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UNIT-III 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2 >2

Even Odd Even Odd Odd Even Odd Even Odd Even Odd Even Odd Odd    
2       T(2)     T(2)            
Phototube 2 0
Photo 2                          
Multiplier 0 3
Tube (PMT)  
  T(6)                   T(4)  
>2 T(7)
2   T(2)     T(2) T(2)       T(2)      
Photo T(2)
5 2
cells       T(10),T(8)                  
2           T(2)            
photo diodes,    
1 6
  T(4)         T(8)     T(8)   T(6)  
>2 T(6),T(3)
comparison of 2     T(2)                    
photoelectric 1 4
      T(6) T(8)   T(8)     T(8)      
photometric 2       T(2)                 T(2)  
applications of
photo electric T(6) T(8),T(8)  
transducers >2                 T(8)   T(6)   2 5
Piezoelectric 2 T(2)
      T(2)           T(2)      
>2   T(16)     T(8)     T(8)             3 3
applications as 2   T(2)       T(2)              
pressure &
Ultrasound T(16)  
transducer >2     T(8) T(8) T(8),T(16)   T(8)         T(16)   2 7

Photo diodes, phototransistor - comparison of photoelectric transducers - pectro photometric applications of photo electric transducers- biomedical applications as
pressure & Ultrasound transducer

1. What is phototube? (nov/dec2011) (2 marks)(2Times)

Scintillation counter

Photo Multiplier Tube (PMT)

1. Write short notes on(apr/may2015)(may/june2012)
i) Photo transistors(4)
ii) Photomultiplier tube(6)
iii) Spectro Photometer(6)
2. Write short notes on:
i) Photomultiplier tube (7)
ii) Phototransistor (6)
iii) Photodiodes(3)

Photovoltaic, Photo conductive cells

1. What is the principle of photo voltaic cells? (apr/may 2015) (2 marks)(1Times)
2. What is the principle of photo conductive cells? (nov/dec2013) (2 marks)(1Times)
3. Explain the construction , characteristics and application of photovoltaic cell. (apr/may2014)(10)
4. Explain the principle and bio medical application of the following (apr/may2014)
i) Photo Conductive cell(8)
ii) Ultrasound Transducers(8)

Photo diodes, phototransistor

3. List the applications of photodiode. (nov/dec2011) (2 marks)(1Times)
4. What is the principle of phototransistor? (nov/dec2010) (2 marks)(1Times)
5. Write short notes on(apr/may2015)(may/june2012)
iv) Photo transistors(4)
v) Photomultiplier tube(6)
vi) Spectro Photometer(6)
6. Write short notes on:
iv) Photomultiplier tube (7)
v) Phototransistor (6)
vi) Photodiodes(3)
7. Discuss the characteristics of Photodiodes and Phototransistor? (nov/dec2010)(8)

Comparison of photoelectric transducers

1. How are the photoelectric transducers classified basically? (may/june 2014) (2 marks)(1Times)
2. Define the properties of piezoelectric elements? (nov/dec2010)
3. Describe the principle of photoelectric pulse transducer. (apr/may2014)(nov/dec2013)(6)
4. Compare the colorimetric and non-calorimetric applications of photoelectric transducer? (may/june2014)(8)

Pectro photometric applications of photo electric transducers

1. Highlight the bio-medical applications of spectro-photometry?( may/june2014)(nov/dec2010)(8)
2. How will you measure the pulse rate deploying a photoelectric transducer? Explain? (nov/dec2012)(8)

Piezoelectric active transducer

1. Which features of piezoelectric crystals are responsible for their wide spread application in biomedical studies? (may/june2014)
2. Define piezoelectric effect? (nov/dec2013)
3. Explain the principle of piezoelectric transducer and derive the expression . Also give its medical applications? (apr/may2015)(nov/dec2010)(16)
4. How piezoelectric transducers used for acceleration measurement application? (nov/dec2011)(4)

Biomedical applications as pressure & Ultrasound transducer.

1. List out the biomedical application of ultrasound transducer? (apr/may2015) (2 marks)(1Times)

2. Using an ultrasound transducer how will you determine the blood flow rate (may/june2014)(nov/dec2011)(8)
3. Explain how photoelectric transducer used as Ultrasound Transducers.(nov/dec2013)(8)
4. Explain the principle of an ultrasonic transducer. Also mention the various bio-medical applications of ultrasonic transducer? (may/june2012)(16)
5. Analyze the working of automatic blood pressure monitors based on ultrasonic detection of arterial wall motion? (nov/dec2012)(8)
6. How will you measure the heart beat of a foetus deploying ultrasound transducer? Explain? (nov/dec2012)(16)
7. Briefly discuss about the capacitor microphone for sound measurement. (nov/dec2011)(4)
8. Discuss optical fiber displacement sensors? (apr/may 2010)(8)
9. Explain with suitable diagrams the measurementof flow using ultrasonic sensors? (nov/dec2008)(8)

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