from our behalf. The meeting
has been approved by the highest officials and is expected to bring fruitful result.


Juju Bandung Head of Administrative Department


01 Kowel Jaya Street 
69317 Pamekasan

30 January 2019

Hi Wiwin,

How was your day? I hope you fine there. I am writing this from the cutest little stall in
Kowel village, Pamekasan! I feel like I’m in home!

Dad has been making sure we didn’t miss one sight in this huge village, so we’ve been
walking practically all day. So far we have seen Kowel Garden, The Batik center, and Central
souvenir (15 August market). Kowel Garden has some guardhouses for its visitor. It also has
a pool in the middle of garden. This garden nice enough I think, because you'll find several
food traders in the east. You can buy juice, snack and some others there. I look every visitors
fell happy having a snack in this garden.

Moreover, I caught a glimpse of craftsman while he was making Batik in his production
place. But, we are going to observe it properly tomorrow. In the central souvenir, we found
kinds of metal craft. People here call those craft as Celurit. I was afraid when visiting this
place because all things that offered in this market need your careful. You need to know that
Celurit is sharp metal craft which shaped like alphabet C. Cool but cruel also.

I need to go to the other place, we have finished our rest in the stall. Miss you times a million,
see you back in Pademawu.

Your Friend,


P.S I’m bringing you back a handicraft!

Jakarta, 6 April 2019
88 Boswel Road
Oxford OX4 3HP

Dear My Beloved Friend Fitri,

How are you today? Hopefully you are fine. It's been a while since you left me. My family
and I are missing you a lot.

How is your college life? Is it running smoothly as you expected? I guess you'll be one of the
best in the class, because you are really smart, haha.

Okay, I think that's all for now. I want to hear everything about your new life there. Please
don't forget to reply my letter! See you and goodluck!

With Love,

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